School of Graduate Studies – Graduate Transfer Agreement University of New Brunswick PO Box 4400 Sir Howard Douglas Hall, Room 318 Fredericton NB, E3B 5A3, Canada [email protected] Student Name: Student ID#: Program: Residency: Purpose of Visit: Coursework Research Has permission to take the following at _________________________________________________________________________________ Course Number Course Title Fees (host completes) Credits Term Year Has the applicant ever taken advantage of this or related transfer agreements? Yes No This request form originates at the Home institution, usually at the department level. The department completes, signs and forwards an electronic copy to the School of Graduate Studies for approval and signature. The form is then forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies at the Host institution to arrange final departmental approval. A copy of the completed form (with all required signatures) is to be sent to the home institution. The Host institution will retain the original document. ======================================================================================================================== Home Institution ___________________________ ________________ ____________________________ ______________ Signature (Department) Date Signature (Dean/Office of Grad Studies) Date ======================================================================================================================== Host Institution ___________________________ ________________ ____________________________ ______________ Signature (Department) Date Signature (Dean/Office of Grad Studies) Date Note: Emailed copies of this form with the appropriate signatures are acceptable. Required Attachments: Confirmation of enrolment letter confirming current student status Proof of adequate medical coverage Prior to arrival, the student must also complete the Graduate Online Application for the Department they are visiting at https://www.unb.ca/admissions/applying-to-unb/index.html Termsof Reference Purpose TheAgreement is to providestudents in goodstanding enrolled in a graduatedegree or diplomaprogram at a CAGS(Canadian AssociationforGraduate Studies) member university the opportunity toavail themselves ofcourses offered atanother member institution (host)for transfer credit to theprogram at their institution (home). Thedefinition of'home" is the institution inwhich the student applicant is enrolled and is expectedto providethe graduate degree or diploma.The'host' is definedas the institutionat whichcourse credits can be obtainedthat can be countedtoward a degreeor diploma at the home institution. Approval of Applicants The intentof thisAgreement is that suchan arrangementwould prove to be to the mutualadvantage of the hostand home institutions. Whereasthere may be imbalancesapparent within specific programs in the shortterm, whether an institutionserves as eitherhome or host,at an institutionallevel a balancedreciprocity should, at leastin principle,occur in the long run. Studentsapplying to take advantageof thisAgreement would not be requiredto go throughthe normalapplication process associated with beingaccepted as a transferstudent. The only documentation required to processsuch cases would be the singlepage request form. ln otherwords, a student in good standingat any memberinstitution would not requireany additionaldocumentation other than the completedapplication to accesstransfer credit courses at any memberhost institution. Eligibility 1. A studentapplying for considerationunder this Agreement must be in goodstanding at the home institution. 2. Bothhost and home institutionsmust hold membership in CAGS. 3. Coursesapplied for must be deemedintegral to the student'sprogram by the home institution. 4. The Agreementapplies only to graduatelevel courses. 5. The numberof coursestaken under this Agreement can be limitedby the numberof coursesallowed for transfercredit at the home institutionor the numberallowed at the hostinstitution, which ever numberis less. 6. Specialtopic or independentstudies courses involving a singleindividual will normallynot be availableto applicantsunder this Agreement. 7. Where courselimits are in effect,a hostcan givepriority to its own studentswith studentsapplying under the Agreementbeing offeredspaces in classesonly where excess capacity allows. 8. Previousacceptance of an applicationunder this Agreement does not implysubsequent approval of sucha requestby eitherthe homeor host institution. L A proposedhost may refuseto acceptany applicationunder this Agreementwithout providing cause. 10. lncompleteapplications will not be accepted.All of theidentifying information about the applicant requested must be provided,the proposedcourse and timing for enrollingin it needto be defined,and the appropriateauthorizing signatures must be included. 11. This Agreementdoes not haveany bearingon proceduresin placefor transferof a studentfrom a programat one universityto another,nor on applicationfor admissionat a host institution.In thesecases, the usualapplication procedures in placewould prevail. 12. Studentstaking advantage of this Agreement would not be eligiblefor anyform of financialsupport from the hostinstitution, simply by virtueof being enrolledat a hostvia this Agreement. 13. Eithera host or home institutionreserves the rightto specifyadditional conditions not otherwiseoutlined above, provided there is mutualagreement between the homeand hostconcerning these conditions. Where suchconditions are at issuethey should be definedin an accompanyingmemo with agreement indicated by havingthe conditioninitialled by the respectiveDeans of Graduate Studies(or designate). 14. ln the caseof modificationor deletionof anyof the above conditions of eligibility,this would be indicatedby theaddition or crossing out of relevanttext in the terms outlined.Any change(deletion or addition)indicated by the home institutionmust, if agreedto by the host,be initialledby the appropriatesigning authority from the respectiveOffices of GraduateStudies beside those changes wouldconstitute agreement to them.Any changeindicated by a hostdoes not requirethe correspondingagreement of thehome. Fees and Related Study Costs Studentscovered by the Agreementwill paytuition for the courseconcerned and applicableincidental fees at the hostinstitution. lf the host declinesto accepttuition fees, this sectionshould be crossedout and initialledby the signingauthority from GraduateStudies, in whichcase, the home will chargethese fees. Following completion of the course(whether successful, withdrawal, or unsuccessful),it is the student'sresponsibility to arrangefor the provision of a transcriptto the homeuniversity, paying fees currently in etfectfor that service at the host institution.Any costs associatedwith this Agreementare the responsibilityof the student(tuition and relatedfees, living expenses,travel, etc.) NonInterference with RelatedAgreements Theapproval or nonapproval of theAgreement will not interfere with the prerogative of member institutions to develop or continue agreementsof similarscope with other institutions in Canada or elsewhere. RelevantPrecedents Theprecedent for the development of theAgreement derives from a similarone in etfect among members of the Western Canadian Deans of GraduateStudies referred to as theWestern Dean's Agreement (WDA). Related agreements exist in otherparts of thecountry. CAGS / ACEA 199€.
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