<1 » eekly Newspaper Is People ESTABLISHED 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE TOWNSHIP AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE Y-OL. XLIII, NO. 45 HILLSIDE, N .J . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1867 923-9207 PRICE TEN CENTS Will Help Build Goldhor New Sewage PlantclosesCloses PrimuryFocusOn Following two years of-die he around $14 million, with each Campaign cusslon, the Township Commit. of the municipalities inrhea- — Henry Goitihor candidate for - We W a y night adopted'the g H i S e f f ^ g the cost, of the the Democratic nomination for form of agreement in which • ■Services that they Will use. H ill-' ToWnsljlp Committee issued the Hillside will share the costs of a side's share, according toCom- ' following statement as-tts'Ilnal Power Struggle BBWaSe treatment missionar Ackerman, will be one^af the current campaign: A large turnout of. v oters is ship. Committee. 1, Arnold obtain the position of magis­ ■ ' * , . , 6,23 per cent of the total coat, "When—this' prim ary onto- expected-at thy Primary Elec- Witte, the le^.lieadjemlhdg,-; trate the first of the year .-The ____ oWn as e- Jo nt Meetlng wjth 30 per cent of this'being paign openeil stated that my tion Tiext Tuesday, 'bringing to )s running unopposed. party, splir also extends back a Inipeeting the centre I box for the H urdeM ^lcer fire r s ?. a.chttraxr-ttie-bltter , .in... I,,,'., andheated - Underlylng-.-the^mpflgf^es^ fov-: yo»rs when 'D emocrats u yraer mumei-paiitles. wm tehantitenant, oayspays 30 Derper Centcant 6fof the . N a t i v e detection system are, left to right, jack Wagner, tuperln- the B et^osafle caropalgn between j-oeeph Karn been a power Strugglo^nthe~ Maneuse and . 6chulman lost in ©uilfl a secondary sewage treat- totaWcost, — ' party. My opponent.has said or and Kenry Goldhor for the Dem. Democratic party, seemingly a stunning lipset tio^iepubiicane * tendent ot maintenance; carmen D ill, fire chief Martin msmt plant trnder the Goethals . i n ^ f e b u s i n e s W s were p w ^ n M E M t a T t i ^ E 5 E ocratio nomination for Town- sparked by Goldhor1 s failure to Ram end Vit four y ears, ago. Lynch, busineisadmlnistrator, Dr. Wayne T. Bran’em to - ridge, the sight of the present received for the Central Avenue paign to change this statement, Four hundred votes separated perintendent of schools; and Moe Bierman, member of the primary, sewage plant. Accord, resurfacing and for thepumping All he Jigs, .done' w a s'to play Beard of Education. ing to the Commissioner.Mon­ the contestants, . station generating set; Bidders around with half-truths, guar- roe . Ackerman,' this ~’Tbe’main cop.tttitm''W ‘C5HSr push1’ for ■ the Central Ave,.recon- ter-truthsrandevenfalsehoods. S u p p o r t Y a rm u lk a her; who jiad a setback of aheffit will: treat the still heavily pel-' st^ ctlon .were! Alj[gn Blacktop To this very day he Has not ex- attack: early m the campaign, Fire Detectors Put luted water released from the ,Corp., Short Hills, $2|732,$0; plained his. statement that he primary plant until it is 8D per is .that Ram Is a "switcher''. Peters Construction Co. of left the Democratic Party Asked ?VS"S I . This charge has_been, brushed In Hillside Schools cent pure. The building of the Madison, $2,772‘,50; and Pella . W62 because of me. The "fact secondary plant Is required by -—v.,lj— " aside as haying: Tittle signifi­ In. accordance with a' r ecent* _ In describing thsaewbystetoj,. is that he car. no: explain it • the State Board of Health and a ------- C ontinued on cance, Goldhor has emphasized state IfiW, the Hillside Township Dr. Wayne.T, Branow, superin­ it is a deliberate end calculat­ B y R a m A completion date of1970 has-been, his-dlssatis£actien'with Rato aS school system 'has installed an ■ tendent of SbhSSlS,''.explained ed' lie. Not a single one of his Jewish organlzatioiis have ap- .set by that department. D em . Rally aDemocratle-candidate. electrical fire detection system that' each sehool is divided into articles in the "Times in 1562 Jos^ph Ram, ^ e .. Regular pealed a ruling of the Board of The total co st. of the plant will Ram, on the other hand, has in all schools. various zones.'Each .zona has ■ A. rally will be held by mentions ..me hut he did say {n Democratic Party's nominee Education agalnsrwosrlng y a rr brought up what he c a ili "con. According to Franklin Felt-, a corresponding light located the Regular Democratic 1962 that he left the Democratic lor the Toynship Gommlttee, mulkas to class. * nections" Goldhor'had to the man, Board of Education presl- on a central-board in thsschool- TO B IA OFFERS Organization for Joe Ram Party-beoause he-wa%-net-heppy—thleTWeek-.esksd-^ll-deaeepste— The appeaTha:s''l5geirtfiaaeT6 b ilF 'b r iS n d ^ T T t& T c T ^ ts dent, t-he ftew' state laW requir­ andalsoa-llghtoutsidethebuil- 6-POINTTV CHECKUP and the district leader can­ with the alignment of Route 78, all -Independents' to vote NeW Jersey . State .Education' .Club, the purchase of the Woi es all schools in. the state to ding in each zone areajT.he light ALSO COLOR' didates at. the Polish Am­ "My voting record lnHUiaide : in' the Democratic P rim ary Commissioner Carl L.M arbur-'' i^rtacr tract- b y J ^ e U y k n z .a erican Hall-- Ring. St..lag have a ilre^aoiecfidnsystem in*- system is designed* tb indicate tr^iiiry e n ^ ^ D e m q c K ils r' elostlenT m T uesagSl,'^^ ,8er m T ren to n .' ' . and the location of an apartmem f > stalled. bySeptembeririVft&.TAe [which area is on fire and also Sunday night, September What is my epponehi^s ^Voting l?y7. ,j^ m . said-that ■ This orgahlzations,yiip|udiiig teuOo at cftlialde Ave^andDor. detection system works- on the 10th at 8 p.fn. directs.-,the firemen immediate­ WASHING MACHINES record? Voq Cbmplicated, He . there was "only one issu e be- the American Jewish Congress, emus; PL These chargee have Refreshments- ..will be principle: ot sounding an~alarrrr ly to the fire.—•— REFRIGERATORS whs an aGeWfr"RSjiiubllcan first, fore thevoters—continued hon- the Jewish Community Rela- been refuted by Gnldhnr and -served. ■■■■■ The— -cKalrman- . when there IS a Sharp rise in I Outfitting the schools with the AIR CONDITIONERS Then - for reasons unknown - 1 government m H illside," tlnns Cnimrii nf Rnaav Daniel.'Menza, his ;m'anager, Comm. I. Lute Share sx- temperature, or a very high tem - fire detection fysterr, is costing he Joined the Democratic Party He Stated thst he sincerely.her'the Eastern-Union Couipy Jew- The feud haf'deve loped angry tyida a Welcome to-all to •perature detected by any of th e.. A o —Towtfflhip^^SdiOOO^-^-Dr,*' but w ae^ot^et-ive-toHi^hen----^leved ..that--.he -was ;i' Ytee-only--dfBirCotmcii'iHdTB6Tigy':jersey tones; with hint’s, that' Arnold; T O B IA S B B D attend ..and bring their becaupe.he did nnt like thaprn- candidate ..who..was i.nmQlete].v...w n»tw,0..«( ,h. m’anv devices Installed. In the_ .Branogi. axplained-though, -that- Witte may proBt; do m atter buildings'. posed alignment of Route 78 y. dedicated to'that goaj.'' lih Committee andtheAntl-De- HniiijBgts very fotttuhStgellDudf APPLIANCES whether Ram- or Goldhor wins. The State law required, where to. the economy of the past few: be. left the .Democratic Party, Mr. Ram staled: "T he cam - famatlon League, of the'B'nal Whether Goldhor can ' Win by 'Possible, a tie-in with the local years,1! he said,' "the Township 1299 LIBERTY AVE-NUE ARNOLD WITTE This -change -was announced' in Paign has proved that my op-' B’rith. pitting his strength .against' the . lire departments. Feltman in­ did not have to float a bondls- the Hillside Times of/February ponentrha no issue except his They oppose the. debision at ^powerful Democratic prganiza- ■ HARDWARE - PAINTS For TOWN SH I P COMMUTE E ' dicated that -the firs detection sue to put in the required 'detec- 22, 1962. Fourteeirsi^e later. Hred claim that 1 w as once the ^local board which barred HOUSEWARES THe BEST MAN B o n is an open question, •systems'"installed. in the town- the T-lmes carried the storythat » Republican. 1 believe thefact Bernard P. White, 13, of 147 Itlon system. Many areas did or 1321 'L I B E R T Y A V E . FOR THE JOB He has many supporters and shlp schools ' are directly con­ Will need to raise money in this Pqld £§£ by Marvin Wjlss my opponentwasthe R opubllcan^1Si*'have received the TSlfcri- Clark St. from a summer typing WAverly 3-77.68-9 363 M l iy woo i Ave., HU I si d« the final results w lllb e close, nected -with ~the" fire houses manner.’’ CoiithCueS oii p a je 9 CobMnued on Page 9 Con.itnited on Page 9 VOTE FOR "D-10”- To” "JOE” RAMJXL JUDGE "unmmi TUESDAY, 5EPL12 HEWY •Served seven years on Hillside- Board : of Education and was Presidenrof-ihar body dosing the construction of the additions to the Hillside High School, GOLDHOR •Presently serving as Chairman' of the Margaret M, Roche Memorial-Swimming Pool, Served as Township Committee Representative to the Ambulance Squad, Lever E-10 .Trustee of the Hillside Community Orchestra; Trustee of the H illside Creative Arts Committee," t p Democratic Candidate for •A eo-foUnder and charter member of Hillside Lodge, B’nal B 'rith; Past Presi­ Township’Committee dent, of Hillside B'nal B 'rith.
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