Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship Program Informational Paper 61 Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau January, 2019 Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship Program Prepared by Eric Hepler Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau One East Main, Suite 301 Madison, WI 53703 http://legis.wisconsin.gov/lfb TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Public Ownership of Land in Wisconsin ...................................................................................................... 1 Program Funding and General Requirements ............................................................................................... 3 Stewardship Subprograms ............................................................................................................................ 5 Land Acquisition Subprogram .............................................................................................................. 6 Property Development and Local Assistance Subprogram ................................................................ 12 Recreational Boating Aids Subprogram ............................................................................................. 15 Grants to Nonprofit Conservation Organizations ....................................................................................... 15 Public Access on Stewardship Lands .......................................................................................................... 17 Public Information ................................................................................................................................ 21 Motorized Access ................................................................................................................................. 23 Stewardship Earmarks ................................................................................................................................ 23 Stewardship Program Oversight ................................................................................................................. 24 Stewardship Debt Service ........................................................................................................................... 25 Appraised Versus Assessed Value .............................................................................................................. 26 Aids in Lieu of Property Taxes ................................................................................................................... 28 Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program ............................................................................................ 30 Appendices .................................................................................................................................................. 31 Appendix I Stewardship Program Expenditures: Fiscal Year 2008-09 through 2017-18 ............. 32 Appendix II DNR Land Acquisitions Under Stewardship by County as of June 30, 2018 ......................................................................................................... 33 Appendix III Stewardship Program Transactions Over $5 Million, or Where Acres Acquired Exceeded 10,000 ................................................................................... 35 Appendix IV Land Acquisition and Local Assistance Grant Programs Activity Under Stewardship by County as of June 30, 2018 ............................................... 38 Appendix V Stewardship Major Development Projects ................................................................. 40 Appendix VI Stewardship Public Access Requirements.................................................................. 43 Appendix VII Statutory Stewardship Program Earmarks by Biennium ............................................ 44 Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship Program Wisconsin's first stewardship program was cre- bonding below the statutorily enumerated total. ated in 1989 Wisconsin Act 31 to acquire land to expand nature-based outdoor recreational oppor- tunities and protect environmentally sensitive ar- eas. Under the program, the Department of Natu- Public Ownership of Land in Wisconsin ral Resources (DNR) acquires land and provides grants to local units of government and nonprofit organizations for land acquisition and property de- Public conservation land throughout the state velopment activities through the issuance of 20- of Wisconsin is estimated to include approxi- year tax exempt bonds. These bonds are backed by mately 5.9 million acres, or approximately 17% of the full faith and credit of the state, and the gov- the state's land area. The federal government holds ernment is required to use its taxing power if nec- approximately 1.8 million (30.3%) of the publicly essary to repay the debt. Annual debt service pay- held acres, the majority of which consists of na- ments for principal and interest on stewardship tional forests. Lands in county ownership, primar- bonds are primarily funded from general purpose ily county parks and forests, are estimated at ap- revenues (GPR), with a portion paid from the seg- proximately 2.5 million acres (42%) of the total. regated (SEG) conservation fund. Table 2 summarizes public land ownership by governmental source. Since its creation in 1989, the program has been reauthorized twice—in 1999 Wisconsin Act The Department utilizes both fee title and con- 9 and in 2007 Wisconsin Act 20. The current au- servation easement purchases in its land acquisi- thorization runs through 2019-2020. The statutory tion activities. Fee title acquisition involves out- allocations under each reauthorization of the pro- right purchases of land by the state, allowing for gram are shown in Table 1. complete DNR management of the parcel. The Department makes aids in lieu of property tax pay- The current program, as amended by 2015 ments to local governments on the land it owns. Wisconsin Act 55, has an annual bonding author- These aids are discussed in a separate section. ity of $33.25 million through 2019-20. Beginning in fiscal year 2011-12, any remaining unobligated As of June 30, 2018, DNR owned approxi- bonding authority may not be used in future fiscal mately 1.5 million acres of land, which represents years, effectively reducing authorized program approximately 4.3% of the state's land area. The Table 1: Stewardship Allocations by Purpose Stewardship Reauthorized % of Original 2000 Stewardship Total Total DNR Land Acquisition $150,800,000 $345,250,000 $175,500,000 $671,550,000 52.5% State Property Development* 35,000,000 65,000,000 74,750,000 174,750,000 13.7 Local Assistance (Grants) ** 45,200,000 155,250,000 199,000,000 399,450,000 31.3 Recreational Boating 0 6,500,000 25,000,000 31,500,000 2.5 Total Allocations $231,000,000 $572,000,000 $474,250,000 $1,277,250,000 100.0% *Including Kettle Moraine Springs Fish Hatchery renovations authorization of $7 million in fiscal year 2014-15. **Including grants to nonprofit conservation organizations (NCOs) and grants for county forests from the land acquisition subprogram. 1 (a) improving land management, (b) decreasing Table 2: Estimated Public Conservation Land Ownership in Wisconsin forest fragmentation, or (c) increasing public ac- cess to the land. Further, the Act specified that the % of total acreage of public lands managed by the Land Owner Acres State Land Board may not exceed the total acreage of public County 2,503,600 7.20% Federal 1,790,600 5.15 lands managed by the Board on May 3, 2006. As State of Wisconsin of that date, BCPL managed 77,845 acres. 2005 DNR 1,506,800 4.34 Act 352 also required DNR to set aside $2,000,000 BCPL 75,800 0.22 in each fiscal year from the stewardship program KVR 7,400 0.02 School Forests to acquire land for BCPL. The requirement has (K-12/Higher Ed.) 27,700 0.08 been eliminated, although DNR may use its gen- Total 5,911,900 17.01% eral land acquisition authority for such purposes. State Land Area 34,758,500 Federal ownership includes land owned in fee title and managed by the federal government, in- DNR ownership represents approximately 25.4% cluding lands of the four major federal land man- of the publicly owned conservation land in Wis- agement agencies: the U.S. Forest Service, Na- consin. Additional state-held acreage in Table 2 is tional Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- shown for the Kickapoo Valley Reserve (KVR), vice, and Bureau of Land Management. The fed- which includes 7,400 state-owned acres in Vernon eral figures in the table exclude lands managed by County and is open to outdoor recreation. the Department of Defense. It should also be noted that the acres listed as federal land exclude land As of December, 2018, the Board of Commis- used for such purposes as office buildings or pris- sioners of Public Lands (BCPL) owned approxi- ons. In addition, approximately 645,000 acres of mately 75,800 acres of school trust lands, bringing tribal lands in the state are not included in the ta- total state-owned conservation land to approxi- ble. Although these lands are held in trust, they are mately 1.59 million acres. BCPL’s lands are in- not "owned" by the federal government and public cluded in this total as they are open to the public access may be restricted on these lands. for hunting, fishing, trapping and other nature- based outdoor recreational activities. It should be School and community forests, which are noted that BCPL has
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