i .'«.-■... ..--... See Page 4 Don't Delay! Pay Foror Exam Schedule All Campus Dues -MADISOft COLLEGE- VOL. XXIU adison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, May 10, 1946 No. 6 Art Students Exhibit Mary Edwards Portrays Lead Dormitories, Houses Pittman Plans Work In Library In Dramatic Club Presentation Elect New Officers Return Here Charcoal drawings and sketches and For Coming Year water color sketches, by the students With Mary Edwards in the leading Dr. "Mk A. Pittman will return to of art class, 213, under the direction of role, Shubert's Alley, will be presented In order to save time next year and Madison campus next fall after a four year military leave of absence from Miss A. Aiken, are now on display in by Stratford Dramatic club in Wilson acquaint the girls with their duties, the library lobby. "_' the faculty: He will receive his mili- auditorium on Wednesday, May 15 at house presidents are being elected this The black and white charcoal draw- 8 p.m. tary discharge this spring and will be fall. Each girl will know what is ex- ings are of campus buildings, and a Shubert's Alley, by Mel Dinelli, de- relpased from his position at the Uni- study of the human figure is portrayed picts the rise to fame of a Broadway pected of her and she may begin her ted States Naval Academy. where he in the water color sketches. Star. In seven scenes are shown the duties the very first day of school. The is teaching Physical Science with the Craft exhibits by the students of various stages of her climb up the house mothers* will feel more secure rank of Lt. Comdr. With Dr. Pittman's return the Miss Walker and Miss Grove are also ladder of success. with a house president to assist her in on display. The work this year was Department of Physics Science In supporting roles of the' play are: those trying days. Starting off with a done with a new substance known as will again have two full time pro- Evelyn Harvey, Sarah Powers, Mary bang will enable us to have a better plastic garalin, and the metal works, Pritchett, Ann Todd, Leona Grimmel- fessors and the organized dormitory and a»successful for the first time since the war. man, Jacky Boykin, Virginia Moody, program will The Browsing room holds an ex- Susan King, Helen Packett, Jane Cala- year. be enlarged be- hibit of wood black prints, lithograph han, Dorene Coffman, Gloria Flora, On May 6 the following elections yond even the and pencil drawings done by Virginia Betty Jarrett, Martha Lee, Gloria took place: Carter House, Jo Vaughn; pre-war offe r- artists, which was loaned by Rich- Garber, Eugenia Alberra, Betty Am- Shenandoah, Mary Ann Judgins; Mes- ing. Mr. T. J. mond's Museum of more Fine Arts. ory, and Betty Hoover. sick, June Hardy; Lincoln, Vanny B 1 i s a r d has This .exhibit includes many outstanding been head of The production staff for the play has Hammer. drawing, including one by a Mary the department been announced by Miss Ainslie Har- On May 7 Jean Shelly' and Alice Baldwin art instructor. MARY EDWARDS since 1944. ris. Barbara Stein is business manager, Mercer Jones were elected presidents Beginning Monday, there will be an and the committees are: furniture, of Alumnae and Senior respectively. Freshman exhibit of the larger crafts in the Nancy Wilson; lighting: Dorothy Un- Madeline Heatwole, Betty Sue Alt- Physics, P.S. Browsing room. This will include ply- derdown, and Glenna Dodson; curtain: Elections will ,be held at a later date man, Bettie Norwood, Kathleen Pul- 131-2-3 will be reinstated as an elective wood and wooden works, and out- Gunhild Davidson; house manager: for Junior, Johnston, Sheldon, and len, and Marjorie Dickie; properties: course in College Physics open to standing piece of metal work. Dorothy Bowles. Sprinkle. The girls who will live in Phyllis Kempfer, Willie Mae Buck- these dormitories should be consider- freshmen and 351-2-3, will be continu- ner, Nancy Fath, and Mary Hudgins; LIBRARY NOTICE ing who they would like for their presi- ed for juniors and sophomores. College Frosh Elect Heads make-up: Frances « Connock, Sarah dent. Physics, P.S.S. 451-2-3 will be offered ALL BOOKS WITHDRAWN for advanced students. This course will Hodges, Gloria Miller, Ann Curtis, and This is the first time this has ever Marianna Howard was elected presi- AFTER SATURDAY, MAY 18, emphasize recent developments in nu- been tried on Madison campus. dent of the sophomore class of 1946-47 FROM THE GENERAL CIRCULA- clear Physics and atomic energy. TION iJESK, THE BROWSING at a meeting of the class held Tues- Club Gives Concert Elementary Photography, P.S. 341, ROOM, OR THE JUVENILE will be offered during the fall term as day. For vice-president, the class chose The Madison College Glee club, un- Boushall To Discuss ROOM OF THE LIBRARY WILL usual, followed by a new course in Lou GoeJtHng . der the direction of Miss Edna T. BE DUE ON MONDAY, MAY 27. Advanced Photography, P.S. 342, Shaeffer and accompanied by Peggy 'Education-Use-Tax' Other officers elected were: secre- BEGINNING ON MAY 27, THE which will provide an opportunity for Dinkle, presented a spring concert in Thomas C. Boushall, Chairman of tary, Eugenia Savage; treasurer, Betty RULES ABOUT LENGTH OF photography students to develop more Wednesday assembly. LOAN AND FINES WHICH NOW the Committee on Education, United Gray Scott; reporter, Dusty Davis, expert techniques and skills, or to The program included many of the States Chamber of Commerce, will APPLY TO RESERVED BOOKS specialize in particular fields of Photog- and sergeant-at-arms, Taffy Savage. selections which were sung on the discuss "The: Education-Use Tax" in WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL raphy. The course in Astronomy, P. These new officers will assume their club's recent tour of various Virginia chapel Wednesday, May 15. Mr. BOOKS WITHDRAWN FROM S. 343 will be taught in the spring Boushall is President of the Morris duties next fall. cities. ANY PART OF THE LIBRARY. term. Plan Bank in Richmond. A special arrangement of "Drink To' P.S. 381-2-3, a new course in Radio The speaker recently contributed an Me Only With Thine Eyes" was pre- and Electronics, was planned for this Art Club Accepts Nine Aeolian Tryouts article on "Education and Business" in sented by the group. The selection was year but could not be taught until the Nine girls have successfully passed arranged and directed by Emily Leit- the January, 1946 issue of the Madison j faculty was enlarged. Hence, this Are Successful Quarterly. It was reprinted in the tryouts for the Art club, announces ner with obligato by Barbara Follett course will be taught for the first time and the solo part by Courtney Fauver. April, 1946 copy of Phi Delta Kappan, Dawn Brewer, president. Three pianostudents, Emily Pierce, next year. / Other soloists for the program were a journal of education. Those girls, who were initiated re- Marcelene Berman, and Eleanor And- Fundamentals of Science, P.S. 261- Wanda Lee Lewter, Barbara Farrar, cently were: Virginia Starke, Carolyn rews passed recent tryouts- for mem- Fenner Installs Officers 2-3, a course in physical science for and Helen Housman. These girls, all non-technical students and teachers Coates, Janie Robinson, Leona Grim- bership in the Aeolian club. upperclassmen, are students of Miss The Reverend Allan H. Fenner, Lu- will be continued, and the new course mclsman, Sarah Ferland, Cary Good- Emily Pierce played Bach's "Inven- Edythe Schneider. The accompanist is theran minister, installed the four new developed this year for elementary and son, Betty Batts, Betty Rinehart, and tion in b flat," Beethoven's "Sonata a member of the freshman class and a officers of the Lutheran Student As- junior high school teachers, P.S. 361- Virginia Watson. student of Miss Elizabeth Harris. op. 49 no. 1" (second movement), and sociation 'in a candlelight service last 2-3, will be offered for the first time. the "Waltz in d flat major" by Chopin. Sunday evening. The new officers are This will provide prospective teachers Marcelene Berman selected as her president, Eva Ann Trumbo; vice- with a more complete background em- Willock Tells About Eventful Days tryout "Invention in a minor" by Bach, president, Jean Shelley; secretary, Nel- phasizing teaching materials and tech- Beethoven's "Sonata in F minor op. 2 lie Lantz, and treasurer, Virginia Lee niques in the sciences. Members of At Apple Festival In Winchester no. 1" (first movement) and "Soaring" Miller. (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) by Schumann. By BERTHA BOSWELL Toni said-'the girls didn't know Eleanor Andrews^ played "Invention Sitting up in bed doctoring a bad whether to act stately or whether to in C major" by Bach, "Sonata in G op. Helen Housman To Give Voice Recital cold, which she no doubt caught as a smile and wave to the crowds. Time 14 no. 1" (first movement) by Beeth- result of all the recent rain, Toni Wil- Accompanied By Foltz; Lohr To Assist and excitement answered this question oven and Debussey's "Golliwog's Cake V lock began to chat about the exciting Walk." Helen Housman, former Glee club company her at the piano. time she had at the Apple Blossom for the girls soon began to smile and Requirements for membership in president, will present her senior voice The first group of selections, all of festivities in Winchester last week. wave to the crowds and photographers. Aeolian club include the playing from recital tomorrow night, May 11, in which are by Franz Schubert includes After the participants arrived on Movie cameras were in motion during Wilson auditorium at 8 p.m.
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