-WwVv.inagicvcvaHey.com • . -1..••• ■■ ■JJM F ■ 2 6 2 7 f l ■ _ _ T 1 X m li l W ^ f e v iVS fTwin Falls,, I<Idaho/98th year, N o . 2 7 0 .Saturirday, September 227,2003 .5.0 rents ■ 6 0 0 PM ORNING0 i J n t Wal a h o W f t A l H E R re s t w( ^ e l l f un d s c; o n t mmmai ' 1^ . Tod,oday: Clear . _ Dday an d it health officiaia l s s a y t h e r e ’ss no im m ediaiate health riskk from INEELL s i t e P 9)verty ^ oni^t, high # s 8, low 56. Byierai dais said FViday deep ancUld is about 300 feet northth held in U undergrourund tank.*: at Page A2 Thne»* But the discovery highlightshi the of the si:site!s tank farm, said Jeff:ff INTEC - die tank fararm. Most of | ^ 1 1 — imponance of moninitoring and Forbes,5, an INEEL hydrologist.5t. the waste has been rur ites iVm FALLS - A new te st wellreli deaning up Cold Warar-era nudear Technedicdum-99 was detected. It is the taiiks, but about 11: million gal- M a g i c V a1 i ^ .i L E Y che Idaho National[lal waste contaminadonn at the site. a byprododuct of spent nudear fuelel Ions of liquid and slud ineering and Environmentaltal INEEL near Idaho Fhlhfh sits above reprocessessing In the past, leaks in iLlS’Stai e ; c i o Let the race begin:In: E ight wiu natoiy detected levels of' a the Eastem Snake )River Plain INEELEL sdentists don't* expcctct lines contaminated thehe soil. State abilizeI c o m p e te for tw o seiseats on the ladioac»ctivc element two to three•cc Aquifer, which suppliilies water 10 to sec! eelevated levels of tech-h- and U.S. Departmentu of Energy ' TWin Falls City Cou^undl, while dmcis a an- much of southem :Idaho. The nedum-9'1-99 spread beyond tankik offidals say the tanks,s 1diems'elvcs ! . one incumbent willwll ru n unop- s. aquifer empdes into10 the Snake f<|rm bouotmdaries, he said, have never leaked. Across,ss nation,1 numbers ^ T hlere e n is not an immediateIte River.' Radioaioactive liquid waste from 1 p o sed . lh risk, federal and sta te offi-ffi- The test well is abobout spo feet the reproirocessing of spent fuel wasS Please see INENEEL. Page A6 in p o vverty e t increa.se a bit PageA 4 The A»»oclalaclated Press________ M o n u y E - 'Hie percentage of 1 uer b o , s e - 'Slack' compensatitatlon: How SI' k e p t i c ]r e t u r n !IS f r o m w a r aa b e l i e \" . Idaho residiesidents living in poverty _________• hits slowvly ly (d c d in e d o v e r t h e p a s t do K etchum an d SuSun Valley three lears wliile the avenigc keep the dollars floflowing income ihcruase<i sli(^itly. I b e tw e e n busy seascasons? according'tliK*t» Census iiiireati fi^- Page B7 s ththe luitiiiil. m eaiiwiiile. , poverty rose for a m'CoiicI str.iiKht R h n (; i ()N' year 2002 a s 1.7 million more people dro])Iropped below the poverty •p<jvertynuep<)\ w is 12,1 (>er- cent it y<year, a n in c r e a s e ft'oin 11.7 percenic e n t in 2(X)1 e v e n thouf^li (lie <t' recession ended in t f er2(X)l.-niat meaiii near- •V nillion |>eoplc wci'e liviiij: 1.V- ; th e tw«i y e a r s o f in i re a s e . poverty, h a d fallen f<»r n e a r ly a ■' V.;- 10 11..? i> e a e n i in 2«H)0. its - ;vel ill more than 2H yeais. 11 estimates show ed |H)ver- A missions festival iand more: ty iisud significantly for sev- Inflatable toys, intriitriguing jtienls of the [lopulaiion sp e a k e rs - H eritagIge e Alliance lid h^- cinicial in th e 2(X)-> is planningii big weweekend. presideiiiialitial election: blacks, mar- Page C l iiples. siihiirhaniies and ■ ' ' € - ]H.-ople n (IIIllie Midwesi, • The hurtItiireaii .011 l-'ii<lay^ also __________ S p o r t s I a r,r peri'eni tletliiie 111 median lioiiselinUI income Kick offi R aft R iv er at between.2(H)Iaiid2002ioS-t2.-t()*). 2(H) M ack ay h ead lin es5 a after ;cimntiiiK for iiiflaiioii. / F rid ay o f high schootool football. Income Icvelevels had risen ihioiij-li must ofthehel'I'IDv.theii I wetell.ti in Page B l I ■ Idaho'ss jxixiveriy r.ite teiiiaiiie<l______ _ illxiut C-Vi'lli'll wiUiV ilie iiiiiiotial avet ~^C aviiN G UPI Idaho's me<li,in aveni/.;*' * ivas slill f a r l o w e r - r 11.!^ \ |>erceiil lessles.'f - ihan ilie naiii)ii.il ■ cwr MTI*nei.-iM nm*jw« aver.iKe. U.S. Marilarine Corps Cpi, Derek Ber<sonon hugsh family friend Debbie Var'anCastoren during a party wewelcoming Benson home fromm tho1 war In Iraq Thursday at: tlthe ' All Idiiluiiliii ia d v o ca te l o r th e p o o r I KemageiBe Alllanea Church In Twin Falls.ills. Jessica VanCasteren, left, aiand father Jim wait their turnurn to greet Benson. said he diivsiiiiesn'l believe the pover- . • ty si;itisticsicsacciir.itely a lel'leci real I on llie e x p e r ie n c e o l 'o u r Dcal Mari]ine says ]Iraqis we'elcomed1 U.S. tro()0ps s. I'm surprised." said 1 L - Sam Blair,lir, a<1 C M iiim iinity a c tiv is t . ; with the IdalioIdal Community Action By Troyy FosterF P C 51C Neiwork.. ““’nie n e\j>ericnce of hiw Tlme»N>■News writer _________ Soldier die a o u„j ,njj,|]yllie incomei people in our Idaho Maririne finds ap|ppreoiatlve I state is tliatlial they are really stnifi- TWININ FALLS - As the shy, well- ____ Job hunting violence flil a i M i J •niu-iie^v.fi, lg ••• - - - . -dressed-:d-Marine_stood.t}cforc “a . Iraqis a']w ay-from BsJaghdad------- ares • M.fiBuie.s.repcn-l-thul-11.8---------------- packed full of transfixed IK-rcent (ifif IdIdalid's p o p u la tio n w;l^i * ... o r looking for a <*ange?ch <ers, he blushed. .Q * living at the poverty level in the Find out about the S across Irac J Southem Tlie «welcoming parry asscm-J- f T h e .Sunni I riiiniilr \ ^ years bctwe.•tween 2(H)0-2002. That Id a h o C areer Fair. bled bcibefore the fresh-faced. 21- itor ol Soddom’s powor ' ^ The Associated Pregg equates tu10 a]a p p n ix im u te ly I!;h,(XK) Sunday Int_ ycar-oldId was expecting some sortT s tport tMforo mo war. this ofoa " “r" ■ ---------------people. of speedech - maybe a story o r two° ho/boonn ttho most contontlous ond dangiingorous BAQOUBA, Iraq -- Attackers; < I”poverty rate ranked The TImes-NeNews .that couiould offer insight into the so^ion 01ol Iraq sineo mo)or eombat ondod ambushed a U.S. militailajyveliicle 22nd amonging tthe states. Kegionidly. simadonon unfolding in Iraq, with a rocket-propelleded erenade Oregon and Washington sc<in;d •‘Whai'lai's the real story on theu / in the north- — about theI siiisiime. M ontana's jxiver- peoplei over01 there?" a man finallyy ern city of Coa tyrotewiishiIS higlier; U ta h . W yom inK I N D K X , asked, s{spitdng OUI tlie question1 f • ■ Kirkuk. >alltl0n and Nevjidaida w^ ere a ll lo w e r on the• nminds of many HeritageC ^ ' denil poverty threshold d killing a sol- partne Classified .C6-20 Moviejv ie s ___ A7 ^ a n cce c Church members attend-I- ^ . JL i ned nil a sliding scale lerek Benson’s welcome-, dependinsiR 01on numl>er of seniors. ' C o m ic s------ 04 Naiiof"-■ ■ •A 3 .7 woundi:^ COmp€sensation party Thursday two others. _ adults andnil d1 iild re n living; in a i' Community .C5 Obiluciluaries . .A5 “Theyey ’were probably the happi- officials Siiid - B 6 h o u se h o ldd. FlF or e x a m p le , fo r a fo u r- .! Crossword .B6 Opinioinion ___A8 est peoeople I've ever seen.” ^ A dI D l i w a n i y ^ Friday. More ------r—--------------- I>erson familunily with two diildivn red tiie corporal, a 2000 ; years old, the jxaverty . Dear Abby . .B6 Religic U.N. employees left InIraq, a day '"'‘'f >* "8"'’ - fl issssirly Higii School graduate Kimberiy High School graduategn Oorok ^ n s o n . leral Kofi level was calculated to lx;S18,2-«4. Horoscope .B6 Sport!orts . .81-5 recently : after Sccretary-Genei ly back from an eight- who wasstationod InAdAd Diwaniyah aftty com bat Annan slushed thue already . llie mediaudian household income L.M. Boyd. ...B6 Weattirather . .A2 month toitour in Iruq. jff in Idaho o\'erm'er the past three yeai-s ondod. says this aroa hah a s be en vory p o ^ l u l . diminished foreign stafi Magic Valley .A4 Westst A5^ The stcstories Benson tell offer a r ■ r ranked 3Hih:Hth higlie.st a m o n g th e nd glimpse into the compli- Iraqis showing suppIpport artd approciQtl(U In the holy city o H finjthand mourners buried AqvSuira“'a ■ ;i«,r>13 p e r h o u s e h o ld .
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