— 889 — CURFEW ORDER. IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Re• gulations, 1936, I, B. C. GIBBS, Assistant District Commissioner, Safad Division, hereby order that every person within the municipal area of'Safad, excluding the Jewish Quarter, shall remain within doors from 10 a.m. on the 18th July, 1938, to 7 a.m. on the 19th July, 1938, and I hereby give notice that any person being or remaining out of doors between these hours without a written permit signed by me or by the Officer Commanding, 2/R.U. Rifles, will render himself liable to pro• secution for an offence under the above regulations. B. C. GIBBS Assistant District Commissioner, 18th July, 1938. Safad Division. REVOCATION OF CURFEW ORDER. IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the regulation made by the Officer Ad• ministering the Government under Article IV of the Palestine (Defence) Orders in Council, 1931 and 1936, I, R. D. BADCOCK, Acting District Commissioner of Jeru• salem District, do hereby order that the curfew order issued by me on 13th June, 1938, imposing curfew in the area within Deir Yasin village between the hours of 7 p.m. and 5 a.m. shall be revoked as from the date hereof. R. D. BADCOCK Acting District Commissioner, 13th July, 1938. Jerusalem District. REVOCATION OF CURFEW ORDER, IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the regulation made by the Officer Administering the Government under Article IV of the Palestine (Defence) Orders in Council 1931 and 1936, I, R. D. BADCOCK, Acting District Commissioner of Jeru• salem District, do hereby order that the curfew order issued by me on 18th July, 1938, imposing curfew in the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5.30 a.m. shall be revoked as from the date hereof. R. D. BADCOCK Acting District Commissioner, 19th July, 1938. Jerusalem District. REVOCATION OF CURFEW ORDER. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Re• gulations, 1936, made under the Palestine (Defence) Orders in Council, 1931 and 1936, I, MORRIS BAILEY, District Commissioner of Haifa and Samaria District, do — 890 — hereby revoke as from 6 a.m. on 14th July, 1938, the order of 12th July, 1938, imposing a curfew of 22 hours daily from 8 a.m. to 6 a.m. within the boundaries of the lands of Balad es Sheikh, Nesher and Yajur. MORRIS BAILEY District Commissioner, 14th July, 1938. Haifa and Samaria District. REVOCATION OF CURFEW ORDER. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by regulation 10 of the regulations made by the High Commissioner (Emergency Regulations, 1936) under the Palestine (Defence) Orders in Council, 1931 and 1936, I, MORRIS BAILEY, District Commis• sioner, Haifa and Samaria District, do hereby order that the curfew order issued by me on the 6th July, 1938, as amended by my order of the 10th July, 1938, imposing curfew in the municipal area of Haifa town between the hours of 9 p.m. and 4 a.m., shall be revoked as from the date hereof• MORRIS BAILEY District Commissioner, 17th J uly, 1938. Haifa and Samaria District. ORDER. IN VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by regulation 6A of the Emergency Regula• tions, 1936, I, STANLEY PROSSER, Assistant District Commissioner, Acre Sub-Dis• trict, hereby order (a) that as from to-day and until further notice, the section of the Acre—Ras en Naqura road between the junction of the Bassa—Ras en Naqura roads and the northern boundary of the Acre municipal area shall be closed to all traffic between the hours of 7.30 p.m. and 4.30 a.m., and (6) in virtue of the powTers vested in me by regulation 10 of the Emergency Regulations, 1936, I hereby further order that a curfew shall be imposed within the area between two lines running at a distance of two hundred metres from each side of the aforesaid section of road and running parallel thereto, excluding the built-on area of Nahariya settlement, and all persons within this area shall remain within doors and no person shall enter this area between the hours of 7.30 p.m. and 4.30 a.m. until further notice. Given under my hand at Acre this 20th day of July, 1938. STANLEY PROSSER Assistant District Commissioner, Acre. — 891 — ROAD TRANSPORT ORDINANCE. RULES MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 23. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by paragraphs (p) and (s) of section 23 of the Road Transport Ordinance, the High Com• Cap. 128. missioner has made the following rules :— 1. These rules may be cited as the Road Transport (Routes Citation. and Tariffs) (Amendment) Rules, 1938, and shall be read as one with the Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) Rules, 1934, (here• inafter referred to as the principal rules. 2. The principal rules shall be amended — Amendment of the principal (a) by the deletion of Schedule IV thereto; and rules. (b) by the deletion of Schedules I, II and III thereto and the substitution of the following Schedules in the place thereof, that is to say :— SCHEDULE I. JERUSALEM DISTRICT. (a) Routes within the Jerusalem District. These routes and the stops theieon shall conform to those specified in the permit. N Number Description of Route to Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger Omnibusi of Maximum authorised (i) JERUSALEM MUNICIPAL AREA OMNIBUS ROUTES 1 Mahne Yehuda Square — Jaffa (a) Entire circuit — 15 mils Gate (b) Any 10 stops — 10 mils Ka) Romema—Jaffa Gate (c) Any 7 stops and under 10 — 7 mils (d) Any 6 stops and under — 5 mils 2 Meashearim—Jaffa Gate (a) Entire circuit — 12 mils (6) Any 7 stops — 7 mils (c) Under 7 stops — 5 mils *70 omnibuses in respect of these routes — 892 S S. Number Description of Route Maximum Fare of Route EE•! chargeable per Passenger •so ë 3 Bukharia — Jaffa Gate (a) Entire circuit — 15 mils (b) Any 10 stops — 7 mils (c) Any 9 stops or under — 5 mils (d) Over 10 stops and under 14 — 10 mils 3(a) Mekor Baruch — Mamillah Road (a) Entire circuit — 15 mils (b) Over 10 stops and under 14 — 10 mils (c) Any 10 stops — 7 mils (d) Any 9 stops or mils 5 — ׳ under * 3(b) Keren! Avraham — Mamillah (a) Entire circuit — 15 mils Road (b) Over 10 stops and under 14 — 10 mils (c) Any 10 stops — 7 mils (d) Any 9 stops or under — 5 mils 4 Katamon — Jaffa Gate 8 (a) Entire circuit —• 20 mils (b) Any 10 stops — 10 mils (c) Over 6 stops and under 10 — 7 mils (d) Under 6 stops — 5 mils * 5 Shaare Hessed — Rehavia — (a) Entire circuit — 15 mils Mamillah Road (b) Any 14 stops and mils 10 ־— over 10 (c)i Any 10 stops — 7 mils (d) Any 9 stops and under — 5 mils * 5(a) Kiryat Shmuel—Mamillah Road (a) Entire circuit — 20 mils (b) Any 10 stops — 10 mils (c) Any 7 stops and under 10 — - 8 mils (d) Under 7 stops — - 5 mils *70 omnibuses in respect of tbete routes. — 893 — | | ! ply No. to Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger Omnibuses of Maximum authorised 6 Baqaa — Jaffa Gate 5 (a) Entire circuit —t 15 mils (b) Terminus to Jaffa \ Gate —-j 8 mils (c) Jaffa Gate to Terminus —- 8 mils (d) Any 6 stops or under . — 5 mils 7 Ramat Rachel — Talpioth — (a) Entire circuit — 25 mils Keith-Roach Square (b) Terminus to Keith- Roach Square —j 15 mils (<-•) Talpioth to Keith-' Roach Square or vice versa — 10 mils (d) Any 8 stops — 7 mils (e) 6 stops and under— 5 mils 8 Mekor Haim — Keith-Roach (a) Entire circuit — 20 mils Square (6) Mekor Haim—Keith- Roach Square and vice versa — 10 mils (c) Any 4 stops —: 5 mils (d) Over 4 stops up to 8 — 10 mils 9 Hebrew University — Labour 4 (a) Entire circuit — 20 mils Lane (b) Any 5 stops or under —: 10 mils 10 Ein Karem — Storrs Avenue 5 (a) Entire circuit . -4 40 mils (b) Ein Karem—Storrs Avenue —[ 20 mils (c) Ein Karem to Beit '•• Vegan and vice j versa —; 10 mils (<:/) Ein Karem to ; Mahne Yehuda anjd vice versa —1 15 mil's • i ! *70 omnibuses in respect of Ibepe routes. — 891 — j j No. Number Description of Route to ply Maximum Fare of Routt chargeable per Passenger Omnibuses of Maximum 1 auihoriscd 1 10 Ein Karem — Storrs Avenue (e) Beit Vegan to Contd. Storrs Ave. and vice versa — 10 mils (/) Storrs Ave. to Mahne Yehuda and vice versa — 5 mils (g) Mahne Yehuda to Beit Vegan and vice versa — 5 mils Givaat Shaul — Meashearim (a) Entire circuit — 20 mils ־•;•. ,11 (6) Any 9 stops — 10 mils (c) Any 7 stops — 7 mils {(I) Under 7 stops — 5 mils 1.2 Beit Viegan' — King George (a) Beit Vegan to King Avenue George Avenue or return — 20 mils (b) .Beit Hakerem to King George Ave. and return — 16 mils (c) New Montefiore to King George Ave. and return — 14 mils (d) Beit Vegan to King George Ave. 10 mils (e) Beit Hakerem to King George Ave. — 8 mils (/) New Montefiore to King George Ave. — 7 mils (g) Beit Vegan to Mahne Yehuda — 7 mils (h) Beit Hakerem to Mahne Yehuda — 6 mils (i) New Montefiore to Mahne Yehuda — 6 mils (:/) Any 4 stops — 5 mils 18 Kiryat Moshe — King George 5 mils per single journey Avenue *70 omnibuses in respect of these routes.
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