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I --- ill} <J~) " 11"1~·25 11111 1.4 .--II II! 1.6 I { MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART N~TIONAL8UREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A o £ o o ",. I Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with ~ I the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. , \ Points of view or opinions stated in this document are \) those of the author(s) and do not represent the official o position or policies of the U. S. Depaliment of Justice. National Institute of Justice o United States Department of Justicle , I - '0 , , Washington, D. C. 20531 i . ,.. -- ~-=-:/.: Bureau of Justice Statistics Reports T~ ponp~,d Public Opinion: An Analysis Trends In E~pendlture ,and Employment Data-· -at Victimization and Attitude Data from . for the CrIminal Jusll,ce System,1971-77 / Single caples are available at no charge from the 13 American Oitles. NOJ-42018 (annual), NCJ-57463 n National Cdmlnal Jus!lce Reference Service, B!lx An Introduction to the National Crime ElIpendUure nnd Emplo;yment Data lor t~) 61l00, Rockville, Md. 20850. Multiple caples are for Survey, NCJ-4~732 Criminal Jusllce Syste'm (annu<ll) \/' sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Compensating Victims 01 Violent Crime: 1978 Summary Report, NCJ-66483 Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Potential Costs and Coverage of a National 1978 final report, NCJ-66482 20402. Program. NCJ-43387 1977 final report, NCJ-!i320B Crime Against Persons In Urban, Suburban, THE CORRECTIONAL ANNUAL REPORT: and Rural Areas: A Comparative Analysis at National Crime Survey: Victimization Rates. NCJ-53551 Dictionary 01 Criminal Justice Data Terminology: Criminal Vlctlmlzallon In the United States Rape Victimization In 26 American CIties, terms and Definitions Proposed for Interstate and National Data Collection and Exchange. CONCEPTS -'}ND EXAMPLES (annual): NCJ-55878 Summary Findings of 1977-78 Changes in Criminal Victimization In Urban Schools, NCJ-36747 Crime and of Trends Since 1973. NCJ- NCJ-56396· 61368 Criminal Jusllce Agencies III the U.S.: A Description of Trends from 1973 to 1977. National Prisoner Statistics: Summary Report of the Nlltional Criminal NCJ-59898 capital Punishment (annual): Justice Agency List. NCJ-S5560 1978 (final report). NCJ·66480 1978. NCJ-59897 Criminal Jusllce A.gencles In Region 1977. NCJ-58725 1979 advance' report. NCJ- 67705 1: Conn,. Maine. Mass" N,H" R,I., VI.. 1976, NCJ-49543 Prisoners In State and Federallnstltullons on NCJ-17930 1975, NCJ-44593 December 31: 2: N,J .• N,Y,. NCJ-17931 Roger L. Pennel 1974, NCJ·39467 1978. NCJ-64671 3: Del" D.C.• Md., Pa., Va" W.Va,. NCJ-17932 1973. NCJ-34732 1979 advance report. NCJ-66522 4: Ala .• Ga .• Fla •• i:y .. Miss •• N,C.. S,C .. Tenn .. The Cost 01 Negligence: Losses from Census of State Correctional FaCilities, 1974 NCJ-17933 Charles M. Friel Preventable Household Burglaries. advance report. NCJ-25642 5: III.. Ind. Mich,. Minn .• Ohio; Wis .• NCJ- NCJ-53527 Profile 01 State Prison Inmates: Socio­ 17934 Harriett J. Allie Intimate Victims: A Study 01 Violence Among demographic Findings from the 1974 Survey 6: Ark,. La., N.Mex., Okla .• Tex .. NCJ-17935 Friends and Relatives. NCJ-62319 of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities. 7: Iowa. Kans .• Mo,. Nebr•• NCJ-17936 Crime and Seasonality, NCJ-64818 NCJ-58257 8: Colo" Mont., N.Dak,. S.Dak .• Utah. Wyo .• 'l'l~ Barbara L. Hart Criminal Vlctlmlzallon 01 New York State CenStls of Prisoners In State Correctional NCJ-17937 ri Residents, 1974-71, NCJ-66481 Facililles. 1973, NCJ-347.29 9: Ariz .• Calif.. Hawaii. Nev,. NCJ-15i51 Criminal Victlmlzallon Surveys In 13 Census of Jails and Survey of ,Jail Inmates. 10: Alaska. Idaho. Oreg .. Wash,. NCJ-1793/l American cIties (summary report, 1 vol.), 1978, preliminary report. NCJ-55172 ~0_ NCJ-18471 Prollle of Inmates of Local Jails: Socio­ Boston, NCJ-34818 demographic Findings from the 1978 Survey Buffalo, NCJ-34820 of Inmates of Local Jails, NCJ-65412 l,l',tilization of Criminal Justice Statistics Clnclnnall, NCJ-34819 The Nation's Jails: A report on the census Plroject: Houston, NCJ-34821 of jails from the 1972 Surveyol inmates of Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statlsllcs Miami, NCJ-:l4822 Local Jails. NCJ-190B7 1979 (annual). NCJ-59679 Milwaukee, NCJ-34823 Survey of Inmates of Local Jails, 1972, I'ublic Opinion Regarding Crime, Criminal Minneapolis, NCJ-34824 advance report. NCJ-13313 Justice, and Related Topics. NCJ-17419 New Orleans, NCJ-34825 New Directions in Processing of Juvenile Oakland, NCJ-34826 Uniform Parole Reports: , Offenders: The Denver Model. NCJ-17420 Plttsbur9h, NCJ-34827 Parole In the United States (annual): Who Gets DetaIned? An Empirical Analysis San DIego, NCJ-34828 1978, NOJ-58722 of the Pre-Adjudicatory Detention of San Francisco, NCJ-34829 1976 and 1977, NCJ-49702 ! Juveniles in Denver, NCJ-17417 Washington, D.C., NCJ-34830 Characteristics of the Parole J~venlle Dispositions: Social and Legal PublicAllltudes About Crime (13vols.): Population, 1978, NCJ-66479 I' Factors Related to the Processing of Denver .Prepared for the Bureau of Justice Statistics Boston, NCJ-46235 A Nallonal Survey of Parole-Related 'I Delinquency Cases. NCJ-17418 Buffalo, NCJ-46236 Legislation Enacted During the 1979 Cllfender-Based Transaction Statistics: New Clnclnnall, NCJ-46237 Legislative Session. NCJ-64218 Directions In Data Collection and Repprting. U. S. Departnlent of Justice Houston, NCJ-46238 NCJ-29645 Miami, NOJ-46239 Children In Custody: Jovenile Detention and Sentencing of California Felony Ollenders. Milwaukee, NCJ-46240 Correctional Facility Census NCJ-29646 Grant Nurnber: 80-BJ-CX-0003 Minneapolis, NCJ-46241 1977 -s<dvance report: The Judicial Processing of Assault and New Orleans, NCJ-46242 "t;:;.;;~us of PubliC Juvenile Facilities, Burglary Offenders in Selected California Oaleland, NCJ-46243 r· NCJ-60967 " Counties. NOJ-29644 U.S. Department of Justice Plllsburgh, NCJ-46244 Census of Private Juvenile Facilities. Pre-Adjudicatory Detention in Three Juvenile National Institute of Justice San Diego, NCJ-46245 NCJ-60968 Courts, NCJ-34730 San FranCisco, NCJ-46246 (.1 1975 (final report). NCJ-58139 Delinquency Dispositions: An Empirical This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the 1974, NCJ-57946 Washhigton, D.C., NCJ-46247 Analysis of Processing Decisions in Three or organization originating it, Points view or opinions stated 1973, NCJ-44777 pers~n 01 Criminal Victimization Surveys In Chicago, Juvenil~\Courts. NCJ-34734 In thiS document are those of the authors and do not necessarily Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, and 1971. NCJ-13403 loe Patterns and Distribution of Assault repr~sent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Philadelphia: A Comparison of 1972 and Incident Characteristics Among Social Juslice, 1974 Findings, NCJ-36360 Myths and Realities About Crime: A Areas. NCJ-40025 Criminal Victimization Surveys In the Nontechnical Presentation of Selected Patterns 01 Robbery Characteristics and Their Permission to reproduce this ~ted material has been Nation's Five Largest Cities: National Information from the National Prisoner I>ccurrence Among Social Areas. NCJ-40026 granted py. Crime Panel Surveys in Chicago. Detroit. Statistics Program and the National Crime Cr.lme-Spec'flc Analysis: Los Angeles. New York. and Philadelphia. Survey. NCJ-46249 The Ch.::racterisiics of Burglary Incidents. PUblic Domain/Bureau of Justice 1972. NCJ-16909 NCJ-42093 StatlstlcslUS Dept. of Justice Criminal Vlcllmlzatlon Surveys In Eight State and Local Probation and Parole Syslems, An EmpiricalExamlnation of Burglary American Cllles: A Comparison of 1971172 NCJ-41335 Offender Characteristics. NCJ-43131'· to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), ami 1974175 Findings-National Crime state and Local Prosecution a·nd Civil Allorney An Empirical Examination of Burglary Surveys in Atlanta. Baltimore. Cleveland. Systems, NCJ-41334 Offenders alid Offense Characteristics, Dallas. Denver. Newark. Portland. and SI. National Survey of Court Organization: ~urther reprodUction outside of Ihe NCJRS system n lquires permis­ NCJ-42476 sion of the ~ht owner, Louis. NCJ-36361 1977 Supplement to State JudiCia:! Systems. Sources 01 National Criminal Judice Crimes and Vlcllms: A Report on the Dayton! NCJ-40022 Statistics: An Annotated Bibliography. San Jose Pilot Survey of Victimization. 1975 Supplement to State JudiCial Systems. NCJ-45006 NCJ·013314 NCJ-29433 Federal Criminal Sente.,clng: Perspectives Indicators 01 Crime and Criminal Jusllce: 1971 (full report). NCJ-11427 of Analysis and a Design for Research,
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