THE TWEED School www.tweedecho.com.au Volume 3 #42 Holidays Thursday, June 30, 2011 Advertising and news enquiries: Phone: (02) 6672 2280 1EC [email protected] [email protected] CAB ?S 21,000 copies every week AUDIT LOCAL & INDEPENDENT Biosphere push Beat generation fi nds support stages revival Kate McIntosh and Luis Feliu However, the CEC’s proposal would still need the federal govern- A push to have the Tweed caldera re- ment’s endorsement before it could gion recognised as an internationally be considered by UNESCO. signifi cant ecological site appears to Th e Border Ranges National Park be gathering momentum. straddles the NSW-Queensland bor- At its meeting last week Tweed der and is home to a high number of Shire Council unanimously voted in rare and threatened species. favour of a motion to bring forward CEC says the region is second only a report on whether council should to the Kimberleys in terms of its bio- back moves to have the Border Rang- diversity. es region declared a UNESCO bio- Worldwide, there are currently 563 sphere reserve. biosphere reserves in 110 countries. Th e Caldera Environment Centre (CEC), which is leading the cam- Better than Green paign, is seeking council support for Cauldron its nomination. Well-known local performers (l-r) Lil’ Fee, Scrubby Wardrop and Bill Jacobi jam it up in preparation for next Sunday’s UNESCO’s initiative, which cele- Biosphere reserve status for the counter culture revival show, The Songs of Haight Ashbury, at Stokers Siding Hall. Photo Jeff ‘Far Out’ Dawson brates its 40th anniversary this week, Tweed region would put the area is designed to balance the protection fi rmly on the world map as well as Kate McIntosh from the US right across the world. take it on the road. of high-end conservation areas with promote tourism and create jobs, ac- ‘Everyone had that sense that they She said the show had particular sustainable development. cording to CEC co-ordinator Paul A 1950s hippie counter culture move- were sort of agents of change, whereas resonance as those involved in its pro- Biosphere reserves typically incor- Hopkins. ment is set for a revival at Stokers everyone’s so cynical these days,’ she duction had also embraced alterna- porate one or more protected areas Mr Hopkins said a biosphere re- Siding with a new stage production. said. tive lifestyles. and surrounding lands that are man- serve did not have legal status ‘so the Th e Songs of Haight Ashbury will Th e show is unique in that it is be- ‘If it was produced in Sydney by aged to combine both conservation UN can’t dictate what happens here, intersperse music, poetry and stories ing staged under an ethical fair-trade someone that lived in Mosman it just and sustainable use of natural re- but was more an aspirational strategy from the era, which saw a rebellion system pioneered by Nick. wouldn’t ring true,’ she said. sources. or template that tries to move our against conservative middle-class A professional musician for some ‘I always thought it would work If the bid is successful, Mt Warning economy from high carbon to low values. 20 years, she knows fi rsthand how well around here. Th ere’s an authen- and its surrounding areas would join carbon’. Well-known local performers will diffi cult it can be to eke a living in the ticity to this area and we’ve still got the ranks of iconic natural wonders ‘We’ve pushed for the biosphere re- channel the likes of Janis Joplin, Bob fi ckle industry. that connection to the Age of Aquar- including Uluru, the Zambezi and the serve idea for eight years; it’s much Dylan, Arlo Guthrie, Joni Mitchell All cast and production crew work- ius mentality.’ Rocky Mountains. more signifi cant than the Green Caul- and Jimi Hendrix. ing on Haight Ashbury have a stake Th e show will feature performances ‘I think it would enhance the envi- dron branding, which was mainly a Th e production takes its name from in the show and will share any profi ts from multi-award-winning blues art- ronmental credentials that we already federal initiative to promote tourism. an iconic street intersection in San equally. ist Lil’ Fi who will tackle the gravel have in this shire,’ Cr Barry Longland Th is has UN backing and joins to- Francisco. ‘It’s not just about putting on a tones of Janis Joplin; singer-songwrit- said. gether the landscape values the Green Th e slightly decrepit area attracted show, it’s trying to facilitate gainful er Diana Anaid will sing Grace Slick; Greens councillor Katie Milne also Cauldron talks about, but encompass- a motley collection of artists, poets, employment for musicians,’ Nick said. while Bill Jacobi brings his rootsy praised the initiative, saying it was a es the biodiversity issue much more. spiritualists and musicians who be- ‘Th e idea is the sound guy is just as style to Country Joe, Arlo Guthrie potential tourism drawcard for the ‘Th ere are 15 biosphere reserves in came known as the so-called Beat important as the main star. and Bob Dylan. region. Australia, with two comparable ones generation. ‘We all take the risk that we might Th e Songs of Haight Ashbury is on ‘It would be fantastic if we could to us being Noosa and the Morning- Uki mum Nick Hanlon, whose not get paid, but if it’s a success than Sunday, July 10, at 2pm at Stokers Sid- realise something like that,’ she said. ton Peninsula, so this region could be booking and publicity company we’ll all share in equal reward.’ ing Dunbible Memorial Hall. Tick- ‘Th e Tweed and in particular our cal- a good bookend to Noosa as we pro- Rainbow Region Gigs is staging the Nick said it’s hoped the show will ets are $20 and can be prepurchased dera: it’s unbelievable what a signifi - vide the green lungs of the rainforests production, said the era brought with become an annual fi xture at Stokers from Organic Revolution, Main cant duty we have to protect that.’ continued on page 2 it a wave of change that quickly spread Siding and there are also plans to Street, Murwillumbah or on the door. THE GOOD GUYS TWEED HEADS SOUTH GVA 18.5” ends monday LCD HD TV 11 july! or WHILE STOCKTAKE CLEARANCE STOCKS SAMSUNG 15.4” UNBEATABLE NOTEBOOK LAST. PANASONIC $ ON PRICE! BLU RAY 177 2.93GH $ OFFERS TURBO PROCESSOR AVAILABLE PLAYER PAY LESS PAY CASH $ 199 INSTORE 898 4GB RAM - 500GB PAY LESS PAY CASH ONLY. PAY LESS PAY CASH HDD 1GB GRAPHICS CARD CNR SHALLOW BAY DRIVE & MINJUNGBAL DRIVE HOMEMART ON THE TWEED äÇÊxxÓ{Ê{{{{ÊUÊwww.thegoodguys.com.au <echowebsection=Local News> Local News Lightforce Computers Council to sell off old quarry sites Byron’s Only Apple Certified Tech Centre Since 1992 Kate McIntosh low further community con- ‘My main concern is that this ‘No one objected, everyone End of Tax Year Specials! sultation. was costing council money for was duly notified,’ she said. Can you claim the The Education Tweed Shire Council will sell Cr Holdom, who voted in the maintenance of these prop- ‘Councillors stepped outside Refund or Small Biz Deductions? off disused quarry sites on favour of the motion, now says erties which is not in ratepay- our own policy document and Crown land that it says have she made an error of judgment ers’ best interests,’ she said. on this matter due process has Computers-Printers-Drives-software-etc. may be and that the sale should pro- ‘It’s very important to rec- not been done. I should have eligible for ATO EDU refund or deductions! become an unneccessary cost burden on ratepayers. ceed without delay. ognise that these quarries are stood up. That’s why I raised Council unanimously voted Greens Cr Katie Milne said nearing the end of their life, a rescission notice to correct at last Tuesday’s meeting to sell the sale of public land was a but that doesn’t mean they that.’ MacBook former quarry sites at Duroby sensitive issue. can’t be turned into something Cr Holdom initially tried to Creek and Chillingham on the useful.’ defer a vote on her rescission $1199 condition they not be redevel- Community has a Last December council notice until mayor Kevin Skin- oped as quarries in the future. right to be involved agreed to advertise the sale of ner and Cr Warren Polglase, $1168! Council’s director of engi- the land by public auction and who were both away at a con- neering and operations Patrick ‘It is a big issue for the com- call for written submissions. ference in Canberra, could be Knight said the sale of the sur- munity and they do have the Cr Holdom now says there in attendance. MC516X/A plus land would help fund vital right to be involved in such a was no justification for stalling However, Cr Joan van works at existing quarries. move,’ she said. the decision. Lieshout poured cold water on The decision followed a suc- However, Cr Holdom de- She said that council of- the request, saying other im- Upgrade your Laptop or iMac’s RAM & cessful rescission notice put by nied she was ‘anti-consultation’, ficers had already conducted portant issues, including the Hard Drive and Deduct the Cost! Cr Dot Holdom (Crs Milne saying it was prudent to sell off adequate consultation and no budget, had already been dis- Don’t Forget Our Winter Service: $99 $79! and Longland against) of a de- the land so that money could submissions objecting to the cussed and there was no reason cision made at council’s May be redirected back to existing proposed sale had been re- for a delay on this particular Buy any Mac in Stock - meeting to delay the sale to al- council assets.
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