6142 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 18, 1890. of the Blackpool Railway Company, and to raise Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and the Rail- and apply capital for that purpose. ways Clauses Act, 1863, some or one of them. To authorize the Committee constituted under And notice is hereby further given that maps, the Macclesfield, Bollington and Marple Com- plans, and sections of the works proposed, to be mittee Act, 1871, for the purposes of the Under- authorised by the Bill, and the lands and houses taking* thereby transferred to and vested in them, proposed to be taken for the purposes thereof, to purchase by compulsion or agreement or to and plans of the other lands proposed to be taken confirm the purchase and acquisition by or on compulsorily, with books of reference to those behalf of that Committee, or any contract or several plans, containing the names of the owners agreement entered into by them for the purchase or reputed owners,. lessees or reputed lessees, or acquisition of the following properties: and occupiers of those lands and houses, and a Certain lands and buildings in the township of copy of this Notice, as published in the London Marple, in the parish of Stockport, in the Gazette, will be deposited on or before the 29th county of Chester, abutting upon the west day of November, 1890, for public inspection as side of the railway of the Committee, and follows, that is to say, as relates to lands and near to Eose Hill-station. works in the county of Lancaster, with the Clerk To enable and require, on the request of the of the Peace for the county of Lancaster, at his Cheshire Lines Committee, any two or more office at Preston; as relates to lands and works Justices of the Peace acting within their jurisdic- in the county of Chester, with the Clerk of the tion from time to time to appoint, dismiss, remove, Peace for the county of Chester, at his office at and re-appoint special constables to act upon Chester; as relates to lands and works in the the railways, stations, and works of that Com- county of Lincoln, with the Clerk of the Peace mittee, and within certain limits thereof, in the for the parts of Lindsey in the county of Lin- manner to be defined by the Bill, and to authorize coln, at his office at Lincoln; as relates to the the imposition and recovery of penalties, and lands" and works in the West Riding of the other powers in relation to assaults upon county of York, with the Clerk of'the Peace constables. for the West Riding of the county of York, To authorize the Company to subscribe a at his office at Wakefield; and as relates to further sum of money towards the Undertaking the lands in the county of Derby, with the of the Liverpool, St. Helen's and South Lancashire Clerk-of the Peace for the county of Derby, Railway Company (formerly the St. Helen's and at his office at Derby; and that a copy of so Wigan Junction Railway Company), and to take much of the said plans and sections and books and hold shares in that Company upon such of reference as relates to the several parishes terms and conditions, as to preferential dividend in or through which the proposed works are or otherwise, as may be agreed upon between intended to be made, or within which the lands, the Company and the Liverpool, St. Helen's and houses, and property proposed to be taken South Lancashire Railway Company, or as may are situate, and also a copy of this notice as be defined by the Bill. published in the London Gazette will, on or To repeal Sub-section 2 of Section 36 of the before the 29th day of November, 1890, be . Blackpool Railway Act, 1884. deposited with the parish clerk of each such To vary or extinguish all existing rights and parish, at his place of abode, and in the case of privileges which would in any manner impede or any extra-parochial place, with the parish clerk interfere with the objects or purposes of the of some parish immediately adjoining thereto, at Bill, and to confer, vary or extinguish other his place of abode. rights and privileges. And notice is hereby further given, that printed To alter, amend, extend and enlarge, and if copies of the proposed Bill will on or before the need be, to repeal all or some of the powers and 20th day of December next be deposited in the provisions of the following Acts (local and per- Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. sonal), that is to say, 12 and 18 Viet, cap. 81, Dated this 12th day of November, 1890. and all the other Acts relating to the Company; R. B. M. LINGARD MONK, 7, Victoria-street, 28 and 29 Viet, cap. 327, and all other Acts Westminster, and Manchester, Solicitor relating to the Cheshire Lines Committee; 25 and for the Bill. 26 Viet., cap. 221, and all other Acts relating to the Wrexham, Mold and Gonnah's Quay Rail- Board of Trade—Session 1891. way Company; the Wrexham and Ellesmere Sunderland (Corporation) Electric Lighting Railway Act, 1885, and all other Acts relating Provisional Order. to the Wrexham and Ellesmere Railway Com- (Application to the Board of Trade tinder " The pany; 47 and 48 Viet, cap. 224, and all other Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888," for a Acts relating to the Blackpool Railway Company; Provisional Order enabling the Corporation the Macclesfield, .Bollington and Marple Com- to Produce and Supply Electric Light for mittee Act, 1871, and any other Act or Acts public and private purposes within the relating to the Maccle*sfield, Committee; the County Borough of Sunderland, and to levy, Manchester South Junction and Altrincham make, and recover Rates and Charges there- Railway Act, 1845, and any other Act relating for and to break up Streets, Railways, and to the Manchester South Junction and Altrincham Tramways, and to cross Rivers and Canals, Railway Company; 37 and 38 Viet, cap. 117, and lay Electric Lines, to manufacture, hire, and all other Acts relating to the Wigan Junction sell, and let, electric apparatus and other Railways Company.; the St. Helen's and Wigan incidental Powers.) Junction Railway Acts, 1885, 1886 and 1889, and "VTOTICE is hereby given that the Mayor, all other Acts relating to the St. Helen's and _L i Aldermen, and Burgesses of the county Wigan Junction Railway Company and the borough of Sunderland (hereinafter called " the Liverpool, St. Helen's and South Lancashire Corporation "), and whose address is the Town Railway Company. Hall, Sunderland, intend to apply to the Board To incorporate with the Bill, amend or alter, of Trade on or before the 20th day of De- or to re-enact, with such variations as may b£ cember next for a Provisional Order under thought expedient, all or some of the provisions the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888, for of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, the following purposes or some of them, that is 1845, the Companies Clauses Acts, 1863 and •to say,:— 1869, the Lands Clauses Acts, the Railways 1. To enable the Corporation to make and.
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