Taylor University Pillars at Taylor University Taylor University Bulletin Ringenberg Archives & Special Collections 3-1955 Taylor Alumni Magazine (March 1955) Taylor University Follow this and additional works at: https://pillars.taylor.edu/tu-bulletin Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Taylor University, "Taylor Alumni Magazine (March 1955)" (1955). Taylor University Bulletin. 19. https://pillars.taylor.edu/tu-bulletin/19 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Ringenberg Archives & Special Collections at Pillars at Taylor University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Taylor University Bulletin by an authorized administrator of Pillars at Taylor University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ronnie Guliett Donna Lauterbach Mount Vernon, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Youth Conference — What it Means I had always thought a Christian It all began in 1943 when my fath­ was a dead-pan, but suddenly I saw er and mother were asked to drive something great about the Christian a group of young people from our life. So it was on that night of Febru­ church to Youth Conference. It was ary 1, 1951, that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. My whole be­ while they were attending Youth ing was changed, and I had never felt Conference that Mother, Dad, and that great in all my life. I started several others from our church were telling everyone at school about what saved. had happened, and won many of my At home, plans were set up for buddies to Christ. a Youth Conference Echo meeting Although this Christian life was the following Sunday night. A spirit­ wonderful, it was really hard to live, ual upsurge took place in our church and the devil really tried to get me that Sunday night because of Tay­ down. Through a preacher 1 had met lor's 1943 Youth Conference. in Youth for Christ, I heard of a big Youth Conference that Taylor Uni­ In 1951 when I was thirteen years versity was having. There God did of age, I attended my first Youth something for my heart he had never Conference. While I was there, the done for me before. I gave my com­ Holy Spirit spoke to me and showed plete life to Jesus. me the need of surrendering my life The next year He led me to Colum­ and my will to the Lord. The follow­ bus, Ohio, to work with Youth for ing year at Youth Conference, I felt Christ. We now have 18 YFC Bible the call to full-time Christian service Clubs, a weekly rally, a radio pro­ as a missionary. gram, Youth Guidance, gospel teams, I haven't missed a Youth Confer­ music groups, and we have had over ence since I attended my first one in one hundred decisions for Christ. I 1951. Every year I have received a know that one of the biggest helps greater challenge to press on in the in this work was the burden I re­ work to which the Lord has called ceived at Taylor Youth Conference. me. 2 On the Cover Stan Reed, discussion group co- chairman with Alta Blasdell, outlines for student leaders some of the topics to be considered in the Youth Conference discussion groups. Stan, a senior at Taylor, is student pastor of a church near Alexandria, Ind. Faculty sponsors for the three day conference are Dr. Hazel Butz and Prof. Ralph Thompson. Off the Cuff We missed putting out the Febru­ ary issue of the Alumni Magazine because that month is set aside for the catalog issue. Hope you missed it too! Many have written to let us HAROLD E. CAMP know they like the new style of the magazine and we appreciate it. This Director of Development month there was more news than could possibly be included so some Named of the items had to be left out. But Harold E. Camp, business man­ the catalogs are ready now, so send ager for the Lawrence Lacour Evan­ in names of students you know who gelistic Tour in Japan has been may be interested in Taylor. named Director of Development at Take note of President Bergwall's Taylor University. Camp will be in request for suggestions and construc­ charge of public relations and finan­ tive criticism. In the studies that are cial promotion, and his appointment now being made some changes are is a significant step in the long- forthcoming and you can have a voice range program of Taylor to meet the in what the Taylor of tomorrow increasing demand for Christian should be. higher education. He has resigned as Two stories of progress and pastor of the First Methodist Church achievement this month. "Angel in at Festus, Missouri, to take the new Ebony" was picked over all the other position. Christian films this year for an out­ standing award and Taylor has a Camp has had considerable exper­ Director of Development to head a ience in business management and "friend and fund raising program." public relations in addition to 23 Don't miss the article on housing years as a member of the St. Louis if you want a glimpse of one of Tay­ Annual Conference of the Methodist lor's most urgent problems. We can Church. Before becoming a minister hardly wait to print the campus lay­ he was editor of the weekly news­ out the architect has suggested; paper at DeSoto, Missouri, and for you'll be thrilled at the prospect of a time served as Advertising Man­ this development. Pray that it might ager of the Clearwater, Florida, be realized. Sun. A member of the American Col­ lege Public Relations Association, TAYLOR ALUMNI MAGAZINE Camp has studied at Washington VOL. 1, No. 3 MARCH 19S5 University and Eden Seminary, both Published by Taylor University, Upland, in St. Louis, and at American Uni­ Indiana. Issued bi-monthly. Second-class mailing privileges authorized at Upland, versity in Jerusalem. He has trav­ Indiana. eled around the world eight times. From the President's Desk "Angel in Ebony" What Do Alumni Expect Voted Best Film of 1954 Of Their Alma Mater? Taylor University's film on the life of one of her most illustrious stu­ It is unfortunate that a college dents, Sammy Morris, has been voted president cannot sit down periodic­ "Best Film of 1954" by the National ally with every graduate of his in­ Evangelical Film Foundation. The stitution and in an interview glean award will be presented at the 9th certain facts and aspirations. For Anniversary Meeting of the Founda­ instance, it would be very helpful in tion at the Christian Youth Cinema making plans for the future useful­ Theatre in Philadelphia on May 14. ness and strength of the college to Lloyd Young, Director of Missions know what graduates evaluate as the Visualized, the company that pro­ basic strength, as well as the weak­ duced the film, was named "Director nesses, of the school when they were of the Year," and Clifton Macklin, students. Being out of college for a star of the film who played the part few years places the average alum­ of Sammy Morris, was named "Actor nus in a favorable position to give of the Year." more objective evaluation. The National Evangelical Film Furthermore, after having been Foundation is an interdenomination­ out in the work-a-day world and thus al organization of Christian ministers knowing from experience the needs and laymen for the purpose of honor­ of society and its youth, the college ing Jesus Christ through the medium graduate might well be in a strategic of motion pictures. The 12 man board position to make positive suggestions of directors of the Foundation voted whereby his alma mater might unanimously to make the 1954 award strengthen the program of education to "Angel in Ebony." Harry G. Bri- and meet the current needs of so­ stow, film editor of Christian Life ciety more creatively. The faculty magazine is director of the Founda­ and administration of a college are tion. often accused, even by the alumni, "Angel in Ebony" has been shown of living and working in "ivy-covered to date only with a Taylor repre­ towers" away from the stresses and sentative present at each showing, strains of everyday life. Therefore, but the film will be released on a the feeling is manifest that the cur­ mail order basis, renting for $20.00 riculum of the college is not "prac­ after April 1, 1955. tical" and does not adequately pre­ pare "modern" youth to face and solve "modern" problems. If there graduates of Taylor University, as is truth in this attitude, then our we are now in the process of a self- college graduates can be of invalu­ survey and an advance planning able assistance, since they are, as program. I invite you to sit down Mr. Thomas Gonser says, "stock with pen in hand and put in writing the things you have often thought holders" of their college. about Taylor. Are the alumni of the college will­ We await your letters, your pray­ ing to express themselves positively ers, and your support in making at this point? I personally would Taylor University "an effective welcome such expressions from the Christian college." 4 College Support Increasing "There are encouraging signs that the public is becoming increasingly active in the financial support of private colleges which are facing a 'critical situation'," said President Evan Bergwall in a recent statement to the press. Bergwall recently attended the Midwest Conference on Industry and Higher Education and the Annual Convention of the Association of American Colleges where problems of financing colleges now and provid­ ing for the expected increase were discussed.
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