Chiesa viva 430 S en ANNA:Chiesa viva 430 S en 21/03/11 16:50 Pagina 1 YEAR XL - N° 430 Chiesa viva SEPTEMBER 2010 MENSILE DI FORMAZIONE E CULTURA Poste Italiane S.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 DIRETTORE responsabile: sac. dott. Luigi Villa (conv. L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 2, DCB Brescia. Direzione - Redazione - Amministrazione: Abbonamento annuo: Operaie di Maria Immacolata e Editrice Civiltà «TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE» ordinario Euro 40, sostenitore Euro 65 una copia Euro 3,5, arretrata Via G. Galilei, 121 25123 Brescia - Tel. e fax (030) 3700003 Euro 4 (inviare francobolli). Per lʼestero Euro 65 + sovrattassa postale www.chiesaviva.com (Jo. 8, 32) Le richieste devono essere inviate a: Operaie di Maria Immacolata e Autor. Trib. Brescia n. 58/1990 - 16-11-1990 Editrice Civiltà Fotocomposizione in proprio - Stampa: Com & Print (BS) 25123 Brescia, Via G. Galilei, 121 - C.C.P. n. 11193257 contiene I. R. www.chiesaviva.com I manoscritti, anche se non pubblicati, non vengono restituiti e-mail: [email protected] Ogni Autore scrive sotto la sua personale responsabilità KarolKarol WojtylaWojtyla Beatified?Beatified? ...... never!never! The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success 1288 Summit Ave Suite 107 - Oconomowoc, WI. 53066 - phone 262-567-0920- www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com Chiesa viva 430 S en ANNA:Chiesa viva 430 S en 21/03/11 16:50 Pagina 2 IntroductionIntroduction Fr. Luigi Villa Ph. T ho is Karol Wojty- crowds from every continent, la, or Pope John and exchanging the usual reli- W Paul II? I believe gious solitude of old with his one could say he was the ulti- personal participation in the mate “headliner” of the centu- everyday life of man. ry, breaking all records of pop- Of course, this is only one as- ularity. pect of his papacy. However, as It was this trait that was cer- written by Gianni Baget Boz- tainly the most evident during zo, «This mass spectacle does his papacy. With a huge crowd not benefit anyone or any- at every step, he was showered thing. The constant travels, with hosannas and hallelujahs. the multiplicity of speeches, These exaggerations seem to seem to cover a substantial me to be a misuse of adora- stagnation, and the Pope is tion, as if he were a superstar, increasingly seen as the au- supergod, Ayatollah, etc. ... thor of a gradual restoration Thus, he couldn’t do anything with a human face.» but evoke wonder as a Pope, in John Paul II, newly elected Pope. So you might say he was a whatever situation he was in, “seducer,” but certainly not in be it as he spoke or observed, the same meaning as was laid his hand on someone, Christ! greeted the people as a leader, Many only praised Wojtyla. wore his cassock, skied skill- However many others dis- fully down mountains, indeed, one could even say on slip- tanced themselves from his actions, that were veiled in pery slopes; wearing his mountaineering hat while climb- shadows, so as to leave one perplexed, such as his inabili- ing mountains and singing profane songs. He was a com- ty to distinguish between what is a Dogma of Faith and plex and poetic Pope, said to have had a melodramatic what is, instead, a historical contingency. He is a Pope style and theatrical tendencies. However, he was always whose beatification was challenged; a Pope who, accord- swimming against the current with his unrelenting aver- ing to Hans Küng, is the most contradictory of the twenti- sion to conform to the traditionally accepted behavior of a eth century, a Pope whose inter-faith “Dialogue” permit- man of the cloth. It was with this behavior that he de- ted him to enter a mosque and persuaded him to open the stroyed the magnificence of Papal general audiences, with door to other religions, a Pope who brought together Jews his singing and dancing, even in public, mingling with and Catholics and even went to witness the prayer of for- 2 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Chiesa viva 430 S en ANNA:Chiesa viva 430 S en 21/03/11 16:50 Pagina 3 giveness at the “Wailing Wall,” severe with them, or did not even etc. ... converse with them? Maybe Jesus Because of this, many saw him as a did not say «Whoever is not with “reformer,” a “restorer,” not see- Me is against Me?» ing that, instead, Wojtyla, little by There was also serious error in giv- little, was betraying the Catholic ing permission to the various Bish- tradition, following the advice of ops to administer Communion in heathen collaborators trade- the hand, thus allowing a serious marked as modernists and pro- desecration of the Holy Eucharist, gressives. and also stripping away the due re- And here he excommunicated the spect given to the Holy Eucharist, Traditional Archbishop Lefeb- this respect that many popes had vre, heedless of what Saint Paul tried to increase over all of the past said: «If even an Angel impose centuries of Church! another Gospel other than that After this outline of John Paul II, which He preached, it should not Pope and man, and on the princi- be obeyed.» However, why ples of his pontificate, it must be weren’t the more shameless and admitted that he, on his death, has unscrupulous ecclesiastical rebels left a legacy to the Roman Catholic against Christ who wrote and ap- Church: a Church certainly much proved heretical Catechisms ever John Paul II at the “Wailing Wall,” placing a sheet of changed from that with which he punished or excommunicated? paper with a prayer of forgiveness for past wrongs of had been entrusted with on Oct- Why did he leave the Chairs of the Church against the Jews in a crack in the Wall. ober 16, 1978. Catholic universities and semi- Clearly, then, John Paul II was naries, to theologians who de- opposed to the “past” Tradition nied the Divinity of Christ, of the Church, and the work who muddled Holy Scripture, done by his predecessors. who denied the virginity of In other words, he worked in re- The Blessed Virgin Mary and verse to turn the permanence of who taught many other heresies? the papal throne into a mobile Why did he sign Concordats home, travelling from one end of that no longer protect the the world to other. It becomes Church, the Catholic religion, necessary to ask oneself, there- Christian values? - Concordats fore, whether it is possible to that put all religions on an equal imagine a “different” Wojtyla, footing so as to allow countries that is one who was not con- to be called “atheist” states? stantly center stage in the media, And what of his “heresy of As- hailed by crowds from America, sisi,” that “community prayer,” Africa, Asia, old Europe and represented by all false religions, from his home country, Poland thus removing the Primacy of itself. From any place on earth, the Catholic Church, the Apos- all were able to see him, up tolic, Roman, Mother and close, through the powerful Teacher of all souls and endan- zoom of satellite TV, the ges- gering the missionaries in their tures of his hands, the hardness evangelization of the people, in his eyes, his tense face, his who today cannot, for all intents rare and elusive smile, the and purposes, defend the tremor of Parkinson’s disease, Catholic religion because it was the patient and his convales- put on the same level with the At the meeting of inter-religious prayer in Assisi in 1986, cence at the window of the hos- John Paul II prevented the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to other religions that were recog- enter the Basilica so as not to “offend” other religions, and pital, the grand gestures, ecu- nized as having the same values allowed a statue of Buddha to be placed on the tabernacle menical, inter-religious, and of faith? containing Our Lord Jesus Christ. pacifistic in nature, the “mea And was it not perhaps also a culpa” of March 12, 2000, or the grievous concern that he visited visit to the “Wailing Wall,” etc. the “Synagogue” and the “Lutheran church?” Are not ... the Jews still determined to NOT recognize Jesus Christ His papacy was long and so contradictory that, knowing as God and Messiah? Maybe they are no longer persecut- this, we gave our attention to a diverse number of “cases” ing the Church of Christ? Perhaps Jesus was not always that exposes, in all truth, the other Wojtyla. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 3 Chiesa viva 430 S en ANNA:Chiesa viva 430 S en 21/03/11 16:50 Pagina 4 HisHis HolinessHoliness JohnJohn PaulPaul IIII –– BiographyBiography Pre-PontificatePre-Pontificate –– The little Karol Wojtyla with his mother, Emilia and father, Karol. THE FAMILY 1926 (September 15) Attended the elementary school, and then the prep school “Marcin Wadowita.” His father, Karol Wojtyla, the son of Maciej, master tai- Throughout his studies he achieved top grades. lor, and Anna, was born July 18, 1879 at Lipnik near the town of Bielsko Biala. A tailor by profession, he became a 1929 (April 13) The death of his mother. non-commissioned officer in the Austrian army in 1900, and then lieutenant in the Polish army until his retirement 1930 (June) Admitted to the State Secondary School, in 1927. “Marcin Wadowita.” His mother Emilia Kaczorowska, daughter of Felix who was an artisan and Mary Anne, was born March 26, 1884. 1932 (December 5) The death of his brother, Edmund. His brother Edmund, born August 27, 1906 in Krakow; was a doctor in a hospital in Bielsko Powszechny.
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