to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Nov. 1. 1988 \ H U HOMES [ g J I h o m e s FOR SALE RIR SALE I APARTMENTS I MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FOR SALE SOUTHERN New Eng­ MANCHESTER. Ansaldl land classifteld ads Built Ranch. Well P 4 : M \ MANCHESTER. Two EIGHT month old water- P um p reach nearly 000,000 maintained Ranch with bedroom, wall to wall bed, $325. Courthouse S o u r note Chiltfs play homes In Connecticut two cor garage, re­ carpeting, appliances, One Gold membership, and Rhode Island. The cently remodeled kit­ heat, dir conditioning. 12',6 months left for price for a basic 25 chen with oak cabinets, ICLEANINS No pets. Clean. 8640per $450. Compared to reg­ Recyc^er bacl<s WInalers start off qulcl<ly word ad Is only $55 and three bedrooms or din­ ( CARPENTRY/ month. Available No- ular price of $700 plus. Kids are Jammin’ SERVICES I MISCELLANEOUS will appear In 43 news­ ing room, hordwood REMODELING ELECTRICAL SERVICES vember 1st. 647-9138. Eric 649-3426.0______ out of lawsuit/12 papers. For more In­ floors throughout. LARGE, sunny, 1 bed- POOL Table-Sears. Good but IVIontreal finislies tlie job /19 in tlie l<jtctTen /13 formation call Classi­ Very private street. CLEANING Service. Home or office. Day, Cwiem buW hwiwe. BOdWwe. room,, sewing room, condition. $300. Coll af­ fied, 043-3711 and ask $159,900 D.W. Fish fW"odeMi»o. wood Mdlno. deeks. storage, cedar closet, ter 3:30pm or leave tor detalls.o________ ^ Realty, 643-1591.0 nlgiit, weekend. fooling, eonorolo woffc. moBoray 4 oR DUMAS ELECTRic HAWKES TREE SERVICE Weekly specials. Reg­ r Nm o o o f eonoirw ollofi. Electrical repairs, Bucket, truck S chipper. Stump cabinets, kitchen with messoge. 568-1903. TERRIFIC Ranch Inaulet M A N C H EST ER . Three N oM of oontroelora noi added wiring. appliances. Emanuel ina Ranlerl, 645-0683. foium/ng yovr obMe - eaH utl removal. Free ssttmalse. SHED. For Sale. Solid neighborhood. Priced family home. Two one Today, did you pay somepne Church area. Includes wood. $350 Includes de­ to sell. 516 rooms, 2 full FuNy InOufOd • Fvoo tttimolw Spedarcansldstatlon for bedroom apartments tor doing nothing? sWsrly end handicapped. water and parking. No livery within 20 miles. boths, sunporch, lower* and a three bedroom NO TIME TO CLEAN 8MW Cg sitrsctles Cell me, Joeeph Dumas at pets. Security. Single 647-7099. leyel family room and apartment. Outside elEssiOssNr 6 4 7 -7 5 5 3 lady preferred. Availa­ garage. Call office to- newly painted. Great YOUR HOME? «43tl720 AiRlorMorfc B4»S283orB4»B6I2(ms) ble December 1st. $500 doy for your exclusive Income Investment. Let 649-9287,___________ ENDROLLS showing. $149,900. Sen­ $^4,900. D.W. Fish GELSOMINO EAST HARTFORD. One try Real Estate, 643- Rfelty, 643-1591.0 FMIRAND REMODEUNQ HANDYMAN anif 2716 W idth - 254 DUST BUSTERS Room additions, deoks, rooting, bedroom, appliances, 13% width - 2 for 284 4060.O MANCHESTER. Cote 3 ELECTRIC wall to wall carpeting. dcTIt for youl sMIng, windows end gutters. Residsntlal wiring specialist. HAULING MUST be plekad up at tha bedroom home In star­ 5 years experience with Beekhoe and bulldozer service Free Eellmatee. $500/month plus utili­ HaraM Oftica Monday thru ter price range. 1 cor evalleble. Call Bob Farrend, Jr. Any Job — Anytime ties. 568-1054. c excellent references. Thursday bafora 11 a.m.only. garage, deep lot. Great S 6 8 -7 7 4 8 MANCHESTER. Two BOLTON Lake. Four home fOr the young Free Estimates. Call: Beb. 647-8509 Uosnsa ettSMe room Ranch, masonry Reb. 645-6848 Call Gary 875-3483 bedroom apartment on family. $145,000. D.W. second floor. Applian­ W ANTED TD on 2</i lots, 2 storage Fish Realty, 643-1591 .□ 6 4 9 - 7 4 9 2 R S I buildings, private ces Included. Security I^BUY/TRADE MANCHESTER. Let us after 6 pm 8 A 8 HOME IHEATMB/ with o month to month beach, appliances, gos PLUMBINB Angelic Heme heat. Reduced to show you this lovely 11 IMPR0VEMENT8 lease. Available No-, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1988 $144,000. 649-1794. room home with In-law Care Registry vember 15th. $575 plus Old furniture, clockar Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 3 0 C e n t s apartment In first A REPAIR8 LoctI r^ U try offers quality SOUTH 80LT0N PJ’B Plumbing, utilities. Coll evenings, oriental ruga, lamps, MANCHESTER. 3 units. 2 floor. Large rooms "No Job Too Small" Air CandKIonlng care... lower coat to palienta... 647-9072. family plus one single CLEANIN8 SERVICE. Rsglslered end Fully Insured with 6 or more bed­ Boilers, pumps, hot water companions, home makers, MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ paintings, coins, Je­ family. Enlov the prl-n rooms, 2'/6 baths, fire­ INC. FREE ESTIMATES tanks, new and welry, glass & china. vacy of 0 single family Commercial! Residential rooms, stove, parking. place In living room, 647-0593 replacementa. “ 6 4 7 - 1 9 5 6 $650 month plus utili­ Will pay cash. Please with the added feature plus mofiy more amen­ Fully Insured S Bonded. of Investment prop­ FREE ESTIMATES ties and deposit. 646- call, 646-8486. ities. $198,580. Realty 647-154 5 643-9649/226-9616 6726. erty. Close to down­ World, Benoit, PAINTING/ town and shopping, Frechette Assoclote^, H ~ ARTS Driver shortage snags school buses highway and buslines. 646-7709.P_________ HOUSE CLEANINQ A PAPERING MI8CELLANE0U8 CDNDDMINIUM8 Asking $179,500. Pres­ WINDOW CLEANINQ 8ERVICE8 RELIABLE MOVING FDR RENT Automotive tige Properties, Better BOLTON. Completely We will clean your home or wln- NAM E your own recso- - Area school and bus company last year it was short about 12, he busing problems. renovated Ranch. dowi at you with. Coupit with Low. Low Retee. don’t get too many takers,” since we hired three more driv­ shortage, the bus company is Homes and Gardens, . noble price. Father 8. GSL Building Mainte­ officials say they are struggling said. Coventry Superintendent of Must be seen. Afforda­ Syeartaxparltnct. Hontaland Son Pointing and Pap­ Short notice moves. MANCHESTER. Two Chesler said. ers,” Oguschewitz said. The new frequently forced to hire drivers , 859-0775, evenings; 537- ratlabla wHh axeallant retar- nance Co. Commercl- bedroom Townhouse, CARS with a shortage of drivers that in With substitute drivers, the Schools Nathan Chesler said 0143. Broker/Owner. ble 5 room Ranch with 1 ering. Removal. 291- Insured. Dependable The town is serviced by Laid- drivers are members of the from cities along the Connecticut bathond 1 cordetoched ancta. Call Lauda, al/ResIdentlal building IVi baths, wosher/d- some cases is causing delays in company has been able to meet today that delays had been 8567. repairs and home Im­ 24 Years experience In FOR SALE law Buses, an out-of-town organi­ Teamsters Union No. 671 of East coastline, who expect to be paid a SOUTH WINDSOR. 9 garage.' Located on '742-1541 ryer, air conditioning, bus runs and in others is forcing demands, he said. primarily due to driver shor­ room plus oportment provements. Interior moving rec room, great loca­ zation that purchased the local Hartford, she said. higher wage. private 1 acre lot. Easy 1982 DODGE Omnl-024. the companies to hire substitutes. In Bolton and Coventry, offi­ tages. And although there have for extra Income. Neat access to highway. ond exterior painting, tion. $750 plus utilities. M&J buses last year. According Oguschewitz said drivers are Another problem with an ap­ 646-9669 Anytima Two door. One owner, Mason Thrall, general man­ cials say the problem is more been fewer late buses during the a n d attractive. $168,000. Flano Real light carpentry. Com­ 643-8519. excellent condition. to Heidi Oguschewitz, the com­ Usually paid an average of $7 to $8 parent shortage of bus drivers $169,000. Call ^1141, LAWN CARE BRUSHWORKS. Inferior plete lanitorlal ser­ ager of the Manchester Bus severe. past two weeks because of the Estate, 646-5200 o painting. Free esti­ NDRTHFIELD Green. 3 New tires, and brakes. pany’s manager, buses have been per hour and are in high demand. could be due to a rather stiff after 6pm., \ vice. Experienced, rel­ Services Inc., said though his Although three new bus drivers recent hirings, Chesler said the BOLTON. Beautiful one HAND Raked lawns. mates. $2 veors expe­ bedroom, 2Vi both, full $1450 or best otter. late up until now because there "The problem really is that Board of Education reviewing ANDOVER.' Drastic Re­ iable, tree estimates. G A Y & SON basement Townhouse. M6-23S9.___________ company is having problems have been hired to help alleviate high turnover rate of bus drivers owner home located In Reasonable prices. rience. Finished cabl- 643-0304.___________ were only 10 drivers transporting nobody wants to drive,” she said. process of drivers’ driving re­ duction. Come see this private country set­ MASONRY $900 o month plus utili­ attracting drivers this year, the recent school bus delays at could pose future problems. Free estimates. Dan, net/celllngs. Wall NURSE Aide. Expe­ 1971 PLYMOUTH Sotel- children when there should have "W e ju.st don't have the workers cords, Chesler said. spacious 3 bedroom ting. features 3 bed­ reflnlshtng. 647-0836. Brick, block and stone, ties and security. Im­ ,llte. Big Block 383. Coll problem is not as severe as last Coventry Schools, the town’s “ Its a pressure, high responsi­ Ranch with cozy first 647-1567, Craig, 291- rienced with elderly ceramic tile, marble and mediate occupancy. been 13. qualified to do the job for that The policy was on the books for rooms, 2.5 baths, fin­ 8930. concrete. 646-6649, otter 6pm.
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