CATHOLIC DIRECTORY i i f OF ^ ¿■ .K X Z T A N INDIA^BURWA AND CEYLON, 1932. PRINTED AT THE “ GOOD PASTOR " PRESS, BROADWAY, MADRAS. Yrte'i'iffli’ily LiM l} Ntw Haven, CclliL m t 4 £ C<58£> >/< Nihil obstat. “ P. TH O M A S, Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur : E. M E D E R LE T, s.c., Archbishop o f Madras. Madras, / 9th March 1932. CONTENTS F AGE Agra 100 Ajmer ... 105 Allahabad ... 109 Apostolic Delegation of the Ea t Indies ... 16 Assam ... 187 Bellary 247 Bethany Mission (Melankara Syrian Rit«) ... ... 95 Bombay ... 113 Burma (Northern) 822 Burma (Southern) ... 26 Calcutta 160 Calicut • •r 127 Changanacherry ... 61 Chittagong 167 Cochin ... 32 Coimbatore ... 259 Colombo • •• 391 Cuttack 245 Dacca • •• 171 Dinajpur ... 174 Ecclesiastical Units ... • •• 335 Ernakulam ... 51 Fast, and Abstinence in India, Ceylon and Burma (Rules of) • •• 1 Galle ... 201 Goa and Damaun ... ' 17 Hierarchys of the Catholic Church '8 Do. in India ... • •• 12 ton Hyderabad ... 223 Jaffna 204 'ss 'ss Jubbulpore ... ... 249 Ì7]i Kafristan and Kashmir ... 292 Kandy ... 209 t>Kengtung ... ... 334 Kottar ... 304 i Kottayam ... ... 76 ‘ Krishnagar ... 177 ii CONTENTS PAGE Kumbakonam ... 263 Lahore ... 287 Madras ... 215 Malacca • •• ... 2t»8 Mangalore... ... 131 Manner of Receiving Protestants in the Catholic Church ... 3 Mylapore ... ... 40 Mysore ... 274 Nagpur ... ... 22« Nellore ... ... 233 Newspapers and Periodicals ... ... 3?1 Patna ... ... ITS Pondicherry ... ... 251 Poona ... ... 140 Priests, Secular and Regula'r ... 358 Priests (List of) ... 359 Quilon ... 310 Ranchi ... 18* Beligious Orders ... ... 3:8 ¿¡Residences of Priests (List of) ... ... 435 Roman Curia, The ... 9 'Sailem ... ... 282 Sikim 190 Simla ... ... 285 Tiruvella (Malankara Syrian Rite) 98 Toungbo ... 331 Trainurg Institutions ... ... ... 343 Trichur ... 82 Trichinripofy ... ... 145 Trineomalie ... ... 212 Thticdrin ... ... ... 155 Veiapo'ly ... 295 Yijayapuram ... ... 317 Yizagapatam ... ... 240 ARCHDIOCESE OF GOA AND DAMAUN Patriarchate of the East Indies The Archdiocese lies both in Portuguese and British territory :— (1) Portuguese Territory—{a) Goa. On the North, this territory is bounded by the Tiracol of Arundum river which separates it from the Sawantvady State, on th6 East by the Western Ghats, on the West by the Arabian Sea, and on the South by the District of North Kanara. Area : 6,300 square kilometres; Population, 529,080.- (b) Damaun. Situated on the west coast of Hindus­ tan, north of Bombay, comprises the territory of Dadra and that of Pragana-Nagar-Avely. Area 384 square kilometres. Population, 45,297. (c) Diu. Situated to «ihe South of Gujerat, this dis­ trict consisting of the Island of Diu and the territories of Gogola and Simbor. Area, 37 square kilometres. Population, 16,613. (2) JBritish Territory: Comprises the District of Ratnagiri, the States of Sawantvadi and Sanely, and the Collectorate of Belgaum; on the South the British Collecbor- ate of North Kanara. Languages spoken: Concani, Portuguese, English, Mara­ thi and Kanarese. Population. The entire population of the Archdiocese is 1,693,921. Catholics 338,630 Archbishop and Metropolitan P r i m a t e o f t h e E a s t , P a t r i a r c h o f t h e E a st I n d ie s , A r c h b is h o p o f C r a n g a n o r e ad honorem. His Excellency Mgr. D. Teotonio M. R Vieira de Castro. D D D C.L., born in Porto, Portugal, 27th July 1859 ; appointed (26th May 1929). 3 18 GOA AND DAMAUN Aaxiliar : Dom Manuel Maria Ferreira da Silva, Bishop Titular of Gurza, born 2nd August 1888, consecrated on the 29th June 1931. Secretary: Mgr.Carlos de Sa Fragoso, Dom. Prelate. Assts., Rev. Francisco X . da P. Rebello, Rev. Joao Sal­ vador Fernandes and Rev. Antonio Marinho Novais. A rchiepiscopal C u r i a Official Judge.—The Very Rev. Decanus Augusfco J. M. Carvalbo. Promoter Justitiae et Defensor vinculi — The Very Rev. Conoh Thomas d’ Aqnino Barretto. Chancellors.—1st Official: The Very Rev. Plácido da Costa Campos. 2nd Official: The Canon Domingos Carlos de Mello. 3rd Official: The Rev. Amaro Pinto Lobo. Pro-Synodal Judges.—Very Rev. Mgr. Maurilio Claudio Alvares, Very Rev. A u gu sto Jose Maria Carvalho, Sebasbiao Mariano de Sousa, Mgr. Lucio Francisco J. Roque Vaz, Thomas Francisco de Sousa , Anbonio Cgebano Abe. do R. Sousa, Thomas d’ Aquino Barrebo. Pro-Synodal Examiners.—Con ego Thomaz de Aquino Barrebo, Conego Joao Paulo de Sousa, Conego Joaquim Joao S. Ferreira, Conego Julias Pires Valente Figueira, Mgr. Lucio Vaz, Pe. Joao Francisco Lobo, Pe. Joaquim Euclides da Silva, P. Plácido de Costa Campos. Pe. Jose Caitano de V. Pinto Lobo, Pe Jeronimo Simao do R. Freitas and Pe. Antonio L. R. da Rosa. Parish Priests and Consultors.—Very Rev. Francisco Xavier Pereira, Joaquitn Euclides da Silva. Antonio Bento Godinho, Hereulano Damasceno Gonsalves. Teodamiro Jacob Continho, Rosario dos Martires, Caitano X. B. de Sa, Jose Rogaciano Jorge, Luis Felipe d’ Ataide, Antonio L. R. da Rosa, Antonio Gabriel Soares and Antonio Joao da P. Furtado. C a t h e d r a l C h a p t e r Decanus.—Augusto Jos9 Maria Carvalho. Praecentor.—Joao Francisco C. J. Lobo. Thesaurarim-Major.—Santana Ago3cinho da Rocha. Archdeacon.—Jose Sertorio Lobo, Magister Scholae.—Thomaz d’ Aquino Barreto, GOA AND DAMAUN 1§ Canons.—(1) Domingos Carlos de Mello, (2) Antonio Jose de Heredia; Theologus, (3) D. Miguel Antonio Gracias, (4) Joao Paulo de Sousa, (5) Aires Franklin de Sa, (6) Joao de Brito Aranjo, (7) Joaquim Joao Santana Ferreira (8) Cactano Arsenio Dias, (9) Luis Bruno A. da P. Menezes and (10) Vacant. Canons o f half Prebend .—(I) Vincente Xavier Lobo, (Z) Francisco Xavier de Costa, (3) Eusebio M de Sa. (4)............... Qrartanarios.—{\) Pedro Consolacao de Sousa, (2) Leo- poldino Washington Pereira. Chaplains.— (1) Alberto Barreto, (2) Rosario da Piedade Luis, (3) Antonio Condorcet Jose Dias, (4) Joao F. de Sousa, (5) Oarraino Moraes, (6) Vincente F. de Sousa, (7) Roque da Piedadi Moniz, (8) Leao Manoel da P. Rebelo, (9) Constancio do Rosario Fernandes, (10) Lourenco Mascaren- has, (LI) Romualdo Aranjo, (12) Lacerda Andrade. Institutions Theological Seminary at Rachol.—Sea list of seminaries at end of volume. School affiliated to the Seminary in Mapuca.—P ro­ fessors : Revs. Marcos Antonio Gomes and Francisco Xavier F. da C. Gomes. Petit seminary in Damaun : Vice Rector Rev. Teodomiro Coutinho. School for boys.—Ornella’s School (Middle School) at Poona, 150 boys. St. Faul’s High School, Belgaum, 340 boys with an orphanage. St. Joseph’s High School in Arpora, Nagoa Bardez. Orphanage School in Duter, Mapuca directed by Francis­ can Brothers, with 180 boys. Orphanage School in Sancoale, Salsotti. „ „ in Dadra, Damaun School fo r girl s.—St. Joseph’s Convent School at Belgaum directed by Daughters of Charity of Canossa, with an orphanage. St. Michael’s Convent School at Karwar directed by Carmelite Sisters. 20 G dA ANt) bAMAUN Institute of Our Lady of Fatima at Damaun, directed by Franeiscan Nuns, with 60 girls, Asylums fo r lepers,— At Belgaum, the number of in­ mates in these asylums is 22 (10 men and 12 women) and Mapuca, Goa. Religious Communities Religious of the Society of Jesus ... ... 10 Franciscan Brothers ... 13 Sisters of Charity of Canossa.............. ... 14 Franciscan Nuns ... 9 Carmelite Sisters (3rd Order) ............. ... 5 Asylum of our Lady of Serra and Marie Magdalene — Founded by the Archbishop of Goa, Don Fr. Aleixo de Mener ses for women, both European and Anglo-Indian, and gives food and shelter to orphans, widows and aged women.- Directed by Franciscan Nuns. Total about 150. Hospitals for the poor— Misericordia at Ribandar ; Hospicio at Margao; Asylum at Mapuca. Receive all kinds of sick people, invalids and lunatics and lepers. Ga zetteer The Archdiocese is divided ecclesiastically into 14 Districts I. G o a I s l a n d Vicar-Forane.—The Very Rev. Antonio Leandro Robert da Rosa, Rev. Pangim. Velha Goa — Cathedral Church of St. Catharine : Vicar, Rev. Ptdro Consolacao de Sousa. Agacaim.—S. Lourenco: Vicar, Rev. Olimpio Fernandes. AEst., Bernardo Pereira e Antonio Mello. Cath. 2,868. Azossim.—S. Matheus : Vicar, Rev. Manoel Felipe de Nazareth. Bombolim — Our Lad> 'of Belem : Vicar, Rev» Cipriano Xavier de Sousa. Batim.— Our Lady of G'uadaiupe : Vicar, Rev. Joao Nicolau Martius. Cath. l ;32e. Curomlolim.— S. Jcao Baplista : ‘Vicar, Rev. • Antonio Ludovico Bragiinca. R. Pr. J. Pereira. Q6A AND i)AMAUir t i Corlini.—S. Joao Facundo s Vicar, Rev. Peidade Rodri­ gues, Chapel. Curca— Our Lady of the Rosary : Vicar, Rev. Lamartine Pal ha. Goa, Velha.—Santa A ndre: Vicar, Rev. Mousinho C. B. Pinto. R. Prs. Lucio F. Vaz, M. Posidio Gracias, Dulcedonio Gracias and Jose Antonio Menezes. Mandur.—Our Lady of Amparo : Rev. A. Abranches. Merces.—Our Lady of Merces: Rev. Celestino Figuei- redo; Res. Pr. Rev. Antonio Martires. Neura — S. Joao Evangelista: Vicar, Rev. Eleuterio Bocarro. R Pr. E. Noronha. Panjim.-The Immaculate Conception: Viear, Rev. Antonio Robert Rosa. Assts., Revs. F. Martins and Thomas da Silva. R. Prs. Revs. A. Pinto Lobo, Jose Vicente da Silva, Joao Inacio Sousa, Augusto Dias and Cipriano Barreto. Cath. 3,641, Ribandar.—Our L:idy of Ajuda : Vicar, Rev. Longuinhos Braganca. R. Prs. Revs. Antonio Xavier Fernandes and Inacio Gonsalves. Santa Cruz.— Santa Cruz : Vicar, Rev. Antonio Gabriel Soares. R. Pr. Rev. Leonardo Pinto. Santa Ignez.—St. Tgnes : Vicar, Rev. C. F. Rodrigues. S iridao— Our Lady of the Rosary : Rev. J. F. Dias. S. Pedro, - S. Pedro : Vicar, Rev. F. X . T. Fernandes. Talaulin— Santa Anna: Vicar, Rev. J. Gonsalves. Taleigao.—S. Miguel Archanjo: Vicar, Rev. Antonio J. Godinho. R. Pr. Rev, Estanislau Sousa and Jose Agostinho C. Sousa. II. V i c a r i a t e o f F ie d a d e Vicar Forane : Very Rev.
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