.. CANADA'S ONLY MUSIC records • promotion • .music INDUSTRY WEEKLY PRINTED IN CA NADA Vol. 2 No.4 Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Week of Sept. 21, 1964 Ottowo, ond for payment of postage in cash. ClASSICAl SAXAPHON[ SUCCfSS IT'S A CHANGING BUSINESS. For pany in releasing the master. The first years there was a fabled fact that circu­ company approached turned the tape down lated about the industry that a Canadian with "No market. We might possibly sell a classical record would never "crack the couple of hundred which wouldn't even pay nut". the processing charges." A second com­ BUT THE INDUSTRY IS CHANGING and pany refused. Meanwhile, Capitol Records a recent Capirol release has attained unani­ of Canada who had already been successful mous praise from critics coast to coast, with two of Lawson Cook's previous pro­ and has attained great sales figures in it's ductions by Margaret Ann Ireland was still first five months. Recently this LP was considering the Brodie LP. made available by Capitol Canada in the IT WAS FINALLY Stan Klees who con­ United States. Again praise was heaped on vinced Capitol's colorful Geoffrey Racine the artistry a nd the production and the choice of repertoire. PAUL BRODIE is considered one of the finest Saxaphonists in the world. His chief aim in life is to brin~ the saxaphone to the attention of the public and find a place for that the sales potential was there. Racine the saxaphone in the concert world. Early was (and still is) impressed with the art­ this year Paul approached Tamarac pro­ istry of Paul Brodie, but a saxaphone con­ ducer Lawson Cook to produce an LP fea­ cert admittedly would be questioned by turing works that would focus attention on many. the saxaphone as a concert instrument. ONE WEEK LATER, Paul Brodie signed Under the direction of Mr. Cook, the ses­ a Contract with Capitol, a nd in only a few si6n was set at Hallmark S_tudios in Toronto, week~ the LP was <;>~t and receiving the , and several weeks later a master tape was blessing of the cnucs left and right. ready. Stan Klees of Tamarac and Paul Brodie's artistry, Klee's salesmanship Brodie set out to interest a Canadian corn- and Racine's foresight were about to mak~ classical music history in Canada. This was the birth of the first Canadian pe~ 1 COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curtolo formance, produced and recorded in Canada, r CHART ACTION 2 JOLIE JACQUELINE Lucille Storr "" and released by a Canadian company to 3 UNLESS YOU CARE Terry Block gain internationa l acceptance. SIR ERNEST MACMILLAN, Canada's Mr. ACROSS CANADA 4 FANNIE MAE Robbie Lone .....J Music commented "what a delightful instru­ ment the saxaphone can be in the hands of CFPL London 28 GOT MY MOJO WORKING Ronnie Howkins Howk a genuine artist". He was refering to Paul CKYL Peace River 16 *COME HOME LITTLE GLRL Bobby Cu rtol a Tartan Brodie's recording. ONE OF THE DIRECTORS of the Selmer CHAT Medicine Hot 34 UNLESS YOU CARE Terry Block Arc Music Instrument Company in the US, Benny CKOC Hamilton 31 *COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curtolo Tartan Goodman was very impressed with Paul's CJCA Edmonton 3 *COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curtolo Tartan performance. CHNS Halifax 13 *COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curto I a Tartan FROM THIS BEGINNING might come CKLB Oshowo 32 *JOLIE JACQUELINE Luci II e Storr Barry many mo re classical sessions in Canada. Already Capito l is discussing a second CHEX Peterboro 5 *COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curtolo Tartan LP featuring Bro di e, possibly backed by a CFCH North Boy 32 NORTH BAY Gateway Three Wilkow string orchestra. Brodie has al so been ap­ 42 *JOLIE JACQUELINE Luci II e Starr Barry proached to to ur Canada early in '65 and in 48 FANNIE MAE Robbie Lone Hawk October will app ear o n th e Pierre Berton 60 *COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curto I a Tartan te levision s how. As well as doin,g many concert appearances, P aul a nd his wife • CHSJ Sa int John 18 YOURS Lucille Starr Barry Re na operate the Brodie School of Music 28 OVER MY SHOULDER Barry Allon Quol i ty and Dance. Paul is a great supporter of .. 30 *CHANTILLY LACE Beavers London Canadian talent, and a belie ver in the com­ 39 *COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curtolo Tartan ing giant mu s ic indus try in Canada. CHUM Toronto 8 *JOLIE JACQUELINE Lucille Storr Barry GEOFFREY RACINE, him self an Ameri­ FANNIE MAE c an has been instrumental not only in the 17 Robbie Lane Howk Brodie success, but also a number of other 29 UNLESS YOU CARE Terry Black Arc Canadian recordings, a nd repeatedly has 32 GOT MY MOJO WORKING Ronnie Howkins Howk proven that domestic recording can be 33 *COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curtolo Tartan profitable. CKEY Toronto 8 *JOLIE JACQUELINE Lucille Starr Barry THE CLASSICAL SAXAPHONE SUC­ 12 FANNIE MAE Robbie Lone Howk CESS will e nco urage other talented artists to record, and other progressive companies 23 *COME HOME LITTLE GIRL Bobby Curtola Tartan to look at all aspects of music for the next 25 UNLESS YOU CARE Terry Block Arc BIG artist. 2 the Secretary of State. This committee was formed to look into how Canadian radio assists Canadian mu sical talent and how this situation might be altered or improved, if Wdl desirable. If you are interested and I'm sure most of you are then this is your chance to do something about it. If there a re suf­ ~·· ficient briefs submitted, with good sound reasoning, no sour grapes, this government agency can then bring about many Co~tinuing on the same theme as last week probably changes to the benefit of all. Remember, these officia l s have makes me the biggest offender of attempting to jam a Cana­ to rely on information they receive from people in the broad­ dian record down your throats because it happens to be casting field, RPM is probably the only other form of com­ Canadian. However we learn by our mistakes and by our munication in existence giving a cross section of problems association with those who are more experienced. If the fact involving the Canadian music industry. But this isn't enough. that we are selling just music, not Canadian, American, or Don 't underes timate the power this Fowler Commission could British, but just plain music, and if this fact is established have and the effect it could also have on the Canadian econo- .' with the radio stations, chances are we could find our good my. There hasn't been much fanfare regarding this commis­ Canadian singles in a different category completely, one of sion a nd I hope I am not too late in reporting on how bene- " commercial music. ficial a government agency s uch as this can be. Thanks to The Canadian Talent Library has also added greatly to the efforts of people like Gordon Sheppard, Adviser to the the exposure of Canadian artists and repertoire. All in all we Secre ta ry of State, we are placed in a much be tter position have a great deal on our side. There are s till a few problems for voicing our opinions which in turn will give us a better to be ironed out. The music industry's problems are much informed government. like Canadian magazines, movies a nd theatres. Your briefs s hould be brief and addressed to the Secre­ To help with these problems the government is lending tary, th e Committee on Broadcasting, P. 0. Box 480, Terminal a hand and has formed a Committee on Broadcasting, this is "A" Ottawa 2. Being as this is a government agency you not a royal commission but merely an advisory committee to will be required to s ubmit 10 copies of your brief. 'CROSS CANADA?? Les Vogt of Jaguar Records, Vancouver, reports big hap­ Paul M. Dolan, 2 Rosemount Ave. Weston is now looking penings for the Classics (who recently scored well in B.C. after the distribution of Terca, Cha teau-Cana tal a nd Cumber­ with their release "Aces High"). They have just completed a land la be ls. series of TV shows for the CBC called "Let's Go" with Rich Frazer of C heckmate, Ottawa wires congrats to Red Robinson and Fred Latrimo of C-FUN co-emceeing.They RPM and news a bout the re lease of " What Does A Boy Do" also appea red nitely at the Pacific National Exhibition back­ b/ w " Reunion Party" by Doug Lycett and The Kingston ing Bobby Curtola and Dick & Dee Dee. A new release by the Monarchs. Release date is Sept. 16 a nd Rich can really feel Classics will be showing soon" 'Til I Met You". this one. Label is Hawk and with the proper promotion a nd Another British Columbia group that seems to be making distribution could be a nationwide hit. Rich also mentions it big is the V.l.P's. They sent along their release "Mon­ that the biggest year ever is shaping up for Checkmate through soon" and note "This may not be the record that makes it a deal with Pepsi-Teem (one of the strongest teen sponsors but we'll keep trying until we get a hit. " Determination a nd on the scene today). humbleness are two s trong prerequisites for success.
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