BayBay CountryCountry RentalsBay Country RentalsBayBay CountryCountry Rentals 410-437-5660410-437-5660410-437-5660BAY410-437-5660410-437-5660 COUNTRY OF PASADENA, INC. 410-437-5660 www.baycountryrentalsofpasadena.com 8017 Ft. Smallwood Road Baltimore, Maryland 21226 8017 Ft. Smallwood Rd. Bay Country Rentals of Pasadena, Inc. (Next to 84 Lumber Co.) Bay Country Rentals Bay Country Rentals 410-437-5660 410-437-5660 Terms and Conditions Ready Mixed Concrete Job Too Small? Rental Period We sell as little as 1/4 yard at a time Minimum: Any 4 hour period during business hours, except where a shorter minimum is indicated. Job Too Big? Overnight: Any weekday after 4 p.m. until 8 a.m. the fol- Take only the amount you can handle at one time lowing morning is considered a 4 hour minimum. Day: Any weekday, 24 hours from the time the item is Hard To Get At? rented. Our special trailer can get into that tight spot. Weekend: Friday – after 4 p.m. until 8 a.m. Monday morning is Ready To Pour? considered a 2 day rate. No mixing -- No messing. Saturday – 7:30 opening until 5:30 p.m. is consid- ered 1 day rate. How Much Do I Need? Saturday – noon until 8 a.m. Monday morning is Call for free estimate 1 considered 1 /2 day rate. Just drive in. Haul it away. We provide a self-dumping Saturday – after 4 p.m. until 8 a.m. Monday morning trailer with manually operated dump system 1-2 yard is considered a 1 day rate. capacity. Special additives keeps concrete homog- Week: 7 days from the time the item is rented. enized for travel and extends its workable life. 4 Weeks: 28 days = (1) month. ONE CUBIC YARD OF CONCRETE WILL COVER: Hours: 130 Sq. Feet . 2-1/2" Thick 108 Sq. Feet . 3" Thick 93 Sq. Feet . 3-1/2" Thick 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday 81 Sq. Feet . 4" Thick 64 Sq. Feet . 5" Thick 54 Sq. Feet . 6" Thick Delivery and Pick-up Call for Current Prices PROPANEBOTTFILLEDPROPANEBOTFILLED This service is available at a reasonable charge READY MIX CONCRETE PROJECTS MADE based on distance. Please call for a quote! EASY WITH CONCRETE Damage waiver is available for an additional 10% of the rental. This waiver covers any accidental damage that SAVE MONEY • CONVENIENT occurs while equipment is in your possession. It does not cover theft. Prices subject to change without notice. 05/14 SALES AND SERVICE Page 20 Bay Country Rentals Bay Country Rentals 410-437-5660 410-437-5660 Table of Contents Description Page # Notes Air Compressors . 1 ___________________________________ Air Tools & Accessories . 1 Audio Visual . 1 ___________________________________ Automotive . 2 Blowers . 6 Concrete - U-Cart. 20 ___________________________________ Compaction . 3 Drills & Hammers . 3 ___________________________________ Fasteners . 4 Floor & Wall . 5 ___________________________________ Generators & Lights. 5 Guest . 6 ___________________________________ Heaters, Blowers, Fans . 6 Jacks – Hoists – Lifts . 7 Ladders. 15 ___________________________________ Lawn & Garden . 8 Loaders. 16 ___________________________________ Masonry & Concrete . 9 Miscellaneous . 9 ___________________________________ Moon Bounce Fun-House . 18 Moving. 9 Paint . 10 ___________________________________ Party & Banquet. 18 Plumbing & Pipe . 10 ___________________________________ Pressure Washers/Sandblasters . 11 Pullers . 11 ___________________________________ Pumps & Accessories. 12 Roo ng. 13 Sanders & Grinders . 13 ___________________________________ Saws . 14 Scaffolding. 15 ___________________________________ Trailers & Towing . 16 Trenchers & Loaders . 16 ___________________________________ Welding & Woodworking . 17 ___________________________________ Page 19 Bay Country Rentals Bay Country Rentals 410-437-5660 410-437-5660 AIR COMPRESSORS Minimum Daily Weekly PARTY & BANQUET Charge Rates Rates 1 Compressor, /2 HP Elec 15.00 45.00 Compressor, 1 HP Elec 25.00 35.00 120.00 Compressor, 2 HP Airmate 25.00 35.00 120.00 Daily Weekend Weekly Compressor, 5 HP Gas 45.00 160.00 Rates Rates Rates Compressor, 100 CFM, Diesel 80.00 100.00 350.00 Arch, Wedding White 30.00 Compressor, 185 CFM, Diesel 85.00 110.00 380.00 Big Six Wheel 30" 32.00 64.00 Compressor, 400 CFM, Diesel 250.00 750.00 Candelabra, 3 Light Floor White 20.00 Compressor, Kit 1 Breakers, 100 110.00 130.00 480.00 Candelabra, 7 Light Floor White 25.00 Compressor, Kit 2 Breakers, 100 140.00 160.00 600.00 Canopy, 20' x 20' All Purpose 129.00 258.00 Compressor, Kit 2 Breakers, 185 145.00 170.00 640.00 Canopy, 20' x 30' All Purpose 179.00 358.00 Canopy, 20' x 30' Frame Incl Set-Up 500.00 1000.00 AIR TOOLS & ACCESSORIES Chaffer, Full Size 18.00 36.00 Minimum Daily Weekly Chairs, Folding Bone Color 1.25 2.50 Charge Rates Rates Chair Fan Back Baby Shower 16.00 32.00 Breaker, 30# Air 35.00 105.00 Coffeemaker 25 Cup or 58 Cup 13.00 26.00 Breaker, 60# Air 35.00 105.00 Coffeemaker 96 Cup 15.00 30.00 Breaker, 90# Air 35.00 105.00 Coat Rack on Wheels 12.00 24.00 Chipping Hammer, 15# Air 35.00 105.00 Cotton Candy Machine 59.00 118.00 1 " 3 " Hose, Air /4 – /8 x 50' 5.00 10.00 Fountain, Champagne 3 gal. 35.00 70.00 3 " Hose, Air /4 x 50' w/Chicago End 6.00 18.00 Grill, Pig Cooker 42.00 84.00 1 " Impact Wrench, /2 Drive 26.00 78.00 Grill, 2' x 5' w/Grill top 36.00 3 " Impact Wrench, /4 Drive 30.00 90.00 Grill, Rotisserie Attachment 30.00 " Impact Wrench, 1 Drive 40.00 120.00 Helium Tank w/Regulator 8.00 Scaler, Needle 25.00 100.00 Hot Dog Steamer w/tongs 24.00 48.00 Keg Cooler 12.00 Meat Slicer - 10" 50.00 100.00 AUDIO VISUAL Popcorn Machine 59.00 118.00 Minimum Daily Weekly Smoothie Comm Frozen Drink Mach 189.00 378.00 Charge Rates Rates Snowball Machine 59.00 150.00 Projector LCD Power Point 85.00 255.00 Stork for Newborn 7.00 14.00 Screen, Projection 50" 10.00 30.00 Table, Banquet 8 ft. 8.00 16.00 Table, Banquet 6 ft. 8.00 16.00 Table, Round 5 ft. 8.00 16.00 Thermos, Hot/Cold 5 gal. 14.00 28.00 Thermos, Hot/Cold 2 1/2 gal. 9.00 18.00 Umbrella Shower Baby/Bridal 12.00 24.00 Hot Dog Rotisserie 32.00 64.00 Page 1 Page 18 Bay Country Rentals Bay Country Rentals 410-437-5660 410-437-5660 WELDING & WOODWORKING AUTOMOTIVE Minimum Daily Weekly Charge Rates Rates Air Tank 12 Gal 5.00 8.00 24.00 Ball Joint Separator 7.00 21.00 Minimum Daily Weekly Charge Rates Rates Ball Joint Press Kit 24.00 96.00 Battery Charger, 250 AMP 18.00 Brake, Aluminum 8' 50.00 150.00 Clutch Aligning Tool - Brake, Aluminum 10' 50.00 150.00 Regular or Metric 12.00 36.00 Bolt Cutter 24" 8.00 24.00 Coil Spring Comp, Inside 15.00 45.00 Bolt Cutter 36" 12.00 36.00 Coil Spring Comp, Outside 24.00 66.00 Cylinder Deglazer 15.00 45.00 Cable Cutter 12.00 36.00 Engine Stand 16.00 48.00 Clamp, Pony Pair 7.00 21.00 Flaring Tool, Double 10.00 30.00 1 " Clamp, "C" 6" - 10" 7.00 21.00 Impact Wrench, Elec /2 20.00 80.00 3 " Level 48" 8.00 16.00 Impact Wrench, Elec /4 25.00 100.00 Pitman Arm Wedge 7.00 21.00 Router, Elec. 18.00 54.00 Ring Compressor, Large 10.00 30.00 Torch, Cutting Out t 38.00 48.00 144.00 Ridge Reamer 12.00 36.00 3 " Welder, Generator 190Amp 60.00 70.00 210.00 Sockets /4 Drive - Ea. 7.00 21.00 Timing Light 15.00 45.00 Welder, MIG Elec. 110 Volt 45.00 135.00 3 " Torque Wrench, /8 inch lbs. 15.00 45.00 Welder 260 Amp Gas 105.00 315.00 1 " Torque Wrench, /2 250 ft. lbs. 18.00 54.00 3 " Torque Wrench /4 600 ft. lbs. 35.00 49.00 196.00 Valve Spring Comp (Heads Off) 12.00 36.00 MOON BOUNCE FUN-HOUSE 13'X13' Minimum Daily Weekend Charge Rates Rates 135.00 Page 17 Page 2 Bay Country Rentals Bay Country Rentals 410-437-5660 410-437-5660 COMPACTION TRAILERS & TOWING Minimum Daily Weekly Minimum Daily Weekly Charge Rates Rates Charge Rates Rates Roller, Lawn Hand 15.00 45.00 Ball 2" w/ Reese Insert 6.00 12.00 1 " * Roller, 1 /4 Ton, (Vibrating) 120.00 160.00 480.00 Tow Dolly 55.00 65.00 195.00 Tamper, Air (Elephant's Foot) 30.00 40.00 120.00 Trailer 6' x 10' Stake 50.00 65.00 195.00 Tamper, Hand 8" x 8" 10.00 20.00 Trailer, Dump 5 Ton 125.00 375.00 Tamper Upright (Jumping Jack) 58.00 78.00 234.00 Trailer, Loader 14', 16' 60.00 75.00 250.00 Tamper Vibratory Plate 58.00 78.00 234.00 Trailer, Utility 4' x 6'8" Tilt 30.00 40.00 120.00 * Includes Trailer Trailer, Utility 4' x 8' 30.00 40.00 120.00 DRILLS & HAMMERS Minimum Daily Weekly Trailer, Utility 6'6" x 8' Tilt 30.00 40.00 120.00 Charge Rates Rates 3 " Bits, Carbide Up to /4 Spline 7.00 21.00 TRENCHERS & LOADERS 7 " Bits, Carbide /8 - 1" Spline 9.00 27.00 Minimum Daily Weekly 1 " Bits, Carbide 1 /8 Spline 12.00 36.00 Charge Rates Rates 1 " Bits, Carbide 1 /4 Spline 12.00 36.00 * Bobcat S130 165.00 199.00 700.00 1 " Bits, Carbide 1 /2 Spline 15.00 45.00 * Bobcat, T140 Wheel Track 225.00 300.00 1050.00 Bits, Wood Worm Fed 8.00 24.00 Bits, Carbide Core 2.5" 20.00 60.00 Bobcat Brush Cutter Attach 120.00 150.00 450.00 Bits, Carbide Core 3" 25.00 75.00 * Bobcat Breaker Package 285.00 350.00 1050.00 " Bits, Carbide Core 4 40.00 120.00 * Bobcat, T190 Track Enclosed 250.00 325.00 1140.00 Breaker, Elec Small - 30# 35.00 45.00 135.00 Bobcat Breaker Attachment 145.00 175.00 525.00 Breaker, Elec Large - 60# 60.00 75.00 240.00 Core Bit, Diamond 2" 25.00 75.00 Bobcat Auger Attachment 9" - 12" 85.00 100.00 300.00 Core Bit, Diamond 2.5" 30.00 90.00 Bobcat Auger Attachment 18" or 24" 105.00 125.00 375.00 Core Bit, Diamond 3" 36.00 110.00 Bobcat Backhoe Attachment 90.00 110.00 330.00 Core Bit, Diamond 4" 48.00 144.00 Bobcat Grapple Bucket 125.00 375.00 Core Bit, Diamond 5" 60.00 180.00 Core Bit, Diamond 6" 70.00 210.00 Bobcat Pallet Forks 42" 55.00 165.00 Core Bit, Diamond 8" 96.00 288.00 * Bobcat Sweeper Attachment 120.00 360.00 Core Bit, Diamond 10" 120.00 360.00 * Dingo 420 Small Loader 129.00 159.00 480.00 Core Drill Elec 10" Capacity 90.00 360.00 * Dingo, Trencher 3 or 4 Ft.
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