DocumriT RESUME. ED 117 727 CS 202 479 -AUTHOR*, Crammer, Marlorie,- Comp. TITLE Bibliography of American Folklore; Index to. Materials INSTITUTION Prince George's County Memorial Library System, Hyattsville,- Md. PUB DATE 75 NOTE 22p. EDRS PRICE MF-$O.83 EC-$1.67 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; *Characterization (Literature);,*Childrens Books; Childrens Literature; Elementary Education;' *Folklore Books; *Reference Materials ABSTRACT This index contains references to a select group of American folk-characters appearing in books. Books about [ approximately 20') persons, real or imaginary, are listed in the bibliography. The index is arranged alphabetically by the character's last name and Ls cross-referenced from nicknames to real names. The call number for each book is given to the left of the entry. Full bibliographic information on all books included appears at the end of the main index, arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name. Some of the characters included in this index are Ethan Allen, Judge Roy Bean, Billy the Kid, Daniel Boonee Lizzie Borden, Calamity Jane, Diamond Jim, Mike Fink, John Henry, Sam Hart. Little Audrey, Annie Oakley, Pecos Bill, Stackalee, and Rip Van Winkle. (TS) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the-best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Peprodjiction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not responsible for the quality of the-original document. Reproductions * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * ********************************************************************* U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION 'THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- OUCED E)TACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGtN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ECTITCATTON-P17S11-101,4-OR -POLICY CI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE INDEX TO MATERIAL IN BOOKS ON SELECT AMERICAN FOLK CHARACTERS Compiled by Marjorie Crammer Children's Age Level Specialist New Carrollton Branch PGCML 1975 /4 /I i t INTRODUCTION I II . ir 4 eau J. 1 'cuLand_stories concerning- Characters-in American folklore. Many of the characters are familiar to every librarian and there is little problem -in-locating-informationout them; however, many others.are relatively obscure personalities and it becomes quite frustrating and time consuming for each librarian to search for each of these characters each time a request is received. The compilption of this index was undertaken in the hope that it will make such searches easier. DEFINITION o For the purpose of this index, the term character refers only to a person, real or imaginary, and does not refer to animals, places, or objects. LIMITATIONS This index only cites references to American folk characters contained in books. No recordings, filmstrips or other media are included. SCOPE iThisis not a comprehensive index.It contains references to on'y select American folk characters - those frequently requested plus a few others discovered in the various collections of American lore which were examined. a In the children's department all collection's of American folklore, excluding American Indian lore, were examined and the characters included. Books in the folklore area that pertained to individual characters were noted as well. Picture books on individual folk heroes were also included, however, material from books classified as juvenile fiction was not. Individual biographieswere excluded and material about American folk characters contained in collective biographies was included only when the collective biography was outside of the J 920area and,the individuals were difficult to locate elsewhere. Pertinent literary reference sources available in the children's reference collection were also checked for mentions of the various characters. In addition material froman adult book on general American folklore was included as the book had a format attractive to children and contained allusions to some characters about whom little or no information was available in the children's materials. ARRANGEMENT This index is arranged alphabetically by the character's last name. There are cross references from nicknames to real names. If the character has no known lastname he is listed under the name by which he is best known. J The call number for each book is given to the left of the entry. 'A J before the call number indicates the book is in the juvenile collection whilean E indicates it is in the easy section. A JR before the call number indicates .the book is part of the children's reference collection. If there isno letter before the call number the book is from the adult collection A list of all the books included is given at the end of the main index. This index is arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name. 3 Prince George's minty Memorial Library System ABBOT, HENRY BALDWIN; JOE Master clockmaker Railroad conductor JAGENDORF, Moritz LIFE (Chicago) THE GHOST OF PEG-LEG PETER LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE pp. 93 - 98 J 398.2 pp. 175 - 177, 303 398.2 ARTELNY, LACK Hero of early Vermont North American pirate - BENET, William Rose LEACH, Maria THE READERS ENCYCLOPEDIA RAINBOW BOOK OF AMERICAN FOLK P. 25 JR 803 TALESAND LEGENDS JAGENDORF, Moritz pp. 268 - 271 J 398.2 NEW ENGLAND BEAN-POT BASS, SAM pp. 89 - 94 J 398.2 Western outlaw LIFE (Chicago) BOTKIN, Benjamin LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE TREASURY,OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE p. 301 398.2 pp. 114 .122 J 398.2 SHANKLE, George LIFE (Chicago) AMERICAN NICKNAMES LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE JR 929.4 1:1- 7 pp. 192 - 195, 303 398.2 ALSTON, THEODOSIA BURR RENNERT, Vincent Paul Daughter of Aaron Burr WESTERN OUTLAWS LIFE (Chicago) pp. 40 - 59 J 364.3 LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE BEAL, TALL BARNEY pp. 169171, 301 398.2 Maine fisherman ANDREWS, PETE JAGENDORF, Moritz Pennsylvania trader NEW ENGLAND BEAN-POT LIFE (Chicago) pp. 30 - 36 J 398.2 LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE BEAN, JUDGE ROY pp. 273 - 274, 301 398.2 "All the law west of the Pecos" ANTHONY THE TRUMPETER BOTKIN, Benjamin Official trumpeter of New Amsterdam TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE CA,RMER, Carl pp. 131 - 132, 134 - 148 J 398.2 AMERICA SINGS FUNK & WAGNALLS STANDARD DICTIONARY pp. 70 - 73 J 784.4 OF FOLKLORE, MYTHOLOGY, AND LEGEND CARMER, Carl. THE HURRICANE'S CHILDREN p. 959 398.03 pp. 146 - 153 J 398.2 LIFE (Chicago) JAGENDORF, Moritz LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE THE GHOST OF PEG-LEG PETER pp. 205 - 207, 304 398.2 pp. 31 - 36 J 398.2 JAGENDORF, Moritz BEAVER, TONY UPSTATE, DOWNSTATE Southem lumberjack pp. 14 - 17 J 398.2 CARMER, Carl BABB, PHILLIP AMERICA SINGS Pirate pp. 142 - 144 J 784.4 CARMER, Carl CARMER,-Carl AMERICA SINGS THE HURRICANES CHILDREN pp. 62 - 64 J 784.4 pp. 93102 J 398.2 BEAVER, TONY (Cont'd.) BLACKBEARD - See Teach, Edward FIELD, Rachel BLACKSMITH OFBRANDYWINE AMERICAN FOLK AND FAIRY TALES American Revolutionary hero pp. 197 222 J 398.2 Lily E (Chicago) LIFE (Chicago) LIFE TREASURY OFAMERICAN FOLKLORE LIFE TREA-SYR-Y-OF-AMERICANFOLKL-OR-E pp. 84 86 ." 398.2 p. 304 398.2 BLUE JOHNNY MA LCOLMSON, Anne Steamboat engineer YANKEE DOODLE'S COUSINS pp. 109 - 114 J 398.2 LIFE (Chicago) . LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE BELLEFONTAINE, EVANGELINE p.1.79 398.2 Heroine of Longfellow poem BOLES, CHARLES E. (Black Bart) BENET, Willi aT Rose Stagecoach robber THE REA DER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA p. 328 JR 803 LIFE (Chicago) LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE LIFE (Chidago) pp. 198 - 201, 305 398.2 LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE pp. 99 - 102, 314 398.2 RENNERT, Vincent WESTERN OUTLAWS BIG BEAR OF ARKANSAS pp. - 89 J 364.3 Famous hunter BONNY, ANN MA LCOLMSON, Anne Pirate YANKEE DOODLE'S COUSINS pp. 157. 162 J 398.7 LIFE (Chicago) LIFE TREASUR Y OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE BIG BILL; pp: 94 - 95, 305 398.2 Connect iCut fisherman BONNY, WILLIAM H. (Billy the Kid) JAGENDORF, Moritz Western outlaw NEW ENGLAND BEAN-POT pp. 212215 J 398.2 BOTKIN, Benjamin TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE BIG JOE 4 pp. 69 71, 93 - 107 J 398.2 Paul Bunyan's cousin and cook LEACH, Maria BLAIR, Walter RAINBOW BOOK OF AMERICAN FOLK TALL TALE AMERICA TALES AND LEGENDS pp. 174 - 175 J 398.2 pp. 171 - 174 J 398.2 See also envies for Paul Bunyan LIFE (Chicago) LIFE TREASURY OF'AMERICAN FOLKLORE BIG OLE . pp. 232 - 235, 305 398.2 Paul Bunyan's blacksmith RENNERT, Vincent FELTON, Harold WESTERN OUTLAWS LEGENDS OF PAUL BUNYAN pp. 60 - 81 J 364.3 pp. 156 - 157 J 398.2 .r) SHANKLE, George See also entries for Paul Bunyan AMERICAN NICKNAMES BIG-FOOT WALLACE - See Wallace, William A. p.51 JR 929.4. BILLY THE KID - See Bonny, William H. BOONE, DANIEL American frontiersman BLACK BART - See Boles, Charles E. BENET,.William Rose BLACK SAM THE READER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA Farmer who got involved with pirates p, 121 JR 803 LIFE (Chicago) BLAIR, Waltet LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE TALL TALE 'AMERICA pp. 95 - 99 398.2 pp. 31 - 33 J 398.2 4 BOONE, DANIEL (Coned.) LIFE (Chicago) LIFE TREASURY OFAMERICAN FOLKLORE CARMER, Carl p.,305 398.2 AMERICA SINGS pp. 150 - 155 J 784,4 SHANKLE, George AMERICAN NICKNAMES LEACH, Maria p. 55 JR 929.4 RAINBOW-1300K-CIF AMERIgiN-FO.LK TALES AND LEGENDS' BRADY, SAM pp. 36 - 37 J 398.2 Indian fighter LIFE (Chicaio) , LIFE (Chicago) LIFE TREASURY OF ERICAN FOLKLORE LIFE TREASURY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE pp. 11 I- 112, 305 398.2 pp.
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