Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated Warren G. Lee, Jr., Grand Basileus James W. Jordan, District Representative THE OMEGAN Zanes E. Cypress, Jr., Dir. of Public Relations Founded November 17, 1911 Winter 2009 Edition “THE VOICE OF THE SECOND DISTRICT” New York - New Jersey - Pennsylvania - Delaware - Maryland The Second District Mourns the Loss of One of Omegas Sturdy Trees Brother Frank “Tick” Coleman Omega Chapter Inside this issue: Omegas for Obama Inaugural Ball 2 Alpha Upsilon Chapter Articles 4-5 Nu Nu Chapter Articles 6-7 Omega Chapter Articles 12-13 LGG’s Youth Leadership Conference 16 Pi Chapter’s 85th Anniversary 18 2008-09 Second District Executive Council 21 Friendship Is Essential to the Soul THE OMEGAN Page 2 Omegas for Obama Inaugural Ball Saturday January 17th 2009. The Ome- during the event. and presidential friend Hill Harper, First gas for Obama Inaugural Ball was held at Vice Grand Basileus, Carl Blunt and the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, VA. This Brother Rick C. Wade, who currently serves Second District Representative, James on the presidents transition team and served was a 5 star, first class event of the highest W. Jordan welcomed the audience. order. Upon entry patrons viewed the during the campaign as National Senior Omegas for Obama ice sculpture with the Advisor to Obama for America and Director Sponsored by the Second District and logo and the fraternity’s Greek letters, of African-American Vote, was honored by hosted by Lambda Gamma Gamma pictured below. Each of the 700+ patrons the Omegas for Obama Committee. Brother Chapter, seven Second District Chapters in attendance received a beautiful purple or Gary L. Flowers, the current Executive and three Third District participated in gold silk wrapped glass tumbler with the Director and CEO of the Black Leadership the event. Forum, Inc., (an alliance and clearinghouse Omega for Obama logo etching, an event The Second District should be proud of button and Souvenir Journal as commemo- for over 30 Black civil rights and service organizations in the United States, based in its leadership for the vision and for rais- rative keepsakes. A continuous video pres- ing the bar in the production of the entation of Obamas road to victory was D.C.) was also honored for the role he played during the campaign. Actor, author Omegas for Obama Inaugural Ball done viewed on multiple screens in the hall in true and customary Omega fashion. THE OMEGAN Page 3 Pi Omega Sponsors “It Takes A Village” February 7 2009.Mayor Sheila Dixon the first place winner of the “It Takes A Joe Black, pitcher with the Brooklyn hosted "It Takes a Village," her second Village” Poetry Contest. Ms. Quaje Reed a Dodgers and the first black to pitch in the annual community Black History Month 6th grader from the Harlem Park Elemen- World Series, and Bro. Samm-Art Wil- celebration, on February 7, 2009, at the tary/Middle School was the recipient of the liams, television producer for “Martin”, War Memorial Building in Baltimore, MD. savings bond. She also received a laptop “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” and “Hanging The event was emceed by Maria Broom, computer courtesy of the Walmart Corpo- With Mr. Cooper”. known for her roles as an actress, reporter ration. and teacher, and Marc Clarke, formerly the Bro. Cosby spoke on the importance of host of 92Q's "Big Fat Morning Show". Students from the Patterson Park Charter sharing family history with your children, The event was closed with a keynote School made presentations on several fa- thus giving them a sense of self worth and speech given by famous actor, comedian, mous African Americans from Baltimore. who they are. He also shared some stories and activist, Bro. Bill Cosby and a discus- Three of the people mentioned were that provided simple examples of how one Omega Men and members of Pi Chapter at can show love to a child. Bro. Cosby re- sion on the theme, "It Takes a Village". Morgan State University: Bro. Walter A. ceived a standing ovation for his talk Pi Omega Chapter was a sponsor for a Gill, first black student to graduate from $200.00 savings bond that was provided to Baltimore City College High School, Bro. Pi Omega Brothers in attendance at the “It Takes a Village” event. Bro. Bill Cosby Keynote Speaker Pi Omega Basileus John Berkley gives savings bond to Ms. Ouaje Reed Pi Omega Achievement Week Founders Day Celebration November17, 2009. Pi Omega held its Brother Gary Rodwell received the Achievement week/Founders Day cele- National Superior Service Award. bration at The Forum Caterers in Balti- Brother Malik Mosley received the more, MD. Former Grand Keeper of Founder’s Award. The Outstanding Records and Seal Walter Amprey was Citizen Award recipient was Brother the Master of Ceremonies. Spiritual up- Demaune Millard (Baltimore Mayor’ lift was given by Brother Rev. Michael Shelia Dixon’s Chief of Staff) and the Miller. The meaning of Brotherhood was PI Omega Chapter Omega Man of the given by Bro. Dr. Washington Green, Jr. Year was awarded to Brother Kelvin Re-Dedication was given by Inspector O’Neill. The Omega Toast was given General Hon. George K. McKinney. by Bro. Charles W. Cephas. Grand Basileus Warren G. Lee Jr. was The Pi Omega Chapter Achievement the Keynote Speaker. Week Founder’s Day Ceremony was The Muslim Community Cultural Center closed with a benediction by Bro. Rev. of Baltimore & the Arthur ‘Smokestack Michael Miller followed by a resound- Handy Fire Museum received the How- ing rendition of the Omega Hymm ard Lee Cornish Humanitarian Award. sung by the Brothers of Omega in Brother Kelvin O’Neill Pi Omega Chapter attendance. Omega Man of the Year THE OMEGAN Page 4 Alpha Upsilon 2008 Achievement Week Ceremony Brooklyn, New York – On Saturday, No- vember 1, 2008 the Men of Alpha Upsilon Chapter “Brooklyn Omega” of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. held their Annual Na- tionally Mandated Achievement Week Pro- gram at the Grace A. Harewood Senior Citizen Center in the Fort Greene Section of Brooklyn. Originally designed to promote the study of Negro life and history, Achievement Week is observed in November of each year and is designed to seek out and give due recogni- tion to those individuals at the local and international levels who have made a note- worthy contribution toward improving the quality of life for African-Americans. Alpha Upsilon Chapter held true to the Achievement Week mandate by recognizing Bro. Garnold M. King II addresses the audience at Alpha Upsilon’s Achievement Week Program and honoring individuals with the follow- ing: Brother Edward H. Taylor Lifetime Achievement Award to Brother William C. nal Principals and diligence in “Seeing it The Men of Alpha Upsilon Chapter would McMickens - initiated into the Fraternity via Through” on any given task! like to recognize and thank the Men of Eta Epsilon Chapter (Miles College – Bir- Zeta Psi Chapter for co-hosting this mingham, Alabama) on October 15, 1955 The program was well attended by friends, Achievement Week Program in what we for his longevity of loyal and dedicated family members and Omega Men from the hope is one of many collaborative efforts service to our Omega Dear; Citizen of the New York City Metropolitan Area. Those to come. Congratulations to all the Alpha Year to Mr. Gil Noble who is the producer in attendance were treated to a reflective Upsilon Chapter and Zeta Psi Chapter and host of New York City television sta- talk from Mr. Gil Noble on the African awardees! Special thanks to the Achieve- American experience, an enthusiastic and tion WABC-TV’s weekly program “Like It st ment Week Committee: Brothers - An- Is”, which focuses primarily on issues con- informative Keynote Address from the 31 thony A. Smalls, Harold E. Valle, Garnold cerning African Americans and those within Second District Representative Brother M. King II, Michael B. Tucker, Lamar D. the African Diaspora; Superior Service James W. Jordan on the theme Economic Coombs and Committee Chairman Kyle D. Award to Brother Kyle D. Plant for service Empowerment and Financial Literacy and Plant for putting together a thoroughly a live musical performance by trumpet above and beyond the call of duty; and the enjoyable program. highly coveted Omega Man of the Year player Mr. Antonio Dangerfield and honor was bestowed upon Brother Glenn E. friends. Chapman for his embodiment of our Cardi- Alpha Upsilon Voter Registration Drive Staten Island, New York –On Sunday after- this information may not have been read- noon, October 5th, 2008 the brother’s of Alpha ily available to them in the past. The Upsilon Chapter in collaboration with the drive was successful in registering forty ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. new voters as well as bringing awareness Staten Island Alumnae Chapter gathered in the to voter’s privilege and providing much Stapleton community to register voters for the needed insight and information. The upcoming presidential elections. The men of brothers of Alpha Upsilon Chapter who “Brooklyn Omega” and the Deltas of Staten participated in this event were Basileus Island canvassed the area to solicit and encour- Kirk Wilkinson (1-NT-92), Glenn Chap- age the populace to register and vote. Those man (3-AU-05), Christopher Loper (4- who already were registered were encouraged AU-07) and Howard Keller (1-AU-07). to vote in the elections for 2008. Those who To celebrate a successful afternoon the had apprehensions on registering because of men of “Brooklyn Omega” and the Deltas Alpha Upsilon Brothers & Delta Sisters man the criminal histories were handed out much of Staten Island joined together at a local Voter Registration Table needed information on their eligibility to vote.
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