PHILADELPHIA YOUR GUIDE DAILY NEWSTHE PEOPLE PAPER TO THE PREAKNESS STAKES WHERE TO WAGER WAGERING TERMS ON TRACK Northeast: Win: Betting a horse to ond, regardless of order. Harrah’s Philadelphia: Roosevelt Mall fi nish fi rst. Trifecta: A bet on which Place: Betting a horse to 777 Harrahs Blvd., Chester, Cottman and Bustleton horses will fi nish fi rst, sec- fi nish fi rst or second. When: Tomorrow, 6:18 800-480-8020 Aves. ond and third, in order. PREAKNESS Show: Betting a horse to p.m. post time (Race 215-338-1887 Superfecta: A bet on LOGO 051414: Parx Racing: 3001 Street fi nish fi rst, second or third. 12) Logo for the 139th Road, Bensalem, Valley Forge: which horses will fi nish Preakness Stakes; Across the board: Betting Where: Pimlico Race fi rst, second, third and 1col.; ETA 6 p.m. 215-639-9000 Oaks Corporate Center an equal amount to win, Course, Baltimore fourth, in order. This logo is provided to you for use in an OFF-TRACK PARLORS 600 Cresson Blvd. place and show. editorialTV: NBCnews context beginning only. Other uses,at Pick Five: Picking the including4:30 asp.m. a linking (NBCSN device on a hasWeb Center City: 1635 Market St. 610-650-0100 Exacta: A bet on which site, or in an advertising or promotional winners of fi ve consecutive piece,undercard may violate thisstarting entity’s trademark at 215-246-1556 Brandywine: horses will fi nish fi rst and or other intellectual property rights, and second, in order. races. Tomorrow’s Pick may1 p.m.) violate your agreement with AP. South Philadelphia: 1021 Baltimore Pike Five at Pimlico begins with Wagering Info: 700 Packer Ave. Concordville Quinella: A bet on which horses fi nish fi rst and sec- Race 8. 1-888-BET-2-WIN or 215-551-8270 610-361-9000 www.parxracing.com/ phonebet.php Distance: 1 3/16 miles. STAFF PICKS Weights: 126 pounds. Favorite draws No. 3 post KentuckyFavorite Derby winner draws CaliforniaFavorite ChromeNo. has3 beendrawspost made the No. Kentuckyheavy 3-53 Derby favoritepost winner in the California 10-horseKentucky Chrome field Derby for hasthewinner Preaknessbeen California made Stakes. the Chrome heavy 3-5has favorite been made in the the 10-horse heavy 3-5field favorite for the inPreakness the 10-horse Stakes. field for the Preakness Stakes. Purse: $1 million. First DICK JERARDI ED BARKOWITZ STAN HOCHMAN place: $600,000. Sec- California California Bayern 3 Chrome 3 Chrome 5 RSM RSM RSM FavoriteFavorite drawsond draws place: No. No.$200,000. 3 post 3 post KentuckyKentucky Derby Derbywinner winner California California Chrome Chrome has been hasFavorite made been themade heavy the draws 3-5heavy favorite 3-5 favorite inNo. the 10-horse in the3 10-horsepost field for field the forPreaknessKentucky the Preakness Derby Stakes. winner Stakes. California Chrome has been made the heavy 3-5 favorite in the 10-horse field for the Preakness Stakes. Third place: $110,000. Horse Dynamic Impact General a Rod California ChromeHorseRing WeekendDynamic ImpactBayernHorseGeneralDynamic a RodRia Antonia ImpactCaliforniaGeneral ChromeKid Cruza RodRing WeekendCaliforniaSocial Inclusion ChromeBayernPabloRing WeekendDel MonteRia AntoniaRideBayern On CurlinKid CruzRia AntoniaSocialROB Inclusion CARRKid Cruz /Pablo GETTY DelSocial MonteIMAGESS InclusionRide OnPablo Curlin Del Monte Ride On Curlin Fourth place: $60,000. Trainer Mark KidCasse CruzMike Maker Art Sherman TrainerGraham MarkMotion RideCasseBob TrainerOn BaffertMike Curlin MakerMarkTom Casse AmossArt ShermanMikeLinda Maker RiceGraham MannyMotionArt ShermanSocial AzpuruaBob Baffert GrahamWesley MotionWardTom AmossWilliamBob Baffert GowanLinda RiceTom AmossManny AzpuruaLinda RiceWesley MannyWard AzpuruaWilliam GowanWesley Ward William Gowan 7 10RSM RSM 8 RSM Triple Crown Jockey Miguel Mena Javier Castellano Victor EspinozaJockeyAlan GarciaMiguel MenaRosie JockeyNapravnikJavier CastellanoMiguelCalvin Mena BorelVictor EspinozaJavierJulian Castellano PimentelAlan GarciaVictorLuis ContrerasInclusion EspinozaRosie NapravnikJeffreyAlan GarciaSanchezCalvin BorelRosieJoel Napravnik RosarioJulian PimentelCalvin BorelLuis ContrerasJulian PimentelJeffrey SanchezLuis ContrerasJoel RosarioJeffrey Sanchez Joel Rosario Favorite draws No. 3 post Kentucky Derby winner California Chrome has been madeFavorite the heavy 3-5 favorite draws in the 10-horse No. field 3 forpost the PreaknessKentucky Stakes. Derby winner California Chrome has been made the heavy 3-5 favoriteFavorite in the 10-horse draws field for the No. Preakness 3 post Stakes. Kentucky DerbyExercise winner California Chromerider has been made the heavy 3-5 favorite in the 10-horse field for the Preakness Stakes. May 3: Kentucky Derby Odds 12-1 15-1 3-5 Odds 20-1 12-1 10-1Odds 15-1 12-130-1 3-5 15-120-1 20-1 3-55-1 10-1 20-1 30-1 10-110-1 20-1 30-1Domingo5-1 20-1 Navarro20-1 5-1 10-1 20-1 10-1 Horse Dynamic KidImpact Cruz General a Rod California Chrome Ring Weekend Bayern Ria Antonia Kid Cruz Social Inclusion Pablo Del Monte Ride On Curlin Horse HorseDynamicDynamic Impact(winner: ImpactGeneral CaliforniaGeneral a Rod a RodCaliforniaCalifornia Chrome ChromeRing WeekendSOURCE:Ring Weekend Marylandracing.comBayernBayern Ria AntoniaRia Antonia Kid Cruz SOURCE:Social InclusionSocial Marylandracing.com InclusionPablo SOURCE:DelPablo Monte Del Marylandracing.com MonteRide OnRide Curlin On Curlin AP AP AP Ride On CurlinTrainer Mark Casse Mike Maker Kid ArtCruz Sherman Graham Motion Bob Baffert TomCalifornia Amoss Linda Rice Manny Azpurua Wesley WardtakesWilliam Social Gowan Inclu- TrainerTrainerMark CasseMark Casse Mike MakerMike Maker Art ShermanArt ShermanGrahamGraham Motion MotionBob BaffertBob BaffertTom AmossTom Amoss Linda RiceLinda RiceManny7 AzpuruaManny AzpuruaWesley WesleyWard WardWilliam WilliamGowan Gowan RSM 10 RSM Jockey 3 Julian Pimentel Jeffrey Sanchez RSM JockeyJockeyMiguel MiguelMenaChrome) MenaJavier CastellanoJavier Castellano Alan GarciaAlan GarciaRosie NapravnikRosie NapravnikCalvinKentucky BorelCalvin Borel DerbyJulianMiguel winner PimentelJulian Mena California PimentelLuisJavier ChromeContreras CastellanoLuis Contreras has beenJeffreyVictor made SanchezJeffrey Espinoza the Sanchezheavy Joel3-5Alan favoriteRosario GarciaJoel Rosario in theRosie 10-horse Napravnik field for theCalvinChrome Preakness Borel Stakes. Luis Contreras Joel Rosario KentuckyVictorFavorite EspinozaVictor Derby Espinoza winner draws California Chrome No. has 3 been post made the heavy 3-5 favorite in the 10-horse field for the Preakness Stakes. Kentucky Derby winner California Chrome has been made the heavy 3-5 favorite in thesion 10-horse over field for the the Preakness track Stakes. Favorite draws No. 3 post Odds Favorite12-1 15-1draws No. 3 post 20-1 10-1 30-1 20-1 5-1 20-1 10-1 Odds Odds 12-1May12-1 17: 15-1Preakness15-1 3-5 3-5 20-1 20-1 10-1PREAKNESS10-1 FIELD30-1 051414:30-1 Graphic20-1 shows20-1 silks, 5-1horses,5-1 trainers,PREAKNESS jockeys20-13-5 and20-1FIELD odds 051414: for10-1PREAKNESS the Graphicentries10-1 in shows theFIELD Preakness silks, 051414: horses, Stakes; Graphic trainers, with shows jockeysrelated silks, stories;and horses, odds 6c trainers,forx 2 the entries jockeys in theand Preakness odds for the Stakes; entries with in the related Preakness stories; Stakes; 6c x 2 with related stories; 6c x 2 Dynamic Impact 1/4 inches; ED; ETA 7 p.m. 1/4 inches; ED; ETA 7 p.m.1/4 inches;Kid Cruz ED; ETA 7 p.m. in preparation for Horse Dynamic Impact General a Rod Ring Weekend Bayern Ria Antonia HorseKid Cruz Social InclusionGeneral Pabloa Rod DelCalifornia MonteSOURCE: ChromeRide Marylandracing.com On CurlinRing Weekend Bayern Ria Antonia HorseSocial InclusionDynamic ImpactPablo DelGeneral Monte a RodRide OnCalifornia Curlin Chrome Ring Weekend Bayern AP Ria Antonia Kid Cruz Social Inclusion Pablo Del Monte Ride On Curlin California SOURCE:ChromeSOURCE: Marylandracing.com Marylandracing.comStakes AP AP Trainer Mark Casse SocialEditor’sMike Note:Maker It is mandatoryArt Shermanto include all sourcesGraham that accompanyMotion thisBob graphicSocial BaffertEditor’s when Note: repurposing ItTom is mandatory Amoss or editing to Editor’sincludeit forLinda publicatio allNote: sources Rice Itn is mandatory thatTrainer accompanyManny to Azpuruainclude Markthis graphicall KidCasse sources whenWesley Cruz that repurposing accompany WardMike Maker or this editingWilliam graphic it forGowan whenArt publicatio Sherman repurposingn or Grahamediting it forMotion publicationBob Baffert Tom Amoss Linda Rice Manny Azpurua Wesley Ward William Gowan Trainer Mark Casse Mike Maker Art Sherman Graham Motion Bob Baffert Tom Amoss Linda Rice Manny Azpurua Wesley Ward WilliamRSM Gowan 8 RSM the 139th Preak- June 8: Belmont Jockey Miguel8 Mena Julian Pimentel 7 Jeffrey Sanchez RSM Jockey Miguel Mena Javier Castellano Victor Espinoza Alan Garcia Rosie Napravnik Calvin Borel Julian Pimentel Luis ContrerasInclusionJavier CastellanoJeffrey SanchezVictor EspinozaJoel RosarioAlan Garcia Rosie InclusionNapravnik Calvin Borel JockeyLuis ContrerasMiguel Mena Javier CastellanoJoel RosarioVictor Espinoza Alan Garcia Rosie Napravnik Calvin Borel Julian Pimentel Luis Contreras Jeffrey Sanchez Joel Rosario Odds 12-1 15-1 3-5 PREAKNESS20-1 FIELD 051414:10-1 Graphic shows30-1 silks, horses,20-1 trainers, jockeysOdds and5-1 odds12-1 for the entries20-1 in the15-1 Preakness10-1 Stakes;3-5 with related stories;20-1ness 6c x 2 Stakes10-1 30-1 20-1 5-1 20-1 10-1 Odds 12-1 15-1 3-5 20-1PREAKNESSStakesPREAKNESS 10-1FIELD FIELD 051414: 051414: Graphic30-1 Graphic shows showssilks,20-1 horses, silks, horses, trainers, trainers,
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