Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Summer 9-6-1964 The Parthenon, September 6, 1964 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, September 6, 1964" (1964). The Parthenon. 1421. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/1421 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Costa Rican Explorers Send Phot~grQph Back Word of the Mills-Clagg expedition into Costa Rica has taken a new form. The Parhenon just received a picture of the group taken in a tropical rain forest near Turrialea. Tihe photo was taken by Dr. Sam Clagg, chairman of the Geography Department, by means of a delayed exposure and by setting the camera itself on the map plane table. Shown in the photo are, front row from left, Dr. Howard Mills, professor of Botany, Dr. Clagg and Jim Coulter, West Logan junior; back row, Lloyd Kiff, Ona senior, Jim Rogers, Madison, senior and Jim Joy, Williamstown, senior. The expedition group left the states June 17 and is expected to return -the last week of August. The expedition is a research project pertaining to the vegetation in Costa Rica in relation to the mobility and con<;ealment of military men or vehicles. _The project is being undertaken with the support of the Advanced Research Programs Agency. Last week it was announced tha\ Dr. Harold Walker, vice president of academic affairs, and Joseph S. Soto, vice president of business and finance, would l~ave this week to meet with Dr. Mills and Dr. Clagg in Costa Rica. il'he administrative represen• tatives are going to Costa Rica because of the financial aspects of the project which is one of the most outstanding research programs ' that Marshall has ever been engaged in. arthenon MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER Vol. 64 HUNTINGTON, W. VA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1964 No. 6 No Stranger Freshmen Pre-Registration To Position Filling in as acting Dean of Scheduled For August 16-18 Men in the absence of the for­ mer Dean, St an I e y Shaw, is By TERESA GOTHARD Tuition and registration tion is complete and you may Charles Kautz. Mr. Kautz is quite Society Editor fees• $1'5.00 leave for· home. at home in this position for he Luther E. Bledsoe, registrar Activity and Health Fees 23.90 Dormitory students will return was also the acting Dean in the and director of admisisons, has $98.90 to campus and check into rooms summer of 1962. announced the program some O ther fees to be paid if Thursday, September 10 between A native of Huntington, Kautz 800 incoming freshmen will fol­ applicable: 1 :00 and 3:00 p.m. There will be attended school at Marshall from low when they arrive on campus ROTC uniform deposit a · meeting of all freshmen who the first grade through junior to pre-register August 16, 17 (men) ·······-·····----·- $25.00 registered in August at 3:30 p.m. high, when the attended Hunt­ and 18. Beginning Laboratory in Main auditorium. ington High School to play foof­ Courses ____ During the time that the fresh­ CHARLES KAUTZ Suncfay, August 16. 4 p.m., stu~ 3.00 ball. Both his A.B. and M.A. de­ dents who rl;!served dormitory Beginning Chemistry men are registering, there will grees were earned at Marshall. rooms will check in. Women will Courses ______ 18.00 .. ,.su be a program of counseling After completing his education, report to Prichard Hall and men • Out of state students add $150 for the 150 parents expected to Kautz was foot b a 11 coach at All Time High to Residence Hall on Fifth Ave. per semester. be on campus. A · brief outline of Ceredo-Kenova High School in Monday, August 17. 7 a.m., 2-4:30 p.m., take your trial this program is as follows: the fall of '48. January of '49 Is Predicted breakfast in University Dining schedule, receipt of fees paid and Sunday, August l~heck · in found him as principle of Fetty By PAT AUSTIN Hall. 8 a.m., ALL students will admission ticket to the Regis- Elementary School. The following dormitory rooms bet~en 1:00 News Editor assemble for instructions in Gul- trar's Office, Main 105, to secure and '1 :00 p.m. fall ('50), he was at Ironton High 1 Marshall's enrollment is ex- lickson H a 1. 8 =30-9:3o a.m., a time ticket which will admit School as assistant football coach, pected to reach an all time high mathematics test required of all you to the registration room to Monday, August 1'1-breakfast where he remained until '51. this fall with 5,600 students, ac- freshmen in teachers college ex- comp I et e your registration. 5 in University Dining Hall be­ Kautz was then called by the cording to R a y Cumberledge, cept th0se majoring in mathema- p.m., dinner in University Din­ tween '1:00 and 9:00 a.m. Meet­ Marine~ Corps to serve in the assistant registrar. Last year's en- tics and physical science to be ing Ball. '1 p.m., President's Con­ ings with Dr. Baroid Walker, Pacific. During the Korean War, rollment was 4,748, plus 377 in given in science auditorium. 9:45- vocation and Reception held in vice president of academic affairs, he was stationed in Washington the branch, colleges at Logan and l0:45 a.m ., language placement the Student Union. 11 p.m., clos­ Dr. D. Banks Wilbum, Dean of D. C. at a Marine Corps Institu­ Williamson. tests required of all freshmen Ing time of university dormi- teachers college; Dr.· J. F. Bart­ tion where guidance programs Mr. Paul Collins, director of who wish to continue language tories. lett, Dean of college of arts and for correspondence schools were admissions, predicted th at the begun in high school. F rench, · T uesd ay, A ugust 18 . 8 a.m., sciences; and Dr. A. E. Mccas­ put in. freshman enrollment will be in Main 202; German, Main 2o3; complete work with your aca­ key, Dean of college of applied After the war, he taught at excess of 1,400. Last Septei,iber Latin, Main 2lO; a nd Spanish, demic adviser and pay your fees science. These meetinp are sche­ Rock Hill High School for two the freshman enrollment was Main 216· 11 a.m., ROTC meet- if you were unable to do so on duled for 9:30 a.m. in the Main years before returning to Ironton 1,145. To date, 1,258 have been ing for all freshmen men held Monday. 8:15 a.m.-12 noon; 1 Reading Room (Libnry). High School as football coach. He admitted. Approximately 2 0 0 in science auditorium. 12 noon- p.m.-4 p.m., R EG I sTRATION remailled here until he joined 1 3 There will be a meeting with tra.nsfer students are expected to : o p.m., lunch in University held in University Dining Ball the ROTC staff (optional), for Charlie Snyder and the coaching enroll. Dining Hall. 1 :30 p.m., Meeting Basement. parents of male students only, staff at Marshal three years ago. th nd in These projected statistics in- wi academic deans a assign- Report to, the registration room Old Main auditorium at 11:00 Mr. Kautz also c o aches the elude full-time and part-time stu- ment of advisers. Teachers Col- in the university d i n in g hall track team but will not continue a.m. Lunch wil be in the Dining dents, and those registered for eleg-Gullickson Hall; College of basement at the time stated on Hall from 12:00 until l :~0 p.m. this after next fall when he will night classes. It does not include Arts and Sciences-Science audi- your time· tic· k et. You will be ad-· be specifically assigned to foot­ those in the branch colleges and torium; a nd College of Applied mitted to the registration room A meeting is scheduled with ball. the extension classes. Science-Science lOl. 2-4:3o p.m., by presenting your time ticket, President Stewart H. Smith, Mrs. While he was in Ohio, Kautz Mr. Collins said that the fresh- immediately following approval ticket of. admission to the univer­ Lillian Buskirk, Dean of women; was vice president of both the man enrollment at the branch of a schedule of courses by your sity, receipt of fees paid, includ­ and Mr. John Shay, Dean of Men Ohio State Track Coaches Asso­ colleges now stands at 109. This academic adviser, you are to re- ing laboratory fees and deposits, for 2 p.m. in the Library Main ciation and the Football Coaches reflects a decrease compared to port to the cashier's office, Main and the trial schedule which has Reading Room. Association. In .1960, he coached last year's 377 freshmen. How- 103, and pay the following fees: been approved by your assigned Following d in n er, which is the Southern Ohio Football Team. ever, Mr. Collins explained, the _______________..,. adviser. Upon admission to the from 5 until 6:15 p.m. in the din­ When asked which position he total en r o 11 men t will be in- LAST ISSUE registration room you are to: have ing.
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