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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. ^ 1 1 in f ]i ii National Library Bibliotheque nationale 1^ of Canada du Canada •"i^^mi '•• Pe'ii* "'iifci /I \\ . K-'i MacCARTHY MORE; OB THE >M FORTUISrES OF AN IRISH CHIEF IN THE REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. By Mrs. J. SADLIER, " ** CTHOBESa OF " HKIBBai OV KILOROAN ; <'BI.AKKS AND VLAyAOANB ; "WthUX BVBKS;" "NKW litQHTS ; " "THE CONFEUEBATK OHIBV- " " •' '" TAIN8 ; " BUNOB FBESTON ; BESSIE CONWAY ; " THE C0«- " ; VEBSIOMS or AM APOBTATB ; "COM O'BEOAK " "OU> ; " *' AKD KKW " " THE HERMIT OF TUB BOOK ; TH« OLD HOtJSK BY THE BOYNE ; " " AUNT homob'b kekfsake ; " &u., tic. NEW YORK: D. & J, SADLIER & CO., 31 BARCLAY STREET \ MORTBEAL i—OOn. ITOTBE DAUE AMU ST. rB\KOIS XAYIEB ST8> . \ h i "•p^ppi Ps^^37 NS Entered according to Act of CongreBS, in thi year 1868, bj D. & J. SADLIER & CO., In the (Jlerk'B Office of the District Court of the United States for tiM *K Southern District of New York. by VINCENT DILL, '' tSilVI N«w ChMiiMn 8t , N. T. ft PREFACE. In presenting this historical sketch to the reader, the author has a full consciousness of the objections that may bo raised against it. No work less artistic was ever offered to a criticising public. It is neither story, nor bi- ography, neither all truth, nor all fiction, but a mixture of all. It will be seen that the commencement has more of the character of an ordinary tale, and that is because the earlier life of Florence MacCarthy and his wife pre- sents more of the romantic element than the long, weary years of care and turmoil and ceaseless disquietude that came after. The subject may seem badly chosen for a >' tale, but such as it is, I would not willingly have changed it for another, were it even of a more dramatic character. This was chosen with due deliberation, for the purpose of bringing before the new generation the half-forgotten name and fame of one of the most remarkable i7 PREFACE. Irishmen of the troubled sixteenth century. A literary friend, over whom the grave has since closed, wrote to me at an early stage of this sketch—"I foresee that the absence of the moral element in the character of Florence Mac Car thy will be your greatest difficulty"; and so I have found it. Nevertheless, taken with all his faults, Florence was a man of many gifts, more sinned against than sinning,—a man whose good and even noble qualities were all his own, whose bad qualities were engrafted on his nature by the continued injustice of which he was most of his long life the victim. Perhaps, in all history there is no other instance of such a career as his. Noble, even princely, by birth, the inheritor of vast estates, both from his father and father-in-law, Tanist or heir apparent to the territory and the dignity of MacCarthy Reagh, and, finally, elect- ed by chiefs and people to the style and title of MacCarthy More, or head of his sept,—he was engaged in a constant struggle with the all- grasping powers that were, and the rapacious . I adventurers of that day in Ireland, for the pos- session of his own rightful inheritance. Little benefit did he derive from the vast possessions that were his only in name, and the great power " \ # •* that would have enabled him, if a free agent, to render effective aid to the national party with "w^,«i« PREFACE. whom all his sympathies were entertained, was BO trammeled by the jealous policy of Elizabeth and her ministers that he was unable to turn it to account. That he carried on for many years extensive negotiations with Catholic princes abroad there can be no doubt, and that he stood high in the estimation of the King of Spain and other powerful friends of the persecuted Catho- lics of Ireland is equally certain. Perhaps his great error was excessive caution, and a too great fondness for temporizing. Had he lived in our day he would probably be called " a trimmer," and there is no doubt that he was entitled to the name of "The Munster Machia" velli," given him by our friend already referred to yet, we think, the diflBculties of his position ; were net sufficiently considered by O'Neil and Desmond and the other Catholic leaders of his own day,—and we, of modern times, have been, and are, too apt to take the characters of historic men and women as their enemies represent them. We are of opinion that, as time rolls on, and Irish history becomes more known, through the labors of Irish scholars, the character of Florence Mac- Carthy More will be seen in a more favorable light.
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