NE OF THE GREAT PICTURES OF ALL TIME. THERE IS DYNAMITE ... AND LOVE ... AND HUMAN COURAGE IN IT. I SALUTE EVERYBODY WHO HAD A HAND IN THE MAKING OF IT.'' -carl sandburg wilh SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE DORRIS BOWDON • LEE J. COBB HENRY TRAVERS • MARGARET r WYCHERLY • WILLIAM POST, Jr. Directed by IRVING PICHEL Produced and Written for lhe Screen by NUNNALLY JOHNSON CI:NTURY· fOX. PiCTURE CONTINUOUS POPULAR PRICES PERFORMANCES R I VO ll DOORS OPEN at 9:30A.M. BROADWAY AT 49th STREET · The American Friends Service Committee AND THE Hungry Children of the World By RuFus M. joNES 'OR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS the Service Committee of occupied areas of the world, is that we do not see the Fthe Quakers has been dedicated to the work of actual humanface. We talk at a distance about troubles ministering to the relief of underfed children in war­ in the abstract, while these people are suffering and torn countries abroad and in depressed areas in America. dying in the concrete, as persons like ourselves. If my Children, utterly innocent though they are, are among readers could see the human faces of children I have the first victims of a war. They find themselves at first seen, they would come out of the cold abstract into in a world of mystery and terror and a little later in a the warm and heart-melting concrete. They would world almost sterile of the essential foods for normal see with new eyes. They would have their imagina­ healthy child life. Somebody must go to their aid and tion captured. go quickly if these children are to be nourished and But it isn't merely this primary concern to remove saved to grow up into normal persons. the immediate suffering of the children and the youth We talk cheerfully of building new world orders as that incites us to action. Joined with that primary aim soon as the war is over. But you cannot build world is our profound concern for the new civilization that orders of the realist or of the idealist type while people will emerge when the war comes to an end, as it will are starving. There is no point in talking of ideal cities do some day. You will not have a Europe or a China or of nation-planning to persons who have no home, to reconstruct with a New Order unless something is no fire, and no breakfast. We talk about grass-roots done to preserve the children and the youth who are politics, but there are regions I know about where to be the human material of the New Order. But our the grass roots have been pulled up and eaten-not mission is never confined to feeding the hungry, by the cattle, but by men, women, and children who clothing the naked, and building shelters for the have been staving off death by a resort to crazy homeless. We aim always to restore faith in the sig­ Nebuchadnezzar's food, now that there are no animals nificance of life. Food is the first thing, of course, but left to eat the grass. with it there comes a warm touch of love and friend­ The reason we are complacent and go about our liness and something intangible begins to operate in affairs in comparative comfort, undisturbed by the these young minds. The unselfish ministry at once agonies and slow crucifixions of the children in the reawakens and restores faith. These children and (Continued on page 18) ---========~~~--~· · · Drawing by PAVEL TCHELITCHEW! j EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THE CouNT ESS MERCATI, Chairman JosiAH P . M ARVEL, Vice-Chairman L . HoLLINGSWORTH WooD, Treasurer MRS. HENRY M ARTYN ALEXANDER MRs. CLARK MINOR MR. JoHN D . BARRETT MRs. VIcToR MoRAWETz MRs. ALEXANDER BIDDLE MRS. LIONELLO PERERA JuDGE & MRs. CuRTIS BoK MRS. JOHN T. PRATT MR. HuGH J. CHISHOLM, JR. MR. HowARD STuRGES LADY GABRIEL CouNTEss LASZLO SzECHENYI MR. WALTER HoviNG MRs. LAWRENCE TIBBETT MR. jAMES WooD JoHNSON Miss EDITH WETMORE Miss IRENE LEWISOHN MRs. CoRNELIUS VANDERBILT WHITNEY MR. HENRY R . LUCE MR. FoRSYTH WICKES COMMITTEE OF HONORARY SPONSORS MRs. FRANKLIN D. RoosEVELT, Chairman THE AMBASSADOR OF BELGIUM REv. ELMORE M . McKEE THE AMBASSADOR OF CHIN A DR. HARRY EMERSON FosDICK THE AMBASSADOR OF GREAT BRITAIN BISHOP HERBERT WELCH THE AMBASSADOR OF THE NETHERLANDS DR. STEPHEN S. WISE THE MINISTER oF PoRTUGAL THE HoN. FIORELLO H . LAGuARDIA THE AMBASSADOR OF SPAIN THE HoN. HERBERT H . LEHMAN THE MINISTER OF SWITZERLAND DR. HENRY SMITH LEIPER THE AMBASSADOR OF YUGOSLAVIA THE HoN. HERBE RT HoovER DR. JoHN HAYNES HoLMES RuFus M. joNEs CLARENCE E. PICKETT 1. EDNI HONORARY INTERNATIONAL SPONSORS THE AMBASSADOR OF ARGENTINA and THE MINISTER OF LITHUANIA and SENORA DE EsPIL MADAME ZADEIKIS THE MINISTER OF LUXEMBOURG THE MINISTER OF AusTRALIA and LADY DIXON and MADAME LEGALLAIS THE AMBASSADOR OF BoLIVIA and THE AMBASSADOR OF MEXICO and SENORA SENORA DE GuACHALLA DE CASTILLO NAJERA THE AMBASSADOR OF BRAZIL and THE AMBASSADOR OF NICARAGUA and MADAME MARTINS SENORA DE DEBAYLE THE MINISTER OF CANADA and THE AMBASSADOR OF NoRWAY and MRs. LEIGHTON McCARTHY MADAME MORGENSTIERNE THE AMBASSADOR OF CHILE and THE AMBASSADOR OF PANAMA and SENORA DE MICHELS SENORA DE jAEN GUARDIA THE CHARGE D 'AFFAIRES oF CoLOMBIA THE AMBASSADOR OF PARAGUAY and and SENORA DE VARGAS SENORA DE SoLER THE AMBASSADOR OF CosTA RicA and THE AMBASSADOR OF PERU SENORA DE FERNANDEZ THE AMBASSADOR OF PoLAND and THE AMBASSADOR OF CuBA and MADAME CIECHANOWSKI SENORA DE CoNCHEso THE MINISTER OF SwEDEN and THE MINISTER OF CzECHOSLOVAKIA and MADAME BosTROM MADAME HURBAN THE MINISTER OF THAILAND and THE MINISTER OF DENMARK and MADAME SEN! PRAMOJ MADAME DE KAUFFMANN THE AMBASSADOR OF TuRKEY and THE AMBASSA,POR OF THE DOMINICAN MADAME ERTEGUN REPUBLIC and SENORA DE TRoNcoso THE MINISTER oF THE UNION OF SouTH THE AMBASSADOR OF EcUADOR and AFRICA and MRs. RALPH CLoSE SENORA DE ALFARO THE AMBASSADOR oF THE UNION oF SociALIST SoviET REPUBLICS MADAME LITVINOV THE MINISTER OF EGYPT and MADAME HASSAN and THE MINISTER OF URUGUAY and THE AMBASSADOR OF EL SALVADOR and SENORA DE BLANCO SENORA DE CASTRO THE AMBASSADOR OF VENEZUELA and THE AMBASSADOR OF GREECE and SENORA DE EscALANTE . MADAME DIAMONTOPOULOS THE BELGIAN AMBASSADOR AT LARGE THE AMBASSADOR OF HAITI and MADAME DENNIS GENERAL EMILE BETHOUART, CHIEF OF THE FRENCH MILITARY MISSION THE AMBASSADOR OF HONDURAS and SENORA DE CACERES CoNGRESSMAN and MRs. JOSEPH CLARK BALDWIN THE MINISTER OF IRELAND and MRs. RoBERT BRENNAN MR. BELA BARTOK To Remember children of desolate places, By shattered roads, in flame-blacked houses, Children of frozen hearths and bitter bread; Children who eat a crust of bread with tears, And lie down shivering to sleep by the side of sorrow; We knew your lands in loveliness and laughter, Your lands gave treasure to us, Their beauty softened ~y long blending of man's life within it~ Their learning gathered up and stored through ages. Children of places we remember, or have dreamed of- God, make our coming not be too late for you. -HELEN MACKAY St. Bernard MARYLA LEDNICKA INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Co-Chairmen: MRs. HuGH J. CHISHOLM, JR. Miss HARRIET MARPLE Miss MILEN A P A VLOVITCH BARILLI BARONEss LoMoNAco MR. EuGENE BERMAN MR. & MRs. ARTURO LoPEZ-WILLSHAW CouNT & CouNTEss PECCI-BLUNT MRs. RrcHARD LouNSBERY MR. MAIN R. BOCHER MRS. H. S. MALIK MR. & MRs. HuMPHREY 0 . CLARKE MRs. DIMITRI NEGROPONTE MADAME HENRI CLAUDEL MR. lsAMU NoGUCHI MR. OscAR CoRREIA MRs. VINCENT PARAVICINI MARQUES & MARQUE SA DE CUEvAS VICOMTESSE DU PARC PROFESSOR FRANCIS DEAK MADAME CRISTINA PATINO MRs. DouGLAS FAIRBANKS, SR. BARON & BARONESS EuGENE DE RoTHSCHILD H. I. H. PRINCE FAHREDDIN OF TURKEY BARON & BARONEss RoBERT DE RoTHSCHILD LADY FITZHERBERT MR. & MRs. RoDOLPHE RuFENACHT DoNA MARIA JosE FRIAS COUNTESS PETER SHUVALOFF DowAGER BARONEss GEVERS MRs. LEONARD B. SMITH MRS. CARY GRANT MRS. E. G. SPARROW MRS. GEORGES GREGORY MADAME SPECIAL MRS. ROBERT HALLET MR. PAuL SuPER BARON GEoRGE HoYNINGEN-HUENE MR. PAVEL TCHELITCHEW MRs. BRIDGET HuBRECHT MR. & MRs. YvEs TAN GUY MRs. EDWARD KuLIKOWSKI BARONESS vAN DER ELST BARONESS LAMBERT MR. MARCEL VERTES MR. BERNARD LAMOTTE MRS. HARRIET WELLINGTON MADAME ERNO LASZLO MRs. JoHN C . WILSON MR. RoLAND YouNG / '\ · ~0;;~ ~- ._,qafd!!_.... ~..-. -·-. / \ \ \ -t' ' '(..., Drawing by MARCEL VERTES MIRACLE PLAY Based on Bach) s Saint Matthew Passion Music By LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI A NEW form of miracle play is possible fi today. Its chief elements are light­ music- the plastic and expressive gestures of mimes. These gestures of the mimes PHOTO BY HALSMAN, NEW YORK are sometimes slow and flowing- at other times quick, direct, pointed. The action is non-realistic-mobile- like sculpture in motion. In Separate choruses are on each side of the stage, begin­ our presentation the mimes wear a primitive form of ning in the orchestra pit and mounting on to the costume which even today can be seen in remote stage in a curved formation which frames the acting parts of Asia Minor. Their faces are almost completely stage in the front center. The orchestra is on each side covered because facial expression is superseded by of the pit with the solo singers in the center. larger expressive movements of the arms and the whole The personality of Christ is suggested by a column body. Our presentation follows no tradition, but grows of golden light streaming down from above. The per­ simply and naturally out of the rhythm and feeling sonalities of Peter, Judas, the High Priest, Pilate and and structure of the music of Bach. others, are portrayed on the stage by mimes. Their The stage setting is a simple plastic design of varied words are sung by soloists in the orchestra pit.
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