FEATURES:Quenchable Quid* Page 8 SPORTS:Cocks fall to Nicholls State Page 13 CHANTICLEER 1False alarm at Dixon empties dorm I [council candidate I by Benjamin Cunningham Chanticleer Editor in chief lseeks student vote I Residents of Dixon Hall were forced to evacuate their dorm for a little over an hour on Sunday evening as lat SCA meeting I smoke filled the hallways, causing a resident assistant to by Thomas Webb pull the fire alarm, though investigators found no signs of a fire. Chanticleer News writer Lt. Steve Spoon of the Jacksonville Fire Department The SGA's second meeting of the who responded to the fire alarm said most of the smoke year was unexpectedly cut short this may have actually come from a fire extinguisher that was week, due to -a tornado warning. found on the second floor of the dorm, where the smoke Despite the severe weather, the SGA was reportedly the thickest. did manage to get some of their more "Right now it appears there wasn't any fire origin, just pressing business out of the way. an extinguisher, the cloud an extinguisher gives off, and Jacksonville City Council candidate that may have been all that was," Spoon says. "There's Joe Kirkland talked to the SGA and no fire. That's what we saw, every room was checked." students about why he felt they University Police have begun an investigation, and should vote for him in Tuesday's though little has been learned, investigators suspect there runoff election. He cited his experi- may have also been a smoke bomb set off in the dorm. ence and his cooperation with JSU as "The only thing we've determined is that some reasons students should support him. unknown student set off a fire extinguisher and possibly a "I want to be a voice for the students smoke bomb," says Sgt. Rick Tubbs of UPD. on the city council," said Kirkland. "I Sgt. John Mauer of UPD says that no evidence of a don't think you've had a voice in the smoke bomb was found, but that doesn't rule out the the- past." Kirkland also expressed inter- ory in his mind. est in generating further cooperation "I'm speculating, but it's either someone's set off a between the city and the University. smoke bomb and a fire extinguisher- or just a smoke Jama Waller After Kirkland finished speaking, A student? belongings sir across the street from Dixon Hall, which was evac- the minutes of the last meeting were see Dixon page 3 uated Sunday evening because of afire alarm. read and approved. The executive reports were read, although there was little to report. It was announced that Luttrell store offers students another food option allocation forms for organizations by Katrina Oliver Thomas Marriot's Director of Food and "It's good having a place I can go were available in the SGA offices and Chanticleer News writer Education Services. Several locations when I get hungry and it is late," says that progress had been made in the were looked at and Luttrell was in a Tonia. Tiffaney adds that the coupons How do you spell "convenience"? purchase of signs with last year's central area that provided good park- are a good way to let everyone know Marroit spells it "J.W." Casino Night funds. The Marriot ing. It helped that the dorm was not where they are. Shequetha Geathers, J' W"s Dining-sponsored convenience store located On the first being used. Renovations began in J.W.'s clerk, says that a lot of students in Luttrell Hall was mentioned, along floor of Luttrell Hall, opened April of this are buying the Rice Crispies treats, September 3, The store, with plans to possibly add arcade 1996. The store has lots of small items , Rolaids, and paper plates. Frozen din- games, barbecue pits, televisions, intended t' sunplify student life at from film to crackers and cheese with ners and ice cream are also good sell- JSU, is sponsored by Marriot. and sand volleyball courts to Luttrell that infamous red stick. For students ers. Joe Whitmore' in the future. According with a microfridge, frozen entrees are Joe Whitmore says that they are exit- The homecoming theme, "Extra! Director of Institutional Analysis' One available. And for the person on a seri- ed about the grand opening on Oct. 3, individual cannot be credited with the Extra! Read all about it!," was ous budget (or with a death wish) they J- Day. A live remote from J.W.'s idea. explained as honoring former editors even have Spam. Sony , no condoms. withWQEN's Rick and Bubba will be "A survey was taken three years ago of the Mimosa and the Chanticleer. Tiffaney Williams and Tonia Ellis he1 from 12p.m.- 3p.m. J.W.'s is a find an Outlet that enhance have made their second trip to J.W.'s . 1 see SGA page 3 1 resident life," says Noah Rucker, see Store page 3 PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 12,1996 THE CHANTICLEER *The SGA Student Senate meets every Monday night at 6 PM in the TMB auditorium on the 3RD floor of the TMB. Everyone is encouraged and welcome to attend. *The Student Activities CounciI meets every Monday at 3 PM in the Candidates take stands on education Student Activities office on the 4TH floor of the TMB. Students are encouraged and welcome to attend. by Jenny Ford college cheaper for average Americans and *The SGA executive board meets every Tuesday at 3 PM in the Student Chanticleer News writer easier to access. Families can choose Activities office on the 4TH floor of the TMB. Students are encouraged and welcome to attend. It's coming this November whether we are between two options: a $1,500-a-year tuition *"Terrorism." The Sociology Club and LAE Club will be meeting ready or not. That's right, the Presidential tax cut for the first two years of college or a Thursday, Sept. 19th at 2:30 pm in 141 Brewer Hall. The speaker will be Election is approaching. There has been a $10,000 tax deduction for college tuition. Mr. Peter Symonds. The Sociology Club will have an organizational great deal of talk from all three parties (Yes, meeting afterwards. All students are welcome. the Reform Party does count) about what they Dole *The Zeta Sigma Nu Mountian Bike Club meets every Wednesday night at 9:30, on the back porch of Weatherly Hall. Everyone with an interest in will do when their candidate takes office in Bob Dole voted against creating the cycling is welcome. For more information, please call 435-0881. January. For the next few weeks the Department of Education as a US Senator and *The JSU Writer's Club will be meeting Wednesday, September 18th at Chanticleer will report on each candidate's would abolish it if elected. The Republican 4:OOpm on the 7th floor of the Houston Cole Library. ~n~ interested stu- announced platform for a particluar issue. platform also calls for an end to the federal dents are invited to attend. Most information will be gathered from can- Direct Loan program. Dole believes schools -The Birmingham Area Metro Chapter of the JSU Alumni Association will hold a pre-game tailgate party on Saturday, September 21 at Legion didate's sites on the Internet's World Wide should be run by the states alone, with only Field in the eastside parking lot (outside gates 12 and 13). The party will Web. This week's issue, education, is one certain programs such as civil rights and spe- start at 12:30 pm and end at 6:OO. This event is open to students, alumni, issue that is important to all of us as students. cial education being left under federal con- and supporters of JSU. Entertainment will be provided by JAMM Audio. To be fair we will begin with a different can- trol. Dole also supports public school choice. The party is B.Y.0.B.- (Bring Your Own Basket.) didate each week. That way, everyone will He supports an amendment allowing volun- *The University Danball Alliance will hold a meeting for students inter- tary school prayer. Dole also feels that public ested in the sport at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 25 on the third floor of get the chance to be first. This week we begin the TMB. Anyone intersted in learning about the game is invited to attend. with President Bill Clinton. schools should teach only in English and stop The four UDA teams will be accepting new members. the practice of multi-lingual education. Clinton As for higher education, according to a story According to the CNN/Time All Politics by the College Press Service, Dole wants to Page (www.allpolitics.com), President allow low and middle-income taxpayers to Clinton supports national standards for edu- deduct the interest on student loans. He also cation along with charter schools and public would allow parents to set up tax-sheltered school choice. He opposes school vouchers accounts to save for their children's college education. -9-9-96 Cheryl Lynn Slater reported theft of property at Forney Hall. given to parents for the amount of their tax One Fast Track II was stolen. money used to pay for public schools so they -9-10-96 Zachary David Morris, 24, of Guntersville, AL was arrested may pay tuition for a private school. Perot and charged with DUI at Beck Circle and Pelham. In higher education Clinton has made his The Perot '96 Home Page says that the can- -9-11-96 Dennis Evan Conner, 19, of Carol, GA was arrested and stand clear.
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