REVIEW FERNAND BRAUDEL CENTER A Journal of the Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cje/issue/20/4 by guest on 24 September 2021 Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations Recent articles (1995-96) include: Ilya Prigogine - "The Laws of Chaos" Hayward Alker - "If not Huntington's 'Civilizations,' Then Whose?" Andrei Foursov - "Communism, Capitalism, and the Bells of History" plus a special section on "The World-System Seen in a Mexican Prism'' Previous Special Issues still available: XV, 1, Winter 1992 - The "New Science" and the Historical Social Sciences XV, 3, Summer 1992 - Comparing World-Systems XV, 4, Fall 1992 - Two Views of World History XVI, 4, Fall 1993 - Port-Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean, 1800-1914 XVIII, 1, Winter 1995 - Labor Unrest in the World- Economy, 1870-1990 A brochure containing the Table of Contents of past issues is available on request Institutions $!)0/yr. Managing Editor, Review Individuals $28/yr. Femand Braudel Center Non-U.S. addresses, Binghamton University postage $H/yr. State University of New York Special non-OCED country PO Box 6000 rate $10/yr. Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cje/issue/20/4 by guest on 24 September 2021 The 1997ESHETAnnual Conference MARSEILLE 27 February - 2 March 1997 The first Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) will take place in Marseille (France) from 27 February to 2 March, 1997. It will be organized by CREQ AM, a research group associated to the Ecole des Haules Etudes en Sciences Sociales, the Universities of Aix-Marseille II and AU-Marseille IH, with the support of GDR-CNRS "Histoire de la Pensee el Methodologie Economiques". The Conference Scientific Committee will include Jean ROSIO (local conference organizer); Richard ARENA, Riccardo FAUCCI, Harald HAGEMANN, Heinz KURZ, Luigi PASINETTI, Pier Luigi PORT A, Andrew SKINNER (all members of the Executive Committee ofESHET), Pascal BRIDEL. Jean CARTELIER, Pierre DOCKES, Walter ELTIS, Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cje/issue/20/4 by guest on 24 September 2021 Andre LAPIDUS, Cristina MARCUZZO, Steve RANKIN, Heinz RIETER, Bertram SCHEFOLD, Christian SCHMIDT, Ian STEEDMAN, Erich STREISSLER, Gianni VAGGI, Jan VAN DAAL, Donald WINCH, Stefano ZAMAGNI (all members of the Council ofESHET). The Conference shall have a plenary session with invited lecturers; a thematic session dedicated to "Keynesianism before and after Keynes" and a set of open separate and parallel sessions. SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS I - TO THE THEMATIC SESSION : «Keynesianism before and after Keynes» The 1997 Programme Committee organizer is Bertram SCHEFOLD. The Programme Committee also includes Luigi PASINETTI and Jean ROSIO. Other members may be coopted. Year 1996 - during which the ESHET Conference will be prepared-coincides with the sixtieth anniversary of the publication of Keynes' General Theory. It also coincides with the fiftieth anniversary of Keynes' death. These two celebrations will give the opportunity of organizing a thematic session dedicated to Keynesianism before and after Keynes, which will include two parts : 1. PreKeynesian debates on the causes of the great depression and on policy measures to reduce unemployment Papers might refer to the origins and precursors of Keynesianism, focusing especially on early theoretical and policy debates before Keynes, in the various European countries. 2. The General Theory and its reception. Papers should deal with the reception of the General Theory amongst European theorists and policy-advisers and especially with its importance for the XXth century history of economic thought. Participants wishing to submit papers are invited to send, before 20 July 1996, proposals ( 500 / 700 words ) to : Bertram SCHEFOLD, FB 2, J.W.G.-Universitat Postfach 11 19 32, D-60054 FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN (Germany) Taking into account the possible number of proposals, some papers could be oriented towards open sessions. II - TO THE OPEN SESSIONS The 1997 local organizer is Jean ROSIO. The Local Organizing Committee includes also Alain BERAUD. Annie L. COT, Louis-Andre GERARD-VARET, Alain LEROUX, Luigi PASINETTI, Bertram SCHEFOLD and Ramon TORTAJADA. Other members may be coopted. Participants wishing to submit papers are invited to send, before 20 July 1996, proposals (500 / 700 words) to Jean ROSIO, GREQAM - Centre de la Vieille Charite 13002 MARSEILLE (France) - Acceptance will be notified to the authors by October 1st, 1996. For further Information, please see the www page : - Full papers are requested by January 1st, 1997 http:Hehess.cnrs-mrs.rr/GREQAM/GIDBesheLhtml Final papers should be typed clearly and cover no more than or contact: 20 sides of A4 or quarto. Jean ROSIO phone and fax: • S3 94 59 89 71 If possible, please send a version of the paper on disc, using e-mail: [email protected] ASCII or MS WORD. If an accepted paper is not received by the due date of January 1st, 1997, than its authors are responsible for its production and distribution, and at their own cost. The 1997 ESHET Annual Conference MARSEILLE 27 February - 2 March 1997 NAME (Last, First): UNIVERSITY/ORGANIZATION:. PROFESSIONAL ADDRESS: Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cje/issue/20/4 by guest on 24 September 2021 ZIP-CODE: CITY: COUNTRY: TELEPHONE: FAX: PRIVATE ADDRESS:. ZIP-CODE: CITY: COUNTRY: TELEPHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: WWW HOME PAGE:. | | I will attend the 1997Marseille ESHET Conference I am wishing to submit a paper for | | the Thematic Session "Keynesianism before and after Keynes" | | the Open Sessions Paper title: For each paper proposal, an abstract of 500 / 700 words should be sent by July 20st 1996 to the Programme Committee organizer, Bertram SCHEFOLD, for the thematic session; and to tbe local organizer, Jean ROSIO, for the open sessions. In order to receive further information about the conference, please fill out and return this form to : Jean ROSIO - GREQAM, Centre de la Vieille Charite, 13002 MARSEILLE (France) Phone : +33 94 59 89 71 - Fax : +33 91 90 02 27 e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] NOTES TO CONTRIBUTORS Aims and scope of the Journal The Cambridge Journal of Economics, founded in the tradition of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Joan Robinson and Kaldor, provides a focus for theoretical, applied, interdisciplinary and methodological work, with strong emphasis on realism of analysis, the development of critical perspectives, the provision and use of empirical evidence, and the construction of policy. The Editors welcome submissions in this spirit on economic and social issues such as unemploy- ment, inflation, the organisation of production, the distribution of the social product, class conflict, economic underdevelopment, globalisation and international economic integration, changing forms and boundaries of markets and planning, and uneven development and instability in the world economy. Submission of manuscripts Editorial communications should be sent to the Managing Editor, Cambridge Journal ofDownloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cje/issue/20/4 by guest on 24 September 2021 Economics, Faculty of Economics, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DD UK. Contributors are asked to submit articles in triplicate. These should not normally exceed 7500 words in length and should be accompanied by an abstract of no longer than 100 words, together with a Journal of Economic Literature classification. Submitted manuscripts will not normally be returned to authors. Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication exclusive copyright in the article shall be assigned to the Publisher. In consideration for the assignment of copyright, the Publisher will supply 20 offprints of each article. Layout. All copies must be typed in Journal style (see a recent issue) on one side only of the paper (preferably A4), double spaced (including footnotes and references), with a margin of at least 1.5" on the left-hand side. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, indicated by superscript figures in the text, and collected on a single page placed at the end of the manuscript. Tables and diagrams should be attached on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript and their position indicated in the text. Citations in the text should use the Harvard System of short references (e.g. Isenman, 1980, pp. 66-7; Brown 1975A, 1993B) with a full alphabetical list at the end in the following style: Isenman, P. 1980. Basic needs: the case of Sri Lanka, World Development, vol. 8, no. 3 [or page nos if issue number not known] Myrdal, G. 1939. Monetary Equilibrium, London, Hodge Use of mathematics. Authors are asked to use mathematics only when its application is a necessary condition for achieving the stated objective of the paper. When mathematics is used, the necessity for doing so should be explained, and the major steps in the argument and the conclusions made intelligible to a non-mathematical reader. Wherever possible, authors are encouraged to put the mathematical parts of their argument into an appendix. In the case of empirical articles, authors will be expected to make readily available to interested readers a complete set of data as well as details of any specialised computer programs used. Accepted articles. Authors of articles which are accepted for publication will be asked to supply a copy on computer disk wherever possible. Authors are expected to correct proofs quickly and not to make revisions on proofs; any such revisions may be charged for by the editors. No payments are made to authors. Comments on published articles. Before submitting a comment on any article published in the Journal a copy of the comment should be sent to the author of the original article with a request they respond to any points of possible misunderstanding. The comment should not be submitted for publication before this response has been received unless the original author does not reply within a reasonable time.
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