Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 10-10-1946 Fulton Daily Leader, October 10, 1946 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, October 10, 1946" (1946). Fulton Daily Leader. 475. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/475 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. pr • ""saere ANDASID FORECAST WOTILD SERIES RESULTS Kentucky—Cloudy this after- Fourth Game foam with showers tonight; Fri- St. Louis 12 day showers and cooler. ,uttou ailrv IttOtr Boston 3 Volume XLVII Associated Press Leased Wire Fulton, Kentucky, Thursday Evening, October 10, 1946 Five Cents Per Copy NO. 24 Cooper Denies Bulldogs Will Be WearingSew U S. Lifts Ban On USCC Demands Beef Industry Promises More Meat Very Soon Iv, , come American Flights Seeking New Uniforms In Murray Tilt Tonite Over C'slovakia Probe Of Reds Administration Will Scrap All Price Contro1s tonight, Fulton football fans will see game the Bulldogs are London, Oct. 10 —tAP)— U. Chamber Of Commerce their team decked out in com- reportedly "as ready as they will S. Headquarters in Europe to Boom And Bust pletely new blue and white uni- ever be" to turn back their at- day lifted a mysterious ban on Says Communists Are Say Cattle Will Move When Ceilings Taken Off forms when they take the field tack. American plane flights over Bent On World Rule Barkley Urges tonight at 7:45 against the Mur- A volunteer crew of senior Czechoslovakia, but continued DECONTROL PETITION FILED WITH ANDERSO Washington, Oct. 10—(AP)— ray high school Tigers. and junior high schcol. students suspens:on of flights over Ro- TAKES STATEMENT States Chamber of Beard Services ISSUE WITH TRUMAN'S 0 Voters Not'To Purchase of the new uniforms has been colleeting all waste mania and Hungary and an The United Commerce demanded today that "HEAVY SLAUGHTER" DURING JULY, AUGUS was a carefully guarded secret, paper and other clebris from American pilot said here he be- 'S congress rip the lid off the Are Held Today Hinder Truman being kept even from the play- Fairfeld park, and the field will lieved the order was linked with communist party to end its pow- ers, until the pep rally at 2:30 be sprinkled before gime time Russian Army maneuvers*. President Will er and influence in labor's ranks At Funeral Home OTHER LEADERS TALK this afternoon when the boys tonight. The ban on flights ovee the BRT Is Asked and within the government it- Funeral services for Martin L. vice T. were told to stage a dress parade, three countries, all in the Rus- See Reporters II self. died yesterday, were By The Associated Press before thP student body. sian sphere of influence, was Beard, who The National Administration clamped down suddenly and Declaring that communists conducted by the Rev. W. E. This Afternoon I came in for more criticism and The ?aLts are blue and the still are operating under an in- Mischke this afternoon in the To Join CIO blue without explanation yesterday Ider support from political orators jgrreys are white with large Photo Recalls ternational comintern bent upon chapel of Hornbettits Funeral NO COMMENT A$ YET I complete by U. S. authorities in Frank- stumping the state yesterday in numerals. Twenty-two world conquest, the organiza- Home, Carr street. Interment Phillip Murray Says uniforms were secured by the furt, Germany. Similarly, no Washington, Oct. 10—(4P) preparation ler the Nov. 5 elec- explanation was given why the tion added that because the was in Fairview. Congress Reactionary The beef industry coupled a d ,school, making it the largest pur- and Gilbert Moon, tion. Former Stars Czechoslovak ban had been re- party "theives upon deceit" Pallbearers were mend for immed'ate scrap'pl chase since before the war. to a "hostile" foreign Huddleston, Sr., Lon Pickle, In Message To Union The Republican Senatorial moved. just as suddenly a.s it is loyal Arch of price controls today with Next on the list of pre-game pewee, be "forced by Earnest Hancock and Nominee, John Sherman Cooper was imposed. it should Wes Batts, Miami Beach, Fla., Oct. 10— promise of ample supplies festivities after this afternoon's law" to reveal its membership, Hampton. ' of Somerset, told an audience at Of Local Grid Capt. Calvin Dyer of Jackson Will (API—Philip Murray termed meat "very soon—possibly pep rally and talk by Prof. J. 0. sources of money and all its Danville that h's advocacy of Heights, N. Y., pilot of a Pan congress "reactionary" today and fore November's congressio Lewis will be a parade at 7 p. activities. what he calls a return to the American Airways plane turned invited the brotherhood of rail- elections,-.If the administrati m. led by Football Queen Betty 1913 Team Held The chamber's lengthy report, fret, enterprise system does not back at Prague yesterday, said Nation Enjoys road trainmen to join forces acts." Anne Davis. She will ride in an based on a year-long investiga- mean he wants ti go back to the Former "I think the reason myhoFne with congress of industrial or- automobile driven by David Highest tion by R special committee on R. G. Haynie, chairman of boom and bust days of the 1920's. was turned back was uuse ganization to carry the labor Homrs, and accompanying the socialism and communism, as- 1 OPA beef industry advisory c "I recognize," he said, "that in the Russians are believed be movement forward. Queen will be Joan McCollum, Score On Record serted that communists have Shoottng Stars mince which petitioned f the old days business went holdflik army maneuvers be- too senior cheerleader, and June succeeded in driving "many "We can't stand still." said the mally for decoutrol, told repo far. I want to it plain tween Oct. 2 and 14.' that Copeland. The two attendants THREE PLAYERS HERE faithful public servants Loin the Meteors From Comet CIO chieftain. "I shall welcome,era there are plenty of ca LINE X I do not favor a return to the will sit on the Fulton bench to- government." the opportunity to be associated and calves ready for market Only three members of the Flash Across Skies old laissez-faire system of let- night with Miss Davis. It declared, too, that red in- with your leadership and your!soon as price ceilings are lif ting business 4o as it pleases. 1913 Fulton football team, that filtration into the government In Bri.liantl Display membership in the Great work The White House, scene of There must be rules The coronation ceremony will held the high-score record for Sigmon Rites to prevent has been particularly marked in that lies ahead provided you de-!special round of top-level the setting up of monopoly to be held at 7:45 following an ap- the local field until a week By The Associated Press cree to associate with us." Iferences on the situation pearance of the Fulton band,The both the treasury and labor de- States was stifle competition. But that Ls ago, are still living in this com- Most of the United Speaking yesterday, remained silent. opening whistle is scheduled at partments display of factors which in- as far as I am willing to go in munity. One of these players, To Be Friday treated to a spectacular fluence the labor movement, "I make no forecast my 8 p. m. The Murray high school A treasury spokesman quickly night as putt'ng the hands cf the gov- Mr. Russell Travis, brought" a of shooting stars last Murray said "the record of the said Press Secretary Charles band and the drum and bugle retorted that the department cornet gin- ernment in business.' photograph of this team taken meteors shed by the 79th congress is a record of when reporters asked him w corps will perform at the half. Elderly Lady Died "naturally has no comment on across the Cooper oeciaren 'mat 90 per- at Thanksgiving. 1913, to the cobinizinner burned reaction. might happen. The taller section of the Early This Morning; so general a statement." scientists This congress reacheci cent of the jobs come from priv- Leader office this morning and skies in what some a new low" in Its labor policies. President Truman was to bleachers by the scoreboard has achieve- However, Secretary of Labor brilliant ex- ate enterprise and that "neith- recalled a few of the Was Lifelong Resident said was the most He said the congress "made a reporters at 3 p m. (CST' been reserved for fathers and pre-World War I Schwellenbach said that charges America this er the placing of names on a ments of the Minc seen in monkey of President Truman's The beef industry's deoon mothers of the Fulton team, and Mrs. Anna Sigmon died early of surversive activity had been governmental payroll nor 'made gridders. centun . 121 points for reconversion." Mur- petition, filed with Secretary for former Bulldog lettermen. this morning at the home of her brought by the FBI against "a clouds marred or work' can produce real wealth." They rolled over °Mon Train- But dense ray spoke of the President In APriculture Anderson, The visitors from Murray will be stepdaughter, Mrs. Clyde Bur- number of labor department obliterated the view Sen.
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