·< "-:,, .·i::, ' •,, ,}, '• •' ·····.··~t1-ra.1a. ... gi~asr·········· ~·t;·r·t1e entire Torah is of your reach? As we begin the year and the Torah anew. make it one of your '"~"P (resolutions) to embark on an exciting and inspiring tthe journey. Study the halachos. reasons and divrei Chazal relating • to the Taryag Mitzvos, the 613 foundation stones of the Torah. The Taryag legacy Foundation wishes to thank n1ng ... Your appreciation ofTorah and Mitzvoth will reach new heights. MORRIS & DEVORA SMITH LA.WRENCE, NY LOOKAT KIRUV HARAV ASHER WEISS, N"\J'>J\!J CONVENTION SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE You ARE INVITED To THE 19TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL AJ P CONVENTION JANUARY 1 16 111 E MARRIOT UN VALLEY INN 111 MORE, MD The Torah stays the same but the world keeps on changing. The ongoing challenge of the outreach professional is to examine and reexamine the Jewish world and soul and learn how best to reach them. This year's convention will explore the thought, culture, and psyche of tomorrow's world and attempt to introduce the hest available methods and techniques to reach Jews where they are. WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF GEDOLE! Y!SROFL, MACHZ!KE! TORAH .. AND THE TORAH WORLDS FINEST IN K!RUY Harav Shmuel K,i,menetsky, N"\J'J\'J Rabbi Yaacov Haber Rabbi Y;tzcl10k Lowenbraun Harav Yaakov Perlow, N"\J)'J\!J CONVENTION CHAIRMAN NATIONAL DIRECTOR RABBINIC AUTHORITIES ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH OUTREACH PROGRAMS Op- C.REATING LEADERS, PROVIDING TOOLS, EMPOWERING PEOPLE. TEL: 973-597-1552 EXT. 7 •FAX: 973-597-1553 e EMAIL: [email protected] • WWWAJOP.COM r-=··· THE ewish BSEltVER THE JEWISH OBSERVER (JSS~) 002Hi615 !S l'l'Bl.lsrn:I) MONT!IU. UiCl:PT J1 IJ,Y & /\!!GI 'S"J ,\ND A COMBINED rssr;i·: IO!l .IAl'<!ii\!HiFFJllHJA!l\. IJY rl!L '\(;l ! DATI! bR ·\ !'L 01-- A \1 !-;!<!Ci\. ,;.2 8HOADW,\Y. :'IJEw Yo1rn, !\JY 10004. l'E!l!Of)!CAl.S l'OS!',\(;f·: l'A!IJ !N "11-:w Yoruc NY. S1m.sc!lrPrlON S25.00/Yb\11; 2. H'All.S. $48.00: .i YJ.:ARS, S6fJ.OO. ()\ 1IS!lH. OF Tl!l-: l_!>,J[TJ·.I) ST"-TES (lJS l'U~IJ.S Dll.'\WN ON,\ lJS l!A'.'IK Oi'iLY) S15.oo s1mcH,\!l(;1-: N:R YEAR Stf\i(;!.F CO!'\' $3,50: OUTSIDE NY ARF•\ S:'i.95: FO!H:l(;N 54.50. Noted in Sorrow We note with sorrow the petira (passing) of R,1bbi POSTMASTER: Su-.;D Al)DllJ-:ss l:H,\NCl·:s TO: Yisroel Perkowski ~nrr on the first day of Chol Hanwcd Tur JEWISH OBSERVU~ Sukkos ( 17 Tishrei/October 8). Born in Kobrin, Russia, 42 Bl<Oc\n\VAY, NY. NY 10004 J'U. 212~797-f)()OO, FAX 646-254-IHOO close to 95 years ago, he learned in the yeshiva there under l'r~l N'I FD 1...- T!IE USA Rabbi Pesach Pruskin, and was strongly influenced by the RAJlBI Nl~SON WOLl'!N. Frfilor Mashgiach, Rabbi YoseifLeb Nanednik (later Mashgiach hiiloria/ lfonrd in Kletzk). He then learned in the Mirrer Yeshiva, where R·\llBI Josi':l'H ELIAS. U111ir111011 RAnBt ABBA Bm>D"IY he had a seder(regular study session) with the Mashgiach, KASHRUS CRISIS - AN OPENING FOR JOSEPH Fu1EOENSON 6 Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein - in Poland, in Shanghai, and RA!HJI YISROFL ME1n KtlUNFU LONGER DISCUSSION !(,\Bill No.ssoN ScHEUM,\'\' then, after World War II, in Bais Hatalmud in Brooklyn, P!lOF. A,\IHJN TWF.HSKI 8 F088/DDEN MEAT, INNOCENT where he ultimately served as Rosh Haycshiva for close to /111mdcn (ONSUMFRS, f\ND THE COMMAND 40 years. He was part of the group of European talmidci l)!l. ER:-;ST L. BOPENHUME!l Z"I. TO BE AN K'ADOSl-f, RA!HH MOSIJE S11un:R Z"I. Arvi based on on chachamim who elevated and virtually transformed the address by Rabbi Matisyahu Sa!on1on Manuqcmrnl lloorrl American yeshiva world. Rabbi Perkowski also spent N,\FTOJ.l H111sc1-1. ISAA(: KllU,Nl'.ll, several months in Yenishalayim, where he married the RAllBl S!ILOMO IYS!N, DAVID SINGEfl:, NAClll'M STl'IN COMPASSIONATE HEARTS, forn1er l)ina Ludmir. Rebbetzin Perkowski ;-pnrw has HELPING HANDS M!~S. LEAi! ZA<dCLBAlrM, been a member of the faculty of Bais Yaakov Seminary Adrcr/i1·iny Mrmayr'r 11 BF /\ Sour~cE o;: Co1v1FORT ;.\ND of America for the past 50 years. PU!lLISl!fl) !H HOPE, Rabbi Dr.Tsvi G. Schur Rabbi Perkowski also served as Mora deAsra of the AGUDAH! ISl~Af.L 01" AMERICA 16 GRANDPARENTS AT RISK, p,\RT II, Agudath Israel of 16th Avenue from the time it was 11.S, TnAIJJ·: DISTl~!IJllfOn Barbara A. O/evitch founded in 1962 as the "Young Agudah Minyan" by a Fi-:LDHFIM 1'1rnus111-:ns 201l Airp0t t hl'rnlilc !tuli 18 VISDING THE SICK - THE LAWS OF group of then-current and fonner yeshiva students. It IVmJ//c/. ,•\'Y10934 BrKUR (HOL!M, a book review by had formerly been a ZeireiAgudath Israel chapter. (Rabbi lhl!T!Sll RJ,P!U·:Sl-:NTATIVIC Aharon Kotler 7"'1!, Rosh Hayeshiva of Beth Medrash M.T BIBEi.MAN Rabbi Laibish Becker Gmwrnor \ii,,./;i ECHOES OE A WHISPERING 5HOEAR, Govoha, would speak there every Shabbas Bereishis to .'>fo1111t l'fro1rml Iii// 22 /Jmdrm /.';; yl\'/:'. FNCl.A!Vf) Steve Lipn1an inspire the n1embers to assu1ne con1n1unity responsi­ bility and mobilize them to raise funds for Chinuch f'!lE.'<C!I llf'.P/IES!·:NTATJV!·: RABBI /lAM!lEHGEll 28 REACHING THE JEV\/ISH Sou1_ WITH Atzmai/'Ibrah Schools for Israel.) Rabbi Perkowski was 21 lkmlrwml lt1i.1'/m111 ,r,7000 .He!;:, !-RAIVO: NEEESH YEHUDI, A NEW KtRUV honorary chairman of the Conference of Rabbanim of Agudath Israel Congregations for several decades. I S!lAl'.U fH'.l'HF.SENT:\'J lVE VENTURE !N ISRAEL, Mirian1 J(os1nan lNl'NL. MEDIA l'LACFMFNJ' 36 WHO (AN FORGET "MR. 5HATNES"7 In deference to his tzava'a (last will) that no hespeidim 1'013 71.<J5 I !J7 Joffi1 J..barl ]crnwfvm «i4.340. l'iRAFI Yitzchok Gfuestein (eulogies) be delivered, these words are limited to bare facts. His total i1nn1ersion in lirnud haTorah be'iyun llEt.(,IAN zn:PH:~;SENTAT!V~; 38 THE (HAZON ls11: THE MAN AND M!l. I':. APTUl vehavnna - analysis of "forah with unusual depth - was His V1s10N, PART Ill, Rabbi Shlamo I.WU/(' /iw1·il>lf. 2.9 undisputedly his trademark. He guided the members 2rnlJ A11/n1·1p. IJF/(;/liM Lorincz, prepared for publication by of his shul to strive to fill the role his spoken words and ')(Hl't'H •\HllCAN l~U'IH:.sENTAT!VE Yonoson Rosenblum Mil. V. TABACK inspiring presence projected - to be full-fledged bnei l'O /fox 51552. Rocdrnc. Jolumncslmtt/ I HE JEWISH 01\SERVER 001·:<; NOT A.SS(IMI·: Torah, even as they spent their days in the workplace 212.; 50! Tri I Afl?J(A llESPONSIJ\lL!'fY FOil l'llE K·\S!HHIS OF ANY Pl{OJ)\<C"r. l'l!Bl.lCATJON. OH SEJIV!CE AnvEnnsEn !N IT.S PAGE.~ and professional world, and that they make every effort >\!!STRAUAN rn:P!U:SENTATJVF © (OPYRJGHT 2006 to raise the next generation to aspire for greatness in DR. A. DINNEN Torah and rniddos tovos. 1 77 lfo 11qo M:x1d NOVEMBER 2006 / VOLUME XXX!X LI/nm JI,// Ml\""" Al \/R1111 NO. 8 Yehi zichro baruch. _____., ____ _ r-=~--=---. ------------=-··· OcTOBEH 2 0 0 6 ! Kashrus Crisis - An Opening tor longer Discussion cent events in kashrus have entire way, from the source of each of contrast, if consumers unite their voices !armed the broad public. It is the various ingredients of the foods until and declare that unless points a, b, and R: bsolutely shocking that a com· it reaches the consumer. Manufacturers, c are addressed and corrected, they will munity that has always been admired preparers, packagers, transporters, pro­ take their business elsewhere, the system for its high standards in Torah study viders, servers- these must all honor the will perforce become upgraded. and mitzvah observance should be guidelines set by the rabbanim. And all The consumers, however, must be affected so broadly, in such a profoundly of this should be taking place under the educated and then become organized. negative way, and with such far-reaching supervision of knowledgeable, trained, They must establish minimum expec· ramifications. This has prompted people astute, and reliable mashgichim (kashrus tations, and for this they must consult to stand back and consider the general supervisors) of unquestionable expertise authoritative mbbanim. The following state of our kosher food supply. and integrity. points were among many suggested by Indeed, just as food production and Each of the participants in this chain several such rabbaniln: distribution have grown inore con1p1ex of command is extremely important, • Keys to the establishment - the over the years, so has kashrus become and his credentials must be impeccable. freezers and the storage roo1ns more sophisticated and challenging. As But, in the process, the hundreds of - must be in the exclusive pos­ a result, common wisdon1 has it that thousands of kosher consumers have session of the mashgiach .... If in supervising and guaranteeing kashrus become passive and complacent, and Bnei Brak's Malon Vizhnitz, the should be relegated to the "profes­ this is a serious error, because the role of hotel manager can only enter the sionals" - the rabbinical authorities the consumer is most crucial of all. No kitchen and storage areas when i who are expected to set standards and individual or group can match the con· the mashgiach unlocks the doors delineate how these affect production sumers' clout.
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