Pacific Science (2000), vol. 54, no. I: 56-62 © 2000 by University of Hawai'i Press. All rights reserved The Scincid Lizard Genus Marmorosphax (Reptilia: Scincidae) from New Caledonia in the Southwest Pacific: Description of a New Species Restricted to High-Altitude Forest in Province Sud 1 Ross A. SADLIER2 AND AARON M. BAUER3 ABSTRACT: A new species of lizard in the genus Marmorosphax is described from between 900 and llOO m on Mt. Ouin in the south ofNew Caledonia. It is the second species of skink discovered in recent times that is restricted to high­ altitude habitats in that region of the island. The new species is similar to Mar­ morosphax tricolor (Bavay), but is more gracile in appearance and shows subtle differences in coloration and scalation. The conservation status ofthis species is assessed. Because of its apparently restricted distribution and habitat prefer­ ence, it is of particular conservation concern and is here regarded as potentially vulnerable. THE SCINCID LIZARD fauna of New Caledonia few localities or are restricted to discrete is extremely rich and diverse. Field research geographical areas. Some of these recently over the past 5 yr in particular has resulted in described Caledoniscincus are clearly distinct the discovery of a number of new taxa. Some from each other, but others could be re­ of the recently described species are very garded as cryptic species in which genetic distinctive. The'species Lacertoides pardalis criteria playa major role in their recognition. Sadlier, Shea & Bauer, 1997 and Simiscincus A similar scenario is seen in the diminutive aurantiacus Sadlier & Bauer, 1997, both dis­ burrowing scincid genus Nannoscincus, where covered in 1995, were so unusual they could several new allopatric species await descrip­ not be placed in any existing genus. The ma­ tion. It is possible that the diversity of species jority of new species, however, have been now being recognized from the central and recognized by a combination of field and northern regions of the island reflects histori­ laboratory research, often undertaken over a cal changes to the rain forest habitat on number of years. Using both morphological which all these species are reliant. and genetic criteria, six new species of skinks The south of New Caledonia, as defined in the genus Caledoniscincus were recently by the extensive ultramafic block that covers described from closed forest in the central much of the south of the island, also contains and northern regions of the island (Sadlier a suite of taxa clearly restricted to that re­ et al. 1999). Nearly all have allopatric dis­ gion. Subtle geographic variation in mor­ tributions and either are known from only a phology in the species Sigaloseps deplanchei (Bavay) (Sadlier and Bauer 1999) and Nan­ noscincus mariei (Bavay) (Sadlier, Bauer, and Whitaker, unpubl. data), both endemic to the south of the island, has been recorded, and 1 Funding for field research, which included the first visit to Mt. Ouin, was provided by the French Ministere two species restricted to high-altitude hab­ des Affaires Etrangeres (French-Australian Scientific itats around 1000 m above sea level (asl) Cooperation Fund to Dr. Jean Chazeau, Centre ORS­ have been discovered in recent times. TOM Noumea). Manuscript accepted 6 May 1999. Investigation of high-altitude habitats in 2 Section of Herpetology, Australian Museum, 6 Col­ lege Street, Sydney 2000, NSW, Australia. New Caledonia in 1995 resulted in the dis­ 3 Department of Biology, Villanova University, 800 covery of a new species of Sigaloseps from Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085. Mt. Mou and Mt. Ouin (Sadlier and Bauer 56 New High-Altitude Species of Marmorosphax-SADLrER AND BAUER 57 1999) and a new species of Marmorosphax intersection of third and fourth digits. Bilat­ from Mt. Ouin, described here as Marmo­ erally scoreable scalation characters were rosphax montana, n. sp. This new species is scored on both sides and the mean value known from only four specimens collected on used; in the holotype description these values two separate occasions. It is regionally sym­ are presented as left/right values. patrie with the only other member of the ge­ OSTEOLOGY: Specimens were X-rayed for nus, Marmorosphax tricolor (Bavay). counting the number of presacral and post­ sacral vertebrae. MATERIALS AND METHODS ACRONYMS: Specimen abbreviations are SPECIES ACCOUNT prefixed as follows: Australian Museum, Marmorosphax montana Sadlier & Bauer, Sydney (AMS); Museum National d'Histoire n. sp. Naturelle, Paris (MNHN); Queensland Mu­ Figures 1-2 seum (QM). TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype: MNHN MEASUREMENTS: The following characters 1998.0466 (formerly AMS RI50733), Mt. were scored for each specimen where possi­ Ouin, south face, 22 0 00' 34" S, ble: snout to vent length, measured from tip 166 0 27'26" E, 1050-1150 m asl (R. A. of snout to caudal edge of anal scales; axilla Sadlier, A. M. Bauer, and S. A. Smith, 13 to groin distance, measured from middle of February 1997). Paratypes: AMS R148021, base of the forelimb to middle of base of Mt. Ouin, south face, 22 0 00' 51" S, hindlimb; forelimb to snout length, measured 1660 27'38" E, 800-900 m asl (R. A. Sadlier from tip of snout to middle of base of fore­ and G. M. Shea, 26 September 1995); limb; hindlimb length, measured from middle R148025, same location as holotype (R. A. of base of hindlimb to tip of fourth toe in­ Sadlier and G. M. Shea, 26 September cluding nail; tail length, measured from cau­ 1995); R150732, same location, collectors, dal edge of anal scales to tip of tail, on com­ and date as holotype. plete original tails only. Body measurements are expressed as percentages of snout to vent ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED: AMS length (SVL) in the taxon account. R125825-826, R125859, R125863, R125866, SCALATION: Head scalation generally fol­ R125868-873, Rl44326-335, R146284, lows Taylor (1935), as described and figured R146543-545, R146590, R147835-841, all 0 by Sadlier (1986); for characters used in Ta­ from Mt. Koghis (500 m asl), 22 10' S, 0 ble 1 the abbreviation is given in parentheses: 166 30' E; R151339, saddle between Mt. 0 0 midbody scale rows, number of longitudinal Ouin and Mt. Dzumac, 22 01' S, 166 28' E; 0 scale rows around body counted midway be­ QM J43987, Mt. Dzumac, 22 03' S, 0 tween axilla and groin; paravertebral scales, 166 28' E; MNHN 5397, holotype of Lygo­ number of scales in a paravertebral row soma tricolor Bavay. from first scale posterior to parietal scale to ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is from last scale at the level of vent opening; fourth the Latin montanus, meaning "pertaining to finger (FFS) and toe (FTS) scales, number of mountains." The name alludes to the occur­ dorsal scales on fourth digit of hand and rence of the species at high elevation on Mt. foot, distal scale contains claw and basal Ouin. scale broadly contacts adjacent basal scale of third finger or toe; fourth finger (FFL) DIAGNOSIS: Marmorosphax montana is di­ and toe (FTL) lamellae, number of ventral agnosed as a member of this genus by pos­ scales on fourth digit of hand and foot, distal sessing the following suite of derived charac­ scale contains claw and basal scale is last ter states: frontoparietals fused; supranasal largely undivided scale at a point level with scale or postnasal suture absent; anterior lor- 58 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 54, January 2000 FIGURE 1. Holotype of Marmorosphax montana, n. sp. (MNHN 1998.0466), an adult female. eal present as a semilunar scale failing to con­ The type series of Marmorosphax montana tact the upper labials; subocular scale row was compared with a sample of33 M tricolor complete; lower eyelid with an obvious semi­ from nearby Mt. Koghis, two regionally transparent disk; third pair of chin shields sympatric specimens from Mt. Dzumac, and separated by five scales; ear lobules very the holotype of Lygosoma tricolor Bavay. small, barely distinguishable from small, Marmorosphax montana can be distinguished blunt conical scales around upper, lower, from M tricolor by its longer digits on the and posterior edges of ear opening; modal forelimb and hindlimb as expressed by more number of premaxilliary teeth> 11 (usually scales on the dorsal surface of the fourth fin­ 13). This suite of characters distinguishes the ger (12-14 versus 10-12) and toe (19-21 species of Marmorosphax from all other gen­ versus 16-18), and on average more lamellae era in the Eugongylus group as defined by beneath the fourth finger (20-22 versus 16­ Greer (1979). 21) and toe (38-41 versus 30-39) (Table 1). The genus Marmorosphax Sadlier is here In coloration the female M montana has recognized as containing only two taxa, the poorly defined dark throat markings and type species Marmorosphax tricolor and the the side of the head is brown with obscure species described below as Marmorosphax pale markings on the labials, whereas the montana. In proposing the genus, Sadlier female M. tricolor has bold dark throat (1986) also included the species Lygosoma markings and the side of the head is dark euryotis Werner, at that time known only brown to black with bold, pale markings on from two specimens. Examination of recent the labials. collections of this species shows that L. eury­ otis is not congeneric with either M. tricolor DESCRIPTION: The species is described or M. montana. The atlantal arches of L. from four adults (three males and one fe­ euryotis are fused to the intercentrum, a male) and is based on all specimens unless characteristic that places it in the Pseudemoia otherwise indicated. group of Greer (1989), whereas these ele­ Measurements: Size 51-58 mm SVL; dis­ ments are separate in M. tricolor and M.
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