Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A News Briefs ............................... 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 44, NO. 32 APRIL 10, 2020 16 NISAN, 5780 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Return to normal after Passover? By Yaakov Lappin many, Singapore and Taiwan, adding that “we must learn (JNS)—Israel must take from them and adapt” their a series of immediate steps measures to Israeli condi- that would enable it to end its tions. nationwide closure and enter To achieve this, explained a new “corona routine” that Bennett, Israel must transi- would revive the economy and tion from closure to a “focused that could begin immediately and consistent effort to track after Passover, Interim De- the carriers and isolate them; fense Minister Naftali Bennett conduct pinpoint treatment of stated on Sunday. cluster points; closely protect In a new national response the elderly and vulnerable plan that he published, Ben- population; and increase the nett wrote that “the State of capacity of the health-care Israel saw the danger early and system to absorb thousands of took a series of correct deci- patients in critical condition.” sions that revolved around “If we act immediately, the ‘closing Israel.’ On one hand, State of Israel can exit the this bought us precious time, corona economic crisis imme- but on the other, it had a ter- diately after Passover, reopen rible economic effect. Millions its economy in a supervised of Israelis lost the source manner and return most of of their income in the past the workers to their jobs, month. They and their fami- while entering a reasonable lies face a double existential corona routine for the coming anxiety: being infected, and year until we overcome the being unable to pay bills and pandemic,” he argued. support their families. Many As of Friday, April 3, the businesses and companies are number of confirmed coro- closing every day.” navirus cases in Israel was ‘Thanks for all the cards,’ Instead of continuing with 7,030, with a death toll of 37, the national lockdown with- and 357 recovered. out a clear exit point, Bennett Elderly and vulnerable says Jewish Pavilion said that “there are a number to remain in isolation of critical actions that have For his plan, Bennett out- Nancy Ludin, CEO of the to brighten their day. She cards, drawings, letters from to the assisted-living facilities not yet been taken in Israel,” lined a strategy in which Israe- Jewish Pavilion, is deeply also shared the card sending children and adults from all around town. adding that failing to take lis would gradually return to concerned about the loneli- idea in the article “What’s over the community. If you would like to write a them now would deal a mortal work and studies, beginning ness the residents of assisted- in a card?” (March 27, 2020 “The cards are arriving card to brighten a senior citizen’s blow to the economic future with younger people, before living facilities are feeling Heritage issue) and encour- daily at the Jewish Pavilion— day, send it to the Jewish Pavil- of millions of Israeli citizens, releasing older members of during this time of quarantine aged Heritage readers to do cards from all over the United ion, 421 Montgomery Rd # 131, employees and business own- society (not including the because of COVID-19. She the same. States!” Ludin said. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714. ers in the private sector. high-risk group). suggested to the program The results have been As cards and letters come For more information, He pointed to the success The elderly and vulnerable directors that they write short incredible as the Jewish Pavil- in, the program directors contact the Pavilion at 407- of countries in stopping the would remain in isolation notes to the senior citizens ion has been inundated with make sure they are distributed 678-9363. pandemic without destroying during this period and have the income of their citizens, JFS Orlando needs our help such as South Korea, Ger- Normal on page 15A to be able to help those in need Israel ranks first By Christine DeSouza cies in the community. “The What is desperately needed worldwide in safety essence of being Jewish is is cold, hard cash. “What JFS Orlando does helping anyone in need—Jew “Cash is king!” is how Flynn By United with Israel He added that he had done is the essence of being Jew- or non-Jew.” stated it. “First of all, it is safer. his own hair and makeup ish,” said Dick Weiner of the Through this pandemic, And second, it will go much The Deep Knowledge group before the broadcast, quip- agency he strongly supports the JFS Orlando staff has further than food donations. put Israel in first place among ping that was why he looked and firmly believes is one of been working long hours to For example, one dollar will countries around the world like he did. the most important agen- meet the needs of this com- buy six dollars worth of food when it comes to promoting Test results showed that munity—no matter who is in from the food bank,” he ex- safety amid the coronavirus Netanyahu, 70, is not infected need. What was on average 18 plained. That translates to pandemic, Prime Minister with the virus. to 20 families in need of food $100 would purchase $600 Benjamin Netanyahu’s media Israel has been a world has become 68 to 70 families worth of food from the food adviser announced Tuesday. leader in taking steps to pro- daily coming to JFS Orlando’s bank. The Deep Knowledge Group tect its citizens since the start Pearlman Pantry. Buying food from Second is “an investment fund fo- of the pandemic. It is very clear the agency Harvest Food Bank is also cused on AI and DeepTech, Hundreds of Israelis have needs the Jewish commu- much easier and faster. The which values knowledge above returned home from abroad nity’s help—but not in the food is prepackaged in a profit,” its website says. as the coronavirus pandemic form of food donations. The specific way and government Netanyahu announced se- continued to threaten popula- agency is closed to the public approved. One person can be Executive Director vere new restrictions Monday tions across the globe. and is not accepting food in and out quickly. Phil Flynn night in an effort to curtail the In fact, aliyah (immi- donations at this time be- Flynn said on average, spread of the virus. To date, gration to Israel) contin- cause, as Executive Director food was ordered every three articles about the Challenge, 17 Israelis have succumbed ued during the past several Phil Flynn puts it “we have a weeks, but right now, food is with the addition of the to the disease. weeks with 961 immigrants protective bubble around us.” ordered every four days. matching funds from The During the announce- arriving in Israel since the They can’t accept food be- Also, to meet the growing Weiner Family and The Winter ment, Prime Minister Ne- beginning of the month, cause simply put, COVID-19 need, JFS Orlando just bought Park Wealth Group. For every tanyahu mentioned that he despite the global corona- sticks to surfaces. The vol- two 54” commercial freezers $1 donated, they will match was addressing Israelis from virus crisis and the closure unteer staff (which is already to be able to stock more food. $0.50. As Flynn stated, “cash isolation, as he had been in of borders and skies in many overwhelmed) would have “This was made possible by is king!” and with the match- contact with another person countries. to spend hours constantly the Jewish Capital Alliance,” ing funds, gift donations confirmed to be infected with desanitizing product and Flynn said. will go a lot further. To give, COVID-19—his aide, Rivka shelves as they classify and There are several ways to please mail your donation Paluch. The only other person stock the Pearlman Pantry, help: to JFS Orlando, The George in the room was the camera- only to immediately package The Restock Challenge man, who was six meters away, supplies for those in need. Heritage has been running JFS on page 15A he said. PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, APRIL 10, 2020 RecycleJ—let’s do our part to keep recycling working! By Anna Finer the Silver award, our troop bottles and jars, and aseptic outside the grocery store. First Person collected hundreds of books and gable-top containers Consider a composter for and created a library for the (milk and juice cartons). All vegetable waste—Orange For the past several Engelwood Neighborhood this gets sorted by machines County provides free com- months, I have been working Center. at a regional recycling center. posters, and composted soil on “RecycleJ,” a new recycling The highest award in Girl Think about all of the paper is great for the garden. Check program for The Roth Family Scouts is the Gold Award, and and plastic that we have been your county website on where Jewish Community Center of this requires a solo project, throwing in the trash at the hazardous waste can be Greater Orlando. I was pre- which teaches us to plan JCC that could be recycled. dropped off. Hazardous waste pared to introduce RecycleJ to and implement a sustainable The biggest recycling chal- products include paint, bat- the preschool students at the program that fills a need in lenge right now is that many teries, fluorescent lightbulbs, Richard S. Adler Early Child- the community. I am very people are recycling the cooking oil, cleaning fluids, hood Learning Center during excited to start this recycling wrong things, which is called pool chemicals, and anything their Shabbat assembly on program at the JCC for my contaminated recycling.
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