Oak Hill ❖ Herndon Spring Fun 2012 Page 3 From left, Kelly Chen, 14, and Isabel Robles, 12, students at the Classical Ballet Theatre in Herndon welcome guests to their annual Ballet and Bordeaux fundraiser Saturday, March 24. Classifieds, Page 14 Classifieds, ❖ Sports, Page 13 ❖ Entertainment, Page 10 ❖ County Opinion, Page 6 Takes DancersDancers OnOn Aim at Bullying TheThe MoveMove News, Page 8 News, Page 3 Promoting Arts and PERMIT #86 PERMIT Martinsburg, WV Martinsburg, Music at Mosby Woods PAID U.S. Postage U.S. News, Page 4 STD PRSRT Photo by Alex McVeigh/The Connection www.ConnectionNewspapers.comMarch 28-April 3, 2012 online Oakat Hill/Herndon www.connectionnewspapers.com Connection ❖ March 28 - April 3, 2012 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Oak Hill/Herndon Connection ❖ March 28 - April 3, 2012 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Herndon Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Jimmy Cirrito, owner of Jimmy’s Old Town Tavern in Herndon, serves as auctioneer during the last year’s Taste of the Town at Worldgate Center. This year’s event will take place April 19. From left, Sydney Sasser, Peter Bacenet and Kaley Thornton perform the Hungarian Photos by Variation from “Swan Lake” during the Classical Ballet Theatre’s annual Ballet and Alex McVeigh/ Bordeaux fundraiser Saturday, March 24. The Connection Dancers On the Move Arts Council Offers Classical Ballet Theatre Taste of Spring hosts annual fundraiser, Taste of the move to Reston. By Alex McVeigh Town brings The Connection restaurants to hen Cynthia Donavin, executive di- the forefront. rector of the Classical Ballet Theatre, was searching for inspiration to find W By Alex McVeigh a new location for the studio, she turned to one of the area’s most famous patrons of Sonia Boroday, 13, a student at the Classi- The Connection the arts: Reston founder Robert Simon. cal Ballet Theatre in Herndon introduces “I gave Mr. Simon a ride to our studio, he checked guests to items up for auction at the his Spring, the annual it out and said he knew the perfect place to relo- theatre’s annual Ballet and Bordeaux TTaste of the Town fes- cate,” Donavin said. “And sure enough, the spot he fundraiser Saturday, March 24. tival will celebrate picked will be our new location. He said he chose it many of Herndon’s signature because of its proximity to two future Metro stops.” dance well, but to succeed in many aspects of life,” restaurants by giving visitors a The Classical Ballet Theatre, a nonprofit dance stu- said Richard Thayer, chairman of the CBT’s board. chance to sample their signa- dio dedicated to providing education, performance “This is where you can get the best regional training ture items. Hosted by the Coun- From right, Jeff Sinclair of and outreach throughout the area, will be moving in the Mid-Atlantic.” cil for the Arts of Herndon, the Herndon greets Mayor August a little more than a mile east in Sunset Hill Thayer said he was “thrilled at the possibilities” of 21st annual event has long been Steve DeBenedittis and Road, next to the Plaza America shopping center. To the new space, which will feature a third studio to known as a showcase for desti- Councilmember Jasbinder help facilitate their expanded facilities, the theatre help the CBT increase their program offerings. nation dining. Singh at the Taste of the hosted their annual Ballet and Bordeaux fundraiser “We’re bursting at the seams at our current location, “Taste of Herndon is sort of Town festival, which will at the Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon and the move to Reston will ensure the continuation of how I keep up with the latest take place this year on Saturday, March 24. our quality programs,” he said. “We want to continue places that have opened over Thursday, April 19. “We exist for one reason, and that’s to raise young everything positive we do, which includes reaching out the past year,” said Peter dancers in a way that not only prepares them to to dancers, students, families and the community at Neeson of Herndon. “I don’t restaurants that I know are will- large.” consider myself to have a par- ing to get involved in a commu- The CBT hopes their new loca- ticularly brave palette when it nity event and support some- tion will encourage people to take comes to trying a new place, thing like the Council for the a look and see what happens on a much to my wife’s chagrin, but Arts.” daily basis. the festival is a great way to get This year will feature celeb- “We’re growing by leaps and the feel of places.” rity bartenders (often members bounds, and this move will help More than 20 restaurants will of the Town Council and other us provide more offerings to the be present at this year’s event, officials) as well as a full com- communities of Herndon, Reston including newcomers Jimmy pliment of auction items that and beyond,” said Patricia John’s, McAlister’s Deli and old include golf packages, wine McCabe, the CBT’s director of de- standards like Jimmy’s Old tastings vacations and more. velopment. “We want to open our- Town Tavern and O’Sullivan’s. The Taste of the Town will selves up more to the community, “I like seeing new places at take place at the Worldgate so we’ll have a lot of windows and Taste of the Town because if the Center on Thursday, April 19 open space.” family is thinking about going from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Admis- The CBT was founded in 1991, to a new place, or we happen sion is $20 per person for non- Shanna Gayer, an alumnus and since then more than 30 of its to pass by one of the places I Arts Council members, $15 for of the Classical Ballet Hannah Markowitz, a alumni have gone on to profes- recognize, we’re more likely to members. More information Theatre in Herndon, per- student at the Classical sional dance careers around the stop in,” said Samantha Nguyen can be found at forms the Variation from Ballet Theatre in Herndon country, on Broadway and around of Herndon. “I like supporting www.herndonarts.org. “Carmen”. performs as the Black Swan. the globe in Russia and Germany. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Oak Hill/Herndon Connection ❖ March 28 - April 3, 2012 ❖ 3 News Promoting Arts and Music at Mosby Woods One of the highlights of the year, the annual School Site Visit, con- tinues to attract art supervisors, principals, and their art and mu- sic teachers to see exemplary arts education and arts integration pro- grams in a local school. Council members and Principals’ Arts Edu- cation Forum members joined From left: Madalyn Stephens, Willow Jahnke and Fadumo Mahri Aste, principal at Mosby Alquani with their 4th grade teacher, Cindy Campbell. The Woods Elementary School, and students were discussing in detail the large works of art her staff on a guided tour of Mosby they were observing and writing down their thoughts. Woods’ art education and arts in- tegration programs. They had an how Mosby Woods integrates the mance and school murals. Mosby opportunity to visit classrooms to arts in their school from a panel Woods is involved with the observe arts-integrated lessons, of their teachers. Kennedy Center-sponsored CETA tour the school and courtyard, ex- They saw evidence of strong vi- program (Changing Education amine documentation of student sual arts and music programs at Through the Arts.) learning through the arts, and hear the school, including a perfor- Bulletin Board To have community events listed in the Connection, send to [email protected]. Deadline is Friday. SATURDAY/MARCH 31 p.m. Fairfax Unitarian Church, 2709 Fairfax County presents Hunter Mill District Democratic Hunter Mill Road, Oakton. With Caregiving 101. 8:30 a.m. Committee Lasagna Dinner & Stephen Baird and The Galapagos Unitarian Universalist Congregation Auction. 5 p.m. Reston Community Mountain Boys. of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Road, Center, 2310 Colts Neck Road, Oakton. Free. Register at 703-324- Reston. 5205, TTY 711, [email protected]. TUESDAY/APRIL 10 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/ Oakton HIgh School Dance Team olderadultservices or Pre-tryout Clinic. 4 p.m. Oakton [email protected]. SUNDAY/APRIL 1 High School, 2900 Sutton Road, Gospel music for atheists. 12:45 Vienna. [email protected]. See Bulletin, Page 7 For a free digital sub- scription to one or all of the 15 Connection Newspapers, go to www.connection newspapers.com/ subscribe Complete digital replica of the print edition, including photos and ads, delivered weekly to your e-mail box. Questions? E-mail: going green@connection newspapers.com 4 ❖ Oak Hill/Herndon Connection ❖ March 28 - April 3, 2012 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News Benches, Fountains, 25%25% TreesTrees && Statues, Bonsai, ShrubsShrubs Orchids & Roses OFFOFF 20112011 StockStock OnlyOnly Pansies 97¢ 18 Webelos II FREE ESTIMATES scouts from Reg. $1.89 Landscapes, Patios, Walkways, Pack 913 Walls & Paver Driveways earning their 50% Off Japanese Maples 30% Off Arrow of Crepe Myrtle & Select Shade Trees ~ Over 200 Varieties ~ Light Award, 9023 Arlington Blvd., the highest 50-65%50-65% OffOff Fairfax, Virginia rank in cub 2 miles west of I-495 on Rt. 50. PotteryPottery 1 mile from I-66 (Vienna Metro) scouting. WashingtonWashington Area’sArea’s 703-573-5025 www.cravensnursery.com BiggestBiggest SelectionSelection Open 7 days a week Transisitioning Contributed Photos from Cub to Boy Scouts Herndon’s Cub Scout Pack 913 awarded 18 of its Webelos II scouts with the Arrow of Light Award at Dranesville Elemen- tary School on Friday, March 23.
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