CELEBRATING 125 YEARS THE ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELLESLEY, MASSACHUSETTS No. 384 CALL Fall 2019 So What? capital campaign, with the plans my vision and hope for our parish for a gala party at the Wellesley which I hope are reflected in my Country Club on November 2, leadership and preaching. and our St. Andrew’s Day Festi- My underlying belief is that val Eucharist on November 24, I God is dynamically in action in the have found myself asking the “so world inviting us to be partners in what?” question in relation to what realizing the divine vision of love we are celebrating. Clearly, we are for the world. It is in participat- not just celebrating the passage of ing in this work with God, using 125 years. our time and talents, that we find I have found the answer to the meaning and purpose in our lives. question of what we are celebrating I believe that the Holy Spirit is con- in the snippets from our church stantly knocking at the door of our The Rev. Adrian Robbins-Cole archives featured on the front page souls asking to be allowed to enter of our weekly bulletin. They paint our lives filling us with divine love. O WHAT?” That was the a rich picture of a parish bound The trouble is that our lives can “ question we were asked together by a deep sense of com- be so distracting that we lose sight again and again about munity and care for one another, a of this reality or invite other idols ourS sermons by Mark Jefferson, church focused on the importance to fill our lives. The central part of the Preaching Professor at Vir- of worship, a community commit- my vision for St. Andrew’s is that ginia Theological Seminary at the ted to passing on the faith to our the role of the church is to remind preaching course I attended in children, a parish which is also out- us of this reality and to provide June. We were told to ask our- ward-looking in its outreach and space and spiritual practices to selves, Does this sermon matter? care for those in need, and, under- help us have eyes and ears to rec- Why are you preaching it? Why lying all of these things, a parish ognize in our daily lives how God will this sermon matter to the peo- motivated by the love of God. is reaching out to us and calling us. ple you are preaching it to? My prayer is that St. Andrew’s Professor Jefferson emphasized Our Future, So What? can help us learn that, with the aid that a sermon should always point But as we look towards the future of the Holy Spirit, each of us can towards the vision and mission of of our parish, it is critical that be more loving, more forgiving, your church. He challenged us by we continue to ask afresh the “so and have a sense of being more asking: if we don’t know where what?” question. In a world where loved and forgiven by God that we our church is going, how can we church-going is one among many realize now. I have a deep sense of form people through our preach- options on a Sunday morning, we hope that God is always waiting ing? If we don’t have a sense of need to have a compelling vision around the corner to deepen our direction, our preaching will be of why the spiritual practice of relationship with God and with scattered and reactive. coming to church can make all each other. the difference in people having a 125th Anniversary, So What? meaningful and fulfilled life. When Yours in Christ, As we have been celebrating our I consider why God sent me to be 125th anniversary of St. Andrew’s the rector of St. Andrew’s, there Church with a very successful are a number of key elements in In This Issue Warden’s Message Welcome Back! Rector’s Letter the service and Paige Manning at- So What? tended as a representative of the Rev. Adrian Robbins-Cole 1 vestry. I hope you will read Mia’s profile in this edition of The Call. Welcome, Mia! Warden’s Message In June, the second Indaba Welcome Back! Encounter Weekend was hosted by David Hamlin 2 St. David’s Church in South Yar- mouth. (Indaba is an African-style method of purposeful conversation Keeping the Faith from and relationship building used throughout the Anglican Commu- Generation to Generation nion.) The weather was perfect, Rev. Margaret Schwarzer 3 David Hamlin, warden and it was a meaningful weekend of learning, sharing, worshiping, ELCOME BACK! I hope and socializing. Among the activ- From Catholic to Episcopalian you each had a restful ities was attendance at Pride Day A Thoughtful Conversion and enjoyable summer. in Hyannis. Adrian, Cynthia Scott, Betsy Millane 4 WPerhaps you stayed local and Michael Vanin, and I represented enjoyed our lovely towns, the St. Andrew’s. lack of traffic, and a bit slower Our capital campaign Grateful Getting to Know Mia Kano pace. Perhaps you spent time at for Our Past, Giving for Our Future Dan Dent 5 a summer home or on a special while officially over, continues to trip. Becky and I were lucky to do receive generous contributions. As a bit of all of the above. We have you know we successfully exceed- Images from El Hogar Mission Trip a summer cottage on the eastern ed our goal of $2 million, and we Rev. Adrian Robbins-Cole 6 shore of the upper Chesapeake are really pleased to see additional Bay. We both grew up spending families participate. summers on the bay; sailing, Finally, preparations for cele- Save the Date for Our 125th water skiing, and eating lots of brating St. Andrew’s 125th anniver- blue crab. We also enjoyed being sary continued during the summer. Anniversary Gala, 11/2/2019 home in Dover, as well as a trip There are two specific dates related Page 7 to London to see the Red Sox play to the 125th I want to make sure the Yankees. Regardless of where you have marked on your calen- we were, St. Andrew’s was not far dars: Fall 2019 Calendar from our thoughts, particularly • First, on Saturday, November 2, Insert in this exciting 125th anniversa- we have our 125th Anniversa- ry year. It was a busy summer at ry Gala Party at the Wellesley St. Andrew’s, but both Adrian and Country Club. There will be mu- Margaret were able to take some sic, delicious food, and plenty of ST. ANDREW'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELLESLEY, MASSACHUSETTS well-deserved vacation time. libations. Additionally, we have Happily, our new assistant invited several special guests to CALL rector, Mia Kano, started in July. join us. Please be on the lookout A publication of Mia and her husband Aaron, who for more information regarding St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church hails from Wayland, have settled what I am sure will be a terrif- into the apartment at 7 Denton ically festive and memorable PARISH OFFICE: 79 Denton Road, Road. Mia has been busy meeting event. Wellesley, MA 02482-6404 parishioners, getting to know her • Second, on Sunday, November 24, 781.235.7310 | FAX: 781.235.0067 colleagues, and gearing up for at 10am, we have St. Andrew’s standrewswellesley.org the youth formation school year. 125th Anniversary Festival Eu- She was ordained in early June at charist. Our guest celebrant and PUBLISHER: Dan Dent the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, preacher will be The Reverend EDITOR: Katharine Clark, Parish Administrator Boston. Adrian participated in Dr. Laura Ahrens, the current [email protected] St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church bishop suffragan of the Episcopal • September 8 is Homecoming packing event. The goal is to Diocese of Connecticut. You may Sunday, which is the start of our pack 12,500 meals in one hour! remember Laura, as she grew up church school year. in Wellesley and was a member • September 15 our annual parish In closing, I hope you were able of St. Andrew’s. She has accom- picnic returns to the front lawn of to follow my fellow warden, Paige plished a great deal since then, the home of our gracious host- Manning, whose advice in the sum- and we are fortunate to have her ess Mrs. Walter Hunnewell, 845 mer edition of The Call suggested participate in this special service. Washington Street, Wellesley. the many ways to stay connected • October 19 is our day of service. to God and our faith, even when Also, this fall, keep in mind This year, we are partnering we are away from St. Andrew’s. three additional dates: with End Hunger NE for a meal Welcome home, all! Keeping the Faith from Generation to Generation moved from generation to genera- This fall, we continue our tion within our walls. tradition of investing in our own From the beginning of intellectual and spiritual growth. St. Andrew’s, educating adults Our 9am Christian Learning series and children in Christian theol- classes will include the study of ogy and Christian history has some of Leonardo da Vinci’s art also been an important part of in honor of the 500th anniversary our keeping the faith. Bible study of his death, history of the early has been with us from the earli- church during St. Paul’s lifetime, est days of our church. It is also the music of the Pilgrims, and the worth noting that our current study of Islam.
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