THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1877. 6805 parish immediately adjoining thereto, at his centre of the said Boston and Wainfleet residence. public highway. And notice is hereby further given, that on or A Tramway No. 2, situate wholly in the parish before the 21st day of December next printed of Wrangle aforesaid, and commencing by copies of the Bill for effecting the objects afore- a junction with Tramway No. 1, at the said will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of point of termination of that tramway, and the House of Commons. terminating at or near the north-east Dated this 14th day of November, 1877. corner of a field, in the occupation of John William Toogood, 16, Parliament-street, Idle, abutting on the junction of the public "Westminster; highways known respectively as Ivery-lane H. Smith, 33, Norfolk - street, Strand, and Wainfleet-road. London; A Tramway No. 3, situate wholly in the . Solicitors. parish of Skirbeck aforesaid, and com- Toogood and Ball, 16, Parliament-street, mencing by a junction with Tramway No. Westminster, Parliamentary Agents. 1, at Burton-corner, at or near a point in the Wainfleet-road five feet or thereabouts In Parliament.—Session 1878. north of the southern gate-post of the half- Ross and Ledbury Railway. penny toll-bar there, and terminating at or (Extension of Time for completion of "Works; near the centre of the Spilsby-road, 66 Amendment of Act.) feet or thereabouts north-east of the north- OTICE is hereby given, that the Ross and eastern corner of Prospect-place. N Ledbury Railway Company intend to apply A Tramway No. 3a, situate wholly in the to Parliament in the ensuing session for an Act parish of Skirbeck aforesaid, commencing for all or some of the following purposes, that by a junction with Tramway No 3 at a is to say :— point 400 feet or thereabouts from the To extend the time limited by the Ross and termination of that tramway, measured Ledbury Railway Act, 1873, for the completion along and at or near to the centre of the of the Railway No. 3, authorized by that Act. Spilsby-road, and terminating by a junc- To vary and extinguish all existing rights and tion with Tramway No.-3 at a point 100 privileges which would in any manner interfere feet or thereabouts from the termination of with the .objects and purposes of the intended Act, that tramway, measured along the same and to confer other rights and privileges. road. To alter, amend, and extend, so far as may be A Tramway No. 4, commencing by a junction necessary, the provisions or some of the provisions with tramway No. 3, at the point of termina- of the Ross and Ledbury Railway Act, 1873. tion of that tramway, and terminating in the Printed copies of the Bill for the intended Act parish of Boston, in the county of Lincoln, will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the near the south end of Wide Bargate, in the House of Commons, on or before the 21st day of town of Boston, at a point opposite to and December next. 30 feet or thereabouts from the front door Dated this 9th day of November, 1877. of the house No. 9, Wide Bargate afore- said. In Parliament.—Session 1878. A Tramway No. 4a, commencing by a junction Boston District Tramways. with Tramway No. 4, at or near a point (Incorporation of Company; Power to construct 4 feet or thereabouts west of the angle Tramways in and near the Town of Boston, of the railing at the sonth-western corner and from Boston to Wrangle, in the county of Bargate-green, in Boston aforesaid; and of Lincoln; Purchase of Lands by compul- terminating at or near a point opposite to sion; Tolls; Power to work Tramways by and 21 feet or thereabouts from the front Locomotive Engines or other Mechanical door of the house No. 9, Wide Bargate Power; Agreements with Local and other aforesaid, which said tramways and other Authorities; Traffic Agreements and working works hereinbefore described, will be made arrangements with the Great Northern Rail- in, or pass from, in, through or into the way Company; Incorporation of Acts; several parishes, townships and extra paro- Amendment of Acts and other purposes). chial and other places following (that is to OTICE is hereby given, that application is say), Boston, Skirbeck, Fishtoft, Freiston, N intended to .be made to Parliament in the Butterwick, Benington, Leverton, Leake, ensuing session for an Act for all or some of the and Wrangle—some or one of them, all in following purposes (that is to say) :— the parts of Holland, • in the county of To incorporate a Company (hereinafter called Lincoln. 11 the Company") with power to make, form, The following is a description of every place lay down, maintain and work the several tram- at which the proposed tramways or either of ways hereinafter described, or some or one of them are intended to be so laid that for a such tramways, with all necessary and proper distance of 30 feet or upwards a less space than rails, plates, sleepers, works, and conveniences 9 feet 6 inches, or where it is intended to run connected therewith, that is to say:— thereon carriages or trucks adapted for use A Tramway No. 1, commencing in the parish upon railways a less space than 10 feet 6 inches, of Skirbeck, at or near the post supporting will intervene between the outside of the foot- the notice board of the Great Northern path on the side of the road and the nearest rail Railway Company at No. 6 level crossing of the tramway, namely:— of the East Lincolnshire Railway near Tramway No. 4. Rawson's-corner, and 18 feet or there- On the south-east side of Bargate-bridge, in abouts south-east of the centre line of the the said parish of Skirbeck, between a point East Lincolnshire Railway, and terminating 50 feet or thereabouts north-east of the pro- in the parish of Wrangle, in the county of jecting angle of a house in the occupation of Lincoln, at or near the southern angle of Hannah Baumber, abutting on the south-east the garden fence attached to the house and side of the Spilsby-road, north-east of and near brewery in the occupation of Samuel Hor- to Bargate-bridge and the south-west end of the ton, and 15 feet or thereabouts north of the parapet of that bridge. No. 24526. S.
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