AUGUST 23, 1965 50 CENTS 34TH YEAR > I 1 r . BroadeaStir THE BUSINESSWEEKLY fig OF TELEVISION AND RADIO Daytime TV: Its best year yet and it's still growing. p.29 Copyright: Will it solve problems of CATV? p.52 Court agrees with IRS on value of network affiliations. p.76 ABC -TV's baseball troubles may stop Saturday show. p.51 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 - .°!-'í i.. _ . 'ltPUBLIC fVP,;TIOTy,ÀANK. r:."'' J _ ÉD/.I.J_Y4: içA.î'-., THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE You are looking at one of today's modern markets.Tosell it -and others like it -you need the modern medium:SpotTelevision. And for maximum results, you need the progressive stations we represent. .,.... _ ,--a NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS DETROIT LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS WTRF.TV AD -CARD CLOSE -UPS #5 CARD S on the Table Our cards are 'faceup' and this computer punch indicates one of the most salient features of the Wheeling -Steubenville WTRF -TV Market ... YOUNG ADULT DOM- INANCE!' You get the greater share of the 'buying crowd' from the 453,000 TV Home audience served by WTRF -TV. *ARB (Nov '64, March '65) (7:30 -11 PM Mon -Sun) NIELSEN (Nov -Dec '64, March '65) *WTREFFIGIES -Our Frameable Ad-World Series still available - - . just ask: i ennÌ$ q: a Y 011Ú ! Dennis everyone! Like who? Like WCBS -TV NEW YORK WBBM -TV CHICAGO WCAU -TV PHILADELPHIA KMOX -TV ST. LOUIS KTTV LOS ANGELES WTTG WASHINGTON, D.C. WNAC -TV BOSTON CKLW-TV DETROIT WTTV INDIANAPOLIS KMSP -TV MINNEAPOLIS WLUK -TV GREEN BAY WBAP -TV FT. WORTH 4 KBTV DENVER WNCT WASHINGTON, N.C. WTVT TAMPA WOI -TV AMES WDAU -TV SCRANTON KPHO -TV PHOENIX WANT TO JOIN THESE TOP STATIONS WITH THIS TOP -NOTCH ALL FAMILY SERIES OF FUN -FILLED HALF -HOURS? GET THE DETAILS ON "DENNIS THE MENACE" NOW FROM SCREEN GEMS gives you more for your money MULTI -CITY TV MARKET "Noonday on 8" on Channel 8 five days weekly. The only completely equipped color station in central Pennsylvania, WGAL -TV telecasts "Noonday on 8" and practically all local programs in color. r._ ì\ Capture the audience bonus color as- «...«...,,,. 1 .., ...,,« 1 ......... READING sures. Worthwhile? Indeed! This market E.,.oN,X, HARRISBURG ...... is one of the leaders in color -set pene- ". ....... tration in its coverage area. Color is boom- à:::.- LANCASTER J - .c.:\YORK ing on Channel 8. -... «...... GETTYfUtG :,. ( .. __1_.._ H ti`".w,o,1...._. - --.«... k it ° WGAL -TV ,, ;<<,E..O: ü MIMICS li Channel 8 Lancaster, Pa. tOOOOU Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. v AIL- 316 000 WATTS New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Steinmaln Television Stations Clair McCollough, Pres. WGAL -TV Lancaster, Pa. KOAT -TV Albuquerque, N. M. KVOA -TV Tucson, Ariz. 4 BROADCASTING, AUGUST 23, 1965 FCC outlook CLOSED CIRCUIT' Now that FCC Commissioner Rob- ert T. Bartley, after officially unex- common -carrier service to community labeled "Young America with plained delay of two months, has been Week" antenna television systems. However, "massive coverage of teen -age news renominated, report persists that John- Acting Chairman Rosel H. Hyde says and features" as part of what it de- son administration would like to see matter will be taken up with full com- scribes as major editorial effort "to FCC Chairman E. William Henry mission, with view to assuring tighter identify itself with the quit. But whose teen -age mar- Mr. Henry, term runs control over staff. ket." until June 30, 1969, has stated public- ly that as far as he is concerned he Matter of telephone companies pro- Newspapers are becoming more intends to complete that term. posing to serve CATV's without bene- cognizant of effect of listening and fit of local franchise has not escaped viewing on newspaper readership by Mr. Bartley's nomination for his attention of individual commissioners, American youth. Effort, notably in third consecutive seven -year term. as well as some staffers. But commis- some larger markets, is to stimulate dates from June 30 when his current sioners are not likely to appreciate readership among teen -agers and young term expired. He's second in seniority staff saying they are "concerned" adults to parry broadcast competition after Commissioner Rosel H. Hyde. about something which has never been and to develop and maintain future whose term expires June 30, 1966. before commissioners. themselves, for readership. Mr. Hyde, 65, has served continuously consideration. since 1946 and has been identified with conununications regulation virtually Reality in commercials from its outset in 1928. An Idaho Wide open Republican, he would welcome reap- Federal Trade Commission plans pointment, it's believed. Recently formed Council for Tele- some type of advisory to television vision Development, created to coun- advertisers on fine points of what can ter FCC proposal to curtail multiple and cannot be done in commercial The ad load ownership of television stations in top production without deceiving public. markets, has broadened its scope to Advisory will be sequel to FTC's vic- Question of what, if anything, should extent of inviting all TV licensees, tory in Colgate "sandpaper" case be done about changing commercial rather than those in top -50 markets, (BROADCASTING, April 12) in which time standards of radio code will be into membership. Ward L. Quaal, Supreme Court confirmed hard -line taken up by National Association of president and general manager of FTC decision that mock -ups in corn - Broadcasters radio code board at WGN Inc. and chairman of council, mercials cannot be shown as 'real meeting in Washington next month. reported last week number of single - thing.' Possibility of dropping 14- minute station owners have joined group in Advisory will seek to give FTC's average -per -hour standard was raised response to initial invitation and that at January meeting of code board in views on production tricks such as others are expected to enlist. Chief lighting effects and camera angles to Los Angeles. is counsel W. Theodore Pierson, Wash- portray something as being brighter, Averaging provision is of most con- ington attorney. Hathaway Watson, bigger or better than it really is. When cern to daytime broadcasters, who feel president of RKO General Broadcast- final advisory will come down is not measure puts them at disadvantage ing, chairman of research, shortly is known, but Edward F. Downs, lawyer with fulltime stations. Code allows expected to appoint research consult- in FTC's Deceptive Practices Bureau, maximum of 18 minutes per hour with ing firm. is in New York this week to learn ad- weekly average at 14 minutes. Day - vertising expertise from "copywriter timers say fulltimers can hit 18- minute The cue for hue to cameraman" which FTC feels it mark during peak radio times and lacks. then fall back to average when less There's no uncertainty at CBS News than maximum number of spots are as to whether Walter Cronkite's early The poop on power sold in radio's weaker hours. As day - evening news half -hour, which com- timers, they say, they are restricted to petes with NBC -TV's Huntley- Brink- Long- dormant issue of superpower hours when time can most easily be ley Report, will be in color this fall. for clear-channel stations is expected sold. Only question appears to be exactly to come to life again in next couple when. Huntley- Brinkley goes to color of months. FCC staff, which has been Running loose on Nov. 15 and Cronkite news show digging up facts on technical impli- may be in color even before that date. cations of superpower, expects to be warm -up, show was in Tighter check rein on FCC staff is In Cronkite ready to submit them to commission likely to be principal result of staff's color evening of Aug. 19, and several by then. Staff is also drafting proposed failure to clear it with commissioners reported events were shown on news- criteria which clear -channel stations last week before dispatching letter to film in color. would have to meet to qualify for every state attorney general in U.S. developmental operation with up to on touchy community antenna televi- Looking to future 750 kw of power. If commission ac- vision question (see story page 36). cepts criteria, eight clear -channel sta- Commissioners still in Washington Taking their cue from radio -TV ap- tions that are seeking higher power feel there's little that can be done peal to younger generation as reflected would have to revise applications. about letter itself, which expresses in ratings, some farsighted newspapers Basically, criteria require compliance commission "concern" about tele- are reorienting content and promotion with rules barring interference. All phone companies "by-passing" local toward teen -age market. Milwaukee superpower applications involve some franchising authorities in providing Sentinel this week is running special interference. Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in January, by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS Inc. 1735 DeSales Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C., and additional offices. Ina 15 station market, why does WDAL get more than 1 out of every 4 Dallìmore radio dollars ?* 31E7Commealaibs T Alter all, more veovie listen to WBAL than to any other Ballímore radio station.** II ilUDí! gli t! radio Maryland's only 50,000 watt station /NBC affiliate/ Nationally represented by Daren F. McGavren Co. Inc./or call 301 -467-3000 BASED ON LATEST AVAILABLE FCC REPORTS "NCS NO. 9 6 BROADCASTING, AUGUST 23, 1965 WEEK IN BRIEF If they push out walls, TV networks may find room for Media find they agree with each other and Department another half -hour daytime show.
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