Western Field Ornithologists Southward and downslope extensions of breeding ranges of birds in southern California Philip Unitt1,* and Lori Hargrove1 Abstract: Range changes that appear contrary to predictions based on climate warming deserve examination for any shared factors opposing the general trend. Of the ~273 species of native birds currently or historically nesting regularly in southern California, there is, in the historic record, some level of evidence for a southward or downslope range extension in 52. A few apparent extensions may be illusory, based on more thorough exploration since the mid-20th century, but the great majority represent actual changes. These range from minor, involving only a few pairs at a few localized sites, to extensive, as in the cases of the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis), Pacific-slope Flycatcher (Empidonax difficilis), American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana), American Robin (Turdus migratorius), and Orange-crowned Warbler (Oreothlypis celata). Some expansions began as early as the 1930s (American Robin, Orange-crowned Warbler), whereas others, such as that of the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis), have gained momentum only in the 21st century. Roughly half of the species with expanding ranges are associated with coniferous forest or other montane habitats. Some of these expansions may be associated with the increasing density of California’s forests where not burned or logged, but others are by montane species that use shrubby habitats or open forest. Eighteen of the species with expanding ranges are associated with water, capitalizing on the many reservoirs, sewage ponds, and other water bodies created for importation, management, and control of water in southern California. Ten species exploit the urban habitat that now pervades southern California, but most of these have spread in natural or lightly modified habitat as well. We conclude that habitat modifica- tions have been a leading force driving southward and downslope range expansions of birds in southern California. Keywords: adaptation, aquatic, distribution, expansion, forest, urbanization n a period of a warming climate, the general and complex interactions that may give rise to Iexpectation is that ranges of organisms in the them deserve consideration (Lenoir et al. 2010, Northern Hemisphere should be tending to shift Lenoir and Svenning 2015). In the Sierra Nevada, northward and upslope, and such changes have for example, Tingley et al. (2012) reported the now been documented across a wide variety of number of species spreading downslope to be not taxa (e.g., Parmesan and Yohe 2003, Root et al. significantly different from the number spreading 2003, Chen et al. 2011). Because of the likeli- upslope. Many factors other than temperature tol- hood that climate change will revolutionize the erance or preference govern species’ distributions. Earth’s ecology, many studies have investigated In southern California, since the beginning organisms’ responses to this change—over 22,000 of colonization by the Spanish in 1769, habitat scientific papers have addressed the subject of cli- changes owing to urbanization, agriculture, live- mate change and birds, according to Zuckerberg stock grazing, irrigation, water extraction and (2017). In North America, as elsewhere, studies importation, invasive species, and changing fire of bird distribution over time have identified regimes, among other factors, have been pro- many changes conforming to expectations (e.g., found. Therefore, changes in bird distributions in Hitch and Leberg 2007, La Sorte and Thompson southern California may be expected to be com- 2007). Nevertheless, southward and downslope plex and diverse, compounded by the diversity of shifts are also occurring, and the local mechanisms the region’s topography (Figure 1) and habitats. Full citation: Unitt, P., and Hargrove, L. 2018. Southward and downslope extensions of breeding ranges of birds in southern California, in Trends and traditions: Avifaunal change in western North America (W. D. Shuford, R. E. Gill Jr., and C. M. Handel, eds.), pp. 85–115. Studies of Western Birds 3. Western Field Ornithologists, Camarillo, CA; doi 10.21199/SWB3.4. 1San Diego Natural History Museum, P. O. Box 121390, San Diego, California 92112-1390; *corresponding author: [email protected] 85 Studies of Western Birds No. 3 FIGURE 1. Major geographic features of southern California. Many range changes, of all types possible, are southern California over the past century. Many known in southern California. But southward and of these extensions are well known and previ- downslope expansions are of particular interest ously described in the literature, yet they have not since they run counter to the general expectation been viewed as manifestations of a broader pat- under climate warming. Erickson et al. (2018) con- tern. Birds’ ranges may ebb and flow with cycles sidered the number of southward shifts in southern of rain and drought, expand with adaptation to California disproportionately high in comparison to environmental changes, contract as invasive brood other regions of California and the Baja California parasites such as the Brown-headed Cowbird peninsula. They did not assess elevational shifts, (Molothrus ater) reduce nest success, or change in but, including winter ranges, they considered 19 response to many other possible factors. If these southward extensions in southern California to extensions apparent in the historical record likely represent real expansions, as compared to 47 expan- represent actual range expansions rather than arti- sions northward, 23 contractions northward, and 5 facts of accumulation of more detailed knowledge contractions southward. Therefore, as southward arising from more thorough exploration over the range expansions constitute a substantial fraction decades, it is worth considering the factors these of all range changes, we believe they merit exami- species have in common. These factors may suggest nation in some detail, as do downslope expansions. ecological forces preceding the effects of climate Note the semantic distinction between a range warming and possibly still acting to oppose them. extension (an increase in human knowledge of the range, which includes both discoveries of the pre- STUDY AREA AND METHODS existing distribution as well as actual changes) and We considered southward and downslope range an expansion (a subset of extensions representing extensions into or within southern California, actual change in a species’ range). encompassing the region from San Luis Obispo, In this article, it is our goal to identify, review Kern, and Inyo counties south to San Diego the evidence for, and categorize southward and and Imperial counties, exclusive of the parts of downslope extensions of birds’ breeding ranges in Kern and Inyo counties lying in the San Joaquin 86 Southward and Downslope Extensions of Breeding Ranges of Birds in Southern California Valley or Sierra Nevada (Figure 1). Defined as expansion beginning before 1944. The question of much by political as by natural features, south- the appropriate level of scale plagues all attempts ern California, as we circumscribe it for this to map bird distributions. For the species we map, analysis, encompasses five level III ecoregions as we attempt to be as precise as possible for southern defined by the U.S. Geological Survey, with many California, given the map’s scale; for surrounding subregions (https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2016/1021/ areas, distributions are mapped more generally. ofr20161021_sheet1.pdf). An axis of discontinu- Data on more recent and current distributions ous forested mountains roughly parallels the coast, come from the bird atlases and regional avifaunas separating deserts in the rain shadow to the east for Santa Barbara County (Lehman 1994, 2017), from woodland, chaparral, scrub, and grassland to Los Angeles County (Allen et al. 2016), Orange the west. On the coastal slope, rainfall decreases County (Hamilton and Willick 1996, Gallagher from north to south so that wooded habitats, 1997), and San Diego County (Unitt 1984, more widespread in San Luis Obispo County, 2004), as well as Garrett and Dunn (1981) for become more localized and restricted to higher southern California as a whole. Other sources elevations farther south. Over most of the region include reports in the primary literature, the quar- conifer-dominated forest is widespread only above terly summaries of southern California bird sight- 1200 m elevation. Much of the coastal slope is ings in North American Birds (NAB) and its pre- urbanized to varying degrees, and cities are spread- decessors American Birds (AB), National Audubon ing rapidly from the base of the mountains over Society Field Notes (NASFN), and Audubon Field some desert areas. Notes (AFN; cited by volume:page number[s], We reviewed the early literature summariz- year), the eBird database (www.eBird.org), com- ing southern California bird distribution (e.g., munications from field ornithologists throughout Grinnell 1898, 1908, 1915, Sharp 1907, Willett the region, and results of our current study of the 1912, 1933, Grinnell and Swarth 1913, Grinnell San Jacinto Mountain region. As one basis for et al. 1918, Stephens 1919, Grinnell and Miller comparison of trends, we referred to the results 1944) and considered data from museum collec- of the Breeding Bird Survey from 1968 to 2015 tions available through www.ornisnet.org or www. (Sauer et al. 2017). In a few cases,
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