Operational Report for Possum, Ship rat Control in the Mt Karioi (Pirongia Forest Park) 2017 22 May 2017 - 15 Jun 2017 Department of Conservation Waikato Contents 1. Operation Summary Operation Name Possum, Ship rat Control in Mt Karioi (Pirongia Forest Park) 2017 Operation Date 22 May 2017 - 15 Jun 2017 District Waikato Region: Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Pestlink Reference 1920WAI0 1 Field Trial - Treatment Area Mt Karioi (Pirongia Forest Park) 2017 Size (ha) 1613.00 Conservation Unit Name(s) GA Id(s) Pirongia Forest Park 2795307 Te Toto Gorge Scenic Reserve 2795625 Treatment Block Details Treatment Blocks Size (ha) Grid Ref GIS Ref Karioi Ground Treatment 232.00 BD32 58510 09000 Block Karioi Aerial Treatment Block 1381.00 BD32 58480 07655 Treatment Dates Start Completion Karioi Aerial Treatment Block 22 May 2017 07 Jun 2017 Karioi Ground Treatment 22 May 2017 15 Jun 2017 Block Target Pest Details Treatment Target Pests Control Method Name Blocks Karioi Aerial Possum, Ship rat Pesticide Aerial Pesticide - Aerial in Karioi Treatment Block Aerial Treatment Block-(4) Karioi Ground Possum, Ship rat Pesticide Bait Pesticide - Bait Station in Treatment Block Station Karioi Ground Treatment Block-(2) Conservation Outcome(s) Mt Karioi and Te Toto Gorge Scenic Reserve are areas of public conservation land that collectively represent the few remaining protected forest areas with a full succession of vegetation sequence from the coast to mountain top on the west coast of the North Island. Maintaining very low possum densities and controlling rats will have major benefits on the botanical and fauna values at these sites. Result Target(s) Treatment Area/Block What we got Less than 3% RTC Karioi Aerial Treatment Block 0.9% for possums Less than 3% RTC Karioi Ground Treatment 0.9% for possums Block Outcome Targets What we got Outcome targets were not set for this operation 2. Introduction 2.1 TREATMENT AREA Animal pest species Common Name Scientific Name Possum Trichosurus vulpecula Norway rat Rattus norvegicus Ship rat Rattus rattus Stoat Mustela erminea Weasel Mustela nivalis vulgaris Ferret Mustela furo cat Felis catus Pig Sus scrofa Non-target species Common Name Scientific Name Australasian harrier Circus approximans Dog Canis familiaris bush falcon Falco novaeseelandiae "bush" Target benefit species Common Name Scientific Name Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae tūī novaeseelandiae bellbird Anthornis melanura melanura tomtit Petroica macrocephala kohekohe Dysoxylum spectabile kāmahi Weinmannia racemosa Threatened species Common Name Scientific Name grey-faced petrel Pterodroma macroptera gouldi New Zealand pigeon Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Pestlink Ref: 1920WAI01 Page 2 of 11 Date Printed: 13 May 2020 Nestor meridionalis North Island kākā septentrionalis Concurrent pest operation details Contact Contact Concurrent pest operations Name Office Mt Karioi North PPCA (Waikato Regional Council - DOC Waikato EcoFX Ltd) Mt Karioi South PPCA (Waikato Regional Council - DOC Waikato EcoFX Ltd) Karioi Maunga ki te moana Predator Trapping (Volunteers) DOC Waikato Pig control DOC Waikato Geographical location The Mt Karioi (Pirongia Forest Park) 2017 is situated 6 km North of Raglan. TREATMENT BLOCK DETAILS: Treatment block Karioi Ground Treatment Block Vegetation ranges from coastal, through lowland broadleaf and higher Vegetation type altitude hardwood (kamahi). Bioclimatic zone semi-coastal lowland Climate characteristics: Rainfall 1400 mm Temperature: Average Summer 19.0 Average Winter 12.0 Snow level 0 m Altitude 200-730 m Community and Iwi Main water supply for coastal communities (iwi) west of Raglan. Lies interests directly adjacent to significant area of iwi owned land. Historic sites Sites of cultural significance throughout area Treatment block Karioi Aerial Treatment Block Vegetation ranges from coastal, through lowland broadleaf and higher Vegetation type altitude hardwood (kamahi). Nearer the coast, native vegetation is patchy and includes kanuka/manuka interspersed with rank grass. Bioclimatic zone coastal lowland semi-coastal sub-montane Climate characteristics: Rainfall 1400 mm Temperature: Average Summer 19.0 Average Winter 12.0 Snow level 0 m Altitude 0-756 m Pestlink Ref: 1920WAI01 Page 3 of 11 Date Printed: 13 May 2020 Mount Karioi and adjoining Te Toto Gorge Scenic Reserve has great cultural significance to local Iwi. Wainui stream is a waahi tapu for the Community and Iwi local iwi. There is also a walking track through the reserve and coastal interests observation sites along the Whaanga Road. There is significant community interest in restoring the native flora and fauna with various conservation programmes being run by volunteers. There is unique early maori garden stone structures and evidence of early stone dwellings within Te Toto Gorge. Kumera pits and an old Historic sites pa are evident on prominent ridges. Part of the area is waahi tapu due to a historical massacre which is reported to have occurred here. 2.2 MANAGEMENT HISTORY Management history is excluded from draft operation reports. This history will, however, be available via Pestlink once the operational report has been verified 3 Outcomes and Targets 3.1 CONSERVATION OUTCOMES Mt Karioi and Te Toto Gorge Scenic Reserve are areas of public conservation land that collectively represent the few remaining protected forest areas with a full succession of vegetation sequence from the coast to mountain top on the west coast of the North Island. Maintaining very low possum densities and controlling rats will have major benefits on the botanical and fauna values at these sites. 3.2 TARGETS 3.2.1 Result Targets The result targets for the treatment area were: Less than 3% RTC for possums 3.2.2 Outcome Targets The outcome targets for the treatment area were: Outcome targets were not set for this operation 4 Consultation, Consents & Notifications 4.1 CONSULTATION Iwi – Consultation on Effects and the opportunity to discuss alternative methods for the ground control block. Four local marae were consulted with by DOC & WRC staff. Consultation with the four hapu was consultation meetings held within the marae committee meetings for Mototakotako marae, Te Papatapu marae, Waingaro marae and Poihakena marae.. Adjoining Landowners – Consultation on effects with nearby and landowners/residents adjoining the treatment area began in July 2016. Meeting with all adjoining landowners well before the operation commenced. Pestlink Ref: 1920WAI01 Page 4 of 11 Date Printed: 13 May 2020 Community - A working relationship has also been formed with the main volunteer group that carry out conservation and education functions on and around Mt Karioi - Karioi Maunga. Consultation meetings occurred on two occasions with the volunteers from Karioi Maunga and other key stakeholders such as Whaingaroa Environment Centre, Friends of Wainui Reserve, Te Whakaoranga o Karioi Incorporated Society, Waikato District Council and Ngati Mahanga ki Whaingaroa (November 2016 and February 2017). Waikato Regional Council - The Department’s consultation efforts were supported by the Waikato Regional Council for the private land being treated concurrently. WRC contractors also completed consultation with individual landowners before commencing operations on the private lands around Karioi. The Waikato MOH and Health Protection Officers, Population Health, Waikato District Health Board regularly attend the monthly Karioi planning meetings, ensuring human safety. This included auditing the toxic aerial operation. Consultation outcomes Treaty Partners and local stakeholders were consulted with or notified prior to the operation. Lessons learned By sticking to past agreements with the hapu of keeping aerial 1080 out of the Wainui catchment, a 240 ha catchment area that includes the Wainui and Te Aewa streams, immediately adjacent to iwi lands, is one of the main catchments into the Whaingaroa harbour. Additionally, by working with the mana whenua to complete the mahi was extremely important to the hapu. 4.2 CONSENTS Consent Consent date File Reference Permission ID PHP Consent 28/02/2017 dme://2984513 VTA/2017/2446 DOC AEE 10/04/2017 dme://3011377 docCM-3011377 Lessons learned Consenting process ran smoothly and was completed well ahead of the operation. A resource consent was not required as the new Resource (Management) Exemption Regulations 2017 came into effect in February, well ahead of the planned start in May. The was one unexpected consent required for the helicopter to fly across Whaanga Road with the 1080 bait in the bucket from Waikato District Council, who required Traffic Management Plan from a qualified STMS with the appropriated qualified Traffic management staff of site during the operation. 4.3 NOTIFICATION In July 2016, an initial letter was sent to all landowners living near to the operational area in partnership with WRC to assist with the preliminary notification. Following this DOC and WRC staff visited with the adjoining landowners to consult with the on the effects of the methods. In early February 2017, the following adjoining and nearby landowners, Iwi groups, schools, Vets, Medical Centres, stakeholders and recreational user groups were posted at detailed fact sheet this was used to communicate the intent of this work more widely. A follow up notification letter was sent on 11 April 2017 to schools, medical centres, concessionaires, landowners with water intakes within the treatment area and adjoining landowners. In addition to a pre-operation public notice run in the Raglan Chronicle
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