Electroweak Measurements from Hadron Machines Mark Lancaster Department of Physics and Astronomy University College London London, WC1E 6BT, U.K. 1 Introduction The discovery of the W and Z gauge bosons [1] at the SppS in 1983 marked the beginning of direct electroweak measurements at a hadron machine.These mea- surements vindicated the tree level predictions of the Standard Model.The new generation of hadron collider machines now have data of such precision that the electroweak measurements are probing the quantum corrections to the Stan- dard Model.The importance of these quantum corrections was recognized in the award of the 1999 Nobel Prize [2].These corrections are being tested by a wide variety of measurements ranging from atomic parity violation in caesium [3] to precision measurements at the Z pole [4] and above [5] in e+e− collisions.In this article, the latest experimental electroweak data from hadron machines is reviewed.I have taken a broad definition of a hadron machine to include the results from NuTeV [6] (νN collisions) and HERA [7, 8] (ep collisions) as well as the results from the Tevatron (pp collisions).This is not an exhaustive survey of all results [9], but a summary of the new results of the past year and in par- ticular those results which have an influence on the indirect determination of the Higgs mass.This article will cover the direct determinations of the W boson √ and top quark masses from pp collisions at s = 1.8 TeV from the two Teva- tron experiments, CDF and DO/.These results are based on s-channel production of single W bosons and top quark pairs.The results presented here from the NuTeV and HERA experiments allow one to make complementary measurements and probe the electroweak interaction in the space-like domain up to large mo- mentum transfers in the t-channel. 2 Data samples The first observation and measurements of the W boson were made at the CERN SppS by the UA1 and UA2 experiments.These measurements were based on 342 Mark Lancaster Electroweak Measurements from Hadron Machines modest event samples (∼ 4 k events) and integrated luminosity (12 pb−1).Since that time, the Tevatron and LEP2 experiments have recorded more than 1 fb−1 of W data.The Tevatron experiments have the largest sample of W events: more than 180,000 from a combined integrated luminosity of ∼ 220 pb−1.The LEP ex- periments, despite a very large integrated luminosity (∼ 15000 pb−1 total across all experiments), have event samples substantially smaller than the Tevatron ex- periments.The LEP2 W results [10] presented at this conference are based on event samples of ∼ 6 k events per experiment.However, despite the smaller statistics of the W event sample in comparison to the Tevatron experiments, the LEP2 experiments ultimately achieve a comparable precision.On an event by event basis, the LEP2 events have more information; in particular, the LEP2 ex- periments can impose energy and momentum constraints because they have a precise knowledge of the initial state through the beam energy measurement. The NuTeV experiment at FNAL has a large sample (∼ 106) of charged current events mediated by the t-channel exchange of a W boson.This allows an indirect 2 determination of the W mass through a measurement of sin θW .This is done by comparing the neutral and charged current cross sections in νFe and νFe colli- sions.The event samples available for electroweak tests at HERA are still rather modest and thus at present, their results do not attain the precision of the pp and νN results.However, the ability to span a large range in momentum trans- fers and have both e+p and e−p collisions allows a number of unique electroweak observations to be made.The results from the Tevatron experiments on the top quark are now reaching their conclusion.These measurements based on only ∼ 100 events selected from more than 1012 pp collisions at the Tevatron repre- sent what it is possible to achieve with a robust trigger and imaginative analysis techniques. 3 W boson and top quark mass measurements A precise W mass measurement allows a stringent test of the Standard Model be- yond tree level where radiative corrections lead to a dependence of the W mass on both the top quark mass and the mass of the, as yet unobserved, Higgs boson. The dependence of the radiative corrections on the Higgs mass is only logarith- mic, whilst the dependence on the top mass is quadratic.Simultaneous measure- ments of the W and top masses can thus ultimately serve to further constrain the Higgs mass beyond the LEP1/SLD limits and potentially indicate the existence of particles beyond the Standard Model.Similarly, non Standard Model decays of the W would change the width of the W boson.A precise measurement of the W width can therefore be used to place constraints on physics beyond the Standard Model.The latest results on the W mass from the LEP2 and Tevatron experiments 343 Mark Lancaster Electroweak Measurements from Hadron Machines are now of such a precision that the uncertainty on the top mass is beginning to become the limiting factor in predicting the mass of the Higgs boson. 4 Latest top mass measurements The top quark discovery at the Tevatron in 1995 was the culmination of a search lasting almost twenty years.The top quark is the only quark with a mass in the region of the electroweak gauge bosons and thus a detailed analysis of its properties could possibly lead to information on the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking.In particular, its mass is strongly affected by radiative cor- rections involving the Higgs boson.As such, a measurement of the top mass with a precision < 10 GeV can provide information on the mass of the Higgs boson. The emphasis in top quark studies over the past two years at the Tevatron has thus been to make the most precise measurement of the top quark mass [11]. Substantial progress has been made in bringing the mass uncertainty down from > 10 GeV, at the point of discovery, to 5.1 GeV in 1999. In the past year, CDF has revised its systematic error analysis in the “all-hadronic” event sample and both experiments have published an analysis of the “di-lepton” event sample.The nomenclature of the event samples refers to the decay chain of the top quarks. At the Tevatron, top quarks are produced in pairs predominantly by qq annihi- lation.In the Standard Model, each top quark decays > 99.9% of the time to Wb. If both W’s decay to qq, then the final state from the top system is qqqqbb and the event sample is referred to as “all-hadronic”.Conversely, the “di-lepton” event sample is realized by selecting a l+νl−νbb final state, where both W’s have decayed leptonically (to e or µ).The “lepton+jet” event sample is one in which one W has decayed hadronically and one leptonically.The precision with which the top mass can be measured with each sample depends on the branching fractions, the level of background and how well constrained the system is.The all-hadronic sample has the largest cross section, but has a large background from QCD six jet events (S/N ∼ 0.3), whilst the di-lepton sample has a small background (S/N ∼ 4), but suffers from a small cross section and the events are “under-constrained” because they contain two neutrinos.The optimum channel in terms of event sam- ple size, background level and kinematic information content is the lepton+jet channel.Indeed, this channel has a weight of ∼ 80 % in the combined Tevatron average.In the new “di-lepton” analysis, it is not possible to perform a simple constrained fit for the top mass because the solution, owing to the two neutrinos, is under-constrained.One thus makes a comparison of the dynamics of the de- cay with Monte Carlo expectations e.g. the E T distribution and assigns an event weight to each possible solution of the fit: two for each top decay corresponding to the two-fold ambiguity in neutrino rapidity. 344 Mark Lancaster Electroweak Measurements from Hadron Machines 10 20 log(L) 5 ∆ - ) 2 15 0 125 150 175 200 2 10 Mtop (GeV/c ) Background Events/(10 GeV/c Signal+Background 5 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 Reconstructed Mass (GeV/c2) 3.5 16 Fit mass True mass 100 260 150 200 ν 9 0 WT 15 LB 3.0 -ln L 14 8 NN 13 10 2 2.5 7 Average Weight 12 L 11 6 ln ∆ 2.0 100 200 0 4 mt 5 1.5 4 data fit 6 1.0 bkgd 3 2 31 Events 0.5 (5 tagged) 1 0.0 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 0 Top Quark Mass 80 120 160 200 240 280 2 Fit top quark mass (GeV/c ) Figure 1: The reconstructed top quark mass distributions in the lepton+jet (left- most plots) and di-lepton (rightmost plots) event samples from CDF (upper plots) and DO/ (lower plots).The plots also show the level of background and the likeli- hood fit distributions. 345 Mark Lancaster Electroweak Measurements from Hadron Machines The mass distributions of Fig.1 along with that from CDF’s analysis of the all-hadronic event sample have recently been combined to provide a Tevatron av- erage [12] in which all correlations between the various measurements have been carefully accounted for.The two experiments have assumed a 100 % correlation on all systematic uncertainties related to the Monte Carlo models.Indeed, the uncertainty in the Monte Carlo model of the QCD radiation is one of the largest systematic uncertainties.This error source will require a greater understanding if the top mass precision is to be significantly improved in the next Tevatron run.
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