FINAL EXAMS JUNE Sth, 9th INTER-HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND 12th. THE WEEKLY SPECTRUM MEET FRI. & SAT. NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1910. VOL. XXXVII No. 30. FIVE CENTS A COPY. Fifty-two Seniors To Receive Credits For Faculty Senior Recection Splendid Program For Spectrum Staff First Numb , r of Events Commencement Arranged Degrees June Thirteenth Final Arrangements Made During The Past Week. The seniors of Ceres Hall, the Misses Myrtle Waechter, Agnes Hut- chinson, Leila and Ruth Nelson, Ag- so tot= year, Credit for members of the Spec- Caiotlhleosoge iniahteer in nes Bader and Cecile Manikowske, Excercise To Be been trum staff who do their work as it and Mrs. Gilbert were hostesses Largest Class in History of In- one of the most active members of should be done is now an assured Thursday evening 'to the faculty of the Senior Class. As a prominent fact. Those who are lucky enough to the college and the members of the Original and Novel worker in the Y. M. C. A. and a get on the staff next year will have stitution witili:eceive Diplomas senior class at a faculty-senior re- proctor •in Student Government at the added advantage of this credit. ception in the parlors of Ceres Hall. Ceres Hall she has been most •prom- The exact system under which this The receiving line took its place inent. In 1916-1916, Myrtle acted credit will be given has not been Features Open June 10th and Close June rip Present Di- in one of the 'three parlors, in an- President E. F. Ladd as Secretary of Phi Upsion Omicron. worked out in full up to this writing other an orchestra ably directed by We know she will make a success but has been left for the committee Harold Bachman furnished music 13th. Play Progressing in Rapid Form plomas For First lime. in her work at Tower City next on publications to complete. during the entire evening. Miss year, as instructor in Home Eco- It is known, hoWever, that those Nevada Evans presided at the serv- When Pres. E. F. Ladd presents the diplomas to the fifty-two nmios. who serve on the staff next year will THE COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM, AS GIVEN OUT BY members of the senior class, he will not only have the honors of have to live up to certain require- ing table. She was assisted by a PROF. ARVOLD APPEARS BELOW. FIFTY-TWO group of girls resident in the hall. presenting the diplomas to the largest graduating class in the ments in order to obtain this credit. SENIORS WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE EXAMS. Ruth Olson_ _ Home Miss Taylor was very charming and history of the institution, upon his participation in the ceremonies ,luannarora, _ N. D. Economics for the first time, but he will also have the distinction of present- efficient as hostess of the reception CLASS DAY EXERCISES Howe, May As a resident of Ceres Hall dur- rooms. Fargo, N. D. ing diplomas to two of his daughters who are twins. Hutchinson, Margaret The following is a brief write-up of those graduating: ing her first years at school Ruth Decorations were tastefully car- Monday, June 12, 1916. became a proctor in Student Gov- Edwin Booths Prove LaMoure, N. D. ried out in pink and white thorugh- The Little Country Theatre. Hutchison, Agnes, ice graduate and has charge of the ernment there. She was also great- Hillsboro, N. D. Ursula Grest Fargo out the rooms. This scheme show- Three o'clock. Kelly, Lloyd domestic science department at ly interested in Y. W. C. A. work, Galesburg, Ill. Fargo, N. D. High School. ed itself also in the refreshments Program. Keye, Katherine Morris, Minn., next year. and for a time, the secretary of Royal Hosts Fargo, N. D. "Suly" is a Home Economics which were ice cream, macaroons Music Senior Class Orchestra Kirk, Marvin that organization. During 1915- Devils Lake, N. D. graduate and expects to teach in and lady fingers: Pink sweet peas President's Address, Ladd, Katherine Agnes Bader, Wahpeton 1916, she was vice-president of Phi Fargo, N. D. Lake Park High School next year. and ferns were used. Harold B. Bachman Ladd, Rizpah Wahpeton, N. D. High School Upsilon Omicron. Ruth graduated SHAKESPEARE FEST- Fargo, N. D. She is noted for her good nature Presentation of Hatchet Lane, Florence ....... Agnes has been with us two years, from the Valley-City Normal in IVITIES BROUGHT TO Fargo, N. D. and congeniality. She is a member Curran Rourke Leslie, Lynn coming from Wahpeton Science 1912. Her work next year will be GRAND CLOSE. Work has begun on the clock in Oakes, N. D. of Delta Phi Beta and Pythian. Acceptance .... Member Junior Class Manikowske, Cecile School. During her stay she has in Warren, Minn. the tower of the administration build- Class Poem Mooretown, N. D. pursued the Home Economics course The Edwin Both Dramatic club ing. The clock which is a gift of Maud Engle Enderlin Violin Solo John A. Anderson • McKee, Bruce Fargo, N. D. and has maintained a high grade in Marvin Kirk, Agriculture. entertained the entire casts of the the senior class will be unveiled on Enderlin, N. D. High School Class Song Nelson, Leila Glen Ullin, N. D. her subjects. Next year she has Devils Lake, N. Dak. Shakespearean plays which were June 12. During her two years at the A. C. Class History and Prophecy Nelson, Ruth, Glen Ullin, N. D. charge of the Domestic Science Mr. Kirk is another senior hav- given in Fario during Shakespeare Maud has maintained an unusual' Winney Crouch and Elvira Ras- ,Olson, Ruth Hannaford, N. D. work at Pillager, Minn. ing the distinction of claiming mem- week at an informal dance in the scholastic standing. She is a mem- mussen. ,Poole, Ethel Steele, N. D. bership in the Phi Kappa Phi hon- college armory Monday evening. ber of the Y. M. C. A., Achoth, Music, Senior Class _Double Quartet Porter, Ward Fargo, N. D. Elvira Rasmussein, Fargo orary fraternity. He also belongs The original plan was to have a Athenian and was one of the Home Class, Officers Pile, Ernest W. Cando, N. D. Fargo, N. D. College Academy to the Y. M. C. A. cabinet, the mili- ball typified by the costumes of the Economics seniors elected to Phi President Harold Bachman Powell, Raymond Cando, N. D. For the past three years; Elvira tary staff, and the Philomathian time of Queen Elirabeth, but plans Kappa Phi. Next year, she has Vice President, Margaret Hutchinson Rasmussen, Elvira Fargo, N. D. has been purusuing the Education Literary Society. Marvin is a farm- gang aft a-gley—and it was neces- charge of the domestic science at Secretary Louise Fitzgerald Rourke, Curran Lisbon, N. D. course and taking domestic science er, and as such expects to carry off sary to return all the costumes. Wahpeton High School. Treasurer Boletha Frojen Risjord, Norman Fertile, Minn. besides. She is interested in various most of the prizes at the Pure Seed However, the dancers were regaled Class Colors: Silver Grey and Schuyler, Phil Fargo, N. D. activities, especially dramatics. She Show next year. during the evening with refresh- Barbara Heidner Agricultural Navy Blue. Shunk, Albert Anselm, N. D. is a member of Phi Upsilon Omi- ments dating back to the time of Fargo, N. D. and Manual Class Matta: Als Ik Kan. Stebbins, Murray .... Lemmon, S. D. cron, Y. W. C. A., Edwin Booth Lynn Leslie, Civil Shakespeare, and altho it was not Training High School. Exposition Night: The College Thomas, Ermo Oberon, N. D. Dramatic Club, Glee Club 1914, Oakes, N. Dak. Engineering a stately minute or a court dance Barbara is one of the standbys of Buildings will be open for inspection Thomas, Erma Oberon, N. D. Pythian and is associate editor of that 'they tripped, each one had an the class having been with us in The girls and the library will be by the public from 6:30 to 11:30. Thordarson, T. W., Edinburg, N. D. the Spectrum. Next year she ex- enjoyable time. high school days. She is a member the losers when Lynn leaves our col- Pageant: The first episode of a Waechter, Myrtle, New Salem, N. D. pects to take post-graduate work of Y. M. C. A., Athenian, Edwin lege. His high scholarship 'brought Pageant "The Story of the Agricul- Wolsted, Clarence, Cogswell, N. D. at the University of Minnesota. preparations are being made for Booth Dramatic Club, Student him membership in the Phi Kappa tural College" will be given -on the the State High Schools track meet OFFICIAL PROGRAM Council 1914, Intersociety Debate Phi this year — a decided honor. campus at 7:30 o'clock. to be held on the college grounds June 10-13, 1916. 1913, intercollegiate debate 1914, Bertha Gunderson, Brown Valley Leslie has been appointed appraiser Presentation of Tower Clock: next week. The track is being re- Saturday, Phi Upsilon Omicron. She has also Colfax, Wis. High School. of railroads for the Interstate Com- 8:30 o'clock. June 10th paired and things will be in first 3:00 P. M. and 8:00 P. 11.—The maintained a high grade of schol- After remaining here two years mercb Commission, an honor whiOh President's Reception: 8:30 to clas order. Little Country Theatre, Presen- arship which is shown by her elec- "Bert" decided she needed a rest he takes with becoming modesty. HAROLD B. BACHMAN 9:30 o'clock, College Armory. tation Senior Class Play, "Her tion to Phi Kappa Phi. and consequently spent last year at Senior Swing Out: 9:00 to 11:30, Minneapolis.
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