Drlb.conf # Author: Steven Shiau <steven _at_ nchc org tw> # License: GPL # Setting for DRBL environment. # WARNING! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! # WARNING! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! # WARNING! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! # Keep drblroot="/tftpboot/nodes" and drbl_common_root="/tftpboot/node_root". These settings are already fixed in some programs. # //NOTE// The variable "DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH" is from system environment variable, and if not defined, it will be "/usr/share/drbl" by default. drbl_setup_path="$DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH/setup" # Do NOT put / in the end of $drblroot, it's important # when using rsync in drbl-setup # DO NOT modify t$drblroot and $drbl_common_root, it's already fixed for the # whole system, drblsrv and drblpush use /tftpboot/nodes and /tftpboot/node_root # Why we put here is only for sometimes we can use them. drblroot="/tftpboot/nodes" drbl_common_root="/tftpboot/node_root" # Assign the NFS protocol, either "nfs3" or "nfs4" (not ready yet). If not assigned, default is nfs3. drbl_nfs_prot="" # if [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then # Debian SYSCONF_PATH="/etc/default/" # From Debian Squeeze, isc-dhcp-server is used, no more dhcp3-server (as that in etch, lenny...) if [ -x "/usr/sbin/dhcpd3" ]; then DHCPDCONF_DIR="/etc/dhcp3" DHCP_SRV_NAME="dhcp3-server" else DHCPDCONF_DIR="/etc/dhcp" DHCP_SRV_NAME="isc-dhcp-server" fi # DHCPDLEASE_DIR is got from get_dhcpdlease_dir() in drbl-functions NFS_SRV_NAME="nfs-kernel-server" YP_SRV_NAME="nis" # Now GDM_CFG, FAC_GDM_CFG and KDM_CFG are got in drbl-functions. #GDM_CFG="/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf" #FAC_GDM_CFG="/etc/X11/gdm/factory-gdm.conf" #KDM_CFG="/etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc" RCX_ROOTDIR="/etc" # The releative path between init.d and rcx.d, for Debian, it's same, so # in when working dir is in rc.d, service is in ../init.d/ RCX_REL_INITD="../init.d" # Force to set the color output when it is Debian. For RH-like distribution, # it is already defined in /etc/init.d/functions. BOOTUP=color query_allpkgs_cmd="dpkg --get-selections" query_pkglist_cmd="dpkg -L" # instead of using dpkg -s, we use dpkg -L, since dpkg -s will give the wrong # return code if a package is installed but removed later. query_pkglist_exist_cmd="dpkg -L" elif [ -e /etc/SuSE-release ]; then # SuSE SYSCONF_PATH="/etc/sysconfig/" DHCPDCONF_DIR="/etc" # DHCPDLEASE_DIR is got from get_dhcpdlease_dir() in drbl-functions DHCP_SRV_NAME="dhcpd" NFS_SRV_NAME="nfs" YP_SRV_NAME="ypserv" # Now GDM_CFG, FAC_GDM_CFG and KDM_CFG are got in drbl-functions. #GDM_CFG="/etc/opt/gnome/gdm/gdm.conf" #FAC_GDM_CFG="/etc/opt/gnome/gdm/factory-gdm.conf" #KDM_CFG="/etc/opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/kdmrc" RCX_ROOTDIR="/etc/init.d" # The releative path between init.d and rcx.d, for SuSE, it's not same, # rcx.d is under init.d. So in when working dir is in rc.d, service is in ../ RCX_REL_INITD="../" # Force to set the color output when it is SuSE. For RH-like distribution, # it is already defined in /etc/init.d/functions. BOOTUP=color query_allpkgs_cmd="rpm -qa" query_pkglist_cmd="rpm -ql" query_pkglist_exist_cmd="rpm -q" else # RH-like SYSCONF_PATH="/etc/sysconfig/" # From Fedora 11, the dhcpd config dir is in /etc/dhcp if [ -d "/etc/dhcp" ]; then DHCPDCONF_DIR="/etc/dhcp" else DHCPDCONF_DIR="/etc" fi # DHCPDLEASE_DIR is got from get_dhcpdlease_dir() in drbl-functions DHCP_SRV_NAME="dhcpd" # From Mandriva 2008.0, the nfs server name is changed to nfs-server. nfs_srv_name_chklist="nfs nfs-server" NFS_SRV_NAME="" for i in $nfs_srv_name_chklist; do if [ -e /etc/init.d/$i -o -e "/lib/systemd/system/$i.service" ]; then NFS_SRV_NAME="$i" break fi done YP_SRV_NAME="ypserv" # Now GDM_CFG, FAC_GDM_CFG and KDM_CFG are got in drbl-functions. #GDM_CFG="/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf" #FAC_GDM_CFG="/etc/X11/gdm/factory-gdm.conf" #KDM_CFG="/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc" RCX_ROOTDIR="/etc" # The releative path between init.d and rcx.d, for RH-like, it's same, so # in when working dir is in rc.d, service is in ../init.d/ RCX_REL_INITD="../init.d" query_allpkgs_cmd="rpm -qa" query_pkglist_cmd="rpm -ql" query_pkglist_exist_cmd="rpm -q" fi drbl_syscfg="/etc/drbl" cache_dir="/var/cache/apt/archives" drbl_pkgdir="/usr/share/drbl/share" pxecfg_pd="/tftpboot/nbi_img" # syslinux_binsrc_url is for downloading syslinux and pxelinux if necessary. You can change to any mirror site. E.g. "http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/boot/syslinux/" syslinux_binsrc_url="http://free.nchc.org.tw/syslinux" SYS_PXELINUX_VER_DEF="6.02" pxelinux_binsrc_dir="$DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH/pkg/syslinux/" pxelinux_file="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/pxelinux.0" gpxelinux_file="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/gpxelinux.0" lpxelinux_file="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/lpxelinux.0" pxelinux_memdisk_file="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/memdisk" pxelinux_simple_menu="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/menu.c32" pxelinux_simple_vesamenu="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/vesamenu.c32" pxelinux_chain_file="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/chain.c32" pxelinux_mboot_file="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/mboot.c32" pxelinux_sanboot_file="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/sanboot.c32" # For Syslinux 5, new .c32 are required: ldlinux.c32, libcom32.c32, libutil.c32 # Do not list ldlinux.e32 and ldlinux.e64 here. This is only about bios, not EFI. sys_pxelinux_v5p_required_c32="ldlinux.c32 libcom32.c32 libutil.c32" # EFI boot loader option, could be either "syslinux" or "grub" # //NOTE// For syslinux 6.02, EFI boot loader for iso file is not ready yet. This option is only for testing now. live_efi_boot_loader="grub" # Note, we can not use - or other charactor, since isolinux won't accept that (drbl-pxe.png is not accepted by syslinux, however, it's ok for pxelinux). To fit both, we use drblwp.png. pxelinux_bg_img="$DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH/image/drblwp.png" PXELINUX_DIR="/tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg" PXE_CONF_DEF="$PXELINUX_DIR/default" isolinux_file="$pxelinux_binsrc_dir/bios/isolinux.bin" # Note, we can not use - or other charactor, since isolinux won't accept that (ocs-logo.png is not accepted by syslinux, however, it's ok for pxelinux). To fit both, we use ocswp.png. ocs_logo_img_png="$DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH/image/ocswp.png" ocs_logo_img_xpm="$DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH/image/ocswp.xpm.gz" ocs_logo_grub2_img_png="$DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH/image/ocswp-grub2.png" MEMTEST86_URL="http://www.memtest.org/download/" MEMTEST86_VER_DEF="4.20" memtest86_file="$DRBL_SCRIPT_PATH/pkg/memtest86+/memtest86" fdos_img_src="/usr/lib/freedos/fdos1440.img" fdos_img_output="fdos1440_drbl.img" PXE_RAMDISK_SIZE_DEF="19456" PXE_RAMDISK_BLOCKSIZE="1024" NETINSTALL_RAMDISK_SIZE_DEF="65535" # The default-lease-time and max-lease-time in dhcpd.conf (secs) DHCPD_DEFAULT_LEASE_TIME="300" DHCPD_MAX_LEASE_TIME="300" # The default image might show in menu if user want to show them. # note! use lowercase for the image name!!! IMG_SHOW_IN_MENU="drbl local memtest drbl-terminal" # pxelinux menu powerful_client_menu_label="Linux (DRBL mode, mostly local resources)" thin_client_menu_label="Linux (Terminal mode, mostly remote resources)" clonezilla_client_menu_label_prefix="Clonezilla" # local OS label in pxelinux menu # Some might want to change it as: Debian Linux, or M$ windows... local_os_menu_label="Local operating system (if available)" # url_prefix="http://free.nchc.org.tw" # graphical boot settings, now only for Fedora Core (i.e. we will put "rhgb" in pxelinux.cfg/default) graphical_boot="no" # clonezilla image directory, the default dir is /home/partimag (YES, it's partimag instead of partimage) # NOTE! Do NOT put / in the end of the dir (i.e. Ex. use /home/partimag instead of /home/partimag/) ocsroot="/home/partimag" # clonezilla.lock path ocs_lock_dir="/var/lock/clonezilla" # clonezilla log files path ocs_log_dir="/var/log/clonezilla/" # log file for sfdisk when restoring RESTORE_SFDISK_LOG="/var/log/clonezilla-restore-sfdisk.log" # Administrator account ID in M$ windows # This is for drbl-doit to send command to cloned M$ windows via ssh. Different language M$ windows use different ID. Ex: # English: Administrator # Traditional Chinese: Administrator # France: Administrateur # Dutch: Administrator # Default vlaue: Administrator MSWIN_ADMIN_ID="Administrator" # default LANGUAGE # [0]: English, [1]: Traditional Chinese (Big5) - Taiwan, [2] Traditional Chinese (UTF-8, Unicode) - Taiwan" DEFAULT_LANGUAGE="0" # default pxe timeout (unit: 1/10 sec) DEFAULT_PXE_TIMEOUT="70" # user with UID greater than $uid_begin_default is normal user, # i.e. effective id UID_BEGIN_DEFAULT="500" # Misc setting TIMED_GDM_TIME_DEFAULT="30" TIMED_LIGHTDM_TIME_DEFAULT="30" PASSWD_LENGTH_DEFAULT="8" AUTO_LOGIN_ID_PASSWD="$drbl_syscfg/auto_login_id_passwd.txt" # The time (how long ago) to kill the old $AUTO_LOGIN_ID_PASSWD file, in secs. TIME_2_KILL="1200" # The default max swap file (MB) maxswapsize_default="128" # The default ramdisk size for PXE and NBI initrd (MB) default_ramdisk_size="9600" # parameter for checking space common_root_dir="/bin /etc /lib /sbin" buffer_ratio_for_client_space="1.5" # HOST_MAC_TABLE="$drbl_syscfg/HOST_MAC_TABLE" IP_HOST_TABLE="$drbl_syscfg/IP_HOST_TABLE" # drbl-useradd need these: useradd_range_exec_file="drbl-useradd-range" userdel_range_exec_file="drbl-userdel-range" useradd_file_exec_file="drbl-useradd-file" userdel_file_exec_file="drbl-userdel-file" useradd_list_exec_file="drbl-useradd-list" userdel_list_exec_file="drbl-userdel-list" useradd_gen="username_pw.txt" # XFS font server switch XFS_RATIO="1.2" fs_port="7100" # List those packages has different arch rpms (i386, i486, i586, i686) in repository except kernel. This is specially
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