SMITH'S PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA CHARLES W. SMITI-I'S PACIFIC NORTHWEST AMERICANA A CHECK LIST OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST EDITION 3, REVISED AND EXTENDED BY ISABEL MAYHEW OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BINFORDS Sc MORT, Publishers, PORTLAND, OREGON 1950 FOREWORD IN April 1908, Charles W. Smith, Assistant Librarian of the University of Washington, was induced by fellow librarians to prepare a co-operative check list of books and pamphlets relating to the Pacific Northwest and available in librar- ies of the region. A plan was agreed upon whereby each library furnished a card list of its holdings to Mr. Smith, who as compiler codified the records and edited the resultant union list. The volume was published in 1909 by the Washington State Library under the title, Check-List of Books and Pamphlets Relating to the History of the Pacific Northwest to be Found in Representative Libraries of That Region. The title indicates clearly that the intention of the compiler and his collaborators was to prepare a list of actual holdings and not a comprehensive bibliography. Twelve years later, most of the libraries had grown in stature and their hold- ings of Pacific Northwest Americana had more than trebled.It was time to prepare a second edition, revised and enlarged, and one might even say consider- ably improved for the librarians of the region had learned much about biblio- graphy in more than a decade of growth and experience. Ihis edition, bearing the short title, Pacific Northwest Americana, was published in 1921. Eighteen libraries co-operated in its preparation. The work became a popular and valued reference book and other libraries evinced an interest in being included in any future edition which might appear. Consequently, many libraries of the Pacific Northwest entered into an agreement to report regularly to the Bibliography Committee of the Pacific Northwest Library Association future additions to their holdings of Pacific Northwest Americana. Since 1921 there has been a tremendous increase in the number of Pacific Northwest titles published and, as the libraries of the region have been better off financially, the resources of the region have grown geometrically. The desirability of an up-to-date check list has been indicated for the past ten yeals; edition two is out of print, and the thousands of new library acquisitions deserve record- ing in a union list. Early in 1948 Isabel Mayhew of the Reference Division of the University of Washington was appointed editor of a third edition of the Check List.Her manuscript is a complete revision and the additions reflect not only new imprints dated 1948 and earlier, hut also the resources of many new libraries. In all, thirty-eight institutions have now contributed lists of their holdings. In such a compilation as this union Check List some errors are inevitable. This is due to the fact that it was prepared with the collaboration of many busy librarians and not by electronic robots. In spite of this, we have every right to believe that it will prove to be an invaluable guide to the location of more than 11,000 entries.Furthermore, it should prove a boon to book collectors and dealers as well as librarians. This new edition of Pacific Northwest A mericana is a project of the Biblio- graphy Committee of the Pacific Northwest Library Association. The production of a co-operative reference tool such as a union check list entails much work on the part of many people. Acknowledgment is due all librarians who supplied the card entries from the thirty-eight participating libraries.Without their whole-hearted support, the union check list simply would not exist today. Isabel Mayhew devoted almost two years to the meticulous work of editing and preparing the manuscript. J. Ronald Todd, Curator of the Pacific Northwest Collection at the University of Washington, has been largely responsible for the maintenance of the expanding union catalog of Pacific Northwest resources from which the check list entries were drawn. He has also taken a lively part in fostering the work of the Editor. To the extent that the Check List is good, we are indebted to Charles W. Smith, compiler of the first two editions, who has guided the cumulation of manuscript entries for the third. What is more, he has examined the new manuscript searchingly. On the basis of his knowledge of Pacific Northwest Americana, it has been possible to winnow out many in- appropriate entries that otherwise might have found their way into the final draft. In the fall of i949, the Executive Board of the Pacific Northwest Library As- sociation endorsed the publication of the third edition, and agreed to sponsor its publication by the Oregon Historical Society. A debt of gratitude to this Society should be acknowledged.Its Superintendent, Lancaster Pollard, made an early publication possible. His enthusiastic willingness to publish the Check List and his skill in producing an attractive volume are much appreciated. Inez Haskell, Librarian of the Society, has also done much to augment the manuscript by supplying additional entries and bibliographical information essential toa well edited book. Finally, a word of thanks to the authors of books about the Pacific Northwest. Their enterprise has made a new Check List of Pacific Northwest Americana essential and its contents of interest to everyone who appreciates the growth and development of Western United States and Canada. HARRY C. BAUER Chairman, Bibliography Committee Pacific Northwest Library Association 3 july 1950 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION THE third edition of the Smith Check List, Pacific Northwest Americana, is based directly on the second edition (1921) which has been enlarged and ex- tended to and including the year 1948. Both editions were sponsored by the Bibliography Committee of the Pacific Northwest Library Association. The present edition shows in one volume the library regional resources of the area now served by the Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Center. Included within the area are the states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington; together with British Columbia, Alaska, and the Yukon. To (1u()te from the preface to the second edition, "The word history [as it appears in the subtitle] has been used in the broadest sense including a wide range of literature bearing upon the region." Furthermore, certain regional imprints have been arbitrarily included as have certain general works written by regional authors. In order to keep the present edition within hounds, certain criteria have been established to govern content thus excluding whole classes of material, regardless of rarity or historical importance.For example, the second edition included "some few state and federal documents of rarity and inlpOrtal1ceandreprints and excerpts from magazines, when of historical importance." Ihe third edition includes no documents, reprints, or excerpts because itis felt that these are covered by standard lists and indexes. Following is the list of material excluded: Broadsides, Chamber of Commerce publications, clippings, directories, documents (federal, state and local), excerpts from periodicals and books, manuscripts, maps, periodicals, reprints from periodicals, scrapbooks, and general works with only parts or sections pertaining to the Pacific Northwest. Books or pamphlets published as special numbers of periodicals have been includedifthey are devoted entirely to one Pacific Northwest subject. Imprints later than 1948 have not been included. Pacific Northwest Americana is a union list of holdings of 38 retjresentative libraries of the region, not a comprehensive bibliography of imprints. Conse- quently, no attempt has been made to check publishers' catalogues or other printed sources of information in order to assure coverage of all items relating to the region. If a title is not contained in one or more of the participating libraries, it is not included in the Check List, no matter how rare or important it may be. The "Key to co-operating libraries" lists the symbols which are used to show the locations of each item unless seven or more libraries have a particular book, in which case the word "Many" is used. Obviously, the full strength of the co- operating libraries cannot be accurately guaged by the Check List because of excluded classes listed above, because most libraries have arrearages in catal- oging, and because entries for the third edition were closed on July 1, 1949 when final editing began. It was the original intention of the Bibliography Committee to submit manuscript copies of the Check List to the contributing libraries in order that they might check their own holdings and thereby greatly increase the accuracy of the list. This proved inexpedient because of the time inolved and the prohibitive cost of issuing the volume under such conditions. ISABLI\JAY1-IE\V July 3, 1950 KEY TO CO-OPERATING LIBRARIES CV Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, B. C. CVic Victoria Public Library, Victoria, B, C. CVicAr Provincial Archives, Victoria, B. C. CVicPr Provincial Library, Victoria, B. C. CVU University of British Colunibia Library, Vancouver, B. C. 1dB Carnegie Public Library, Boise, Idaho IdIf Idaho Falls Public Library, Idaho Falls, Idaho IdP Pocatello Public Library, Pocatcllo, Idaho IdTf Twin Falls Public Library, Twin Falls, Idaho IdU University of Idaho Library, Moscow, Idaho IdUSB University of Idaho Southern Branch (now Idaho State College) Library, Pocatello, Idaho MtBozC Montana State College Library, Bozernan, Mont. MtHi Historical Society of Montana, Helena, Mont. MtU University of Montana Library, Missoula, Mont. MtUM Montana School of Mines, Butte, Mont. Or Oregon State Library, Salem, Or. OrCS Oregon State College Library, Corvallis, Or. OrAshS Southern Oregon College of Education, Ashland, Or. OrHi Oregon Historical Society, Portland, Or. OrLgE Eastern Oregon College of Education, La Grande, Or. OrMonO Oregon College of Education, Monmouth, Or. OrP Library Association of Portland, Portland, Or.
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