GW ISSN 0001 - 0545 B 20004 F BULLETIN OF THE A N T 1 B O L S H E V I K BLOC OF NATIONS DRACONIAN FOR HELSINKI SENTENCES GROUP MEMBERS Two members of the Kyiv their “closed door” trial, Public Group to Promote March 23— 29, 1978. the Implementation of Lev Lukianenko, also a the Helsinki Accords, member of the group, Myroslav Marynovych was again arrested by and -Mykola Matuse- the KGB on December vych were both sentenced 12, 1977, at his home in to 7 years in. d strict Chernihiv, Ukraine. He regime concentration is being threatened with camp and to 5 years “treatment” in a psy­ exile in Siberia, during chiatric prison. Lev Lukianenko Myroslav Marynovych Mykola Matusevych Verlagspostamt: Miinchen 2 March - April 1978 Vol. XXIX No. 2 CO N TE N T S: Right to Return Home Denied...................................4 Prisoners in Psychiatric Hospitals............................7 Dymitr Waltscheff (Bulgaria) Legends about the Liberation of Bulgaria by Russia 8 A. Shifrin Foreign Nationals in Soviet Concentration Camps . 11 Razmika Zohrabiana (Armenia) “Why I Burned Lenin’s Portrait” ............................16 60th Anniversary of the Re-establishment of National Independence.................................................17 Economic Exploitation Serving Russian Colonialism 22 Marilynn Preston (USA) Croatian Suffered Nightm are...................................24 Four-star General Faithful to Ukrainian Heritage . 26 V. Grundmanis (USA) Latvia and Latvian S o ld ie r s...................................28 T. Zarins Obituary: President of the ABN Peoples’ Council Dies 31 News and V ie w s ..............................................................33 Documents from Behind the Iron Curtain Memo from K y iv ..............................................................35 Freedom Fighters Plead for Rev. Romaniuk . 37 Book R ev iew s.....................................................................44 Publishers: Press Bureau of the Antibol­ Annual subscription: shevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) 12 Dollars in USA, and the equivalent of 12 Zeppelinstr. 67, 8 Munich 80 Dollars in all other countries. Remittances Editorial Staff: Board of Editors. to Deutsche Bank, Munich, Filiale Deposi­ Editor-in-Chief: Mrs. Slava Stetsko, M. A. tenkasse, Neuhauser Str. 6, Account, No. Articles signed with name or pseudonym 30/261 35 (ABN) do not necessarily reflect the Editor’s o- pinion, but that of the author. Manuscripts Herausgeber: Presse-Büro des Antibolsche­ sent in unrequested cannot be returned in wistischen Blocks der Nationen (ABN), case of non-publication unless postage is Zeppelinstraße 67/0, 8000 München 80, enclosed. Telefon: 48 25 32 It is not our practice Schriftleitung: Redaktionskollegium. to pay for contributed materials Verantw. Redakteur Frau Slava Stetzko. Reproduction permitted but only Erscheinungsort München. with indication of source (ABN-Corr.). Druck: eGmbH “Cicero”, München. V. Moroz Defends Byelorussian Nation “Wake Up. Rub Your Eyes” “Wake up. Rub your eyes, — says Valentyn Moroz, — do away with your “progressive” schemes painted with pink ink, throw them on a rub­ bish heap. Only then you will see reality as it is. You will see the most majestic phenomenon in the world — wonderful and formidable in its grandeur —• the march of the nations through history, its mighty rhythms transcending everything. Its heavy pace makes mountains shudder and the walls of Jericho, filled with lies, fall. Without death, life cannot be fully appreciated. Values become dear, only if one risks losing them. The nation is a crag that Atlas must for ever bear on his shoulders. And this is what everyone should aim at: to bear on his shoulders something great, unique, unparallelled and holy; assuming the responsibility for its safety. A holy chalice wherein people have preserved for centuries what they cherish most — only the nation can be assigned this rank. One might throw off this burden, clear one’s biography, but then life would become empty and lose its meaning. As terrible as it may be to die, to be forgotten, As terrifying as it may appear to face death, Death will probably be most horrible, If there is nothing to die for. There is no historical “necessity” for disappearance of the nation. But there has been no progress either toward guaranteeing the right of the nation to existence. The nation can survive only, if people are ready to die for it . .. Only if the individual believes that his nation is indispensable, chosen by God and irreplaceable, he may find true fulfilment, a purpose. If this belief is replaced by “generally democratic” verbiage about the “disadvan­ tage of national limitation”, the individual simply becomes a potato con­ sumer for the soul of the population, though showing much erudition. In nations lulled to sleep, the struggle between Moses and Dathan, Abel and Cain, Janko Kupala and Evdokia Los, goes on uninterruptedly. The former awaken — the latter lull to sleep. The former talk about disgrace — the latter deaden this voice with drums of idle talk. The former lead — the latter crush shoulders with ballast and sink into the mud, blocking the path as obstacles to be surmounted ...” The above passage is quoted from “Moses and Dathan” by Valentyn Moroz, an essay for which he was sentenced in November 1970 to 14 years of imprisonment and exile. 1 in Moses and Dathan, V. Moroz replied to the article “Powerless wrath blinds. Retort on the radio babblers from Munich” by the Byelorussian poet Evdokia Los. In the following, further passages are quoted from this essay of Valentyn Moroz who is presently detained in the Mordowian concentration camps. “. Thus God made the earth round, so that everybody may consider his country as the planet’s centre, and stand at the highest peak feeling like a giant and equal to God. Only in this way can full-fledged individuals and nations develop. Anyone looking up to his neighbour must inevitably develop an outlook of being second, inferior and accessory to his neighbour (“a second Moscow” or “nearly Moscow”). Values — something the individual possesses — are irreplaceable and should by no means be lost, since their loss would mean an irremediable catastrophe. As soon as meadows and snows become interchangeable — values have disappeared. Not only the nation, but objectivity in general, is possible only due to distinctness. An object clearly distinguishes itself from its environment. Having lost its distinctness it ceases to be an object. And if a Byelorussian maintains that he shares with the Russian “meadows” and “snows”, his feeling of Byelorussian distinctness, the main factor to which a nation owes its existence, has eroded. .. Two miners from the Donbas region wrote a letter to the CC of the CPU containing the following statement: officially, formally — the Donbas is supposed to be part of Ukraine. In reality, however, everything has been russified. As a result, Ukrainian inhabitants of the Donbas region live in an unnatural state of duality. The miners suggest that the Ukrainian nation should be moved into one or into the other direction. How can these young muscular rock-breakers, used to cutting directly into the adits, possibly understand that what the Russians fear most is precisely that “being moved”. If things “are moved” (it does not matter which way,) there will be noise, causing national consciouness, which has been lulled to sleep, to awake. As soon as people became aware of the national problem and get interested in it, everything will be lost. Such a situation would necessarily result in arousing national consciousness, meaning the end of Russification. ... I had the opportunity of talking to the father of a Ukrainian emigrant living in Australia, his wife being an Australian. When this father spoke to his son over the telephone he was addressed in Ukrainian from the remote Australian continent — not only by his son but also by his grandchildren and even his daughter-in-law (an Australian!). A Ukrainian thrown to the other end of the earth has not only preserved his mother tongue but has passed it on to his Australian wife! Somewhere in Uruguay or in the States there also live Byelorussian emigrants . having preserved their native 2 language overseas, while you, Evdokia Los, only use it as an ornament in the press, although you are living in your homeland. They have preserved their national patriotism in remote foreign countries, while you have renounced it in your native country . .. Throughout history assimilationists have always strived to impose a materialist piggish philosophy on their victim nations. They even made considerable material concessions. Material goods have never been spared for assimilative purposes. Take for instance the Roman Tacitus succeeding in corrupting the subjugated Gauls by piggish materialism: “You share the Empire with us. Often it is you who command our legions, who administrate our provinces. There is no barrier separating you from us”. The Roman conquerors did not spare money and generously distributed posts to the Gauls suggesting to them the idea: “What do I need Gaul for?”. I do not know what the purpose of Gaul’s existence is. Nor do I know why Byelorus­ sia exists. But I definitely know that a Byelorussian questioning the purpose of Byelorussia’s existence is a spiritually dead man. The question “Byelorus­ sia — what for?” cannot be answered. If sacred matters are at stake, logic is irrelevant. A person’s own mother — what for? There are millions of mothers in the world. Would anything change, if there were one mother less? A full-fledged person will never think this way. He will immediately kill everybody who makes an attempt on the life of his mother. The nation is a supreme sanctity. It is the synthesis of all spiritual values that the individual possesses. Shevchenko, a Christian, placed the nation above God — the physical, reasoning God. The true, living God is the nation. .. Listen: “We love Ukraine as part of our fatherland, as a living and dear part of our nation, as a component of ourselves; and therefore, any attempt to introduce the concepts “mine” and “yours” into the relationship between Ukraine and Russia is repugnant to us ..
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