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Smithsonian Year 1991 Supplement Chronology and Appendixes Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C. Contents Chronology 5 Appendix 1. Members of the Smithsonian Councils, Boards, and Commissions, September 30, 1991 33 Appendix 2. Visits to Smithsonian Institution Museums and Galleries in Fiscal Year 1991 45 Appendix 3. Academic, Research Training, and Internship Appointments and Research Associates in Fiscal Year 1991 46" Appendix 4 Publications of the Smithsonian Institution Press in Fiscal Year 1991 88 Appendix 5. Publications of the Staff of the Smithsonian Institution and Its Subsidiaries in Fiscal Year 1991 92 Appendix 6. The Smithsonian Institution and Its Subsidiaries, September 30, 1991 120 Appendix 7. Donors to the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1991 144 Appendix 8. Contributing Members of the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1991 197 as Note: The arrangement of bureau and office listings within appendixes I, 3, 5, 6, and 7 is not alphabetical but rather follows closely as possible the organization of the Smithsonian Institution as shown on the next page. The contents of this Supplement were produced from electronic files provided by the bureaus and offices. National Museum of American History National Museum of the American Indian National Museum of Natural History/National Museum of Man National Portrait Gallery Office of Exhibits Central Office of Horticulture Smithsonian Office of Museum Programs Office of the Registrar Institution Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service Public Service Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Service National Science Resources Center Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Office of Folklife Programs Office of Public Affairs Smithsonian Office of Wider Audience Development Visitor Information and Associates' Reception Center Establishment, Board of Regents, Executive Committee, and the Secretary External Affairs Office of the Secretary Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs Office of the Under Secretary National Demonstration Laboratory for Interactive Office of the Inspector General Educational Technologies Office of the General Counsel Office of Development Office of Government Relations Research Office of Special Events Office of Telecommunications Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research Smithsonian Institution Press International Center Smithsonian Magazine National Zoological Park Air & SpactlSmithsonian Magazine Office of Fellowships and Grants Smithsonian National Associate Program Office of Interdisciplinary Studies Smithsonian Resident Associate Program Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory "Smithsonian World" Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Women's Committee of the Smithsonian Associates Smithsonian Institution Archives Smithsonian Institution Libraries Institutional Initiatives Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Office of the Assistant Secretary for Institutional Initiatives Museums National Museum of the American Indian National Campaign Office Office of the Assistant Secretary for Museums Anacostia Museum Finance and Administration Archives of American Art Office of the Assistant Secretary for Finance and Arthur M. Saclder Gallery and Freer Gallery of Art Administration Conservation Analytical Laboratory Cooper-Hewitt, National Museum of Design Affiliated Organizations Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Institutional Studies Office John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts National Air and Space Museum National Gallery of Art National Museum of African Art Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. National Museum of American Art Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars October Research A delegation from the National Museum of the American Indian and the Office of the Assistant Sec- retary for ExternaJ Affairs visited European museums with holdings of Native American collections. Chronology October Research In a landmark exchange of East- West time- keeping technology, Soviet-built atomic hydrogen maser clocks were brought to Cambridge, Massachu- setts, to be compared for stability against similar de- vices built at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for applications in space tracking, radio as- tronomy, and global navigation. October The following listing is a representative selection of Publications Two brochures were published by the Smithsonian events during fiscal year 1991. Office of Public Affairs—an updated version of "Re- sources at the Smithsonian for Native Americans" and a brochure on the Conservation Analytical Laboratory. Fall October Special Project The Inter-Institutional Task Force on Cultural Pluralism was established by the Smithsonian, Exhibition The Smithsonian Institution Libraries the F. Kennedy Center for John the Performing Arts, opened its first public exhibition gallery with "Turning the Library of Congress, and the National Gallery of Art Over Old Leaves: A Sampler of Writings in the to explore joint conferences, fellowships, teacher train- Smithsonian Institution Libraries," supported by the ing programs, and other initiatives. Smithsonian Special Exhibition Fund. October October Meeting The National Museum of the American In- Publication The inaugural issue of the Newsletter on dian held the first of II fiscal year 1991 consultations in African American Archeology, the first of its kind, was Kahneeta, Warm Springs, Oregon. The consultations with published by the National Museum of Natural History. Native Americans and others are designed to help the mu- seum and its architectural consultants plan for the October museum's new facilities on the National Mall and in Suit- land, Maryland. International Project At the Museo Nacional David J. Guzman in San Salvador, Conservation Analytical Labora- October tory objects conservator Harriet Beaubien set up a conser- vation laboratory for treatment of artifacts excavated at Collection Information The Mitre Corporation, under Ceren, El Salvador, and gave museum staff and volunteers contract, began systems engineering for a new collection notes on cleaning finds and use of adhesives for ceramics. information system at the National Museum of Natural History. October Publicity!Marketing The Smithsonian National Asso- ciate Program successfully tested telemarketing
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