
OF PI KAPPA ALPHA SEPTEMBER 1995 The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity presents The 1996 Chapter Presidents Conference An Investment In Our Future! Since 1973, the Chapter Pre idents Conference has educated the presidents of Pi Kappa Alpha's chapters on how to improve chapter performance by teaching them how to become effective leaders, while giving them the personal skills to be successful in life. A three-day leadership conference held every January for chapter presidents, this is by far the most intensive leadership program Pi Kappa Alpha offers. Workshop high­ Lights wiiJ include managing the ru sh program, risk management, membership develop­ ment and leadership training. For an SMC attending the Chapter Presidents Conference, there is only a nominal registration fee of $10, thank to scholarships provided by the Educational Foundation and Risk Awareness Foundation. Presidents are also responsible for travel and lodging. Chapters, hou e corporations and alumni associations are encouraged to help offset these costs to allow every chapter president to attend. Enjoy the magic of Memphis and the hi storic urroundings of the Peabody Hotel at Pi Kappa Alpha's 1996 Chapter President Conference. For more information, call the Pi Kappa Alpha Memorial Headquarters at (901) 748-1868. The 1996 Chapter Presidents Conference January 4-7, 1996 The Peabody Hotel Memphis, Tennessee A program of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. LISTED ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES, THE PEABODY HOTEL FIRST OPENED IN 1869 AND WAS REBUILT ON THE CURRENT SITE IN 1925. FOR OVER A CENTURY, THE PEABODY HAS SET THE STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE AND SERVED AS THE EPITOME OF HOSPITALITY FOR AN ENTIRE REGION. SHIELD&DWIOND FEATURES EXP SIO : ALPH A PSI CHAPTER RECHARTERED AT RUTGER 5 1994-95 FRATERNITY UAL REPORT 8 1995 OFFICERS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY BY N ICK P. LeROY 25 PI KAPPA ALPH A' S SMYTHE CHAPTERS BY JEFREY M. MELETIO 29 1994-95 EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIO A AL REPORT 32 ALUMNUS PROFILE: IT DO ESN'T GET A Y COUNTRlER THAN TH IS BY KEVIN E. YIRTA 48 DEPARTMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK 4 UPDATE 6 DIRECTORY OF CHAPTERS, COLONIES AND ALUMNl ASSOCIATIONS 17 EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIO DONOR ROLL 38 ALUMNI NOTES 52 EWS OF BYGO E DAYS 56 RUSH RECOMMENDATION FORM 62 CHAPTER ETERNAL 63 On the cover: Tim McGra w, a 1986 initiate ofEta Omicron Chapter a/ orth eas/ Louisiana University, has relied upon fraternal brothers and old fashioned values in his rise from country boy to country star. Photo by Daniela Federrici. Story on page 48. Above photo: As th e leaves turn to gold, the brothers of Smyth e-winning Gamma Omicron Chapter will return lo th e beautiful campus of Ohio University. With this issue, Shield & Diamond begins a series off eatures on Pi Kappa Alpha 's Smythe chapters. Photo copyright Ohio Un iversity Graphic Communications. Story on page 29. VOLUME 106 / NUMBER 3 / SEPTEMBER 1995 FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK SIDELD& he campus has come alive, and excitement is in the air. Soon, the leaves of the old oak will shine with th e refreshing hue of Told gold. But now, the new school year brings its own refresh­ ment of opportunity. As we look fo rward, take a moment to read and refl ect on the past DWIOND year. The September Sh ield & Diamond always contains our Annual OF PI KAPPA ALPHA Report. The fo llowing pages provide good perspecti ve as we renew our journey onward and upward . Published by Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity The weeks since !last wrote offered a slight break fro m a travel 8347 West Range Cove schedule that resulted in 29 trips with 41 visits over the last year. I am Memphis, Tennessee 381 25 F. Anderson Morse 90117 48-1868 now re-acquainted with my neighbors, and even began a remodeling (William and Maty, Kevin E. Virta of my house. There was time to be with brothers closer to home ­ Gamma '76) Editor phone calls to Ri chmond with great fri ends like George Ri egel (Wil­ liam and Mary, Gamma '73) and Ralph Stra ub (Ohio State, Alpha Rho Barba ra E. Perkins Ma naging Edito r '61) ; a trip to Camden Yards with J.D. Neary (William and Mary, Gamma '82); and a Saturday pancake breakfast with prospecti ve rushees Flynn and Jack Hyre, along wi th their fa ther Frank Nick LeRoy Jeff Meletio (Wi lliam and Mary, Gamma '75) . Washington gives one the chance to enj oy time with brothers Contributors who visit, like Dr. and Mrs. Jerome V. Reel (Tulane, Eta '57) ; or who intern on Capitol Hill, like Chris Lofft (Arizona, Gamma Delta '92) and Jim Reed (Lo uisville, Kappa Zeta '95). Also, a Sarah B. Pittman Communications Assistant business trip to the West Coast all owed fo r a great dinner with our Southern Cal (Ga mma Eta) chapter broth ers, plus a Californi a Angels baseball game with several alumni and undergrads. Gwen DeShazo Heather L. Huffman I also enj oyed a long overdue reun ion wi th hometown pal Bob Pierson (Miami-Ohio, Delta Sandra H. Newsom Gamma '78) . Congratu lati ons to the Nester Award-winning Greater Los Angeles Area Alumni Proofreading Associati on, and thanks to Golden West Regional President Tony Leoni (Loyola-Marymount, Paige Laughlin Theta Eta '79) for hi s help ! Circulation The summer yielded many significant events for the extended famil y of the Internati onal Raymond L. Orians Fraternity. Executive Vice President Ray Orians (Memphis, Delta Zeta '66) was installed as Executive Vice President president of th e Fraternity Executi ves Associati on, the trade group for all fraternity profession­ 1994-1996 Supreme Council als. Expansion Director Steven S. Vincent (Missouri-Columbia, Alpha Nu '83) expanded hi s official fa mil y by getting marri ed. And the two Supreme Counci l meetings and th e 1995 Offi c­ F. Anderson Morse President ers Leadership Academy were particularl y fruitful. The Coun cil continued its focus on alumni programming. We discussed at length and approved of the progress to date from our outstand­ Michael S. Risk ing alumni task force. And the Council gave vigorous endorsement to several housing initia­ Vice President tives, th e result of much effort by our staff and housing commissioners. John Michael Williams Vi ce President The four-day Leadership Academy is detail ed in this issue. But let me tell you that it provides leadership training to our student and alumni brothers that is second to none. Extensive new Wallace G. Long Ill Vice President sessions were introduced for rush, housing and the chapter advisors. The traveling consul tant staff, led by Max Holland (Georgia Southern, Iota Upsilon '90) and Mark Dziatczak (Wayne Thomas J. Handler State, Delta Nu '9I) performed the finest model initi ati on ceremony that I have ever seen. Plus, Vi ce President our alumni honorees Jack Lucas (High Point, Delta Omega '56) , Pat Hall oran (Nebraska-Omaha, . William A. Ha rrah ill Delta Chi '62) , Dr. Eldridge Roark (Sa mford, Alpha Pi '52) and Dr. Bob Schluter (Northwest­ Undergraduate Vice Presidem ern, Gamma Rho '84) gave stirring inspi rati on that should be long remembered. Emil E. Peters As the fa ll term begi ns, there is much to work and strive fo r. Many undergrads have already Undergraduate Vice President begun to recruit new members. We must never fo rget that th e quality of our brothers - both H. King Buttermore Ill with their character and their standing in the classes - is cri tical to th e establishment of fri end­ Legal Counsel ship on a fi rmer and more lasting basis. Abraham Lincoln had a quote that is fitting: "Things MEMBER may come to those who wai t, but they will be the things left over from those who hustl e." It is COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS ASSOCIATIO N time to get moving. ln doing so, let us recall th e spirit and principles of our Ritual, whi ch should be the key source that nourishes the eternal fl ame of our beloved Fraternity. SHIELD & DI AMON D (ISSN 8750-7536) is an educational journal published by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 8347 West Range Cove, Memph is, TN quarterly in September, December, I hope th at th e fa ll season brings you prosperi ty! May the fl ame of phi phi kappa alpha re­ March and June. Each member receives a copy of the Shield & Diamond. Send correspondence to the same address. Manu ­ main with you always. scripts arc invited, but the publisher will not assume responsi ­ bi lity for the return of unso licited material. Change of address must be reponed prom ptly by gi\'ing full name, chapter, old and Fratern all y, new address. Undergraduate copies are mailed to parents' home address until address change after graduation. Copyright 1995 by Pi KappaAipha Fratern ity. All rights reserved. Second Class postage pai d at Memphis, Tennessee and addi tional mai li ng onices. POSTMASTER: Send address cha nges to SHIELD & DIAMOND, 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38 125 . PRJNTED IN U.S.A. F. Anderson Morse In ternational President 4 SEPTEMBER 1995 Expansion- was both open to and Alpha Psi Chapter ripe for ex pa ns io n. The Headquarters sent Rechartered At Expan ion Con ultant Jeff Brown (So uthern l5 Rutgers University Illinois, Iota Mu '90) and Chapter Consult- "' • ant Brad McLaughlin ~ (O hio, Gamma Omi- cr . ~ e history of Pi Kappa Alpha at Rutgers cron _'89) to campus to a:~ recrUit a group ofsc hol­ University dates back over 80 years.
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