CASH PAYMENTS TO CORPORATIONS, ETC., 1961-1962 271 GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA Cash Paid to Corporations, Firms, Individuals, Municipalities, Cities, Towns and Villages, Arranged in Alphabetical Order to Show the Amount Paid to Each Payee Where the Total Payments Exceed $500.00 for the Year Ended 31st March, 1962. (For Salaries, Page No. 247) Name Address Amount Name Address Amount “A” Aetna Roofing Company Ltd., Abbott Laboratories Ltd., Winnipeg $ 789.00 Montreal, Que.$ 3,608.43 Agar, V., Winnipeg . 951.66 Abbott Laboratories Ltd., Age & Opportunity Bureau, Winnipeg ... 1,300.40 Winnipeg . 7,500.00 Abel, Ross W., Minnedosa . 517.43 Agricultural & Horticultural Abrey, Oral E., Dauphin . 12,330.42 Societies, Total . 183,019.78 A & C Snack Bar, Dufresne .... 768.75 Aikenhead, A., Mafeking . 3,327.40 Academy Driving School, Aircraft-Marine Products of Winnipeg . 525.00 Canada Ltd., Toronto, Ont... 525.69 Achtymichuk, William, Ashem 780.00 Alary, Marriette F. P., Ackland Hardwoods & Winnipeg . 799.41 Specialties, Winnipeg . 1,044.03 Alberta-Saskatchewan- Acklands Limited, Winnipeg .. 19,741,20 Manitoba School of Narcotic Acme Chrome-Furniture Co. Education, Winnipeg . 1,000.00 Ltd., Winnipeg . 3,137.90 Alberta Trailer Sales Ltd., Acme Letter Service & Calgary, Alta., . 13,015.08 Printing, Winnipeg . 1,175.97 Alchem Ltd., Burlington, Ont... 1,668.64 Acme Linen Supply, Winnipeg 502.95 Alcohol Education Service Acme Paper Box Manitoba, Winnipeg . 30,000.00 Co. Ltd., Winnipeg . 1,825.33 Alcoholism & Drug Addiction Acme Radiator Service, Res. Arch. Foundation, Winnipeg . 1,967.13 Toronto, Ont. 2,016.01 Acme Welding & Supply Alcoholism Foundation of Ltd., Winnipeg . 1,171.12 Manitoba, Winnipeg . 65,000.00 Acouticon Hearing Aids, Alexander, R. B., Winnipeg .. 582.49 Winnipeg . 571.86 Alexandra Hotel, Rivers . 781.60 Acousitcon of Brandon, Alfs Garage, Carberry . 641.77 Brandon . 678.50 Alix, Joe, Berens River . 1,364.91 Acres, H. G. & Company Ltd., Allan Killam & McKay Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ont. 70,909.52 Winnipeg . 1,907.41 Acthim, J., Winnipeg . 1,103.78 Allan, Lyone Ltd., Winnipeg 842.00 Adam, Romeo, Adam, Aime R., Allan, W. K. G. Dr., Virden .... 1,204.76 & Stoppel Christopher, J., Allan’s Auto Glass Ltd., Winnipeg .. 800.00 Winnipeg . 2,102.60 Adams, E. H., Goodlands. 1,142.66 Allard Motors, Dauphin . 12,989.10 Adams, Ivor, Swan River. 8,982.37 Allard, Paul, Dauphin . 3,185.49 Adams, James E., Pratt . 1,300.00 Allard, Rene, La Broquerie .... 1,300.00 Adam’s Store, Skownan. 6,074.28 Allard’s Shopping Centre, Adams Supply Company Ltd., The Pas . 1,072.88 Winnipeg . 1,659.60 Allen, Anne-Marie, Swan Adamski, John P., Brandon .... 1,501.38 River . 574.77 Addressograph-Multigraph of Allen, Frank D., Winnipeg . 2,413.11 Canada Ltd., Toronto, Ont... 13,404.24 Allen, John, Winnipeg . 10,326.70 Ont. 2,137.00 Allen Ltd., Thomas, Toronto, Addressograph-Multigraph of Ont. 12,248.38 Canada Ltd., Winnipeg . 2,964.58 Allison, John E., Myrtle . 749.38 Addy, B. F., Winnipeg. 820.41 Allison, W. S., Portage la Administration & Trust Prairie . 960.47 Company, Winnipeg . 1,730.00 All Saints Nursing Home Adolfson, Rexine E, Roblin Winnipeg . 12,047.46 Park P.0. 543.57 Almey, Maurice A., Holland .. 525.00 Aero Surveys Ltd., Almey, Philemon & Almey, Vancouver, B.C. 5,649.00 Germaine, Jointly, Mariapolis 2,028.00 272 CASH PAYMENTS TO CORPORATIONS, ETC., 1961-1962 Name Address Amount Name Address Amount Alpha Manufacturing Co., Anderson, Frank, Ashern $ 12,293.76 Winnipeg .$ 687.47 Anderson, J. G., Grand Alsip Brick Tile & Lumber Marais . 734.52 Company Ltd., Winnipeg .... 3,047.09 Anderson, Nicholas, Grosse Alstadt, Arnold, Seven Sisters Isle . 1,403.20 Falls . 3,729.30 Anderson, Raymond, Grand Alsto Distributors Ltd., Marais . 2,887.75 Winnipeg . 1,757.66 Anderson, Wilfred, Grand Altamont Hotel, Altamont . 1,704.50 Marais . 581.28 Altona Co-operative Service Anderson’s House of Ortho¬ Ltd., Altona . 844.50 pedic Appliances, Winnipeg .. 1.611.49 Alumaway Boat & Marine Andrews, Fred H., Eriksdale .. 594.00 Mfg., Winnipeg . 515.00 Andreychuk, Tony, Pine Aluminum Company of River . 21,879.15 Canada^Ltd., Montreal, Andrychuk, S., Barrows . 2,105.35 Que. 15,934.89 Anema, E., Transcona. 999.39 Aluminum Goods Ltd., Angel, Daisy, Mrs., Toronto, Ont. 915.47 Winnipeg . 590.00 A & M Auto Wrecking Anger, Wesley, Dauphin . 1.595.50 Company Ltd., Fort Whyte 725.00 Anglo-American Exploration A & M Auto Wrecking Ltd., Calgary, Alta. 6,247.46 Company Ltd., Winnipeg .... 950.00 Anglo-Canadian Oils Amalgamated Chemical & Ltd., Brandon . 132,506.63 Laboratory Supply Ltd., Angus (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, Winnipeg . 732.92 Ont. 1.571.50 Amalgamated Construction Angus Stonehouse & Company Company Ltd., Winnipeg . 86,872.57 Toronto, Ont. 1,851.45 Amalgamated Electric Anhalt Brothers, Roblin . 2,391.02 Corporation Ltd., Toronto, Annett & Company Ltd., Ont. 927.03 Toronto, Ont. 95,450.00 Ambassador Books Ltd., Annuities - Total . 1,036,240.14 Toronto, Ont. 8,810.60 Anseeuw, Gerard Emil & Ambrose, J., Rembrandt . 814.92 Anseeuw, Phyllis Yvonne, American Auto Ltd., Winnipeg . 1,020.00 Winnipeg . 1,085.00 Anthes-Imperial Company American Brace Company, Ltd., Winnipeg . 4,650.40 Winnipeg . 779.25 Anthony, B., 103, Law Courts American Electrical Supply Building, Winnipeg . 562.05 Company Ltd., Winnipeg .... 14,990.65 Antonchuk, Hnat, Cowan . 1,393.18 American School, Chicago, Antosko, Andrew, Rorketon .... 532.00 Ill., U.S.A. 5,847.23 Apeco of Canada Ltd., American Social Health Toronto, Ont. 6,796.03 Association Inc. (The) Appleton Century Crofts New York, N.Y., U.S.A. 780.70 Inc., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. 9,300.37 American-Standard Products Applied Hydraulics Co., (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, Winnipeg . 833.15 Ont.-. 2,137.00 Arborg Hotel, Arborg. 779.15 Ames & Company Ltd., A. E., Arbuckle, Robert H., Winnipeg 854.06 Winnipeg . 6,005,091.46 Arbuthnot, Dr. J., Portage Amfab Products Ltd., la Prairie . 3,653.60 Burnaby, B.C. 6,898.00 Arbuthnot, Dr. J. and Amurex Oil Company, Schwesinger, Dr. G., Winnipeg . 5,000.00 Portage la Prairie . 2,593.20 Anderson & Sons, A. B., Arcadia Nursing Home, Swan River . 800.00 Winnipeg .. 6.852.80 Anderson Construction, Arctic Airways, Churchill . 1,295.40 Winnipeg . 10,256.66 Argo, William, Rapid City .... 2,339.00 Anderson, Darwin, Winnipeg .. 563.70 Anderson, Edward, Birnie, Argue, C. N., Winnipeg . 2.169.80 Man. 562.50 Arlington Builders Ltd., Anderson, F. E. Estate c/o Winnipeg . 516,431.98 Mrs. Anderson, Brandon .... 1,113.50 Arrnco Drainage & Metal Anderson, F. W., Regina, Products of Canada Ltd., Sask. 2,000.00 Winnipeg . 344,025.15 CASH PAYMENTS TO CORPORATIONS, ETC., 1961-1962 273 Name Address Amount Name Address Amount Armstrong, Leonard, Atlas Wrecking Company Winnipeg $ 1,261.71 Ltd., Winnipeg $ 5,668.68 Armstrong, R. M., London, Aubry, L. P., Ste. Agathe. 825.00 England . 7,210.23 Auto Electric Service, Armstrong & Sons Ted. H., (Western Limited), Inglis . 592.50 Winnipeg . 3,999.18 Armstrong Trucking Co., Automobile Supply Co. Ltd., Swan River . 6,911.50 Winnipeg . 2,357.86 Arnal, A. G., Ste. Rose du Lac 530.64 Automotive & Electrical Arnett Company Ltd., Supplies, Dauphin . 2,246.77 Winnipeg . 34,319.57 Automotive Industries Ltd., Arnold, Jean B., Winnipeg . 520.00 Winnipeg . 1,284.96 Arnott, Glenn A., Boissevain.... 819.85 Automotive Safety Foundation Aroline Boat Company, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 6,155.20 St. Boniface . 2,954.69 Ayerst, McKenna & Harrison Aronovitch & Leipsic Ltd., Ltd., Montreal, Que. 5,440.91 Winnipeg . 4,321.71 Arpin, Rich, Houston and “B” Karlicki, Winnipeg . 133,594.12 Art Press Ltd., The, Babiuk, William, Winnipeg .... 536.86 Winnipeg . 3,714.50 Backman, Dr. K. J., Winnipeg 525.00 Arthurs, Joe J., Dauphin . 800.00 Badour, Garnet Lynden & Asbestonos Corporation Ltd., Associates, Winnipeg . 657.31 St. Lambert, Que. 2,805.20 Baerg, Fred, Steinbach . 1,862.55 Asbestonos Corporation Ltd., Baert Construction Company Winnipeg . 1,025.90 Ltd., G. A., St. Boniface .... 151,771.33 Ash Temple, Winnipeg . 3,588.42 Bailey, Harry C., Dufresne .... 7,180.50 Ashdown Hardware Company Bailey, Norman Howard, Ltd., Winnipeg . 60,449.69 Winnipeg . 3,926.00 Ashe, Jeanne, Makinak . 700.00 Bailley, Peter, Poplarfield. 518.00 Ashern Hotel, Ashem . 1,107.20 Bain, Donald Henderson, Ashford, Esther Lillian and Winnipeg . 17,326.92 Smith, Mathilda, (Executrices Baizley, C. G., Brandon . 679.05 of Estate of Annie V. Pater¬ Baker, Lyle, Winnipeg . 962.07 son), Winnipeg . 2,383.12 Baker Nicholson Ltd., Ashton, Evalou D., Winnipeg.. 803.45 Winnipeg . 661.10 Ashworth, Edmund & Ash¬ Baker Refrigeration Service worth, John T. (Jointly), & Sales, Brandon . 2,400.91 Dufresne . 1,940.00 Baker, W. M., Toronto, Ont. 8,000.00 Assiniboine Electric, Balacko, George D., Winnipeg 833.08 Portage la Prairie . 584.05 Baleaen, Giles, Marchand . 1,335.60 Assiniboine Hospital, Brandon 773.92 Balchen, E. H., Winnipeg . 960.23 Associated Hospitals of Baldry, G. E., The Estate Manitoba, Winnipeg . 2,895.00 of, Winnipeg . 1,200.00 Associated Milk Foundations Balfour & Balfour, Regina, of Canada, Toronto, Ont. 563.56 Sask. 1,000.00 Associated Winnipeg Taxis, Balfour & Company, (Canada) Winnipeg . 12,610.06 Ltd., Arthur, Winnipeg . 854.07 Association for the Retarded Bank of Montreal, Winnipeg .... 58,582.93 Children, Selkirk . 73,865.73 Bank of Nova Scotia, Association of Superintend¬ Winnipeg . 97,385.27 ents of Insurance, Bank of Nova Scotia & Toronto, Ont. 1,158.74 Munro, Lewis Alexander & Astbury, Chas. B., Portage Munro, Dorothy Margaret, la Prairie . 5,822.82 Winnipeg . 1,750.00 Atchison, C. Henry, Pipestone 2,114.12 Bankers Bond Corp. Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
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