Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary December 8, 2013 Second Sunday in Advent Volume 1, Issue 14 Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel I Am The Immaculate Conception The Second Sunday in Advent this year happens to fall on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, when Our Lady was prepared for the coming of the Son of God in her womb. God prepared her by giving her the unique privi- lege of being born without Original Sin. Of all the Sons and Daughters of Adam, she alone has been given that eminent privilege. She alone was found worthy to bear the Son of God. As the rod grew from the Root of Jesse, it found its Our Lady of the Rosary 15 Pepper Street Monroe CT 06468 (203) 261-8290 Emergencies: (203) 268-9200 www.rosarychapel.net Fr. Adan Rodriguez (Pastor) [email protected] HOLY MASS Sundays: 7:00 & 10:00 am Weekdays: 7:00 & 8:00 am CONFESSIONS Sundays 6:40—6:55 am 9:15—9:55 am Weekdays 6:40—6:55am And by appointment HOLY ROSARY Sundays: 9:40 am First Saturdays: 8:45 am CALENDAR DATE FEAST TIME INTENTION Sun Dec 8 Immaculate Conception of BVM 7:00 am Ellen Hall Second Sunday in Advent 10:00 am Missa pro Populo W Mon Dec 9 Within the Octave of BVM 8:00 am Special intentions of Vincent Ferro W Tue Dec 10 Within the Octave of BVM 7:00 am Harriet Rand St. Melchiades, M 8:00 am Maria Antonieta Suracci, RIP W Wed Dec 11 St. Damasus I, PC 7:00 am Sharon Ludwick Rand Within the Octave of BVM 8:00 am Frank Suracci, RIP W Thu Dec 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe 7:00 am Hannah Mae Keaveney, RIP W 8:00 am Rita Dolan Inside Story Headline Fri Dec 13 St. Lucy, VM 7:00 am Harvey Rand Within the Octave of BVM 8:00 am Mary Morris & Family R Sat Dec 14 Within the Octave of BVM 7:00 am William Byrnes W 8:00 am Maria & George Schmitt, RIP Sun Dec 15 Third Sunday in Advent 7:00 am Octave Day of Immaculate 10:00 am Missa Pro Populo Conception Rose Please submit your Mass requests to MASS TODAY Father Rodriguez via e-mail or in per- MASS NEXT SUNDAY son, specifying the intention, whether Immaculate Conception of BVM the person is living or deceased, and if Third Sunday in Advent a specific date is required. 2nd Collect: Second Sunday in 2nd Collect: Octave Day of the Advent To pray for the living and the dead is a Immaculate Conception Preface: BVM spiritual work of mercy. Remember Preface: BVM Proper Last Gospel: Second your loved ones by having a Mass said Sunday in Advent for their intentions. 2 The Immaculate Conception… (continued) ANNOUNCEMENTS home in the Blessed Mother, and took flower. She is the Flower of Schedule Changes the Field, the Lily of the Valley. She is our role model during Advent. It There will be no 7:00 am is the season of Our Lady’s Expecta- Mass on Monday of this tion, and we should meditate often and profoundly on our Blessed week. Mother, and the thoughts and hopes that were going through her Fundraising Committee own mind at this time. We must follow her from her home in Naza- There will be a meeting of reth where she received the mes- the Fundraising Committee sage of the Angel Gabriel, to the home of her cousin Elizabeth, mother of St. John after the 10:00 High Mass the Baptist who was to the Forerunner of Our Lord, the Messenger of God, he who was to prepare the today. way of the Lord. Follow Our Lady all the way to Bethlehem, where she would bring forth a Saviour Second Collection who would be called Emmanuel, God with Us. Fol- low her by the preparation of your own heart. Fol- There will be a second col- low her example and her courage, her patience and lection at both Masses. endurance, and follow above all her love for her Son, Our Lord Emmanuel, that when Christmas comes, when our Day of Judgment comes, we might ALL bring forth Our Blessed Lord in our thoughts, our words, and our deeds, that all men might see, by our example, their Redemption. One day when Moses led his flock toward the desert of Mount Horeb, the Lord ap- peared to him in a burning bush surrounded by flames. Seeing that the bush burned without being consumed, Mo- ses said: “I will go and see this great sight – why the bush is A Christmas Visitor not burnt.” (Exod. iii, 3) On Gaudete Sunday, De- A daughter of Adam, the child of a fallen and sullied race, appears before us, in the language of the heavenly spouse, all beautiful and spotless. Let us examine cember 15, Saint Nicholas this wonderful privilege. It will be well to consider it first in itself and in its nature, will visit the children of the and then reflect for a moment on its reasonableness and propriety. chapel in the hall down- The mystery of the Immaculate Conception is that exceptional privilege by which stairs after the 10:00 am the Virgin of Nazareth was, from the moment of her Conception, preserved im- Mass. He will tell them the maculate, or uncontaminated by original sin. A daughter of Adam, Mary was sub- ject to the common law, and exposed to that stain which falls as a malediction on story of his life, and distrib- all the posterity of a guilty father; for it is written in the Sacred Books that Adam ute holy cards and candy begat sons and daughters after his own image and likeness. So all men must say canes. with the Royal Prophet: “Behold I was shapen in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me.” 3 The Immaculate Conception... (continued) Christmas Novena But was the degradation of such an the human generation of Mary, the origin compatible with the mysterious Immaculate Conception is a mystery the destiny of Mary? No. From all eternity secret of which surpasses our under- Hail and blessed be the the Incarnation of the Word and His standing. We may ask how Mary es- hour and moment in which great work were foreseen in the divine caped a stain which belonged to her the Son of God was born counsels, together with the fall of man. very origin; but the secret of this of the most pure Virgin From all eternity, also, Mary was spe- preservation is not more mysterious cially predestined to give the Word In- than the secret of the transmission of Mary, at midnight, in carnate His virginal flesh. But before Bethlehem, in the piercing being the Mother of the Son of God she cold. In that hour, vouch- was the privileged daughter of the Fa- safe, O my God! to hear ther, who had her eternally present in my prayer and grant my His mind, who begat her mysteriously before all creatures. “The Lord pos- desires, through the mer- sessed me in the beginning of His ways, its of Our Saviour Jesus before He made anything from the be- Christ, and of His ginning.” The Holy Ghost, on the other Blessed Mother. Amen. hand, made her His mystical spouse, reserving to Himself the day marked for The Second Advent Candle the Annunciation, on which He would descend on her, and operate what Clement of Alexandria calls “that divine Let us pray. prodigy, that divine novelty―a virgin- mother.” Stir up, O Lord, our hearts to make ready the Both God and Mary way for thine Only- Who does not understand the reasons, the propriety, which claim for the Begotten, that through his Blessed Virgin an existence altogether coming we may be worthy pure, an immaculate conception? She to serve thee with purified alone is not here in question, but God minds. Who liveth and Himself. It is God the Father, that can- reigneth with thee, in the not consent, by delivering Mary over to the evil spirit through original sin, to unity of the Holy Ghost, deliver to His mortal enemy the privi- ever one God, world with- leged daughter of His eternal tender- out end. ness. It is God the Holy Ghost, that can- the original taint. Explain the rule in not suffer in the heart of His mystical virtue of which original sin infects all R. Amen. spouse that stain which would most mankind, and then, as a Christian phi- afflict His heart; it is God the Son, that losopher declares, we shall be able to would come forth like a ray from the explain the exemption of Mary. Wheth- Morning Star. It is the august Trinity, er we suppose that Mary was separated who, in associating Mary to their great- from the general mass of humankind by est victory over the demon, could not special disposition of the Creator, or for a single instant leave it in the power whether we represent her to ourselves of the prince of darkness to call her his as forming a part of the general mass slave. but distinguished from it by a special grace, it always remains true that the Without doubt, admitting the transmis- divine honor does not permit her to be sion of original sin to all mankind, and involved in the universal malediction. 4 The Immaculate Conception… (continued) And what the honor of God demands, His supreme will den mentioned in the Canticle of Canticles, the enclosure and power can effect.
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