CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Series - 23 TAMILNADU DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK THANJAVUR DISTRICT Pf\RT XII - A ·VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY I(.SAIVIPATH !{Ul\IAR OF THE INDIAN ..'\D~l!NIS'l'n.\TIVE SERVICE DIRECTOH OF CENSUS OPERATIO.':S TAMILNADU CONTENTS Page No. VIII-IX Foreward X-XII District Map Facing Page no. 1 Important Statistics of the District 1-2 Analytical Note: 3-5 i) Censlls Concepts-Rural and Urban Zlreas census Houses, Households, Schedule Castes/Scheduled Tribes. Literates, Main Workers. Marginal workers and Non-workers etc. ii) Histmy of the DisUid Hand Book indudin~ scope of village and Town 6-12 Directory iii) Thanjvaur District-An outHne Introduction, Breifhistory of the district. 13-63 .Jllisdicti()n~l dlanl~es. Physical Aspects, Fores.try, Hill, Soil, Minerals and Mining Rivers, Elechicity and Power, hand and hand use pattern, Tenancy, Agriculture, inigalion. Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Industries Transport and comlllunications, Rainfall and climate, Education. HeZllth. iv) Brief analysis of the Village and Town Directory data based on inset 64-84 Tables. PART-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY 35-86 SECTION - I VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the codes used in the Village Directory 87-8R 1. Sirkazhi C.D. Block 89-90 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Villa~e Directory Statement 2. Kollidam C.D.Block 99-108 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement Page No. 3. Sembanarkoil C.D. Block 109-122 i. Alphabeticallisi of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 4. Kuttalam C.D.Block 123-136 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 5. Mayiladuthurai C.D. Block 137-150 i. Alphabetical list of villages D. Village Directory Statement 6. Thiruppanandal C.D. Block 151-164 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 7. Tiruvidajp;, ,_ldur C.D. Blork ]65-178 i. Alphabetical list of villages iL Village Directory Statement 8. Kunlba konam C.D. Block J 79-192 i. ,Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 9. Papanasam CD. SIoel\: 193-202 i. J'Jphabetical tiSl of villages ii. Village Dirertory Statement 10. AmmapeUai CD. Block 203-218 i. Alphabeucallist of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 11. Valangiman CD. Block 219-234 i. '\lphabeUcal list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 12. Thiruvaiyaru C.D. Block i. Alphabetical list of villages 235-248 it Village DirectorY Sta;..;:;t.;:;;em=e:;.:.n.:..:t~ __________________ iv Page No. 13. Budalur C.D. Block 249-260 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 14. Thanjavur C.D. Block i. Alphabetical list of villages 261-276 ii. Village Directory Statement 15. Kodavasal C.D. Block i. Alphabetical list of villages 277-292 ii. Village Directory Statement 16. Koradar:herty C.D. Block 293-306 i. Alphabetical list of villages it. Village Directory St.atement. 17. Nai.1!'l'Jam C.D. Block 307-322 i. Alphabelkallist. of vil1ages ii. Village Directory Statement 18. Thinlma1l1,e;al C.D. Block i. Alphabetical list of villages 323-336 ii. Village Directory Statement. 19. Nagappattinam C.D. Block 337-350 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 20. Thiruvarur C.D. Block 351-362 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement 21. Kilvelur C.D. Block 363-372 i. Alphabetical list of villages it Village Directory Statement 22. N1'd amangalam C.D. Block i. Alphabetical list of villages 373-384 ii-. Villag~ Dire€tsTY Stat@ffi@flt v Page No. 23. Manllargudi C.D. Block 385-400 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement. 24. Kottur C.D. Block 401-414 i. Alphabetical list of villages i1 Village Directory Statement. 25. Orattanadu C. D. Block 415-430 L Alphabetical list or villages ii. Village DIrectory Statement. 26. ThinlVonam CD. Block 431-440 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement. 27. TiIUtturaippundi C.D. Block 441-452 i. Alphabetical list of villages it Village Directory Statement. 28. Muttupe( C.D. Block 453-;462 i. Alphabetieallist of villages ii. Village Directory Statement. 29. Talanayar C.D. Block 463-472 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement. 30. Vedaranniyam C.D. Block 473-482 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement. 31. Pattukkottai C.D. Block 483-496 L Alphabetical list of villages H. Village Directory Statement. 32. Madukkur C.D. Block 497-508 i. Alphabetical list of villages .n.- Villag@ Dk€ctmyStatement. Page No. 33. Sethubhavachatram C.D. Block 509-526 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement. .34. Peravurani C.D. Block 527-541 i. Alphabetical list of villages ii. Village Directory Statement. Annexure - Statement showing the C.D.Blocks coming under each 542-543 taluk AppendLx - C.D. Blork Abstract of Educational, Medical and Other 544-555 Amenities Appendix - II Land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns. 556-557 Appendix:- III C.D. Blockwise list ofvillag;es where no amenities are 558 available List of villages according to the proportion of SC / ST to 559-636 the total population by ranges. Sf~ction II - Town Directory 637-638 Note explaining the code used to the Town Directory 639 Statement Status and ~owth History 640-645 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1989 646-651 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1989-90 652-657 Statement IV Civic and other Amenities 1989 558-663 Statement IV-A Civic and other Amenities in notified Slums, 1989 664-683 Statement V Medical, Educational recreational and Cultural facilities, 684-691 1989 Statement VI Trade, Commerce Industry and Banking, 1989 692-695 Appendix Towns showing; their out growths with population 696 FOREWORD Publication ofthe Distlict Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 151 Census and is continuing since then with ome inno vations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable di~tJict level puhlication brought out by the Censlls Organisation 011 behalf of each State Govt. / Union Tenitory admil1istratioll. It inter-alia provides data / infonnatio11 on some ofthe basic demographic and socio-economic charactellstics and on availability of celtain important civic amenities / fhcilities in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has tllUs proved to be ofiJmnense utility to the planners, admiuistrators, academician and researchers. l11e scope ofthe DCH was initially confined to celtain impOltallt censns tables on population, eCOllOmic and socio-cultural aspects as also the plimary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the distlict. TIle DCBs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive accOllllt ofthe TmV11 Direct01ies including PCA. After the 1971 Censlls. two Palts ofthe Distl1ct Cel)SllS Handbooks (palt-A complising Village and TO\vn Direct01ies and Pmt-B c0l11prisingYi11age and Town, (PCA) were released in all the States and Union TenitOlies. Tl'~ third Part (c) of the District Census tables, which was also to he brought ouL could not be published in many StatesiUTs due to considerable delay in compilation ofrelevallt matelial. In 1981, some new features along-with the re~tl1lctU1ing onhe formats ofvillage and Tawil Direct01Y were introduced in the DCHs. TIlese were published in two patts for each vlllage atld Tawil DirectOJies, the PCA o[village and towns (ward­ wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled TIibe peA upto Tehsill town' level were provided in Patt-B. To illustrate, a II tile amenities except electllcity, were brought together in the Yil1age Directory and if an amenity was not available in the refenent village, the distance in broad ranges i1-om the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult, Literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet some ofthe requirements oftile Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, inf01mation on approach to the villitge was also provided for the first time dUling 1981 census in the Y111age Directory so as to give an idea about the number ofill accessible villages in each dis.tJict. In case ofToWl1 DirectOJY also, keeping ill viewtbe requirements ofthe Minimum Needs programme, a Statement IV -A 011 slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums. In tbis statement details on civic and other amenities were rep01ted for the slums of Class I and Class II towns. Apatt f,.om this, one column 011 the Scheduled Ca~1es and Scheduled Tlibes population and another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in Statements IV and Y respectively The manner of presentation of the DCBs for the 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. However, the format ofPC A has beell restructured slightly in the 199 I Census for the benefit of data users. Nine-fold industlial classification ofmain workers has been given as against four-fold industlial classification presented in the 1981 Censlls, In addition to this. the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in peA for the first time with a view to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all IX children below 7 years of age have been treated as illiterates at the time ofthe 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modificationswill help the plannersin chalking out more effective developmental programmes. One ofthe most impOltant innovations in the 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level presentation ofdata in the village directOlY and PCA data at CD. Block level will help the planners in fOlIDulation ofmicro-level developmental plans., as the co. Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning. In order 1m 0) facilitate the task ofadministrators, planners an d researchers intending to use Village DirectOlY I PCA data, either fi-om the magnet tapes/floppies or fi'om thepublihed records, both the computer and mannual codes for each v1Uage have been provided for the 1991 Census along-with the cOlTesponding codes of 1981.
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