Part V DIAGNOSES, SYNDROMES, AND CONDITIONS MEDCIN - DIAGNOSES 39448 Diagnoses, Syndromes And Conditions 36760 Senile 34847 NonnalExannoatioo 36761 Mechanical 34845 Normal Routine Annual History And 36762 Spastic Physical 36763 Cicatricial 34846 Normal Annual Health Maintenance 36764 Lagophthalmos Checkup 36765 Paralytic 34848 Normal Annual "Physical" 36766 Mechanical 34849 Normal Pre-Employment Screening 36767 Cicatricial Examination 36768 Ptosis 30719 Ophthalmology 36769 Paralytic 90108 Refractive Disorders 36770 Myogenic 30749 Refractive Error 36771 Mechanical 34053 Hypermetropia 36772 Blepharochalasis 36608 Myopia 36773 Abnormal Innervation Syndrome 30751 Astigmatism 36775 Disorders Of The Lacrimal System 36609 Regular 36783 Dacryoadenitis 36610 Irregular 36784 Acute 36623 Diplopia 36785 Chronic 36624 Polyopia 36786 Chronic Enlargement Of The Lacrimal 36611 Anisometropia Gland 36612 Aniseikonia 36787 Lacrimal Cysts 36613 Presbyopia 36788 Lacrimal Atrophy 36617 Transient Change 36789 Primary 30757 Eyestrain 36790 Secondary 90104 Eyelids; Lacrimal Sac, Duct, Gland 36791 Dry Eye Syndrome 35584 Foreign Body - Lacrimal Punctum 36792 Dislocation Of Lacrimal Gland 39753 Right 36793 Epiphora 39754 Left 36794 Due To Excess Lacrimation 39756 Both 36795 Due To Insufficient Drainage 30735 Sty (Hordeolum Extemum) 30759 Dacryocystitis 39762 Right Eye 36796 Acute 39763 Left Eye 36797 Chronic 39764 Both Eyes 36798 Phlegmonous 36746 Hordeolum Intemum 36799 Lacrimal Canaliculitis 36747 Eyelid Abscess 36800 Acute 39765 Right Eye 36801 Chronic 39766 Left Eye 36803 Lacrimal Mucocele 39767 Both Eyes 36804 Eversion Of Lacrimal Punctum 30736 Chalazion 36805 Lacrimal Stenosis 36748 Dermatitis Of Eyelid 36806 Lacrimal Punctum 36749 Eczematous 36807 Lacrimal Canaliculi 36750 Contact, Allergic 36808 Lacrimal Sac 36753 Infective 30734 Tear Duct Occlusion 36751 Xeroderma Of Eyelid 36802 Neonatal 36752 Discoid Lupus Erythematosus Of Eyelid 39768 Right Eye 36754 Parasitic Infestation Of Eyelid 39769 Left Eye 30733 Entropion 39771 Both Eyes 36755 Senile 30758 Lacrimal Calculus 36756 Mechanical 39772 Right Eye 36757 Spastic 39773 Left Eye 36758 Cicatricial 39774 Both Eyes 36759 Trichiasis Of Eyelid 36809 Lacrimal Fistula 30761 Ectropion 39775 Right Eye 441 MEDCIN - DIAGNOSES OPHTHALMOLOGY, CONT. 39776 Left Eye 36724 Contact 39777 Both Eyes 39539 Right Eye 34059 Blepharitis 39540 Left Eye 30760 Chronic Marginal 39541 Both Eyes 36744 Ulcerative 35583 Foreign Body - Conjunctival Sac 36745 Squamous 39750 Right 36810 Lacrimal Passage Granuloma 39751 Left 39778 Right Eye 39752 Both 39779 Left Eye 36352 Conjunctival Degeneration 39780 Both Eyes 36735 Xerosis 90094 Conjunctiva 36736 Concretions 30991 Conjunctivitis 36737 Pigmentations 34056 Acute 36738 Argyrosis 36714 Serous 36733 Pinguecula 36715 Follicular 36734 Pseudopterygium 38354 Vernal 39800 Right Eye 36716 Pseudomembranous 39801 Left Eye 36717 Atopic 39802 Both Eyes 30992 Hemophilus Bordetella Pertussis 36353 Conjunctival Deposits 30999 Koch Weeks Bacillus 39803 Right Eye 36725 Rosacea 39804 Left Eye 34057 Chronic 39805 Both Eyes 36718 Simple 36739 Conjunctival Granuloma 36719 Follicular 39806 Right Eye 36720 Vernal 39807 Left Eye 36721 Chronic Allergic 39808 Both Eyes 38554 Giant Papillary 36740 Conjunctival Adhesions 36722 Parasitic 36741 Localized 36726 In Mucocutaneous Disease 36742 Extensive 30993 Keratoconjunctivitis 39809 Right Eye 36677 Phlyctenular 39810 Left Eye 36678 Vernal 39812 Both Eyes 36679 Sicca 36743 Conjunctival Scarring 36680 Exposure 39813 Right Eye 36681 Neurotrophic 39815 Left Eye 36224 Tuberculous 39817 Both Eyes 30994 Meningococcus 90095 Cornea 30995 Acute Hemorrhagic 34054 Keratitis 30996 Inclusion 30738 Superficial 30997 Epidemic Kerato 36671 Punctate 30998 Gonococcal 36672 Macular 31000 Hemophilus Parainfluenzae 36673 Filamentary 31001 Neonatal 36674 Photokeratitis 38549 Chemical 36675 Snow Blindness 39533 Right Eye 36676 Welders' Keratitis 39534 Left Eye 30739 Interstitial 39535 Both Eyes 36682 Diffuse 38550 Subconjunctival Hemorrage 36683 Cogan's Syndrome 39537 Right Eye 36684 Sclerosing 39536 Left Eye 36685 Corneal Abscess 39538 Both Eyes 36222 Tuberculous 36351 Blepharoconjunctivitis 39542 Right Eye 36723 Angular 39543 Left Eye 442 MEDCIN - DIAGNOSES OPHTHALMOLOGY, CONT. 39544 Both Eyes 39795 Left Eye 34055 Corneal Degeneration 39796 Both Eyes 36693 Senile 36713 Contact Lens-Induced Corneal Disorder 36694 Recurrent Erosion 38555 Poorly-Fitting Contact Lens 36695 Keratomalacia 31116 Corneal Ulcer 36696 Nodular 36663 Marginal 36697 Salzmann's Nodular Dystrophy 36664 Ring 36698 Peripheral 36665 Central 36699 Marginal 36666 Hypopyon 39619 Right Eye 36667 Serpiginous 39617 Left Eye 36668 Mycotic 39618 Both Eyes 36669 Perforated 30744 Corneal Foreign Body 36670 Mooren's 39620 Right Eye 31117 Pseudomonas 39621 Left Eye 31118 Proteus 39622 Both Eyes 39797 Right Eye 30730 Bullous Keratopathy 39798 Left Eye 38462 Corneal Scar 39799 Both Eyes 39781 Right Eye 34058 Pterygium 39782 Left Eye 36727 Peripheral 39784 Both Eyes 36728 Stationary 36347 Corneal Neovascularization 36729 Progressive 36686 Localized 36730 Central 36687 Pannus 36731 Double 36688 Deep 36732 Recurrent 36689 Ghost Vessels 30740 Keratoconus 39785 Right Eye 36708 Stable Condition 39786 Left Eye 36709 Acute Hydrops 39787 Both Eyes 90101 Anterior Chamber 36348 Corneal Edema 36518 Hyphema 36690 Idiopathic 90098 Iris / Uveal Tract 36691 Secondary 34039 Sympathetic Uveitis 36692 Contact Lens-Induced 32477 Sympathetic Ophthalmia 39788 Right Eye 30741 Iridocyclitis 39789 Left Eye 34040 Acute 39790 Both Eyes 36511 Primary 36349 Corneal Dystrophy 36512 Recurrent 36700 Juvenile Epithelial 36513 Secondary 36701 Anterior 36514 Infectious 36702 Granular 36515 Noninfectious 36703 Lattice 34041 Chronic 36704 Macular 34042 Fuchs' Heterochromic Cyclitis 36705 Stromal 36516 Glaucomatocyclitic Crises 36706 Endothelial 36517 Lens-Induced 36707 Posterior 34043 Vogt-Kayanagi Syndrome 39791 Right Eye 36223 Tuberculous 39792 Left Eye 39548 Right Eye 39793 Both Eyes 39549 Left Eye 36350 Corneal Deformity 39550 Both Eyes 36710 Ectasia 31159 Iritis 36711 Descemetocele 38552 Traumatic 36712 Staphyloma 39551 Right Eye 39794 Right Eye 39552 Left Eye 443 MEDCIN - DIAGNOSES OPHTHALMOLOGY, CONT. 39553 Both Eyes 38465 Anterior Dislocation Of Lens 36519 Rubeosis Iridis 39737 Right Eye 36520 Iris Atrophy 39739 Left Eye 36521 Essential 39741 Both Eyes 36522 Progressive 30745 Cataract 39556 Right Eye 34050 Presenile 39557 Left Eye 36575 Anterior Subcapsular Polar 39559 Both Eyes 36576 Posterior Subcapsular Polar 38547 Aniridia 36577 Cortical 36523 Iridoschisis 36578 Lamellar 36524 Pigmentary Iris Degeneration 36579 Zonular 36525 Acquired Heterochromia 36580 Nuclear 36526 Pigment Dispersion Syndrome 36581 Combined Forms 36527 Translucency 34051 Senile 39589 Right Eye 36582 Pseudoexfoliation Of Lens Capsule 39590 Left Eye 36583 Immature 39591 Both Eyes 36584 Anterior Subcapsular Polar 36528 Degeneration Of Pupillary Margin 36585 Posterior Subcapsular Polar 36529 Atrophy Of The Sphincter 36586 Cortical 36530 Ectropion Of The Pigment Epithelium 36587 Nuclear 36534 Anterior Uveal Cysts 36588 Total 36535 Idiopathic 36589 Hypermature 36536 Implantation 36590 Combined Forms 36537 Exudative 34052 Traumatic 36538 Pars Plana 36591 Localized 36539 Primary 36592 Total 36540 Exudative 36593 Partially Resolved 39592 Right Eye 36594 Secondary To Ocular Disorders 39594 Left Eye 36595 Glaucomatous Flecks 39596 Both Eyes 36596 In Inflammatory Disorders 34049 Adhesions Of Iris 36597 With Neovascularization 36541 Posterior Synechiae 36598 In Degenerative Disorders 36544 Iris Bombe 36599 Secondary To Systemic Disorders 36545 Pupillary Occlusion 36600 Diabetic 36546 Iridodialysis 36601 Tetanic 36548 Ectopic Pupil 36602 Myotonic 90102 Crystalline Lens 36603 Toxic 30743 Congenital Ectopic Lens 36604 Radiation-Induced 38463 Aphakia 36345 After-Cataract 38467 Pseudophakia 36605 Not Obscuring Vision 38651 Anterior Chamber 36606 Obscuring Vision 38652 Posterior Chamber 36607 Soemmering's Ring 38653 Iris Fixated 90096 Vitreous 38654 Subluxation 34037 Endophthalmitis 38655 Anterior Dislocation 34038 Acute 38656 Posterior Dislocation 36423 Chronic 39725 Right Eye 36427 Parasitic 39726 Left Eye 36424 Panophthalmitis 39727 Both Eyes 36425 Vitreous Abscess 38464 Subluxation Of Lens 36426 Panuveitis 39729 Right Eye 36428 Ophthalmia Nodosa 39731 Left Eye 39545 Right Eye 39734 Both Eyes 39546 Left Eye 444 MEDCIN - DIAGNOSES OPHTHALMOLOGY, CONT. 39547 Both Eyes 39611 Left Eye 36782 Vitreous Disorders 39612 Both Eyes 30726 Vitreous Hemorrhage 34048 Choroidal Detachment 39714 Right Eye 36509 Serous 39716 Left Eye 36510 Hemorrhagic 39718 Both Eyes 39613 Right Eye 38324 Vitreous Floaters 39614 Left Eye 39719 Right Eye 39615 Both Eyes 39721 Left Eye 30742 Retrolental Fibroplasia 39723 Both Eyes 38387 Retinopathy Of Prematurity 30722 Posterior Vitreous Detachment 30720 Macular Degeneration 38285 Post-Surgical Cataract Fragments In Eye 36459 Nonexudative 90097 Retina / Choroid 36460 Exudative 30415 Color Blindness 36461 Cystoid 36637 Protan Defect 36462 Macular Cyst 36638 Deutan Defect 36463 Macular Hole 36639 Tritan Defect 36464 Macular Pseudohole 36641 Acquired 36465 Toxic Maculopathy 36640 Achromatopsia 36466 Drusen 39524 Right Eye 39627 Right Eye 39525 Left Eye 39628 Left Eye 39526 Both Eyes 39629 Both Eyes 36642 Night Blindness 38566 Ischemic Maculopathy 36643 Congenital 30721 Central Serous Retinopathy 36644 Acquired 38580 Serous Detachment Of Retinal Pigment 36645 Abnormal Dark Adaptation
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