Appendix I Chemistry FTES, FTEF, and FTES:FTEF 45 46 Appendix*: Chemistry FTES, FTEF, and FTES:FTEF Physical and Environmental Sciences Departmental Data, 2018 Ratiooffull-timeequ1valentstudents(FTES)tofull-timeequ1valentfaculty(FTEF) - - ·-·--- ·· - - - -- - - -- --· - - - - - -- - - -·- 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 FTES FTE F FTES:ITTF FTES FTEF ms:FTEF FTES FTEF FTES:FTEF FTES FTEF FTES:FTEF FTES FTEF FTES:FTEF I CHEM 195.1 7.3 26.8 195.S 7.4 26.'1 197.7 7.8 25 .S 211.2 7.8 27.1 '. 227 .6 . 8.3 27.6 48 Appendix II Course Evaluation Form 49 50 •• • • • - Colorado Mesa University Faculty Evaluation CRN Western Colorado Community College Faculty Evaluation tnstructor Namo: ------ Course· Section {i; c11a ,i,-i- -\;·:-<.u1 ). - NOTE TO STUDENTS· Your responses a.re .inonymm,s TI1e results will no1 be returned to tne professor - unlll AFTER 91ades have been pcs:ed. IMPORTANT! Th,s clocuniem wdf !Je scanned for d,ll,, 01i\ry. P-leas~ eomptatf"Y Iii' n lhe circle of your selO?cllon with pencil or a black or blue pen - OPTtONAl DATA SECTION: Your responses to the following items are optloNJI. 1. Gender 2. Classificallon J . Type of Course 4. Degree - Male Fieshman Genern• Education Certifk:ate BS - , Femctle Sopr,omme Heau,recr f..:i: 1.1a101 AA 8$N , T- Junior · !: Flec:,·,e m Maier AS MA Sernor ·,-. F.leGhf' Non ll"aJor Al,S \~l:!A - Unclassified BA t,'.SN Graduate BAS ONP BBA Undeclared - BFA N/A - 5. Department of Major (i, E.Kpec;ted grade .··M Mui.·c for this course: ,. , B to!Ogica Sdc-nC'.lS Ptiy~1cal & E'nwonmental Sciences A Bu:;.m,eS) $ oc1c\ 1 & Eier1avio~a1 Science.:;. D Computer sc.. wce Mat, & siar,s:,cs Tear.her Ec.1cation c Hea1t11 Sc1l'nr.es n,eaire Aris '' n K•riesiol~y w.~cc ·- • - Languagn,. l leratvre. & 11.'ass Con:t1 cq· Undec·ared Don I '<now REQUIRED SECTION: Piease answer e.ach item 11~ n applies lo this class or to this professor, according to the following scalr. from strongly agree to slron{lly disagree, and not applicable. ~:r,:,n9f)' Neal~, A(lree Soongi)' N,.1: A~1oe nor 01sagrer: r. sag1ee A;;pl;c;,t ;e r ~ 9rad1ni; po!:cies/r,ro::edurestcrrtena io: lh,~ r.ourse a•i> clear - lhe leaching niethods.'lechn qt.es usetJ t'"; u·u proft:S~,t, I~ ;. •Ht c1fr•di•:H -,-rifi e~ams and .iss,ci~inents c'the co;ir~e- -· "'" consKIE'''I w,lh 1he course cor.1enl i he course IS appropriately chatleng•ng Yhe CO,J'rsff sYt,c.1(,u~ a~tE~l~1 re,M:c:'~-the -----~--­ learning outcomes. ' 'y he.instruC(Or IS We'; prepared for class:-·· ·- C,! 111e 1nstrucior responds to student questions 1, t Nn appro~:n:1te lc!ve~ Th~ 1ns:ructor iisesa variety oHeaching n., met nods .· 111e fnslrtJCIOf exb·a,ns hoi:i nia:ertai iri tfi.• •. cr.urse ,s uSPful 01 relevant. - 7he ''1$1.CUCl\:·t ,,, acces:.iole 10 slude-,ts durmg ofl,:e hc,urs or b~· appomlment. the ,riStrUcl0fpr0fru1te"S ·,e:t;p;-;r;t ail<.fC1~·111ty ----·--- - for all students Please make comments on the back of this shoct. 51 • Written Comments - Pieasc 1al(e the opport;1n<1;• IC mal(e wnlien oommenls at.,()ul !lv,s cl;iss and !he orolessor on this side or the cva,u;mon - sheet Such comments can be useful in helping the professors evai·Ja:e !heir teactr 'lg styles ar:d effecov,111ess. A. Whal were tile mosi elfeclove aspects of this course? - - - - B \\lhal changes would you recommend for ttns cov ~e? - - - - - - D. OlhGr Commenis: - - - - 52 (.'Ml\', .... C.:ovnt;l!!~~~~ • tnb,1~0,11 16 f Tlmr: 1400 • l ~lO Ttrm: Sprlni 2012 Cra,us £n,..IJ .!!eJ'•!"tlMt .Jt.4.2Z'H,,u/ Option.ti Data St:4•1icm I, ~nder ~-l)t11u1m~nt or Major Male 4 25 .00% An 0 IJ .001, Female 10 62.50% Biok,gicai Scit11ccs 0 000% Bu1ine,, 0 0.00% ((>!llJrnter Scicn~.:, Math. .a.~d Slilti~lit$ 0 O.Oll% Fr"-s:iman 1(1 62.J(:~. Hcat;h S<itn,c~ 10 6.:?.50~. Sophomor~ 13.75'!-<, K illc.,iulogy 3 18.75~-{, Junior (i 2,~,;, Ltrnguages. Lilt-r.itur", ond Mass ('nmm . 0 Ci.00% Senior 0 O.ll0% Music 0 0.1)0% tJ11d:i.<siiied 0 o.or,,~ Physical and l:nvironm~ntal Sciences I 6.2~"'• GzaJuatc 0 OJ!D~., S"'"ial and aet:av:ora: S~itrh:cs 0 O.O!l0 ., Teachtr Education 0 00(1'/, J. 'fype of Courst rt.e~lrc 0 ooo•,, Gener~! Bdu,ali.on 4 25,00% WC(X: 0 0.00% Required for Major 9 56.25% tJndcclnred (I 0.00% Flt:ll>t in Ma_i\')r 0 0(1()% 0 Ek,ii, ( Non !lfaJOr 6 2~ -, 6. b~lcd Gnde tor thi5 rour.1r ,\ 6.2~'~c, II 3 l 25-%1 Certificate () 0.(10% c ,1 25.00% AA () 000% D C.2S% AS. 0 o ocr. r \) (1.00%- AAS ,'i 3·1 2;!,, Oon'!l,,n<',.. 0.00~1- Ill\ l IPS~., BAS () tl.OU% BHA 0 000% 31'.'\ G O.ll01 : FIS ;: f,! 5!J';. i.lS'I 18.7S"~~ M,\ 0 {: (f(i"' MH/\ 0 0.00% l.l ndec!arc:I 0 o oo~. NA 0 O.OO'~tr 1·oc.i1 Resportaes 192 Medl~n ·Of Mlld1a1t1 :UO Tocal Ale111,e 4.66 ~troll!tfyAg,u 1.1.5 79.31% ~ .iO 2(i{W'Y,. ~eithcr~oor O~ ) 1.3{,.,... 1,~ J 1.56% Sbllll)lly l:>IMlijl\:ts (I 0 .1)0% Not0b5'il'\,cd I OJ'.!% Pa;t I ~;J,OIIU Ht;11 AM 53 CRN: ~ 1(E\·atu11ions 16 1·;mc: i400 • 1520 Tcrm:SpringC:(lll~O:·---­ 2012 Census Enroll 19 R,.s omt: Ralt -~-21'1, R(QlJind Stcllon I. 1'ht C' -O Utst :llJ:Sign mtnH: art dear. 7. The. intm1ccor U wdl }Htpued fot clu,, N % r,; Y, S11ongly Agree 12 1~.00',t Sirongl)' A~re< II 68.7$% Agree 4 ,s 00% twee J l.2S% Ncith-cr Agr« nor l)jusrtt 0 O.(KW, Neither Agtte nor Dm1gr~ 0.00% Di~11gfte 0 ().00% Ding,ee 0 o.oo•;. Stmr.gJy Disag1ec 0 0.00% Suongly Disagree () 000% No<Obscrvcd 0 o.ow. Nu1 Observed 0 0.00Y, Mcd13n S.00 Median S.00 Mean ~ 1$ Mean 4.69 2, 'f'llegntdiuj.! potid1..~f1>ructdL1tts.lcriu·ri1. for thl! tount trc c.Jutr. ..Tbc iulnH1or rapo,uh to studtct qH:St>lnu: ~, '" •r,prop .. i•ir. 1,c-,-~2. N % N % s1ron&ll' Ar,r« 12 'JSOO~o S1rongly Agrcc 10 62..50% Agre< 4 2!i 00% Apcc 6 Ji.Sif'.r. N.:ilh~t ~rec-nor Disagrtt 0 000% Neither Agree~ 1)1s,.ycc 0 0.00% D,:1~,,('_ ii 0.00% l)isai;,cc 0 0.00'-• Slro!l!;ly Disai;rco 0 0.00% Strongly Disagree. 0 0.00% ~ol Obrer\1td 0 O.OOI', Nol Ob«rvcd 0 0.00% Mcdiw1 S.00 ~edian S.00 Mean •1.75 Mtan 463 9. Tiit i•uirutor u,n .1 nricty of tcacltiN~ n:iirtht1ds. N .,. N % Strongly Agrot 10 6].. 50% StroHg.jy Agri:t: 10 62.50'4 Agree 4 i).00% Ag.ice J 19.15% Neither Agree nor 01sarrce J 61~*/(, Nt:ilh1:r Agtec r.m Dis.1.grC\: 6.25% Disugr« 1 ~25% lli<1lgl'e< Ii.SO% Stron,g1y Disogrtc u 0. t~% St.nmg1y J>isagrcc 0.00% NoiOb.><.ivcd 00(1% Ni1l 01:i~~nc,;J 0 0.-00% Mcdi:ln 500 Mcd1M ; 00 f',1tiH1 ·1 4~ !\·fcl\n 01 .z . Tll4.' r.i.u.u a-nd ,ulcorurDl.1 o(thci,un.r 11r~ coasi51rnt wilb lh(' cciunt tori tent JO. The in51n1c1or txph1•ns h,c,l"I malr.ri:a:1 in lht count' is Lf~t:(111 or rtlt\lfit. ,... % !\ Stroni?y Agree 12 7~ 00% Slrt,nglr A~r<c 12 A£rt't 4 15 o(l~v Agrtc •I 2\.00% Ncitlt<r Agre~ 11-.:ir Disa~ree 0 Q_()~~ Ncnh" Agree 11l-U 01SJ£rtc-. (.• 00':"c lnsagrc, Ooc-,.o Oiu:::rtt O.(tQ%· Sl1onily D isagree (I (>.tm• Stro11gly o ,s~rrc 0.(11)% Not Obstrvtd Q o.,m, :--~1 O~scn·cd Q.00% Mcdinn 5 00 Med fan ~ 00 M<an 4.75 ~..{cau 4.7~ s. Tht course is :iq1proprilncly dudltngin~. N % N % Suongly Agr01e 12 75 00% S1rong1y As«• 11 6S.7S'I, Ar.rec 18.7~% Agr~t 4 :?5.00% !'Jc1\hr.r A~cc nor Oi~agrr:.e. I f .2W, Neitfo~, Agn::.:. 11,11 l)l~.ilgr« 0 0.00% DistJgrec 0 0.00'/o Dh.o.;r« 0 0.01)% Suongly Disogr« 0 0.00%, S1rn11gly D1sagrtt ') 0.00"/. No! Ubscrvod 0 0.00% NO! Obscrwd 6.25!11 MediM 5.00 MtdiM SOO Mean Al;9 ~can 4.13. 6. Tht: course ,;yll.ibuli a.:cur~tdy r<'flects OH• fr,irning outwmes. ll. l'ht. lnm11c10, 1-'f'l)IIIOIC:C repcc1 ,u,d C'lvili(! fa,· all ~tndtnh . N .,. N % Slron;;ly Air« 11 68 75% Suoogly A5rec 12 75.00% Al;rrt S JJ.2S% A!!f« 4 25.00% Nc-ithcr A@lte nor Ois.Jgr~ 0 0.0t)% Neither Agr·rc nu, f>is-a~rtt O li.00% Di~OE,ftiC O O.OO'Y11 OiS.1$~ ~ O.OO't, Strongly D•urrcc O 0.00% Strongly Di<agree 0 0.00% No1 Obscrvw O 0.00% No<Ot,<,orwd 0 0.00'.4 Mc:Jjan $.~II Median l.(JQ Mtaii ..; 69 Mean 4 7l P.a2·tl ,,J11.1tm ie:~1A\t 54 Appendix III Library Assessments and Periodical Lists 55 56 Library Program Assessment John U.
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