
INDEX ABDERRAMAN II., persecution under, Aldhelm, his work in praise of virginity, 194 175, 176 Acheen, factory established at, 222 Aldulf, brother of St. Cuthbert, 176 Adalbert, abbot of Heidenheim, 185 Alencon, Duchess of, 79 Adalgudis, foundress of Limours, 163 Alger, Mr., 121 Adalhard, abbot of Corvei, joint Aliscamps, nunnery founded at, 142 founder of monastery at Herford in Almain, 105, 109, III Saxony, 187 Alt Minister, church at Wessobrun, Adalwald, King of Lombardy, 189 188 Adamnan, monk of Coldingham, 172 Althorp, Lord, 128 Adela, abbess of Pfalzel, 184 Amalarius' rule for nuns, 187 Adelphius, abbot of Remiremont, 152 Amatus, organised monastery at Remire- Ado, joint founder of monastery at mont, 152 Jouarre, 153, 154 Amboyna, massacre at, 226, 227 Adulf, 156 Amsterdam, 235 Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Pope Anabaptists, 33, 57 Pius II., 105, 109 Andelys, double monastery at, 154, 169 Aette, abbess, 178 Angilbert, minister of Charlemagne, Agatha, disciple of Lioba, 187 IS4» 163 — nun of Wimborne, 186 Anne, Queen, 118 Agatho, Pope, 171 Annesi (village near Neo Caesarea), Agaun, monastery at, 152, 154 nunnery at, 140 Agde, council of, 141, 142, 1.44 Anstrude, 155 Agibod, 189 Antwerp, 239 Agilus, abbot of Rebais, 154 Arks, double monastery at, 141-145, Agnes, abbess of Poitiers, 147 148. 153 Agrestius, 151 Arnegesil, 146 «. Ahmedabad, factory established at, 222 Artemia, abbess of Cuteclara St. Mary, Aidan, Bishop, 167, 169, 170 I9S Akehurst, Alexander, 28 n. Asella, 141 Alban (Chell Ailbe), 167 Asquith, Mr., 134 Alchfrith, King of Northumbria, 176 Augsburg, merchants of, 238, 239 Alcuin, 178, 181 Aurelian, successor to St. Caesarius, 143 Aldfrid, King of Northumbria, 180 Austreberta, abbess of Pavilly, 162 Aldgilda, nun of Barking, 175 Atittin, double monastery at, 148 Aldhelm, his description of the nunnery Auxerre, council of, 148 «. at Barking, 175, 176, 178 Auxilius, Bishop, 167 it. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 10 Oct 2018 at 20:27:05, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0080440100003765 2$O TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Avenay, double monastery at, 155 Beverley, double monastery at, 173 Ayers (Ayres, Aires, Eyres), Captain, Bierzo (Astorga), double monasteries 24, 29 at, 196 Bischofsheim, double monastery at, BACON, Sir Francis, 217 185-187 Baildon, Lieutenant Cuthbert, 18, 26 Boatry, Cornet, 34 n. Baldwin, brother of Salaberga, 155 Bobolenus, Theodulfus, 152 «. Balfour, Sir William, I9«., 46 Boleyn, Anne, 75, 76, /9, 8o»., 81 «., Ballance of Trade, Sir Lionel Crawford, 82, 84, 86-89, 93. 95, 101, 102 his, 211»., 212 «. Bolton, Lieutenant Roger, 67 Baiter (Walter), monk of Sackingen, Boniface VIII., Pope, 106 ' Life of Fridolin' by, 183 Book of Rates, 207, 221 Bantam, factory established at, 222 Botulf, 156 Bardney, double monastery at, 172 Bourges, monastery at, 151 n., 152 «. Barfoote, John, of Eltisley, 46 n. Bozius, 104 n. Barking, double monastery at, 174,175 Brandis, Sir Dietrich, 13 — nuns of, 140 n. Bregentz (Brigantia, Augia Major), Barton, George, 20 n. double monastery at, 183 Basel, council of, 103-105, 109, no Brescia, double monastery at, 189 Bateson, Miss Mary, 127, 137 Brie, double monastery at, 150, 151, Bathilda, Queen, 155, 156, 169 n. 155, 169 n. Baxter, Richard, 23-26, 31, 33, 57, Brigittine order, 197 62,63 Bristowe (Bristol), 207 «., 235 Beauchamp, Mr., 1, 3, 6 Browne, Captain John, 28, 37 n. Beaume les Dames, monastery at, 144 n. — Lewis, of Cambridge, 27 Becket, St. Thomas a, 106 — Robert, 67 Beda, 151, 155, 168-170, 172-174, 182 Brunechild, sister of Bishop Syagrius, Bedford, Duke of, 236 148 Bedfordshire, depopulation reports for, Brunswick, House of, 118, 119 234 Buchanan, 111, 114 Belgium, double monasteries in, 156- Buckingham, Duke of, 125 159 memoirs of, 125 Bell, Mr., 223, 244n. Buckinghamshire, depopulation reports Bellarmin, 104»., in for, 234 Benedicta, abbess of Nono, 191 Bullion, export of, 221, 223 Beneventum, St. Sophia's monastery Burgundofara, monastery of, 150, 151 at, 190 n. Burke, Edmund, 117, 118, 121, 128 Benken (Babinchrova), double monas- his theory of the constitution, tery at, 183 132. 133 Bercarius, founder of Montierender, 161 Burngida, nun of Barking, 175 Bermuda (Somers') Island, 230 Bernarius, 160 Berry (Bury), Captain James, 24, 26, CAEDMON, 170, 171, 172it. 29, 37. 4% 5°«-. 55. °°"-> 65, 66 Caesarea, sister of St. Caesarius, 142 Bertichram, abbot of Le Mans, 145 n, — abbess, niece of St. Caesarius, 143 Bertila, abbess, 156 CflM^rfDortmanchester, in Northamp- Besanfon, double monastery at, 153 tonshire), double monastery at, 176 Bethel, Captain Christopher, 32, 33, Calcaria (Kaelacaester), 169 37 «• Camboja, factory established at, 222 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 10 Oct 2018 at 20:27:05, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0080440100003765 INDEX 251 Cambray, treaties of, 81 Chrodielde, 148 Camby, Sol., 32 n. Church, 104, no, 112 Campbell, Lord, 127 — a state, 107, 108 Campeggio, 75, 78, 79, 81-88,92, 93 ». — action of, against spurious monas- Candida Casa, 167 teries, 163 Cannon, Henry, 63 — Breton, 137 Carleton, English ambassador to the — Irish, 137, 171 States, 225 — relation of the State to, 107 Carlisle, double monastery at, 176 — unity of the, 103, 109 — Earl of, seizure of a horse of, 43, Cleaton, William, 54 44 n. Clemanges, Nicholas of, 108 Carlyle's ' Letters and Speeches of Clement VII., Pope, 77, 92, 97, 101 Oliver Cromwell,' 22, 26, 29, 31, Cloth, dyeing and dressing of, 208, 212, 33. 48, 57. 65, 126 213 Caron, Sir Noel de, 242 — trade, 208-221 Cassian's 'Collations of the Fathers,' Clotilda, Queen, 155 175 Clovis II., 159 Cassiodorus' Viviers, monastery of, 138 Coakham (in Berkshire), monastery at, Castellium, monastery at, 138 n. 176 Cavendish, Charles, Royalist general, 26 Cochin China, 222 — Colonel, 69 Cockayne, Sir W., his scheme for re- — Lord John, 132 forming the cloth trade, 213, 215, — Wolsey's servant, 85, 86«., 88, 89, 216, 217-220 94, 95,98, 99 »• Coenburga, joint foundress of Wim- Celle, monastery at, 159 borne monastery, 180 Centule S. Riquier (Amiens), 163 Coenred, King of Wessex, 180 Cesarini, 104 n. Cogitosus'' Life of St. Brigid,' 165,166 Chagnoald, Bishop of Laon, 151 Coke, Sir E., 213 «., 215, 216, 220 Chamalieries, double monastery at, 162 Colchester, siege of, 31 Chambers, Ro, 20 «. Coldingham (in Berkshire), double Chandos, Duke of, 126 monastery at, 171, 172 Chapuys, Imperial ambassador, 86«., Coleman, William, 66 89, 9°, 93, 94, 99«-> I02 Columba, martyr, 195 Charenton, monastery at, 152K. Committee appointed to settle the Charlemagne, 157 affairs of the kingdom, 19 Charles I., 228, 247 — of both kingdoms, 46 plot to kill, 31 Commons, House of, 51, 61, 97-100, — Prince, 227 «., 231 103, 120, 121, 125, 126, 129-136, — the Bald, grant by, 157 204-207, 209, 232 — V., Emperor, 77 Congregationalism, 55 Ckasteaulieu, double monastery of, at Constance, council of, 105, 107, 109, Mons, 158 no Chatham, Earl of, 122, 123 doctrine expounded by, 113, Chelles, double monastery at, 154-156, 114 168, 169, 174, 176, 177 politics at, 103-115 Chertsey, monastery at, 174 sovereignty of, 104 Childemara (Hildemarque), abbess of threefold importance of, 106 Fecamp, 160 was it a failure ? 103, 105, 106, Christian IV., King of Denmark, 211 1 7 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 10 Oct 2018 at 20:27:05, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0080440100003765 252 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Constantia, nun of Autun, 148 Cromwell, Oliver, Self-denying Ordi- Constantinople, English merchants ill- nance proposed by, 61 used at, 224 troop of 60 men, his, 19 Constitution, theories of the English, vote of 1,000/. to, 61 132-135 son of Oliver, 27, 28 Constitutionalism, III, 114 — Thomas, 77, 98, 99 Coppin, Sir George, 215 Cumberland, Earl of, 209 n. Coquet Isle, monastery at, 171 Cunningham, Sir James, 225 Corbey, Pascasius Ratbertus, abbot of, Currency crises, 236-238 161 — debasement of, 242, 243 Cordova, double monasteries near, 194 Cutberga, nun of Barking, 175 Corkbush Field, rendezvous at, 29 n. Cutburga, joint foundress of Wimborne Corn, exportation of, 235 monastery, 180 Cotton, General, 12 Cutedara St. Mary, double monastery — Sir Robert, 241 at, 195, 196 Council of Defence, 225 Cranfield, Sir Lionel, v. Middlesex, D'ACHERY, 161 n. Lord, 211 «., 217 D'Ailly, Peter, 104, 108 Cranmer, Thomas, 77, 79-81 Dale, Sir Thomas, 230 Crawford, Major-General, 57 D'Allemand, Louis, 104 «., 109 Cressy, Mr., 77, 78 Dante, 106 Cromwell, Henry, 26 n. Darcy, Lord, 76, 102 — Oliver, 17-73 Dega Maccaryl (St. Dagaeus), 167 accounts of pay due to, 19, 20, Derby (Derbie), Committee of, 07 52,53 — Lord, 131 appeals to Mayor of Colchester Desborough (Disborrough, Disbrowe), for money to pay troops, John, 18, 19, 24, 27, 37 «., 42, 43 «., 47 67 appointed Commander-in-Chief, Deusdedit, Archbishop of Canterbury, 63 178 captain of a troop of 80 harque- Dicey, Mr., 104 busiers, 20 Dictionary of National Biography, 26, choice of officers by, 18, 29, 62 29, 3° contributes to loan for raising Diemund, of Wessobrun, 187, 188 Essex's army, 18 Digna, martyr, 195 conveits his troop into a regi- Disraeli, Mr., 131, 134 ment, 22-25 Divine right, theory of, no, m difficulties about payment of Dodsworth, Captain, 47 trcops, 50 Donatus, founder of Besancon, 153 fourteen troops of his regiment, Double monasteries, early history of, 25-35 137-198 his care of horses, 45 in Belgium, 156-159 letter to, 67 England, 150, 164, 168-183, letters from, 28»., 31, 34, 35 «., 197 36, 42»., 44, 47, 48, 54, 56, Gaul, 150-164, 168 64-66 Germany, 150, 183-188 Life of, 64, 65 Ireland, 145, 160, 165-168 — mutiny of his troops, 60, 61 Italy, 188-190 seizure of a horse by, 44 Sardinia, 188 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core.
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