Index of the History of the Lower Shenandoah Valley, Counties Of

Index of the History of the Lower Shenandoah Valley, Counties Of

REYNOLD^ HrSTORJCAL GENEALOGY COLLECTION Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 y HISTORY OF TIIK V / COUNTI ICS OF FREDERICK, BERKELEY, JEFFERSON AND CLARKE, THEIR EARLY SETTLEMENT AND PROGRESS TO THE PRESENT T’ ME , OEOLOOIOAL A DESCRIPTION OF THEIR HISTORIC FEATURES ; AM) INTERESTING LOCALITIES; CITIES, TOWNS AND VIL- LAGES ; PORTRAITS OF SOME OF THE PROMINENT MEN, AND lMOORAPIIlES OF MANY OF THE REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS. unrri.i) nv ./. n. ,\ohk/s, Eileen The new, complete Index was compiled by. Jenkins and M. Chappel, Ann P. Enders, Gail R. Jean V. Sipe. ClllCACn, ILLINOIS : A. WARNER A CO., PUBLISH INNS. 1S<)0. Virginia Book Co m p a n RKRRYVILLK, V I RG IN I A 22(>.ll 1815098 INDEX PAGE. PAGE. Abel, J. N 201 Barr, Oscar 780 Adams & McCarty 702 Barrett, Ben j 7S3 Adams, I,. A 703 Barrett, Joel 782 Adams, John D 770 Barton Family 578, 579 Adams, John S 770 Barton, Robt. T 579 Adams, Martin M 700 Battletowu tsi Adams, Thomas 700 Baylis, M. E 773 Adams, William W 748 Baylis, Thomas 773 Advertisements, Old 203, 270 Baylor Family 033, 634 Affleck, Philip J 501, 753 Baylor, George 308, 034 Agassiz, Prof 28 Baylor, Col. Robt. W 348, 435, 437. 414 Agricultural Associations 215, 387 Beattie, Col. Henry 137 Allan. M. II 787 Beckham, Fontaine 435 Alburtis, Cant. E. G 358, 430, 000 Beckwith, Hon. Frank 352, 303 Alexander, Win. It 701 Bedinger, Capt. Daniel 258, 508 Allen, Edgar 000 Bedinger, Maj. Henry, 200, 324, 373, 39S, 411, 413, 587 Allen, Rev. Benjamin 209, 301 Bedinger, Michael too Allen, David II 009 Beemer, John W 450 Alstadt, John M 434 Beeson, Edward 220 Anderson, Ghas.W 700 Belvoir ' 477 Anderson, I). II 701 Berkeley County 219 Anderson, Geo. M 796 Clerks of 205 Andrews. Rev. Chas. \V., I). I) 382 Grand Jury, First 227 Aslmry, Bishop Francis 304 Justices 223, 234 Ashby, Thomas 418, 402 Justices of the Peace 292 Ashby, Gen. Turner 102, 448, 518, 528 I.evy, First 228 Atkinson, John M. ]’., LL. 1) 501 Officers 224, 201 Atkinson, Rev. Tlios., D. D 500 Boll List (1788) 247 Atkinson, Rev. Win. Mayo, D. 1) Seal 227 205, 550, 501 to 504 Slier! Its 204 Atkinson, lion. Wm. M 182, 504 Berkeley, Lord 10,17, 220 Augusta Co 10 Berkeley, Norborne 220, 300 Avis, C'apt. John 4:;o Berry, Benjamin 480 Aye\;s, Rufus A 400 Bkup, yville 480 Bacon, Friar 305 Additions to 487 ..' Baetjer, Henry. 700 Banks 502 Pageant, A. Jackson 081 Churches 491 to 493 .1 no. 770 too Bailey, W City Officers , t Bailey, liobt 270 Courts 502 Bailey, Will 770 1 ucorporation 4S7 Baker, Albert 024 Mayors 400 Baker, Maj. Alexander 080 Newspapers 501 Baker, A. M 024 Schools 409, .501 Baker, Mrs. Ann 411 Secret Societies 501 Baker, Camillas S 024 Billings, Rev. Silas 212 Baker, Daniel 704 Boarman, Rear Admiral Clias 688 Baker, Edwin S 784 Bolivar 302 Baker Family 022 to 024 Bolivar Heights 534 Baker, Henry 785 Bond, Jim. L 784 Baker, Henry S 023, 624 Boteler, Hon. Alex. R 323, 394, 410, 557 to 550 r r Baker, II. H 021 jHibfier,Hnfplpv inpi.rant: mMiryllmirv •>*><. *. »7 Baker, Jacob 023 Boteler, Dr. Henry 378, 557 Baker, John 200 375 Hot Is, Cant. 430 , L Baker, Joseph 785 Bowen, Richard no Baker, Robt. 1 215 Rowley, Mrs. George W 770 Baker, Sam’l B 215 Bowman, Abraham 135 Baker, Wm. B 623, 624 Boyce 504 Baker, Wm. II 624 Boyd, A. II. II., I). 258 583 Rev. D , 572, 574, Balcli, lion. B. P. W 351 Boyd, Gen. Elisha 272.274, 582 Baldwin, Rebecca T G00 Boyd, K. Holmes 583 Balmaine, Rev. Alexander 109, 301 Brackett, Prof. Nathan 427 Baltimore & Ohio R. 1! 214, 277, 312 Braddock, Maj. -Gen. Edward 100, 354 Baltimore & Potomac R. It 187 Bragg, Arthur N 770 Banks, Gen. N. 1’ 520 Braitliwaite, William F 747, 748 Baptist Church. First 58 Branson, David W 730, 737 Barbour, Alfred M 425 Branson, Joseph. .730, 737 Barley, Adam 700 Branson, Reese 730 Barnes, Joseph 401 too, too Brent, George 225 , Barnett, Jy 10 714 Brexton Female Seminary 504 Barr, Robt 774 Briscoe, Dr. John 52 L 806 INDEX. PAGE. PAGE. Broadclus, Rev. Julian 493, C53 Water System 369 Bromley, John 455 Charlestown Blues 358 Brooks, llo 52 Cherry, Dr. E. I > 662 Brooks, Shepherd 38G Cherry, Capt. William 356 Brown, Forrest W 368, 705 Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Company 275 Brown, Gustav 368 Chew, Col. R. Preston 368, 369, 657 Brown, John 429 to 446 Chickcoun 16 Brown, Rowell 51 Chivers, Sidney 758 Brown-, R. R 795- Chrisman, Jacob 56, 84 Brown, Robert T 350, 351 Civil War, The 505 Brown, S. Howell 51, 368 Clagett, William B 755 Brown, William 231 Clarice County 448 Brown, William H 728 Attorneys 451, 503 Brown, Wilson L 728 Courts 450, 502 Grand Jury, First 451 Brumback, Dr. Isaac M 725 Justices 453, 502 Brunswick Co 18 Officers 450, 502 Bryan, Rev. C. B 504 Prison Bounds 452 Buchanan, John I, 496 Sheriffs 456 Buckles, Mrs. C. D 687 Clarke, Gen. George Rogers 457 Building, First in Valley 51 Clark, Hon. W. L 182 195 , Bullett, Capt 118 Clayton, David L 781 Bullskin Creek 58 Clayton, Jno. II. C 781 Bullskin Tract 79 Clevenger, Jam- s T 775 Buncutter, Jno. H 795 Clowe, Henry W 424 Bunker Hill 315 Coal Mines 31, 276 Burne, James 75 Cockburn, Robert... 231 Burton, James H 612 to 614 Coe, Craven 759 Burwell, Col. Nathaniel 464, 484, 649 Coe, Jno. C 774 Burwell, Philip 649 Coe, William 759 Burwell, Thomas II 650 Cohongoruton (Potomac) 19, 29 Bush, Philip 178 College, First Established 17 Butler, W. G 292 Collins, Rev. Christopher 364 Butterfield, Gen. Carlos 574, 575 Collonade Bridge Destroyed 515 Butterfield, Mrs. M. A 574 Colston, Edward 275, 343, 639 Byrd, R. E 177 Colston Family 638 Cabot, John 10 Colston, John T 368 Cadwallader, James 691 Colston, Raleigh 254, 638 Caldwell, Foster 177 Colston, Cant. W. B 640 Caldwell, James 177 Columbus, Christopher 10 Caldwell, S. B. T 501 Commission Fae-simile of 447 Calmes, A. M 594 Conrad, David Holmes 571 Calmes, George G 497, 502, 594 Conrad, Holmes 573 Calmes, Maj. F. H 593, 594 Conrad, Jno 154 Calmes, Gen. Marquis 593 Conrad, Robt. Y 181,350, 572 Calmes, Maj. Marquis 74, 80, 448, 590 Cooke, Hon. Giles, Jr 456, 497, 502 Campbell, Capt. Andrew 72, 74, 75, 83, 85 Cooke, .John Esten 465, 523 Campbell, Lieut. E. H 436 Cooper, Henry 770 Canterbury, George, Lord Archbishop of 12 Cooper, Henry .J 770 Carr. John 483 Cooper, Samuel 770 Carrington, Edw. C 359 Cooper, Watson C 770 Cartmell Family 675 to 079 Coontz, Chas. W oso Cartmell, Thomas K : 676 Cornstalk, Indian Chieftain 40,42, 54 Carter, George H 626 Cossack Celebration 376 Carter, Joseph 58 Cover, Thomas 715 Carter, Col. Robert 57, 650 Cox, Ehenezer 424 Carter, Miss Sarah E 063 Cox, Friend 719 Carter, William A 626 Cox, I’rof. J. A 310, 718 to 720 Carter, Capt. William Page 619, 620 Coyle, Jno. M 715 Castleman, Mrs. Ann R 744 Cramer, Dr. Samuel J 349 Castleman, Charles McC 705 Crawford, Col. Win 259i Castleman, Maj. David 705 Cresap, Capt. Michael 325 Castleman, Mann R. P 706 Cross- Keys, Battle of 530 Castleman, William A 743 Crow, Michael 754 Cather, James 169,594, 610, Gil Crown, .1.0 501 Cedar Creek 29 Culler, Rev. M. L 299 Celebration of 1788 (Adoption of New Cojist’n) 162 Cumberland Valley Branch of Penn. R. R 215 Cemeteries 146, 209 Cunningham’s Chapel 463, 590 Chamberlain, Rev. J. B 209 Curtis, Jonathan 75, 83 Chambers, Anthony S 286, 287, 291 Dame, Rev. Nelson R 199 Cliamblin, Thomas S 749 Darke, Gen. William 251, 315, 337, 356, 413 Chapline, Joseph A 351 Darkesville 315 Chapline, William A 351 Davenport, Braxton 345, 442, 586 Charlestown 353 Davenport, Col. H. B 76, 347, 361, 436, 585, 587 Attorneys 368 Davis, Albert 368 Businesses 358 Davis, I’. Seibert, D. I) 201 Churches 361 to 365 Davis, 1 >r. Thomas 271 City Officers 367 368 Davis, Wm. A., M. D 692 , Established 355 Davy, Sir Humphrey 349 Gas Works 369 Dealil. David ' 794 Newspapers 366 Henry 794 357 , Deahl, Schools 366 Dean, John lT 703 Secret Societies 367 Dearmont, Washington 748 Trustees 356 Deatrick, II. N 291 INDEX. 807 PAGE. PAGE. De Garay, Blasco 300 Deed, First 79 De Jouffroy, Marquis 307 Division of 219 IJenny, Col. Win. R 200, 048 Grand Jury, First 75 Denver, Patrick 208 Judges 193 Dickson, Rev. Frank 305 Justices 1GG, 109 Dift'enderfer, E. H 738 Levy, First 82 Dift'enderfer, John 738 Newspaper, First 151 Ditfenderfer, Philip 287 Organization of 70 Dimitry, Alexander 009 Public Schools 213 Dinwiddle, Gov 1 17 Roads Established 89 Doll Bernard 2 SG Seal. 227 Doll, C. W 721 Free School, First 10 Doll, Geo .. 291 Friends Meeting-house, The 209 Donaldson, Capt. W. A 210 Fries, Josiali 781 Douglas—Fuller Family 047 Fuller, H. D » 210 Douglas, Judge Isaac R 194, 350, 048 Fuller, Wm. McP 048 Dow, Loreuza 174 Fulton, Robert 357, 395, 419 Doyle, Mrs. Mahala 430 Funsten, David 025 Drew, Wm 224 Funsten Family 025 Duble, Aaron 754 Funsten, Oliver R 025 Duckwall, Hon. Joseph S 352 Furlong, Rev. Henry 305 Dudley, Miss Anna S 385 Fuqua, Peter 502 Duel, First, in Kentucky 798 Furguson, Rev. Richard 174 Duffield’s Depot 393 Gallaher, John S 275, 300 Dull, G. Lewis 709 Gallaher, W.

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