

at a ■ i i l * a p « r s PARSONi u s t T j f c , i i RAttWAY ARSOHIW\ INCISE for BA.<’m ?afl, ST. INABSS * b]b4h i u . tE ir s __ WAY TAHB ^ ’aU Itini^. o a jT .t hoi A| R L. ud t/nAf {pr|uisTiNaam}. jI2(^IIABDS * MMTWTT.T: DM **•?- or To ' he' bad of an Re _ rBookacUen, or ofi ^,.. hftb Pablicrun For APRIL.I Pannna, Ltd., 14, Olaremoiit. Price Id. NM. Poet Free Is. 9d. ps] To, ^ . had dr an [JRDAY, APRIL 3, TELEPHONE I. -1m _______ _ _ ;th. U d . ’tenont. Haatiagt. W e are making i x a CLEANING WORK for tHe Laundry, 1:ry US aacl you will remain a Sati: m<3 ^’1 I’l Mrt-oa dlitM f ^ |V * i <*n<^ % E F. 0 A rc fr Y T h e a ’^ e . H a s t in g s . *.j BOl|63X. P a l a c e P ie r , It W ILL, pay you to oUain an ESTIM ATE fro;n C« U Y K E. Udjinscr: jlCBu B. W. BOiniANXii ; | ST. l e o n a E u s . (icbcK .' i Besideot HeaeDer: MK. SuukT. UNpBR ENTIRE!. N'BW Your W ork will bje carried out quickly P H IL $rd. a t 799.i A30 and WHY? K d e c h i ioa (SArtTEDAYi, AKT» EABTKB:'StjOTAtl BROrRIETORS I IP. OLATES K HAsrtocig, 1 of the Bopetb ^jonie^r CAPABLE Men. BEMFOBB HOUSE S jC H O O I TELEPHONE FO B BOYS, ; l f W i 'G r a n d C o n c e r t s . The PRICE will bp M ODERATE; 12,1 QUAKEY TERRACE, 9ftS. le^eatedli Bd PiDdo^ V BSFINOB^ of the Empire, 917. SQme. IB M OKBAY ot ? and A TW1{>E I B A lill SWIMIWINQ PRlXAlrB A pr^red fpr th« Publio 8c FRESH SUPPLIES bi MX ni^t« at 8 ai»l .ix umtinan. a t 54- , SATISFACTION w[ill be A SSURED. ' A ! Oambrj^ Xjooal Examisatioa NDAiTo A FB O i 5 ttt 8k nleb1|a a t and two lOEAKD STAB VAEIETY OOMBIKATIOS. RKISH Preparatory clare to t hope ouder ei^i ! WedBMdar abd Satord^ at 2.SL Great entm oco to Pier. Scats: 2^., Is.* 6d. B l i n d s , l o o s IKS, DRAPERIES. CURTAINS. BjEDDINO RE-MADE, Fnvsto tnitioD hr arraapenrent. Proapec^ aad all par* “ 7 ■ J . A. £ . a£AllA)KE'8 Odib- OPEN DV[tY.I tiraUtfs OD applicaSioa to tho rriacipali. QhAu>4Af.S h'l^OailAN in ! NO CHARtlE FOR PEEB TOIiL j|o w ; Titth HE-UPHOLSTE f e l N G ND r e p a i r s OF FURNITURE, DjECOKATljoNS, ETC. rs Great: ncr— dp daily: ii. ?.30, axMl 7. 0 > c o x , Mi- *“•»>« «W B* »»1 63, LONDON ROAD, LEONARDS. P e t e r have t i r < l y P an Th© Baths been En R<jnovi ted H^OLMWOOB SCH06|L. ASTINGS LEONARDI Eifi jeoottM* with all t t e 'o r i s i i ^ drm |r efleetA.' NORMAN BOAl> WESLEY* GUILD. and Re-d< !Corated T l n ugl put. INVALID FUB NITURE, GOODS ON HIRE. open 7.1S. Commenke 7 .45. rioee: 2a.. .2%, : BEXHIHrOKSBA. • I ^ Mkd «d Tel 517.' WKD.VEBDAY. APEIL. 7lb. Hsiidmawter: ilB. A. F. BBTAN,I B.A.JP.A., .UIntjer.. Load.. An Illiintr^ ted B ipklet, ' ALL .VBCHjT 1 Areisted br a Strons 8taB Of Bcpst4stered H r e a t ' G u i l d J R a l iIy T • ■ Masters. ■ BATHS. to be had on apppipati|ph to 6 XiREPABATlON for the Uaiper^dM. ^feoMoOa, o Y ^ L C in e m a I ) e i RAKS0M E9, rfl 4d KOEWAN EQAB WESLEYAK CHCjlCa S Iu n a g c T . •ITi Pahlia j Beboois. etc. Special iitention aiTen L to. Suppl cd® at to ICodefa LaacaaRefi. Chemical and Fhreicfd' ■ - -Laboia- ! ; I EEV. FEANK COX, j "nda ia its own^ (8ATITBJDA71. UlST 1 I>AT of Wesley*^ Chapel, London, preaefaimr a t |4 ti-SI. Cutters and teoleplal r ' ■ I ^jotWineI on " T H E HOLY GBAIL," at| L it. Machines- thj>ronghl; iIkcit: of .iLs ZDoet 0! AITTBACTIWB F(^1C E4S1TEB. Send PU. to 1st Sunu Bifa! EaruwtrA ''' >«re i<ivep 9M0 repaired. oa ippUottii"*' ' Q iieetei!^ dtflteH IlCliES-wlNTE^ iflimATf. TOT^DATz I dAT L a 'WZDRBSDA't-' a n ; n B . F. B. LEW IS, ta p so tltd by W*)!! <milreite In a l a iste ta hie"to' 887.' 1 ' J!^**«"* m lAe rafted , or trie * Aitels, &( I ®'’^Ne^Crlatuo 1 la «»r .<ki ni ■DodiaeiteReffc'" T«,|at> ASO. B i oofy, BiMhw ' ’ of AtM fOC giactePBWMiua . ... m tum m m H,IL o’liONDbN. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS AND HOT M w Iu W in . A tn^attw r 550 of thi* m o 5 t^ ^ ™ » ------- jfc**gte6; I ■ lAL 0'L0inX)R.!O-LqXDOR.i WATER ^EA'nNG ST. LEORiBBS COLIEGlil^ SCHOOL. LONDON. AND SUPPLY SPfXlI a iS T S , ; ELLEN8LEA BOAja M L O I aONBOK. CH U RCH • IN - T H E - WOOD, HIGH OTRBET. F « r 6/6 •' ■\ tk isina ' 1 nOLLINUTOKV nrnlOBouoM preparation f o r p u b l i c nindoii Fdm 0000* 17, X EXAjqNATIONS. O.d EateM te^Vtry B«c 3$0 H0LLAN0 BUI P o s tp a id . TwebstO and Uoncln dmi m i 'ON HOT |)L. r e t f oL H ijd ^ t Relrrences. Large Cove -cd Oynuresf i B^TSTOlfK CX>] r. ip Oppeeite Sts! too. ietorfa, and V BacMOtiOB O n an d . fiva aerre. Special i.tten tlo n to '• <n'' P ar vr.fifiiemi-.ifi felfie. In.uciti'b U la Underyiound Eleettiq, Bailway, glri i( ac<eM in l i e ^ and btefewanl boys. S a tire C hirsa of Indian rtter kittd atte rtfen f» the feitowite Dnti «ka qoarter of be prwe to ke^ thmu- ■ M a n .;: miaotes to alt partaHof Lotiaoa amK Ii~ SQQabi^bs, B a&4 Colonial I ChlMreo. ~ IMdt Ua Jo u r T h e jP R b P E B i [E a s t e r D a y S e r v ic e s , ham Painty, Weitmias^ OathedfuI. Boi[on Mas. of- li. cordca aod .in ke r.joiB for -,-n r fkmd beat^rii tofelp' u|i] fiacmgJiZt znent, 8t. Jaxu^ OrcEoand Hy<le 3 irk. 'icoadil RD( HENRY KING, jL ap. THZ rBOPBBTT 8,0.1 CHOBAL OElJ.BEA’nOK. n ins* i L a e s . PBpj'EBTf^ WAR. ObarmioR C ro^ Berant. Street, and '|in d ]» l SboLr- HTINB. Heed _ ■Mr. Wallace H . Kinir.' B.Sc (Iioad.). Price list: (Orders Irom lOi akb uoly petmy ’bnis ride, CiitT 12 miaaU‘8 b j 0 e(uiG llai i' Aeki^ed by Efficiect Staff of Riiadcit aod Vieitiss s . and h.o MA'rtNS " COMMITNIOK, 'Magtere. - F ' )r And 'u id cW bdy. With ISEBMUK by. THE EECTOE. B R I T I S B [ & CQLCNIAL FLAGS; 8 0 FLAGS t**®" Apanaii<v dp OwCr vory bfwtjuur.»^ W l»ri lOOO b OTEL if wen>SD]>olntei •ttaobed to the 8nd Home Cbantieif v2 S * in lO-aarefifl var V? :<■ 3ft 10b;! I ih tfo parte* “ the COKSDLATIOK OF IlECOClNlTIOK an<t _ Field Arti^ry. ' fl rreid , Anoai’jtm novktY APpn* ®* X (IRedroti ns. froj i 2a. 6a.). 17 s Pri ijrfaions Ilk,:! OF ALL | NAH »NS.-- & nO; ; i.30 RyEXSONd. etc., txsed. are trcaa tho Proprietor s F a ia in >nei ■ rwiiSteiSfI^^azQM, ^ ^Paapuml Cnptidlaj-I L xl»p»irwnmt. Due^,.gr«iifubSrt' I w- laov. shire, and ithe Vaeua n Co.’s Macht ..'i< Ty a install U.Oa V'’ i “ | i^ 1NE F A p O MS Siwict:! “ THE EYEKIKO of the FIRST EASTEB S U P E R I O R Q UALITY & FflNlSH STROr|lGL\f L^ADE. Ceoiim ra spleuitd iiwrieil •TJjrirlrt iL 1 0 D | e p . ” ttie pTMnlsn by whk b sU dost is (OkOi^ '^aHy rt«ay-ffbTrei‘d cr iko;.;; the rooiBs. Telephone 391 Victoria lln jHsofiion. ___ ' . V- doa: ^ for km$^ fltey. Ta_ .. ifl on appltca iaiu Idecrazii; REPA IRS A SPEC! LITY 7“**W.Oa»*e«iw: , white liyAnr*!.. • 2.3T2.80 to iWA F*4oae:i Id. 9a: 64. No O RITEBSITI SCHOOL. HAStlRGS. l o c o c v ^ iistevayi, ‘< tje hardy D o x iJ la adiiaioo. Those 9& TiJLito. London. 100 . bookkeaoklDC Bcalta DE FbR SFECLAL F|a.G S AN: i2 *• ^ Giant l^anfiie Diwn .ikmlrtO I 4^ 100 Tea ikee. T0-M<)BE0W. EASTEE SUNDAY. <IU0TAT10NS 1 A D V E R 'n s :E M E N T : j a n k e r s . l*jf, k___ iGwmaniai i. exoeTiiir vHhetr V m LiHum BperaMom, white, pink. x«l lor ,l»;i 30QBU . P rineipal: X C- A LEX A N D ER BCljLNE. B.A. nn\c-l doe. ; IflO ■itejLINGTBK SQUABE. BAPTIST CHUBCH. Lillnm T igriram . < tto iKpuler “ 'Dire: L 1 Aasiated by MontbrBtia.4, i o exoclleot lo : w ittier. l/> Aom.;i 100 BRANSON’S HOI Slif. h a r r y b u t l e r RESIDENT UNIVERSITY GRAbUATES. Ucrher«ou.o 1 omeuea Chiu,* w3<, »pl«xdi<l !/• 100 8’i* ‘im 'Oil sated PoppM* , pepoten' i 8/6 doc. ?8 V i joff T h e a t r S.

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