Volume 28, Number 1, November 2017 DeLeón Club of Victoria honors community leaders Every year since 1988, Con- hand to review the accolades of gress has designated September Mr. Gomez, as was his sister, Mrs. 15 to October 15 as Hispanic Heri- Lisa Hernandez. tage Month. On Wednesday, Oc- President Victor Manuel Men- tober 18, 2017 the DeLeón Club of doza opened the celebration with Victoria held an Hispanic Heritage a welcome and introduction of Recognition Ceremony at the Uni- members and their spouses. He versity of Houston-Victoria, West commented on the importance of Alcorn Auditorium. Approxi- the celebration to commemorate mately sixty-five friends and fami- the positive contributions of His- ly members attended the ceremony panics to our country. He also to honor three Victorians for their added that although the organiza- service to the community. Within tion is small in make-up, the club’s the three designated categories, contributions to the community Lucy Balderaz was commended of Victoria cannot be overstated. for her positive contributions to Members and their spouses pres- nursing and religious service, Er- ent were: president Mendoza/ nestina “Tina” Garcia, a retired Rosemary, vice-president Mike educator, received her award in Rivera/Ovelia, secretary Arturo professional contributions, and Lara/Carolina, treasurer Jesse Joel Gomez, an emergency medi- Rayos/Marie, parliamentarian cal responder and fireman, for his John Ramos/Marty; and members service to the community in cri- Dr. Jesse DeLeon/Lydia, Rey Her- sis situations. Dr. Jesse DeLeón rera/Lucy, Roman Garcia/Jessica, introduced Mrs. Balderaz, and a and Freddy Canchola/Betty. The biography on Mrs. García was invocation was led by vice-pres- provided by her son, Chris García, ident Rivera followed by hors d’ Jr. Chief Tanner Drake, from the oeuvres and entertainment by the Left to right Lucy Balderaz, nursing; Joel Gomez, medical (EMS), Ernestina “Tina” Garcia, education, and Victor Mendoza, president DeLeon Victoria Fire Department was on See DELEON, pg. 14 Club. Contributed photo. Whooping cranes make late IN THIS ISSUE UHV search............... pg 3 migration into Texas Noticias..................... pg 4 With the first pods of iconic, en- The late migration means the identifying characteristics be- dangered whooping cranes start- whooping cranes are showing up tween both hunted and protected Farmers’ market.......pg 7 ing to arrive on their wintering in Texas just as waterfowl and migratory bird species. grounds along the Texas coast, the sandhill crane hunting seasons get With Hurricane Harvey’s im- Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart- under way. It is vitally important pacts to whooping crane wintering Charlando..................pg 8 ment is reminding Texans to be on for sportsmen to review the crane habitat still not fully understood, it the lookout for these impressive and waterfowl identification guide is possible that whooping cranes La Cocina................pg 15 birds as they move through the in the Texas Waterfowl Digest may use “non-traditional” habitat Whooping crane. Contributed photo. state. and familiarize themselves with See CRANE, pg. 16 2 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Walker named chair of Community and Technical College Leadership Council Victoria College Board of Trust- munity and Technical College council earlier this year by the ees Chair Ronald Walker was re- Leadership Council. Texas Higher Education Coordi- cently appointed to head the Com- Walker was appointed to the nating Board. “My appointment by the Coor- dinating Board and later election as chair reflects the respect Vic- toria College maintains with state officials and other community col- leges,” Walker said. Walker will serve a four-year term until July 2021. The Commu- nity and Technical College Lead- ership Council, which meets four times a year, is comprised of 14 trustees from community and tech- nical colleges throughout Texas. According to its website, the coun- cil attempts to “build collabora- tive relationships that will allow the state to leverage and scale the positive results of improvement initiatives and partnerships at pub- lic community, technical and state colleges.” “Ron Walker being named to the Community and Technical College Leadership Council is great for Victoria College,” said VC Presi- dent Dr. David Hinds. “Ron repre- sents this college and our commu- nity so well when he goes to state meetings and events. Having his voice heard at that level can only mean positive outcomes for not only our students at VC, but for the over 700,000 students at all 50 Ronald Walker has started a four-year term as chair of the Community and Technical Col- Texas community colleges.” lege Leadership Council. Contributed photo. The Community and Technical College Leadership Council first tion,” said Texas Association of leaders, and with Chairman Walk- convened in July 2013. Community Colleges President & er’s leadership, we’re optimistic “Texas community colleges are CEO Jacob Fraire. “The council about that partnership and our fortunate that Mr. Walker has ac- serves a critical role in our part- joint efforts to build a bright future cepted this vital leadership posi- nership with the agency and state for community college students.” www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 3 Search committee for president of UH-Victoria announced fessor of mathematics education Health Professions and Human • Claud Jacobs, partner at Lode- • Janey Lack, executive and in the UHV School of Education, Development stone Financial Services See UHV, pg. 14 Search committee chair Roger Welder, Board of Regents University of Houston System. Contributed photo. The University of Houston Sys- tem Tuesday announced the mem- bers of a search committee charged with finding the next president of the University of Houston-Victo- ria. Renu Khator, chancellor of the UH System, said the goal is to have a new president on campus for the fall 2018 semester. The search committee will be chaired by Roger Welder, a UH System regent, and Dona Cornell, vice chancellor of legal affairs and general counsel for the system. President Vic Morgan an- nounced his retirement and depar- ture from UHV this spring after taking over as interim president in 2014. Morgan served on a year-to- year contract, extended three times during his tenure. He will remain in office until fall 2018. In announcing the membership of the search committee, which includes representatives from the UHV student body, faculty and staff, as well as the Victoria com- munity, Khator said the commit- tee is charged with developing a strong and diverse pool of candi- dates, inviting finalists for campus interviews and providing an as- sessment of each finalist. Committee members include: • Alvaro De La Cruz, president of the UHV Student Government Association • Estella De Los Santos, pro- 4 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com por Gloria Rivera El Papa Francisco es el 266th la fecha Ahora están legos de los numero de Papa. reporteros y pronto vamos a saber. VATICAN – El Papa Francisco ENGLAND – ¡La gente esta dici- Kate Middleton y Prince Wil- va visitar Chile y Perú en Enero endo que Kate Middleton y su es- liam ya tienen dos niños. de cerca del año nuevo. El Papa poso Prince William van a tener NORTH KOREA – Hace 40 años quiere ir para hablar y conocer a mellizos! la japonesa Megumi Yokota fue se- la gente que vive en Chile y Perú. Ellos no han dicho nada hasta cuestrada de agentes norcoreanos. AFRICA – Hay un virus miste- rioso que esta matando a los afri- canos. Los sainetistas están bus- cando que clase de virus es para entender que es antes de que este virus llega al resto del mundo USA – Murió el italiano que fue de la Mafia, Salvatore “Toto” Riina, en la prisión de la edad de 87 años. IRAN – Murieron 400 personas en Irán durante un terremoto y 6,000 están heridos. El terremoto Papa Francisco. Contributed photo. fue cerca de la cruz de Irán-Iraq endo cado uno por $400.00. hace una semana pasada. CALIFORNIA – Uber y NASA es- GREECE – La policía no dejo que tán juntos para hacer la versión de pasaran 200 migrantes despues de volar vehículos para hacerlo real. que los inmigrantes salieron del Una conmutar de San Francisco norte de Greece para la frontera de y San José, que es dos horas du- macedonia en esperanza de llegar rante cuando hay mas trafico pu- a otros países en Europa. ede ser corto por 15 minutes nada USA – El FBI ennecio que los mas con esta idea de volar. mas serios crímenes en los Estados ROME – Una pintura de arte de Unidos han subido mas que en el Leonardo Da Vinci ahora es la más año pasado. costosa que nunca se había costa- LIBYA – En este país se esta ven- do para una pintura de arte. diendo eslavas como hace tiempo Ahora se vende por $450.3 mil- Migrantes en Libia se están vendi- lones. www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 5 Constance Filley Johnson files for place on the ballot I will better collaborate with other Mrs. Johnson is a past President years and is the proud mother of county departments and treatment of the Victoria County Republican two children. professionals in our area to achieve Women, Victoria County Bar As- Please visit www.Constance- the common goals of diverting the sociation, and Victoria Main Street FilleyJohnson.com to learn more mentally ill from jail when pos- Program. She is a ten year mem- about why sible and reducing recidivism rates ber of the Victoria College Police Constance is the right choice for of people with substance abuse is- Academy Advisory Council and Criminal District Attorney in Vic- sues. In addition, I will establish a serves as an Adjunct Instructor. toria County. working environment within the Johnson has been married for 24 DA’s office that reduces the cur- rent turnover rate among assistant prosecutors in order to assemble an experienced legal team who shares in my vision of seeking justice in all cases by utilizing col- laborative, efficient, and effective approaches to combatting crime in our community.
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