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Dearborn CHICAGO HELDON SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, OXFORDS, MAGNIFYING GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, FIELD GLASSES, PRISM IfiPPING BINOCULARS, TELESCOPES SERVICE E have served exporters W and importers satisfac­ torily for over 50. · years. Watry & Heidkamp Simply place your shipments ·I in our care and we will do the ESTABLISHED 1883 rest. Our organization has an OPTOMETRISTS and OPTICIANS intimate knowledge of cus­ 17 WEST RANDOLPH STREET toms ~aw, import and export regulations, and is competent PHONE CENTRAL 3417 to take care of all details in CHICAGO connection with overseas shipments. G. W. SHELOON & CO. CHICAGO NEW YORK KODAKS, FOREIGN CAMERAS, GRAFLEX CAMERAS 220 S. State St. 115 Broad St. MOVIE CAMERAS, PHOTO SUPPLIES, THERMOMETERS Telephone Telephone BAROMETERS, HYGROMETERS Harrison 2283 Bowling Green 5580 . '• ~~--------------------------------------------------~-----~ OFFICIAL FOOTBALL REVIEW-1928 3 Sotne Pre-Sea-son Dope By \Yf. T. Fox, JR. NOTRE DAME, IND., Sept. 18-When apples Jew," then he hesitated momentarily, asking: grow on lilac trees and Tunney says, "I seen," it "How many have you now?" will be time enough to sell this country short on uThat's eleven, Rock." Notre Dame football prospects. uwcll, there's a Jugoslav, and there's an Arme­ This statement is. subscribed to by practically nian and an Austrian; I can't recall their names· every member of Mr. Knute Kenneth Rockne's. right now. There's MacDougal for the Scotch­ board of strategy, which Mr. Rockne continues to man, and we haven't found out wha.t Provissiero pronquncc his annual boa.rd of tragedy. is yet. Is that enough?" he· asked.· When one discovers Mr. Rockne refraining from «<You're one short, Rock." his customary cigar-twisting act when discussing "That reminds me of a story. Stop me if you've the approaching gridiron wars, something is very heard it. It seems there apt to be up. Twisting a were a couple of Irish­ cigar is Mr. Rockne's fa­ men--" vorite method of reflect­ And that ended the ing a highly nervous trca tise on Notre Dame state; hence in refraining and its relation to the from so doing he becomes world court of football . a dead give-away. · All this took place "I have no worries at around the dinner table ·all,'" said the prominent in the LaSalle hotel, after-dinner speaker, im­ where Alderman George mediately after dinner M. Maypole, of Chicago; Monday evening. "We Clarence Sweeney and GEORGE LEPP~G JOHN NIEMIEC . will not be as strong as Mike Duffecy, of Indian- we were last year, but 70 apolis, and this correspondent endeavored to find per cent is passing at Notre Dame, and .we may out just how the boss· of the Fighting Irish feels be able to get by. about his 192 8 football team. "My second team of last year, with one excep­ He is in rare spirits this season, and while every­ tion, will be my first team this year. Practically thing blue he says about his men is undoubtedly every team we played in 1927 scored on the secon~ true, things seem to be in pretty fair shape for the team in a minute and a half. Indiana scored on it season. Rockne appeared on the field about 3:30 in fifty seconds. Toward the end of the season with his chief assistant, John. Clipper Smith, Notre the boys were showing some improvement because Dame's All-American guard of 1927. He went it took one team two minutes to score. immediately to the center of the field and led his "Having greater responsibilities this year, how­ band of battlers in some musical comedy steps. ever; these boys may do much better." uup on your toes, down on your heels!" shout­ It was suggested to Mr. Rockne that his team ed Rockne. But ·it was not the beginning of the appeared to be a little heavier than usual. Varsity Drag at all. \Vhilc this was going on one uyou'rc right. They arc big but they hav:e tardy member slipped into the ranks while Knute's minds like chess players. They think rather late back was turned. He whipped around in the op­ in the evening," he said. posite direction a little later and spied the new cus- tomer among the 15 0 in the big circle. · tt\Yfc have sixteen nationalities on the team this "You're a little late for rehearsal, a.rcn't you, year-no, I guess it's seventeen, I forgot the Amer­ Clarence?" he chanted. ican," cracked Knutc. ucarrideo is the only fresh­ The preliminaries disposed of, Rockne called his man ·who passed his spelling, so we're living on left­ boys about .him and then without any reference to overs." notebooks he called out, one by one, eighty-eight Asked to enumerate the nationalities Knute names. At stop eleven each time there was a wild started down the list. Billie Dew is English; whoopee as a full team started off into signal drill. Christiansen, Norwegian; Chevigny, Frenchman; · Over in another part of the field, Tommy Mills, Carideo, Italian; Guadolno, a Spaniard; Miller, head freshman coach, assisted by Poliskcy, one of German; Niemiec, a Pole; Leppig, Lithuanian; the 1927 tackles, worked with some 200 freshmen. Colrick, Bohemian; Vczie, Hungarian; Hcrwit, a (Continued on page 5) ~·. The Mutual rCHICAGO National Bank. HIGH SPOT Halsted at 79th Street CHICAGO, ILL. l1iM*')tilili$1B'Wil· Where Neighbors Mee~ and Business . Grows 11044 S. WESTERN AVE. CHICAGO .Phillips; GetschoW Co; ENGINEERS and CONTRACTORS HEATING - ·vENTILATION -·POWER Established 189 3 421 N. State St., Chicago Some of our important installations: Field Museum of Natural History Forman Bank Building New Palmer House State-Lake Building · Twin \Vf rigley Buildings Kesner Building United Masonic Temple Elks N a tiona! Memorial Building Medinah Temple The Fair Store Stevens Hotel Consumers Building New State Bank of Chicago Majestic Theatre Building Medical and Dental Arts Building ',' j OFFICIAL FOOTBALL REVIEW-1928 5 They ran out of suits at the 200 mark and the re­ l;en student managers took care of that at once, maining candidates for the freshman team were although the crowd didn't lag any. outfitted today. Rockne slipped over to have a look Again there w:is a general roundup and Rockne at this group and returned in a less cheerful mood. stood before his men in stern silence. -When the Apparently he saw no Gipps or Granges. last of the visitors had left the field, Rockne looked A truck labeled uMovietone" bearing a New · over those who had been York license rolled into the ground and Rockne told to remain. He spied was called into executive session. The decision was one young rna~ in a light that the picture men should watch the practice, see suit. what they would care to .. \X'ho's that in that take in the way of pic­ white suit?" he shouted. tures, and return at 3 : 15. The answer came ringing Captain Howard Ed­ back and it was okay. wards of 19 0 9 team Then he turned to his drifted in and so did men. Frank Loughlin, 1920 .. Our practices are .captain. short, men. Whatever we JOHN LAW uHow are your false do. out here we will do teeth this year, Cap?" Saturday afternoons. \X' e must take every step cracked Rockne. with that upp.ermost in mind." JOHN CHEVIGNY · .. Just as well as that That ended the speech making. The quiet hair restorer you bought stopped. The men knew what was to come next­ m Europe," ·was the reply.. dummy scrimmage-and they tore into it as if This was answered by one wild roar from the Army, the Navy and all of California were Rockne! .. Everybody. out!" facing them. It was indeed a spirited workout. BRING BEAUTY INTO . The Crown Range has every YOUR KITCHEN desirable modern improvement. Glistening porcelain enamel Two-way burners, oven temper­ -beautiful colors- graceful ature control, four-wall, heat­ design - make this Crown holding oven construction, and Range a veritable picture for. many other time and labor­ your kitchen. It has that touch saving features. Make your of color harmony needed to cooking a pleasant and easy bring an air of happiness into task! See the complete Crown the busiest room in every home. Range Line at your neighbor­ Just a stroke of a damp cloth hood store. \Vrite or 'phone will renew its shining porcelain for the name of the Crown beauty, inside and out. 'dealer nearest to your home. Phone 4627 W. 12th Place Lawndale 0312 CROWN STOVE WORKS CHICAGO To the Metnory of Jack· Gleason Sop~o11tore Stude1tt i1t the Col­ lege of Arts a1td Letters Jack went to his death while waiting to pay tribute to the team of '2 8.
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